Method of Doing Literature Review

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Title: Mastering the Art of Literature Review: Your Ultimate Guide

Are you struggling to craft a comprehensive literature review? If so, you're not alone. Many students
and researchers find the process daunting and time-consuming. However, fear not! With the right
approach and resources, you can conquer the challenge of writing a literature review with confidence.

The literature review is a critical component of academic and research papers. It involves reviewing
existing literature on a specific topic to provide context, identify gaps, and synthesize findings. A
well-written literature review demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter and contributes
to the scholarly conversation.

So, what's the best method for conducting a literature review? Here's a step-by-step guide to help
you navigate the process:

1. Define Your Research Question: Start by clearly defining your research question or topic of
interest. This will guide your literature search and ensure that you focus on relevant sources.
2. Conduct Thorough Research: Utilize academic databases, library catalogs, and other
scholarly resources to gather relevant literature. Be sure to consider a variety of sources,
including peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings.
3. Evaluate and Analyze Sources: As you review the literature, critically evaluate each source
for its relevance, credibility, and methodology. Pay attention to key findings, arguments, and
theoretical frameworks.
4. Organize Your Findings: Organize your findings thematically or chronologically to identify
common themes, trends, or controversies within the literature. This will help you structure
your literature review effectively.
5. Synthesize and Interpret: Synthesize the findings from your literature review to provide a
coherent overview of the existing research. Identify patterns, contradictions, and gaps in the
literature, and offer your insights and interpretations.
6. Write Your Literature Review: Finally, write your literature review, incorporating your
synthesized findings and interpretations. Be sure to follow the appropriate formatting and
citation style guidelines.

While these steps may seem straightforward, executing them effectively requires time, effort, and
expertise. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in.

⇒ ⇔ is a trusted platform that offers professional writing assistance to students and
researchers worldwide. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting high-quality literature
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Its mind-mapping feature provides a structured framework for brainstorming ideas, organizing
thoughts, and visualizing relationships between concepts. Springer Nature remains neutral with
regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. You critique the
literature, categorize it, and wrestle with it. Lit reviews can take many different organizational
patterns depending on what you are trying to accomplish with the review. The approaches examined
in this context were characterized by distributed roles and responsibilities in which different
individuals’ skills and expertise were identified as best suited to the task at hand. Avoid making
uncited or overly generalized claims. If you feel a generalization is warranted, you must follow it up
with multiple, specific examples to justify such generalization. It goes beyond documentation and
reflects decisions related to the selection of the sources, the search terms used, the period of time
covered, the articles selected in the search, and the application of backward and forward searches (
vom Brocke et al., 2009 ). In short, the rigour of any review article is reflected by the explicitness of
its methods (i.e., transparency) and the soundness of the approach used. This review can inform a
framework that offers guiding insights on which commissioners, evaluators, managers and leaders of
coproduction can reflect as well as suggestions and directions for future research. Discussion then
turns to the limitations of the research methods being conducted in these three areas. Depending on
the length of your literature review, you can combine several of these strategies (for example, your
overall structure might be thematic, but each theme is discussed chronologically). There's just so
much out there, and it's easy to feel lost. If you have found some recurring central themes, you can
organize your literature review into subsections that address different aspects of the topic. In the
process of examining the full texts of the papers, two researchers (SK and SS) extracted background
data independently. In the third step of analysis, we recorded our comparative observations as
narrative summaries, in which we used illustrative quotes more sparingly. This understanding
highlights the configuration, structure and evolution of ecosystems influenced by ecosystem process
and territorial boundaries. Viewpoints on the validity of student’s evaluation of teaching in higher
education View of sufficient effectiveness. GSlides can create concept maps using their Diagram
feature. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. It aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the current state of knowledge on a particular topic. Thomas’ Note-
taking Template Here’s the template I use for taking literature review notes. Or, does is merely add
more of the same thing being said. What outcomes are associated with developing and implementing
co-produced interventions in acute healthcare settings. Were the results effectively interpreted and
reported. Searching for eligible studies using multiple databases and information sources, including
grey literature sources, without any language restrictions. In the early research, due to the limitation
of research design and method, scholars mostly used the average score of the class to measure the
reliability of students’ teaching evaluation. Leaders can enhance coproduction by providing
resources, establishing inviting structures, and prioritizing the involvement of various stakeholders.
Our team is ready to provide expert guidance, ensuring you craft a strong and effective literature
review. Secundo et al. ( 2021 ) mention that UBEE facilitates innovation and entrepreneurial
opportunities thanks to the knowledge-sharing processes between the various actors. The easiest way
to do this: take one of those weaknesses and make it your research gap. One benefit of that deep,
practical knowledge: reviewing the literature becomes easier.
