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International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol.

No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

Customer Satisfaction on How McDonald's Performs on

Zi Jian Oh1, Gai Sin Liem2, Liew Chu Han3, Liew Qiad Xing4, Liew Qian Yie5, Lim
Boon Kang6, Hasna – Rania7, M. Hendis Mulya Bahari8, Dhani Ainurridho9, Doly
Difa Daifullah10
Batu Lanchang Vocational College1
Ma Chung University2
Universiti Sains Malaysia3,4,5,6
Universitas Brawijaya7,8,9,10
Correspondence Email:


Publication information ABSTRACT

Research article The Covid-19 has driven the entire planet to

a dangerous tipping point, and no one is
HOW TO CITE spared from this crisis, including our nation,
Oh, Z. J., Liem, G, S., Han, L. C., Xing, L. Malaysia. Malaysia imposed the movement
W., Yie, L. Q., Kang, L. B., ... Daifullah, D. control order (MCO) on March 18, 2020, to
D. (2023). Customer Satisfaction on How blunt the exponential rise of Covid-19 cases
McDonald's Performs on Post-Pandemic. and transition to the endemic phase of the
International Journal of Tourism & Covid-19 pandemic on April 1, 2022. On
Hospitality in Asia Pasific, 6(2), 1-14. account of that, this paper identifies
customer satisfaction in the ways (social
DOI: : distancing, use of masks and hand sanitizers, contactless and cashless
system, hygiene and cleanliness, and
Copyright@2023 owned by Author(s). checking body temperature) McDonald’s
Published by IJTHAP adopted in Malaysia to surmount the
outbreak of Covid-19. The researchers
have collected primary data via Google
Forms, with 150 participants partaking in
this survey, and secondary data from
different sources to conduct a deeper study
This is an open-access article. on the research topic. Therein, this paper
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share can enhance the understanding of how
Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) McDonald's performed post-pandemic. The
researchers have used the IBM SPSS
Received: 27 April 2023 Statistic software to analyze the data
Accepted: 16 May 2023 collected. Overall, researchers find that
Published: 20 June 2023 most customers are satisfied with the
measures taken by McDonald’s to combat

Keywords: McDonald's, Covid-19,

Malaysia, ways, Post-Pandemic,

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945


Founded around the mid-19th century, McDonald’s is one of the most famous
restaurants in the world today. McDonald’s was founded by two brothers, Richard Dick
and Maurice. The first restaurant to open was in San Bernardino, California. A small
restaurant designed to produce large quantities of food at low prices with a limited menu
of hamburgers, milkshakes, and potato chips. In running their restaurant, they both
innovate using the Speedee Service System, which emphasizes speed of service and
low prices with maintained quality. They prepare the burgers and then keep the food
under a heat lamp to keep it warm and fresh. McDonald’s does not use waitpersons in
its service, but customers will pick it up later. The concept used by the two brothers made
one of Donald's mac suppliers, Ray Kroc , interested in their business. Kroc acquired the
rights to open McDonald's restaurants in the United States in 1955. Finally, in 1961, Kroc
paid the McDonald brothers $2.6 million, which is comparable to almost $22.3 million in
2019. The brothers are still operating their old eatery, which they have rebranded as Big
M. But then Kroc built a McDonald's across the street, which quickly put them out of

Until now in 2022, McDonald’s has been established for 67 years and has more than
38,000 restaurants in 100 countries worldwide. McDonald's is the world's largest fast-
food restaurant chain and number 2 the largest restaurant in the world. As of September
2022, McDonald’s has posted revenue of $19.3 billion, up from the previous year. In
addition to the famous McDonald's food such as hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and
French fries. Moreover, they also provide local/traditional food based on where the
restaurant is located. For instance, there is rice or traditional food such as rendang in
Indonesia. In Malaysia, they add nasi lemak to the menu. Consumers who are used to
eating local food but like McDonald's products can still feel the combination of the two.
Consumer behavior can affect a company's success because it can reflect customer
loyalty and satisfaction (Ang et al., 2022).

