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Morphological and Physicochemical Properties of Pine Seed

Starch Nanoparticles
Gabriel Coelho Leandro, Karina Cesca, Alcilene Rodrigues Monteiro,
and Germán Ayala Valencia*

formulations are constantly searching for

This study aims to characterize pine starch (PS) and pine starch nanoparticles new sources of natural starches, as well as
(PSNPs) produced by anti-solvent precipitation (ASP). PS and PSNPs are new technologies that may lead to products
characterized by particle size, surface charge, morphology, crystalline with better stability under their shelf life. In
structure, chemical bonds, thermal properties, moisture content (MC), water this way, new starches isolated from uncon-
ventional sources as well as new technolo-
activity, solubility in water (SW), swelling factor (SF), water and oil absorption,
gies used to modified starch properties have
and stability in water. PS shows typical starch particle size distribution, while been investigated in recent years.[2,9]
PSNPs display a size distribution varying between 230 and 1300 nm. The The Araucaria angustifolia conifer is a
crystalline structure is modified from A-type structure (native starch) to V6h pine tree widely distributed in the native
structure (PSNPs) after ASP. PSNPs SW at 25 and 90 °C, as well as oil and forests in the southern and southeastern
Brazil.[10,11] Pine seeds are harvested from
water absorption capacities are greatly improved when compared with PS.
April to August, and they are considered a
Furthermore, PSNPs have high stability in water at 25 °C, forming rich source of starch which is isolated from
homogeneous dispersions. This research provides information about the the endosperm of this seed (Figure 1). In
valorization of pine seed as a possible starch source to produce nanoparticles this way, some research studies have been
carried out to isolate and characterize the
physicochemical properties of pine starch
(PS), being concluded that PS has compara-
1. Introduction ble thermal and rheological properties that
those informed in conventional starches,
Starch is a natural carbohydrate considered one of the most as well as low tendency to retrogradation when used in food
abundant in the nature, this macromolecule is most common in formulations.[10–14] Furthermore, the valorization of pine seeds
tubers, roots, and grains.[1,2] Starches are frequently used in food has been considered an alternative to add value to this uncon-
formulations as thickener and bulking ingredients, as well as ventional starch source and reduce its deforestation.[11]
gelling agents, since starches can generate viscous dispersions, In recent years, the production of starch nanomaterials has
solutions, or gels, depending on their botanical origin, concen- been explored due to the different physicochemical proper-
tration, and temperature conditions.[3] The food industry mainly ties of these nanostructures when compared with their native
has focused on the application of starches isolated from corn, counterparts.[15–18] In this way, starch nanoparticles produced
cassava, potato, wheat, and rice due to their physicochemical by anti-solvent precipitation (ASP) have unique physicochemical
properties such as low temperature gelatinization, high peak properties, since these nanomaterials have amorphous structure,
viscosity, and excellent gelling properties.[4–8] no thermal transition associated with starch gelatinization, and
Although starches are broadly used in the food industry, this high water solubility and stability at 25 °C.[15,19] To date, no study
macromolecule is not soluble in water at room temperature. In has produce PS nanoparticles by ASP, the use of PS to produce
addition, many starches produce weak-bodied and undesirable starch nanoparticles by ASP could be an alternative to add value
gels when cooked which are impacted negatively by temperature, to this seed, as well as to increase the food applications of this
relative humidity (RH), and storage time as a consequence of unconventional starch. Hence, this research aims to produce and
the retrogradation process.[9] Industries that use starch in food characterize pine starch nanoparticles (PSNPs) obtained by ASP.

G. C. Leandro, K. Cesca, A. R. Monteiro, G. A. Valencia

2. Results and Discussions
Department of Chemical and Food Engineering 2.1. Nanoparticle Production Yield (NPY)
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Florianópolis, SC Brazil
E-mail: g.ayala.valencia@ufsc.br NPY was 84.44% ± 2.12%, value comparable to those informed
in nanoparticles produced with cassava (90.35% ± 3.93%)
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article and potato (83.96% ± 3.81%) starches.[16] Based on the NPY
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/star.202200225 value, it is possible to suggest PS as a starch source to produce
DOI: 10.1002/star.202200225 nanomaterials by ASP. However, the reduced harvest season

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Figure 1. Illustration of pine seed.

Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of pine starch (PS) and pine starch nanoparticles (PSNPs).

(between April and August) is the main factor limiting its food

2.2. Morphology, Particle Size Distribution, and Surface Charge

Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of PS revealed the pres-

ence of starch granules with rounded and oval shapes (Figure 2a).
These PS granules have smooth surfaces without fractures and
irregularities which could be a consequence of the use of mild
physical operations such as slicing, grinding, drying, and siev-
ing, not capable of causing changes on the starch granule during
the production process.[28] The same morphology was informed
in the literature for PS.[10,29] In contrast, PSNPs showed aggre-
gates at the microscale with particle shape and size not defined at
5000× magnification (Figure 2b). Aggregates of starch nanopar-
ticles with similar morphology were observed in SEM images by Figure 3. Particle size distribution of pine starch (PS) and pine starch
Chacon et al.[19] nanoparticles (PSNPs).
PS displayed monomodal distribution with particle sizes os-
cillating between 8 and 27 μm (Figure 3). According to the liter-
ature, the average particle size of PS oscillates between 11 and
17 μm.[10,14] After ASP, the obtained materials also showed a
monomodal distribution with particle sizes varying between 230
and 1300 nm (Figure 3), confirming the nanometric scale of the Finally, the surface charge of PS and PSNPs was analyzed aim-
materials obtained by ASP. In the literature, starch nanoparticles ing to understand the stability of these materials when dispersed
obtained by ASP have a similar particle size, however, bimodal in water at pH 6. PS has a negative charge (−33.73 ± 2.78 mV) typ-
particle size distributions have been informed.[15,16,30] Discrep- ical of native starches.[30] A reduction in the surface charge was
ancies in the particle size distribution could be credited to the constated in PSNPs (−9.25 ± 0.83 mV) due to the remotion of
constant velocity of the antisolvent used in the current research negative charges in PS during ASP.[16,30] Therefore, dispersions
(see Section 2.1), allowing to obtain PSNPs with monomodal dis- of PS and PSNPs, both at pH 6, can be classified as moderately
tribution. and low stables in water at pH 6, respectively.

Starch - Stärke 2024, 76, 2200225 2200225 (2 of 7) © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Figure 4. X-ray diffractograms a) and Fourier-transform infrared spectra b) of pine starch (PS) and pine starch nanoparticles (PSNPs).