Discussion then turns to the limitations of the research methods being conducted in these three areas.
The easiest way to do this: take one of those weaknesses and make it your research gap. Writing
Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 6th ed. Rather,
appraisal is much more integral to (and difficult to separate from) the analysis step, in which we
advocate appraising clarity, consistency, and comprehensiveness—the quality appraisal criteria that
we suggest are appropriate for the methods literature. All authors reviewed and approved the
manuscript and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Patient and Staff Engagement in
Health System Improvement: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Experience-Based Co-design
Approach in Canada. Make sure to read the abstract to find out whether an article is relevant to your
question. Our findings highlight the need for a complex way of making meaning of leadership
throughout the coproduction process, such as the ability to be flexible due to circumstances and
employ both strong leadership and more facilitative approaches when necessary. The guidance
offered here was derived from experience conducting a systematic methods overview on the topic of
sampling in qualitative research. Cluster 1 (Blue)—Conceptualization and Attributes of
Entrepreneurship Ecosystems The first cluster is focused on the definition and attributes present in
EEs. Data supplement 1 Contributors All authors (AB, IS, JN, CH, FC) have made substantial
contributions to the conception and design of the guidance document. Reprints and permissions
About this article Cite this article. Given this, the purpose of a literature review is to: Place each
work in the context of its contribution to understanding the research problem being studied. In the
sixth and final section, the future lines of research and conclusions are addressed presenting
limitations that resulted from the review and future of research. Systematic Reviews as Topic Patient
Care Data availability statement No data are available. Selecting Research Methods: Literature
review helps researchers select appropriate research methods and techniques based on previous
research. Analysis: Involves critically evaluating and summarizing key findings, methodologies, and
debates found in academic literature. Justifying the proposed study as one that contributes
something new to the Book 5. Millenson ML, DiGioia AM III, Greenhouse PK, Swieskowski D. One
objective is to establish methodological standards for appraisal purposes. Since a substantial
proportion of methods-related guidance may be located in publication types that are less
comprehensively indexed in standard bibliographic databases, identification and retrieval thus
become complicated processes. The authors selected as influential, and the publications selected for
inclusion or exclusion are listed in Additional file 1 (Matrices 1, 2a, 2b). Health Sciences: In health
sciences, literature reviews are used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments, identify best
practices, and determine areas where more research is needed. Well, you little note-hoarder, it’s time
for an intervention. He underlines that it is not only generating entrepreneurship that makes it a good
EE. Throughout this paper, although we acknowledge the distinctions associated with the concepts
and origins of the notion of codesign, we use the broad term coproduction to refer to some form of
collaboration or partnership between service providers and service users or citizens. However, it is
expected that additional challenges and insights for conducting such reviews have yet to be defined.
Engage in Dialogue Frame your literature review as a conversation with other scholars. Using only
those notes, how quickly can you answer the five literature review objectives. Publication bias:
Literature reviews may be influenced by publication bias, which occurs when researchers are more
likely to publish positive results than negative ones.
The lower right quadrant represents the basic themes necessary for understanding the present study:
“entrepreneurial ecosystem”, “entrepreneurial education”, “entrepreneurial university”. The terms
used to describe methods in this literature review come from the works of Pickard 2007, Powell
1991, and Bush and Harter 1980. The second and most important of the researcher is to determine
the research gap, i. Step 6: Edit and Proofread In the final phase, conduct a thorough review,
focusing on clarity and coherence. And the longer you put it off, the guiltier you feel. There are
various approaches to organizing the body of a literature review. Consequently, this book veers in
many different trajectories. In the current research results, scholars at home and abroad have a more
profound understanding of the absence of students’ evaluation of teaching, generally shifting the
research perspective to the concept of “student-centered” evaluation of teaching, and considering
“the actual needs of students” and “promoting the all-round development of students” in the research
of various parts such as the function, content and results of evaluation of teaching. Many papers did
not have an explicit focus on leadership; however, by synthesizing the data, all data were treated as
reflections that jointly created a larger pattern, similar to a kaleidoscope. Likewise, to explore the
pillars of the model from the point of view of young university students who show varying degrees
of entrepreneurial intention (cluster 2). Critical Evaluation Critical evaluation involves assessing the
quality and validity of the literature. Utilize reputable academic databases for literature searches like
Google Scholar or your university's library resources. This study brings important theoretical
contributions to the existing literature. While this is useful for demonstrating how theories evolve,
