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Conducting a Literature Review: Unlocking the Insights

Embarking on the journey of a literature review is akin to navigating through a labyrinth of scholarly
works, theories, and ideas. It's a crucial aspect of academic research, requiring meticulous attention to
detail, analytical prowess, and time dedication. However, amidst the challenges lies an opportunity to
unearth valuable insights that can enrich your research and contribute to the broader academic

Why Is Writing a Literature Review Difficult?

The complexity of writing a literature review stems from various factors:

1. Vastness of Literature: Depending on the subject area, the volume of existing literature can
be overwhelming. Sorting through numerous articles, books, and other academic sources
requires a systematic approach.
2. Critical Analysis: A literature review is not merely a summary of existing works but demands
critical evaluation and synthesis of diverse viewpoints. Distinguishing between relevant and
irrelevant information is crucial.
3. Organizational Skills: Structuring the literature review coherently is challenging. It involves
categorizing sources based on themes, theories, or methodologies while ensuring a logical
flow of ideas.
4. Time-Intensive: Conducting a comprehensive literature review is time-consuming. It
involves extensive reading, note-taking, and revising to refine arguments and incorporate new

How ⇒ ⇔ Can Assist You

Amidst the complexities of writing a literature review, ⇒ ⇔ offers a beacon of

assistance. Our professional writers are equipped with the expertise and experience to navigate
through the intricacies of academic research. Here's why you should consider availing our services:

1. Expertise: Our team comprises skilled writers with advanced degrees in various disciplines.
They possess a profound understanding of academic standards and methodologies, ensuring
the quality and relevance of your literature review.
2. Customization: We recognize the unique requirements of every research project. Our writers
tailor each literature review to align with your specific research objectives, ensuring
originality and authenticity.
3. Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines in academia. With ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that your literature review will be delivered promptly
without compromising on quality.
4. Quality Assurance: Our rigorous quality assurance process ensures that every literature
review undergoes thorough editing and proofreading. We strive for excellence in every
aspect, from grammar and syntax to coherence and clarity.