2.3. Moisture Content and Water Activity differences could be correlated with the RC values in the native
starches, hence, the RC values of cassava (22%) and potato (15%)
PS had a moisture content (MC) of 21.33% ± 1.32% when con- starches were higher when compared with PS (9.2% ± 0.2%).[16]
ditioned under 58% RH, this value is in agreement with MC val- From a technological viewpoint, amorphous starch nanoparti-
ues informed for the same starch stored in similar RH.[31] A re- cles are desired since these materials can be dispersed in water
duction in the MC (15.29% ± 1.48%) was observed in PSNPs at room temperature and they are applied in food formulations
and could be correlated with the amorphization of PS during sensitive to heat.[19] In this way, native PS could be considered
ASP.[30] as a potential source to produce starch nanomaterials since this
PS and PSNPs conditioned at 58% RH had intermediate aw starch has a low RC value.
values, oscillating between 0.61 and 0.62 in both samples, which Images from polarized light confirmed the crystalline struc-
are typical of biological stable materials.[32] Starch nanoparticles ture of PS since the Maltese cross located at the center of each
with lower aw (0.16–0.39) values have been informed in the granule (image inserted in Figure 4a) was observed. PSNPs did
literature, however, these nanomaterials have been conditioned not have a maltase-cross confirming the amorphous structure of
in RH < 10%.[15] Based on MC and aw results, PS and PSNPs these materials (results not shown).
can be classified as products which are not susceptible to Seven peaks typical of amylaceous materials were observed
microorganism growth when stored at 58% RH.[32] in Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) of PS and PSNPs
(Figure 4b). Vibration of –OH and C–H groups were detected at
3440 and 2921 cm−1 , respectively. The vibration of –OH groups
2.4. Crystalline Structure and Chemical Bonds associated to absorbed water molecules on the materials was ob-
served at 1649 cm−1 . Other bands centered at 1158, 1082, 1000,
Diffraction peaks centered at 15° (d = 0.59 nm), 17° (d = and 928 cm−1 were correlated with the CO bonds stretching of
0.52 nm), 18° (d = 0.49 nm), and 23° (d = 0.39 nm) were ob- carbohydrates, stretching of C=O groups, intramolecular hydro-
served in the XRD diffractogram of PS (Figure 4a), and correlated gen bonding of the hydroxyl groups at C-6, and symmetric elon-
with the presence of A-type crystalline structure in the starch gation of C–O–C groups, respectively (Figure 4b).[16] FTIR of
granules. Furthermore, PS has amylose–lipid complex since a PSNPs showed a decrease in the peak centered at 1649 cm−1 , sug-
small peak centered at 20° (d = 0.44 nm) was observed in the gesting that this material has less water molecules hydrating its
same diffractogram (Figure 4a).[28] The relative crystallinity (RC) structure when compared to PS. FTIR results confirmed no for-
value of PS was 9.2% ± 0.2%, suggesting that this starch has mation of new chemical bonds during the production of PSNPs
low crystallinity. XRD results for PS are in accordance with the by ASP.
After ASP, the obtained nanomaterials displayed V6h -type crys-
talline structure with a small diffraction peak at 13° (d = 0.68 nm) 2.5. Thermal Properties
and a halo centered at 20° (d = 0.44 nm) (Figure 4a). The V6h -type
crystalline structure is composed of six glucose units per helical Thermal properties were investigated in the temperature range of
turn and it has been observed in starch nanoparticles produced −30 and 95 °C. PS suspensions in water exhibited an endother-
by ASP.[15,16,30] Furthermore, the RC in PSNPs was 1.6% ± 0.2%, mic peak associated with the starch gelatinization, this thermal
being lower when compared with starch nanoparticles produced transition had onset, peak, and conclusion temperatures of 56.68
from cassava (RC ≥ 5.7%) and potato (RC ≥ 4.8%) starches. These ± 0.76, 60.40 ± 0.15, and 64.34 ± 1.24 °C, respectively, as well as

Starch - Stärke 2024, 76, 2200225 2200225 (3 of 7) © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Table 1. Solubility in water (SW), swelling factor (SF), oil absorption capacity (OAC), and water absorption capacity (WAC) of pine starch (PS) and pine
starch nanoparticles (PSNPs).

Sample 25 °C OAC [g g−1 ] WAC [g g−1 ]

SW [%] SF SW [%] SF

PS 4.00 ± 3.61Aa 2.62 ± 0.12Aa 35.50 ± 6.37Ab 39.85 ± 3.11Ab 1.10 ± 0.08A 1.62 ± 0.12A
PSNPs 51.67 ± 4.04Ba 5.21 ± 1.35Aa 83.33 ± 1.53Bb 12.37 ± 1.40Bb 1.82 ± 0.13B 4.21 ± 1.35B

Means within the same column followed by different capital letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) for the same property (SW or SF) and temperature. Means within the
same row followed by different lowercase are significantly different (p < 0.05) for the same material (PS or PSNPs) and same property (SW or SF) at different temperatures.

absorption.[22] Based on SW values, PS can be classified as insol-

uble at 30 °C and slightly soluble at 90 °C.[33] In the literature,
few studies have informed SW and SF of PS. Low SW is a factor
limiting the application of PS in food formulations.
In contrast, PSNPs showed intermediate and high SW at 25
and 90 °C, respectively (Table 1). However, the same nanomate-
rial had low SF due to the chain modification during ASP. In this
way, PSNPs did not swell because these samples had high SW.
SW and SF of PSNPs are in concordance with those informed by
Alves et al.[16] and Chacon et al.[19] SW and SF are important pa-
rameters aiming the starch food applications. Therefore, PSNPs
can be considered a promissory ingredient in food formulations
since this nanomaterial has better SW than PS.