make sure to include your own interpretation of trends, turning points, or disagreements,
demonstrating how they contributed shape where the subject is headed. There are many definition
advanced by many authors. This increment in the interest of EE results from the fact that this
concept has assumed a global and multidisciplinary dimension recognized and associated with
innovation by the various economic and social actors. Thus, you might reformulate your topic to
involve the comparative effectiveness of the brand-new method versus the traditional method on the
achievement of a subgroup of eighth-grade science students: those with low aptitude. In the fields of
health sciences and medical informatics, reviews that focus on examining the range, nature and
evolution of a topic area are described by Anderson, Allen, Peckham, and Goodwin (2008) as
mapping reviews. As an emerging theoretical stream, EEs have been studied through qualitative
methods. A review is a required part of grant and research proposals and often a chapter in theses
and dissertations. I’ve developed my literature review strategy to do just that. Using available
Keeping track of Developing your Ensuring adequate. The results are synthesized to develop a
framework for actors who seek to commission, design, lead or evaluate coproduction processes. It
aims to provide a theoretical framework for understanding a particular research question. Specify the
time frame, key themes, and relevant studies to focus your research. Additionally, verify the accuracy
and consistency of citations and references based on the chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). This
comprehensive revision process guarantees a polished and well-structured literature review. Health
Sci J. 2015;9(1):1. Google Scholar Redwood S, Brangan E, Leach V, Horwood J, Donovan JL. Use a
citation manager, such as EndNote as the repository for your citations. Types of Literature Reviews
It is important to think of knowledge in a given field as consisting of three layers. The results can be
discussed in terms of whether and how they agree with previous findings.
A multitude of practices must be implemented throughout the coproduction process. A literature
review creates a “landscape” for the reader, giving her or him a full understanding of the
developments in the field. I’ve developed my literature review strategy to do just that. It’s difficult to
know—but at least you’re asking the right questions. It generally follows a discussion of the papers
thesis. What are the key concepts and how are they defined. Similarly, this study considers the
current knowledge and skills humanities librarians possess as well as future knowledge and skills
required in order to meet the challenges of a changing academic library environment. However, if
you choose this strategy, be careful to avoid simply listing and summarizing sources in order. Lit
reviews can take many different organizational patterns depending on what you are trying to
accomplish with the review. Then, you can clarify whether the literature review is part of a bigger
effort or if it is a standalone piece in this section. It is often used in evidence-based practice and
systematic reviews. However, for any synthesis that underpins practice recommendations 39
assessment of included studies is integral to the credibility of findings. First to deliver to the reader
what knowledge and ideas have been recognized on a subject, and what their strengths and lacking
part in the particular theme of the research. On some occasions, coproduction initiatives are reported
to senior leaders, while on other occasions, the senior leaders were part of the coproduction team.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
institutional affiliations. The process of synthesis started at a very broad level with the goal of
understanding which aspects of leadership were addressed in the literature. Our findings highlight
the need for a complex way of making meaning of leadership throughout the coproduction process,
such as the ability to be flexible due to circumstances and employ both strong leadership and more
facilitative approaches when necessary. Fields such as biology, chemistry, and physics commonly
use literature reviews. This can lead to an incomplete or biased picture of the literature. Scoping
review: This is a preliminary review that aims to map the existing literature on a broad topic area to
identify research gaps and areas for further investigation. It aims to provide a theoretical framework
for understanding a particular research question. So I’ve learned to just put my notes within the
article; then everything’s in one place. Despite the fact that models of coleadership and collective
leadership exhibit a better fit with the relational character of coproduction, the majority of the
articles included in this review employed a leader-centric underlying theory. Every Tuesday and
Thursday at the Research Commons. However, they found it challenging to transition to a more
distributed and collective leadership approach. In 2022, the number reached 24 articles in the last
year of the period. An advantage of a meta-analysis is the ability to be completely objective in
evaluating research findings. Across disciplines, you can usually find the same information from the
same places in the same IMRaD sections. While there is none accepted definition of an EE, as Spigel
( 2018 ) points out, the most active area of interest has been around the types of domains (Isenberg,
2010, 2011 ), components (Cohen, 2006 ) or attributes (Spigel, 2017 ). Additionally, while different
methods authors may express themselves less clearly than others, their guidance can nonetheless be
highly influential and useful, and should therefore not be downgraded or ignored based on
considerations of clarity—which raises questions about the alternative uses that quality appraisals of
individual publications might have.