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Embark on your research journey with confidence by partnering with ⇒ ⇔. Our
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your research agenda. Reach out to us today and unlock the insights that await within the scholarly
A related opportunity for qualitatively oriented accounting scholars may lie in the richness and depth
of the explanations provided in many published research articles. The result of such a study will not
be new and interesting, and even the study process will be very mechanical without good
interpretation or enough exploration. Conceptual frameworks can be a useful tool in developing an.
An example heavily drawing on qualitative accounting research is the review by Hardies and Khalifa
(2018). Table: Difference between book, annotated bibliography and literature review Researchers
may be confused in the following scenarios Where do I start. Its help to identify the problems which
are stated in the existing research work. The purpose of the Lit Review is to present a survey of the
most relevant and noteworthy published work that relates to your research, rather than a synopsis of
all published work that related to your topic. If you are worried about whether you are conducting a
complete search of all the literature or not, make an appointment with your Faculty Librarian who
can show you some very useful tips on how to modify your searches so that you waste less time, get
more effective results and overall, cause less frustration for yourself. States and the increasingly
developed world between eugenic. The question should be appropriate for the qualitative research
and for the specific approach you choose which must be grounded in research. Traditional reviews
may rely more on qualitative synthesis. Foss, Sonja K. Rhetorical criticism: Exploration and practice.
While excellent books on conducting literature reviews in general have been written ( Booth et al.,
2021; Jesson et al., 2011 ), including some that emphasize the social sciences ( Petticrew and Roberts,
2012 ), in this paper I tried to highlight several important choices that authors can make when
crafting literature reviews of qualitative accounting research. According to the editors and reviewers,
several important and well-cited articles were missing from this sample owing to the restrictions of
my keyword search. Here, I'll outline the similarities between the two: 1. Such community-making
measures always entail some degree of. Hence, going forward, I hope that the small number of
editors and reviewers at accounting journals that believe in the usefulness of disciplinary borders and
only include articles published in accounting journals in accounting-focused review papers will
eventually lift these restrictions. This general stance toward the literature can be applied in all three
use cases of literature reviews of qualitative accounting research: reviews of a domain of accounting
research, reviews of a method theory applied in accounting research and methodological reviews of
accounting research. Unlike the other two use cases, the methodological choices taken are often
more of interest to the review authors than the findings of the papers for use case (iii) reviews. Here
at Grad Coach, we’ve reviewed thousands of literature reviews and seen a recurring set of mistakes
and issues that drag students down. For instance, in one of our review papers heavily leaning on
qualitative research ( Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ), more than half of the research items in the
review sample were published in non-accounting journals, including general management, finance
and economics journals. Basic searches work on the terms in the search statement, and. This,
therefore, necessitates the inclusion of papers resting on various methodologies and underlying
research paradigms (cf. A related problem is that some accounting researchers seem to dislike
integrating research from other research fields in literature reviews geared toward an accounting
readership (see Section 4.2.2). This limited openness to research from other disciplines and
skepticism toward evidence-based reviews may be related, as theory discovery via literature reviews
often occurs when confronting research from different disciplines on the same phenomenon ( Breslin
and Gatrell, 2023 ). Similar to many systematic reviews of management research, our starting
position could be coined as “empiricist” or “evidence-based”, whereas the reviewers were probably
more focused on the broader theoretical threads and explanations behind our review findings (cf.
Likewise, if you’re a corporate office employee, you may be required to conduct research. This will
let you plot out concepts related to your topic, and see quickly how the literature fits into it. Let’s
start with the obvious: Google does not have all the answers. The data quality links to the credibility
of the study, so it is important to note, especially in this day of predatory journals where not all
articles found are credible. In fact, the advantages, use cases and process steps included in Figure 1
do not necessarily only apply to literature reviews of qualitative (accounting) research; but the
terminology (e.g. method theory, domain theory) used in this figure and the rest of this paper are
mostly taken from the qualitative accounting research literature.
While Locke and Golden-Biddle (1997) analytically separate these three advantages of scholarly
engagement with the prior literature, it seems fair to assume that a literature review must achieve at
least one of these advantages and may pertain to several at the same time. They do not have any clear
understanding of the research process in terms of data gathering strategies, data analysis method, and
even appropriate sampling plan, which should be indentified based on philosophical and
methodological principles. Unlike the first two use cases, use case (iii) reviews are rarely informed
by a specific theory and are naturally bound to the specific method adopted by the research items in
the review sample. You should chase down and use the reference if the reference author links to
another source whose thoughts are relevant or fascinating. However, less experienced researchers
need not necessarily shy away from use cases (ii) and (iii). It will fight against extra irritating factor
and work faster. By surveying publications on the methodology of literature review, we summarize
the typology of literature review, describe the procedures for conducting the review, and provide tips
to planning scholars. Despite such discretion, a general quality criterion of literature reviews remains
in place: that all methodological choices are well explained and justified and do not contradict the
review’s central objectives and research question(s) ( Hiebl, 2021 ). Researcher should justify the
reason for which he or she selected qualitative research. The other problem is the examination
committee and the format of proposal in the grant sites and funding agencies, which is based on the
principles of quantitative study. A related problem I often encounter when discussing literature
reviews authored by junior scholars such as PhD students is that they heavily focus on the rigor and
systematicity of such reviews ( Hiebl, 2021; Simsek et al., 2021 ). Such scholars sometimes
concentrate on identifying a comprehensive list of research items and providing extensive descriptive
information on the items covered in their reviews ( Snyder, 2019 ). Just as for empirical papers,
accounting journals typically require from a review article a “contribution in its own right”. U
HALLENGES It is important to provide an honest and concise appreciation of the essential
characteristics of the qualitative research before discussing the challenges of the interpretive research