The SARS-CoV-2 virus was found at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China. The virus causes
mild to chronic respiratory illness that can cause death or coronavirus disease (Covid
19). Wuhan is one of the most crowded cities in China, with a population of 11 million
people. With a large population, the transmission of Covid 19 quickly spread throughout
the city, even abroad. The city of Wuhan turned into a deserted town, where only a few
people were seen crossing the streets. The Chinese government imposed a lockdown in
the town of Wuhan to minimize the virus from escaping and spreading to other areas.
Most people infected with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms will recover without
special treatment, usually experienced by young people who still have strong immunity.
On the other hand, older people and people with comorbid illnesses such as diabetes,
chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems will experience
more serious illnesses. The virus can be spread from an infected person's mouth or nose
in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, talk, sing, or breath. Symptoms of
covid 19 will only appear after a few days of exposure to the virus. We must remain
vigilant when meeting people who appear to have no symptoms. The coronavirus, which
has spread to surrounding countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, has
spread to almost the entire world. A cure for this virus was not found at first; it took about
one year to find a vaccine. Until November 20, 2022, the total number of corona cases
reached 638 million, with a total death of 6.62 million.

The coronavirus has brought the world's economic activity to an almost complete halt.
Many countries implement social restrictions; people are restricted from going out, and
almost all work is done online. Countries worldwide have been affected by Covid-19 due
to changes in business and consumer behavior (Donthu & Gustafsson, 2020). It can be
said that COVID-19 has changed the way we work, communicate, and shop more than
any other disruption in this decade (Despin, 2020). Such as buying food, not eating on

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

the spot, Working from Home (WFH), and no crowds. In addition to changes, consumers
are expected to order food online and use an e-wallet as payment through various widely
available applications. One of them is McDonald, with its application, namely McDelivery,
which has been around for a long time before the pandemic. McDonald's continues to
innovate and use various technologies to provide consumers with better quality service
and products. In service during the McDonald’s Malaysia pandemic, they have taken
steps such as requiring buyers to wear masks and wash their hands with hand sanitizers,
as well as checking body temperature, keeping queue distance, and using cashless
payments. This protocol makes buyers feel safer when they buy at McDonald's, and
employees are also safer in serving buyers. The focus of this paper identifies customer
satisfaction in ways like social distancing, use of masks and hand sanitizers, contactless
and cashless systems, hygiene and cleanliness, and checking body temperature
McDonald’s adopted in Malaysia to surmount the outbreak of Covid-19.


Social Distancing
Social distancing is reducing the number of activities outside the home and interactions
with other people who are considered capable of reducing direct face-to-face contact. To
prevent the transmission of COVID-19, one of the most effective strategies that may be
implemented is to create social distance. For instance, the state of California's guide on
reopening restaurants encourages businesses to "take steps to guarantee physical
distance of at least six feet between staff and customers." Apart from this, McDonald's
also uses their iconic logo to urge customers and staff to stop the spread of coronavirus
and COVID-19, practicing social distancing (Walansky, 2020). In addition, McDonald's
restaurants that let customers into the lobby for takeaway orders or dine-in meals are
required by these standards to construct protective panels and display signs informing
customers about the need for social distancing (SEIU, 2020). For dine-in guests, orders
are served at the table utilizing a serving cart to ensure a safe distance between
personnel and clients. Employees operate in zones 1.5 meters apart and, if appropriate,
with Plexiglas dividers.

Use of Masks and Hand sanitizers

COVID-19 is a virus that is currently on the rise in 2020 and can make a scene all over
the world because there is no antidote yet. Vital employees have raised concerns about
whether their companies can equip them with masks and appropriately enforce social
distance laws as the number of states planning to reopen rises. The coronavirus
guidance from McDonald's stipulates that all personnel must be provided with face
masks and gloves and that hand sanitizer must be easily accessible to the general public
(Webster, 2020). McDonald's suggests that customers wear masks or other facial
coverings when visiting our locations (CDC). In addition, several members of the
restaurant staff have begun wearing facial covers for the protection of both themselves
and their customers (, 2020). To prevent the spread of COVID-19, state
and municipal health departments have issued orders around the country requiring
restaurants and other key businesses to supply their personnel with protective gear,
including face masks and gloves. Workers at McDonald's were polled in April, and they
reported a severe shortage of protective equipment, including gloves and masks, while
they served the public in the first months of the epidemic. McDonald's also requires its
restaurants to provide free masks to customers in areas where such headwear is
mandated by law (SEIU, 2020).