Cross-sector cooperation in health-enhancing physical activity policymaking: more potential than
achievements. Health services research methods: a guide to best practice. When you begin to write
your literature review section, you'll be glad you dug deeper into how the research was designed and
constructed because it establishes a means for developing more substantial analysis and interpretation
of the research problem. But when you review the literature that way, you’ll finish each article
exhausted, unsure of what you just read. This web only file has been produced by the BMJ
Publishing Group from an electronic file supplied by the author(s) and has not been edited for
content. For example, a review of the Internet’s impact on American presidential politics could focus
on the development of online political satire. This latter year and 2022 standing out with the highest
number of published articles. Yet Another Writing Tip When Do I Know I Can Stop Looking and
Move On. Writing the literature review: A practical guide Available 3rd floor of Perkins Writing
literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences Available online. This
exercise requires a significant investment on the part of researchers, who must ensure enhanced
objectivity and avoid biases or mistakes. We iteratively developed definitions for these concepts by
abstracting text from publications that either provided an explicit definition or from which an
implicit definition could be derived, which was recorded in fields dedicated to the concept’s
definition. Research methods At present, scholars’ research on students’ teaching evaluation system
is no longer limited to literature, but more to empirical investigation and statistical analysis.
Demonstrates why a topic is significant to a subject area. The results were published in a variety of
indexed journals. This helps you remember what you read and saves time later in the process. Doing
Your Literature Review: Traditional and Systematic Techniques. Supplemental material This content
has been supplied by the author(s). For Wang et al., ( 2021: 2), the creation of UEEs, currently, is a
“hot topic.” Naturally, many definitions were put forward, leading to the decision to present,
chronologically, a selection of definitions (Table 1 ). These are the main ways to organize your
literature review. Walden University Writing Center: Literature Review Matrix Find a variety of
literature review matrix examples and templates from Walden University. Download citation
Received: 11 April 2023 Accepted: 03 January 2024 Published: 17 February 2024 DOI: Share this
article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable
link is not currently available for this article. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2018;3(2):48. Walsh M, Kittler
MG, Mahal D. Still, they do provide an excellent beginning point for finding better, more extensive
materials. Demonstrate how each piece of research contributes to the overall understanding of your
chosen topic. Results indicate that the majority of systematic reviews in this particular area suffer
from important methodological flaws and biases that impair their internal validity and limit their
usefulness for clinical and decision-making purposes. Factors affecting the reliability and validity of
student’s evaluation of teaching in higher education Since reliability is a necessary condition for
validity, the effectiveness of student evaluation of teaching needs to be supported by reliable
evaluation results, so the academic circles generally consider the factors affecting reliability and
validity comprehensively. Searching for eligible studies using multiple databases and information
sources, including grey literature sources, without any language restrictions. Does the research use
established frameworks or take an innovative approach. It aims to provide a critical analysis of the
literature and identify areas where further research is needed. Co-production as a route to
employability: Lessons from services with lone parents.
Sources not directly cited in the Lit Review should not be listed in the Works Cited list. Time-
limited: Literature reviews can become quickly outdated as new research is published, making it
difficult to keep up with the latest developments in a field. You should always look at examples
from your own discipline and talk to professors or mentors in your field to be sure you understand
your discipline’s conventions, for literature reviews as well as for any other genre. When you begin
to write your literature review section, you'll be glad you dug deeper into how the research was
designed and constructed because it establishes a means for developing more substantial analysis and
interpretation of the research problem. According to Aria and Cuccurullo ( 2017 ), this means that
the phases adopted in the review can be replicated in all procedures and there should be clarity in all
of them. In terms of influencing factors, although researchers have formed a relatively unified view
on its main categories, due to the large number of subtle factors and different research perspectives,
the influence results of specific factors are also different, making the research results of this part
complex and full of controversy. For each source, consider the following: What's the Author Trying
to Do. We’ve written a step-by-step guide that you can follow below. Using co-design to develop a
collective leadership intervention for healthcare teams to improve safety culture. See, the academic
literature has a few defects—a few flaws that make it a challenge to read. This latter year and 2022
standing out with the highest number of published articles. Step 2: Critique Multiple Articles You
cannot find a research gap by critiquing individual articles alone. This review can inform a
framework that offers guiding insights on which commissioners, evaluators, managers and leaders of
coproduction can reflect as well as suggestions and directions for future research. You’re ready to 1)
develop your research question, 2) design an experiment to answer that question, and 3) write an
article that describes your answer to that question in the context of the literature. Do not use
extensive quotes as a substitute for using your own words in reviewing the literature. In the methods
overview on sampling, the implied scope was broad since we set out to review publications on
sampling across three divergent qualitative research traditions—grounded theory, phenomenology,
and case study—to facilitate making informative conceptual comparisons. Nova has also worked as
a technical and scientific writer. Reviewers then seek information that matches these definitions
(rather than keywords) when scanning a publication for relevant data to abstract. Chronological The
simplest approach is to trace the development of the topic over time. These activities include holding
onto a vision and keeping it alive for the team, ensuring that the project remains on track, and
helping maintain momentum. The CQIMG endorses three types of synthesis; thematic synthesis,
framework synthesis and meta-ethnography ( box 1 ). 43 44 Rapid QES favour descriptive thematic
synthesis 45 or framework synthesis, 46 47 except when theory generation (meta-ethnography 48 49
or analytical thematic synthesis) is a priority ( table 2, item R17). Accounting for inconsistent
terminology An important complication affecting the abstraction process in methods overviews is
that the language used by authors to describe methods-related concepts can easily vary across
publications. Lack of original data: Literature reviews do not generate new data, but rather rely on
the analysis of existing studies. They also provide a citation index, generating information about
each publication in documents that cite them as well as cited. Int J Health Policy Manag.