2.7. Oil (OAC) and Water Absorption (WAC) Capacities

Figure 5. Differential scanning calorimetry thermograms (between 30 and
70 °C) of hydrated pine starch (PS) and hydrated pine starch nanoparticles OAC and WAC were investigated at 25 °C due to the acceptable
(PSNPs). SW values of PSNPs at the same temperature. OAC and WAC
represent the ability of PS and PSNPs to associate with oil and
an enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHgel ) oscillating between 5.17 and water under limited availability of these fluids. In general, PS had
9.96 J g−1 of dry PS (Figure 5). No thermal event associated to the low retention of oil and water molecules at 25 °C due to the in-
starch phase transition were observed in the temperature range termolecular hydrogen bonds between amylose and amylopectin
of −30 and 30 °C, as well as between 80 and 95 °C (not shown). in the starch granule (Table 1).[37] However, OAC and WAC in-
In the current research, all values correlated with the starch gela- creased in 259% and 165% in PSNPs when compared with PS
tinization are in concordance with those informed in the liter- due to the amorphization of the starch granules during ASP. To
ature for PS.[10,33] Comparing with conventional starches, corn, date, no study has informed OAC and WAC values for PS and
cassava, and potato starches have thermal transition oscillating starch nanomaterials.
between 52 and 80 °C, and ΔHgel values varying between 11 and
18 J g−1 .[34–36] Low ΔHgel values suggest that less energy is neces-
2.8. Stability in Water
sary to gelatinized starch granules during heating. Hence, pine
seeds can be considered a promissory starch source to produce
Dispersions of PS displayed clear precipitation in the first 30 min
of analysis (Figure 6), with some particles remaining suspended
PSNPs suspensions did not have any thermal transition con-
in the supernatant. All the dispersed PS was decanted after 5 h
firming the amorphous structure of this nanomaterial.[16] The ab-
(300 min) to the bottom of the test tube. This behavior is due
sence of thermal transition associated to the starch gelatinization
to the starch retrogradation which takes place when starches are
in PSNPs indicates that this material does not need to be heated
stored below its gelatinization temperature. Starch retrograda-
to solubilize in water.
tion is a serious problem in the food industry because it is asso-
ciated which phase separation and syneresis in food products.[19]
2.6. Solubility in Water (SW) and Swelling Factor (SF) No precipitation was observed during 5 h at room temperature
for PSNPs, with dispersions remaining homogenous when com-
PS had low SW and SF values at 25 °C indicating that this ma- pared to PS dispersions (Figure 6). A similar result was observed
terial is not water soluble at this temperature. The insolubility of by Chacon et al.[19] in starch nanoparticles produced with potato
native PS granules in cold water has been previously reported.[33] starch by ASP. The high stability in water of PSNPs can be due
SW and SF values of PS increased with heating at 90 °C due to to the small particle size and the high proportion of hydroxyl
the breaking of intermolecular hydrogen bonds in amorphous ar- groups in PSNPs which allow its solubility and stability in water
eas (Table 1), thus permitting irreversible and progressive water at 25 °C. Based on stability in water values, PSNPs could be

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Figure 6. Stability in water of pine starch (PS) and pine starch nanoparticles (PSNPs) as a function of time.