approach to studies in health. While this list can be narrowed further, one clear problem may be that
the sample of relevant research items is too large to be covered in a single literature review. Write the
review Thompson Writing Studio This link opens in a new window Need to write a systematic
review. In the management literature, such inductive theory discovery reviews are often rooted in
evidence-based thinking, and they focus on analyzing empirical research items without a particular
informing theory ( Leuz, 2018; Rousseau et al., 2008; Tranfield et al., 2003 ). Because such
evidence-based reviews focus on a phenomenon observed in organizational practice or a related
question, they would mostly apply to use case (i) reviews of a certain domain of accounting research.
So, as you work through your literature review, always circle back to your research aims, objective
and research questions and use them as a litmus test for article relevance. For the time being, I hope
that the challenges and potential solutions discussed in this paper will help researchers, particularly
early-career researchers, better understand some of the unwritten conventions when crafting
literature reviews of qualitative accounting research. The bibliography is often first looked at to see
how the author engaged with the literature, and subject experts can quickly see if you have missed
someone’s work. However, your core arguments and theoretical foundations shouldn’t rely on these.
Writing and reviewing the Literature is the key for doing the ends of each academic and even other
guidelines problem and others. The expansion of the review sample was mostly due to relaxing my
search terms and making more extensive use of snowballing. The essentially “diagnostic and
exploratory nature” of qualitative research is invaluable in developing conceptualizations in health as
an evolving discipline. Derived from the Greek to describe the pursuit of the “well. Review the
literature and writing are crucial features of each theoretical research and is ever gaining more
ground as in the field of research area. Qualitative researchers enjoy serendipity and discovery.
Hence, the following advice comes with the limitation that parts of it are subjective. Charlton, James
I. Nothing about Us Without Us: Disability. However, since I had a non-tenured co-author on board
in the above example ( Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ), to submit to the conventions of the field, as I
did not want my beliefs to get in the way of my co-author’s career prospects. Importantly, that puzzle
will in all likelihood have pieces that don’t fit well together, and pieces that are missing.
This lack of attention makes you lose some details, which are necessary for writing a successful
literary review. Finally, it is literature review, general reading, and discussion with an expert
supervisor that can help you find the right topic. Thus, in my experience, published reviews of
qualitative accounting research and their handling editors rarely focus on a comprehensive review
sample and rather zone in on the (theoretical) implications arising from the analysis as long as the
most relevant and most cited work is included in the review sample. At the same time, covering
qualitative research in reviews of accounting research is probably more relevant than in many other
fields of business research, as quantitative and qualitative methods are applied more evenly in
accounting research, especially in Australia, Europe and several emerging countries ( Hopper and
Bui, 2016; Hopper et al., 2009; Massaro et al., 2016; Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ). Eight problems
with literature reviews and how to fix them Traditional approaches to reviewing literature may be
susceptible to bias and result in incorrect decisions. You should never cite a source that you haven’t
read. By contrast, all the examples of use case (ii) reviews noted above ( Damayanthi and
Gooneratne, 2017; Englund et al., 2011; Englund and Gerdin, 2014; Modell, 2022a, 2022b ) are (co-
)authored by senior scholars. Together with the three potential advantages of literature reviews, the
right-hand box of Figure 1 includes the two main publication forms of reviews. For instance, the
European Accounting Review, a well-regarded accounting journal according to most rankings, has
recently published a special review issue. The reason for the absence of landmark literature in poor
literature reviews is most commonly that either the student isn’t aware of the literature (because they
haven’t sufficiently immersed themselves in the existing research), or that they feel that they should
only present the most up to date studies. This measure attempts to assess compliance with clinical
guidelines. You should chase down and use the reference if the reference author links to another
source whose thoughts are relevant or fascinating. Unlike the first two use cases, use case (iii)
reviews are rarely informed by a specific theory and are naturally bound to the specific method
adopted by the research items in the review sample. In plain words, a good qualitative research
question implicates particular phrasing, whereas the order of words should make the topic of interest
amenable to the qualitative quest. Therefore, review articles may challenge the dominant assumptions
in the field and ignite further debate and research ( Alvesson and Karreman, 2007 ). As the search
algorithms that search engines use to retrieve. The essentially “diagnostic and exploratory nature” of
qualitative research is invaluable in developing conceptualizations in health as an evolving discipline.
The choice between the two depends on the research objectives and the level of rigor required for the
study. ? ? ? ? Introduction - Previous Useful links Next - Literature Review and SLR Comparison
between SLR and Literature Reviews Last modified 5mo ago. They are useful to explore the
meanings of social phenomena as experienced by individuals in their natural context. In conclusion, I
hope that this paper offers food for thought and guidance, especially for less experienced accounting
researchers, and can, thus, complement existing methodological advice for conducting literature
reviews of accounting research ( Andiola et al., 2017; Massaro et al., 2016 ) for the specific case of
reviewing qualitative accounting research. Please review our comments policy if you have any
concerns on posting a comment below Image credit: Jaeyoung Geoffrey Kang via unsplash About the
author Neal Haddaway is a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute, a
Humboldt Research Fellow at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate
Change, and a Research Associate at the Africa Centre for Evidence. The process uses a nomogram,
or table, to identify the desired number: Estimate the expected proportion within the population that
will have the measure of interest. Charlton, James I. Nothing about Us Without Us: Disability. Until
you go to the library and research all the sources you read and then look over your writing for
references to which sources you borrowed information from, the only way to figure out where your
information came from is to spend time at the library tracking down all the sources you referenced.
Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. It has also been
the key to all academic research works, publications, thesis, dissertation and others. Concept maps
may be sketched on paper or on a computer. It is. These are frequently used in Lit Reviews since
they offer concise, up-to-date information. Another source that needs to be used intelligently is
books. This is of particular concern when reviews address key policy- and practice- relevant
questions, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or climate change.

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