2017;6(6):345. Sicilia M, Guarini E, Sancino A, Andreani M, Ruffini R. Therefore, the evidence of
empirical research in the current results is still relatively shallow, and we can try to combine it with
big data and artificial intelligence algorithms to supplement it with diversified research methods.
Social capital, management capacity and public service performance: Evidence from the US states.
Supplementary Information Additional file 1: appendix 1.. Description of included papers. Consent
for publication Ethics approval and consent to participate, author information, authors and
affiliations. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination.
A rapid evidence synthesis. BMJ Open. 2017;7(7):e014650. Gallan AS, Jarvis CB, Brown SW,
Bitner MJ. On some occasions, coproduction initiatives are reported to senior leaders, while on other
occasions, the senior leaders were part of the coproduction team. Data abstraction The purpose of
data abstraction in rigorous literature reviews is to locate and record all data relevant to the topic of
interest from the full text of included publications, making them available for subsequent analysis. I
recommend reviewing two articles each day. No more. No less. When you finish those two reviews,
pat yourself on the back. Cook, Kathleen E. and Elise Murowchick. “Do Literature Review Skills
Transfer from One Course to Another?” Psychology Learning and Teaching 13 (March 2014): 3-11;
Fink, Arlene. While there is none accepted definition of an EE, as Spigel ( 2018 ) points out, the
most active area of interest has been around the types of domains (Isenberg, 2010, 2011 ),
components (Cohen, 2006 ) or attributes (Spigel, 2017 ). During the initiation stage, by
implementing and sustaining the outcomes of coproduction, they play a crucial role in the provision
of resources such as time, money, materials, and access to networks. The combination of EE and HEI
requires further research. Use Quotes Sparingly Some short quotes are appropriate if you want to
emphasize a point, or if what an author stated cannot be easily paraphrased. Selecting Research
Methods: Literature review helps researchers select appropriate research methods and techniques
based on previous research. We thus created a table (Table 1 ) that illustrates potential reflective
questions in this context. Demonstrate how each piece of research contributes to the overall
understanding of your chosen topic. It should not feel like a glorified annotated bibliography. ( ). As
such, reviewers may selectively ignore or limit the attention paid to certain studies in order to make a
point. In this way, the bibliography is the window to the author and the paper. Find the research gap
Okay, that’s enough abstract discussion and metaphor. Using only those notes, how quickly can you
answer the five literature review objectives. One method is to interpret how or why specific
developments occurred. Given this, the purpose of a literature review is to: Place each work in the
context of its contribution to understanding the research problem being studied. The team seeks to
align the review question and the requirements of the knowledge user with available time and
resources. Secondly, the research on the theory and structure of the evaluation indicators for
university students generally revolves around the “student-centered theory” and “secondary indicator
structure,” the rationality of which has been confirmed; however, the academic circle has not yet
formed a unified opinion or standard on the selection of the specific content of the evaluation
indicators. Select Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, or Relationship to see templates. Both the strategy
proposed and the BFFS approach to research synthesis are notable for their rigorous and transparent
means to adapt a final set of concepts to the content under review. Politics essay can someone write
my research paper differentiated assessments in science. Use Evidence A literature review section is,
in this sense, just like any other academic research paper. Competing interests The authors declare no
competing interests. But when you use the literature to support your research project, you build a
deep, practical understanding. Social capital, management capacity and public service performance:
Evidence from the US states. Networking refers to the practice of establishing and maintaining
relationships with various stakeholders both within and outside the coproduction initiative. Co-
creating services—conceptual clarification, forms and outcomes.

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