applied as an ingredient in food formulations which are prepared mechanical agitator (300 rpm). In sequence, acidified ethanol (100:1 v/v,
at room temperature (e.g., soups and sauces) in the food industry. ethanol to HCl) was added dropwise to the gelatinized starch at a rate of
0.77 mL min−1 while being kept under agitation at 300 rpm.
The resulting mixture was kept under agitation by means of a mag-
netic stirrer for 12 h before being centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min.
3. Conclusions Then, PSNPs were kept at 30 °C for 24 h in order to evaporate the ethanol
and afterwards freeze dried (Liotop L101, Brazil) for 24 h. The result-
In this research, PS was used to produce nanomaterials by ASP. ing PSNPs were macerated and stored in desiccators with silica gel until
The transformation of PS to PSNPs had a high production yield analysis (RH ≤ 0%). The NPY (%) was calculated using Equation (1):
(84.44% ± 2.12%). PSNPs displayed monomodal particle size dis-
tribution with particle sizes oscillating between 230 and 1300 nm, mf
NPY = 100 × (1)
surface charge of −9.25 ± 0.83 mV, and amorphous structure. mi
Furthermore, PSNPs showed a higher SW at 25 and 90 °C, as where mf is the final mass obtained after freeze drying (g) and mi is the
well as higher oil and water absorption capacities at 25 °C when mass of starch at the beginning of the process (g).
compared with PS. Although PSNPs had low surface charge, Starch extraction from pine seeds and the production of PSNPs were
this nanomaterial had a high stability when dispersed in water carried out in triplicate.
(30% w/v) at 25 °C. Thus, PSNPs could be used as an additive in Morphology, Particle Size Distribution, and Surface Charge: The mor-
food formulations and as an adsorbent for both hydrophilic and phology of PS and PSNPs was analyzed using scanning electron mi-
croscopy (SEM, JSM-6390LV, JEOL, Japan) at accelerating voltage of 10 kV.
hydrophobic molecules.
Powders were fixed on aluminum stubs by carbon tape and then coated
with a thin gold layer before SEM analyses. Five micrographs were taken
at random sample spots with 1000× and 5000× magnification.[19]
4. Experimental Section Particle size distribution and mean particle size of PS was calculated
by dispersing samples in glycerol 50% (w/w, glycerol to H2 O) over mi-
Production of Starch Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Production Yield: croscope slides and covering with coverslips. The diameter of 145 starch
Starch was isolated from pine seeds following Costa et al.[20] methodology granules were measured using a light microscope (L-2000a , Bioval, Brazil)
with slight modifications. Seeds were cut longitudinally and transversally with the aid of the software Image J, v1.53k (National Institute Health,
in order to remove the exterior peel and then mixed with distilled water in Bethesda, MD, USA).[21]
a 1:2 (w/w, peeled seed to H2 O) proportion using a blender. The formed PSNPs size distribution was carried out using a LUMiSizer (LUM
slurry was filtered using a cloth filter followed and afterwards mixed with GmbH, Germany). PSNPs (0.01 g) were dispersed in 10 mL of ethanol
distilled water in a 1:1 (w/w slurry to H2 O) proportion before being filtered and sonicated for 5 min prior to analysis.[22]
again. The permeate of both filtrations was kept in a refrigerator at 4 °C Surface charge of samples was analyzed using a Zetasizer Nano ZS
for 24 h in order to precipitate the starch. The decanted material was later (Malvern, England). PS and PSNPs were dispersed in deionized water
separated from the supernatant and washed with distilled water once be- (0.01% w/v) and then their pH were adjusted to 6 and sonicated for 30 min
fore being one more time decanted, separated, and dried in a convective prior to analysis.[23]
oven at 30 °C. The dried starch was then milled and stored in desiccators Moisture Content and Water Activity: PS and PSNPs were kept in desic-
until analysis. cators with RH of 58% during 7 days prior to analysis. MC (g of water g−1
PSNPs were produced by ASP as described by Alves et al.[15] with slight of sample) was measured by heating samples to 120 °C using a moisture
modifications. Firstly, 2.5 g of PS were dispersed in 50 mL of distilled wa- analyzer (MOC63u, Shimadzu, Japan). Water activity (aw , dimensionless)
ter and hydrated for 30 min before being agitated with a mechanical ag- was analyzed using a water activity analyzer (AquaLab 4TE, METER Group,
itator (300 rpm) at 90 °C for 30 min to achieve the starch gelatinization. USA).[19]
Afterwards, the evaporated water was added to the slurry to guarantee the Crystalline Structure and Chemical Bonds: The crystalline structure of
starch concentration and then cooled to room temperature using the same PS and PSNPs was analyzed using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Rigaku

Starch - Stärke 2024, 76, 2200225 2200225 (5 of 7) © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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MiniFlex600, Japan), operating at 40 kV and 15 mA (CuK𝛼 1 𝜆 = 1.54056 Å WAC (g of water g−1 of sample, d.b.) was performed similarly to OAC,
radiation). The diffractograms were recorded at 20 °C, between 2𝜃 = 5° with water being used in place of oil.[27] However, the WAC was calculated
and 50°, at 1° min−1 with a step size of 0.02°.[24] The interplanar distance d using Equation (7):
(nm) was calculated from the diffraction angle at the maximum intensity of
the peak found in the XRD diffractograms and using Equation (2) (Brag’s Sd − (Si − Sr )
WAC = (7)
law): S i − Sr

where Sr is the mass of sample that was solubilized (g).