Contactless and Cashless Systems

The COVID-19 epidemic has caused several changes in the restaurant business, and
the expansion of cashless payment options at restaurants stands out among these.
Limiting physical contact is crucial in the post-COVID-19 world, even if it isn't the norm
in most eateries. These precautions not only increase safety but also make clients feel

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

more secure. Contactless dining, as the name implies, is a dining experience with no
direct interaction with restaurant workers and minimum touching of common surfaces
(Pendrill, n.d.) This implies that customers may browse the menu, make their orders, and
pay for their meals using technology such as McDonald’s self-service kiosks. On the
other hand, a restaurant that does not take cash payments is said to be cashless. Only
debit cards, credit cards, and digital payments are permitted during check-out. According
to research, the demand for contactless payment solutions is increasing globally, with 50
nations reporting a rise in contactless payment transactions (Clark, 2020). In this case,
COVID-19 continues to push the economy toward a cashless economy. Despite
assurances from health experts that currency is safe as long as staff and customers
wash their hands, many are anxious that touching cash might spread the virus.
Therefore, the implementation of cashless payment is unquestionably more efficient and
alleviates customer worries about the transmission of the virus via cash transactions.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

The definition of hygiene, which includes the science of preventive medicine and health
maintenance, is wide enough to include ideas like exercise and food. However, the
original application, which is still widely accepted, relates to halting the spread of infection
(Nicolle, 2007). From a business perspective, determining the level of customer
satisfaction with cleanliness regarding a product or service is a significant aspect (Lim et
al., 2021). Kim and Bachman (2019) found that restaurants’ cleanliness ranks the highest
among customers' priorities when considering the overall quality of a restaurant and their
likelihood of returning. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants' hygiene
practices have alarmed consumers and politicians (Siddiqi, Akhtar, & Islam, 2022). It is
safe to say that nowadays, customers’ top priorities have shifted to issues of hygiene
and cleanliness, especially in this post-pandemic era, as customers are concerning the
potential transmission of the virus. Taking this into account, McDonald's Malaysia has
improved its hygiene and cleanliness program to preserve the health of its inhabitants
and customers. Within the restaurants, high standards for hygiene and food safety have
been upheld by the company (, 2020). For example, each restaurant will
designate a manager and four staff members to clean the establishment after closing
hours thoroughly. This applies to areas inside each restaurant, such as the kitchen,
Drive-Thru Lane, dining area, and storage spaces (, 2020).

Checking Body Temperature

In the field of medicine, temperature measurements are among the most common
physical values measured. Determining and controlling temperature are crucial
diagnostic factors since it offers information about an object's internal energy (Dolibog,
Pietrzyk, Kierszniok, & Pawlicki, 2022). In late December 2019, a previously unnamed
coronavirus arose from Wuhan, China, causing a severe outbreak that spread
throughout numerous cities in China and around the globe. That is, the Coronavirus
Disease-2019 or Covid-19 (Wu, Chen, & Chan, 2020). The common symptoms that
those infected by Covid-19 will experience include cough, sore throat, diarrhoea,
headache, pain in the muscles or joints, exhaustion, and a loss of taste and smell (Di
Filippo et al., 2021). Fever (body temperature > 37.5 °C), on the other hand, is the most
widely experienced symptom (Di Filippo et al., 2021). A meta-analysis by Hu et al. (2020)
shows that fever is the most common disease symptom in 85.6% of COVID-19 patients.
Additionally, another study showed that the patient's body temperature is a major factor
in determining the likelihood that they have COVID-19 (Di Filippo et al., 2021). Since a
high body temperature is strongly associated with Covid-19 infection, numerous
governments have mandated the screening processes that involve checking a person's
body temperature be a prerequisite before entering facilities (Filippo et al., 2021). From
a purely pragmatic point of view, in a short period, every store, place of business, and
public building employed staff members who were predominantly outfitted with
contactless infrared devices to measure people's body temperatures as they entered,
thereby reducing the risk of viral transmission via asymptomatic carriers (Di Filippo et al.,

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

2021). In this context, crew members in McDonald's Malaysia have been tasked with
checking customers' and delivery drivers' temperatures (McDonald’, 2020).

Customers Satisfaction
The degree of customer satisfaction is a measure of how content consumers are with a
company's products and services. Feedback from customers in the form of ratings and
questionnaires may help a company figure out how to improve its products and services
(ASQ, 2019). Customer satisfaction is an indispensable element in the service sector.
Customers will swiftly switch to other similar services if they are dissatisfied with the
services they currently use in a particular company. This scenario occurs because of the
low brand loyalty and the low distinction in the services provided (Dani, 2014).