N𝜆 = 2dsin (𝜃) (2)
Stability in Water: The stability of PS and PSNPs in water was studied
by dispersing samples in distilled water (30% w/v) at 25 ± 1 °C. Disper-
where 𝜆 is the wavelength (nm), and N is the reflection order (N = 1, sions were mixed in a vortex for 5 min, and then the sedimentation process
dimensionless). was studied during 5 h at the same temperature.[19]
The RC (%) of PS and PSNPs was calculated by measuring the crys- Statistical Analyses: All the tests were performed at least in triplicate
talline and total area of the X-ray diffractograms obtained for samples by for each sample, and the results were expressed as means ± standard de-
means of Equation (3)[25] : viation (n ≥ 3). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test of multiple
comparisons were accomplished at 5% significance level using the soft-
ware OriginPro 2018® .
RC = 100 × (3)

where Ac is the peak area, or crystalline area, and At is the total area.
The crystallinity of the samples was also analyzed under polarized light. The authors are grateful to the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e In-
Samples of PS and PSNPs were dispersed in glycerol 50% (w/w, glycerol ovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC) for the MsC fellowship
to H2 O) over microscope slides and covered with a coverslip. Samples (48/2021) of the first author. G. A. V. would like to thank the FAPESC
were photographed using a polarizing light microscope (ML-9400, Meiji, (grants 2021TR000418 and 2021TR001887) and National Council for Sci-
Japan) with 100× and 200× magnification.[21] entific and Technological Development (CNPq) (grant 302434/2022-4) for
The chemical bonds of PS and PSNPs were analyzed by means of financial support. Furthermore, the authors gratefully acknowledge the
Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR, Cary 660, Agilent, USA). Federal University of Santa Catarina for its support, as well as to the Central
Analyses were performed in the infrared region between 4000 and Laboratory of Electronic Microscopy (LCME) and Interdisciplinary Labora-
400 cm−1 using 4 cm−1 resolution with 20 scans and KBr pellets.[26] tory for Nanostructures Development (LINDEN) for the analyses.
Thermal Properties: Thermal properties of the samples were analyzed
by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, Jade, Perkin Elmer, USA). Ap-
proximately 3 mg (d.w.) of the samples were dispersed in distilled in a
1:2 (w/w, sample to H2 O) proportion in aluminum pans, sealed with alu-
Conflict of Interest
minum caps and kept hydrating in for 1 h.[16] Afterwards, hydrated sam- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ples were heated from −30 to 95 °C at 10°C min−1 in two-cycle mode.
Nitrogen (N2 ) was used as flushing gas at 45 mL min−1 and an empty
aluminum pan was used as reference.
Solubility in Water and Swelling Factor: For solubility (SW, %) and SF Data Availability Statement
(dimensionless), samples of PS and PSNPs (W) were dispersed in distilled The data that support the findings of this study are available from the cor-
water (1% w/v, sample to H2 O, d.b.), heated at 25 and 90 °C for 30 min and responding author upon reasonable request.
mixed for 10 s in a vortex every 10 min. Samples were cooled down to room
temperature and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant was
separated and dried at 105 °C in order to obtain the dry mass (Wr ). The
slurry that remained in the tubes was weighted (Wt ) and then SP and S Keywords
were calculated using Equations (4) and (5), respectively.[22]
alternative starch sources, anti-solvent precipitation method, carbohy-
drate nanoparticles, physicochemical properties
SF = (4)
W − Wr Received: October 13, 2022
Revised: January 30, 2023
Wr Published online: April 29, 2023
S = 100 × (5)

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