Pilot Study
A pilot study examined the feasibility of undertaking research and the way of researching
if it is feasible. Nevertheless, a pilot study has a unique design element in that it is
launched on a smaller size than the main or full-scale research. Moreover, the pilot study
is essential for enhancing the quality and efficacy of the main research (In, 2017).
Besides, the reliability coefficient indicates the trustworthiness of a test. It is symbolized
by the letter "r" and expressed as a value between 0 and 1, with r = 0 representing no
reliability and r = 1 representing perfect reliability. In contrast, a coefficient value of 0.6
will be considered may have limited applicability, 0.7 will be seen as adequate, 0.8 will
be interpreted as good, and 0.9 will be deemed excellent. Do not expect to discover tests
with perfect reliability. Generally, the reliability of a test is expressed as a decimal, such
as r = 0.80 or r = 0.93. The greater the reliability coefficient, the more repeatable and
trustworthy the test results (, n.d.). Researchers conducted a pilot study
with 30 respondents to test the reliability of the structured instrument. Cronbach's alpha,
the reliability coefficient, was calculated and found to be 0.980, which is relatively high.
Thus, the adapted questionnaire was deemed suitable for the research.

Sample and Procedure

Researchers have used primary and secondary data to conduct a deeper study on the
research topic. For primary data, researchers have decided to carry out an online survey
questionnaire for this study in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were collected
through a questionnaire survey created by Google Forms. All group members spread the
questionnaire through social media applications and group chats such as WhatsApp and
Telegram. In turn, secondary data were drawn from multiple sources using Google
Search, such as websites and journals from IJTHAP and IJAFAP. The sample frames of
this research were targeted at the people in Malaysia who have experience with
McDonald’s regardless of their age, gender, race, and district. Furthermore, the target
for the sample size of this study was 150 consumers, and we successfully achieved our
targeted sample size, where 150 respondents were partaking in this research.

After gathering adequate raw data, data analysis was performed. Data analysis is a
pivotal process that helps extract useful information from the data collected and make
decisions based on the data analysis. This step allows researchers to transform raw data
into a piece of more meaningful information which can be readily interpreted, analyzed,
and discussed by the researchers. The data from the questionnaire survey form were
verified after data collection and before data analysis to eliminate missing data. The data
were analyzed and processed using IBM SPSS Statistics software and descriptive
analysis. Moreover, visual representations such as tables and computations were used
in the analysis to enhance the presentation of the obtained data. Last but not least, the
discussion and conclusion stages were conducted based on the result of the
questionnaire survey forms.

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

The questionnaire consists of a total of 4 pages with 34 questions. It is divided into three
distinguished sections, A to C, each serving a different purpose concerning the research
topic. Prior to the questions, a brief explanation of the research topic was provided on
the initial page of the questionnaire. The intention was to provide participants with a basic
comprehension of the study topic and ideas on what sorts of questions might be asked.
The three sections included in the questionnaire survey form are as follows:
(A) Respondents’ Demographics
(B) Usage Behaviour
(C) Ways and means McDonald's adopted in Malaysia to surmount the outbreak of

Section A was used to collect the demographic information of each respondent to gain
more background information on the respondents. This section consisted of five (5)
questions which were gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, and level of education. All the
possible answers for each question were listed down, and the respondents could only
choose the answer related to themselves. On top of that, Section B was used to
investigate the usage behavior of McDonald’s consumers. This section consisted of four
(4) questions. All the possible answers for each question were listed down, and the
respondents could only choose the answer related to themselves. The last section of the
questionnaire survey form, Section C, is about how and means McDonald's adopted in
Malaysia to surmount the outbreak of Covid-19. Respondents are required to state
whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the statement by selecting one of five
options on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, where 1: Very Dissatisfied, 2: Dissatisfied, 3:
Neutral, 4: Satisfied, and 5: Very Satisfied. Moreover, the dependent variable is customer
satisfaction. In turn, independent variables were adapted from a 16-item from Kee et al.
(2021) and Edeh et al. (2021) to assess social distancing, use of masks and hand
sanitizers, contactless and cashless systems, hygiene and cleanliness, and checking
body temperature. The items encompass “McDonald's has ensured that there is space
for everyone to practice social distancing, “McDonald's has provided hand sanitizers at
their entrance and counters, “McDonald’s has encouraged customers to pay via E-Wallet
and Debit/Credit Card, “McDonald’s has ensured employees wash their hands
frequently, and “McDonald's have ensured those who enter the restaurants are below
the specific temperature.


Table 1. Demographic of respondents(N=150)

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 80 53.3
Female 70 46.7
Gen Z: Born: 1997-2012 (Age: 10-25) 129 86.0
Millennials: Born: 1981-1996 (Age: 26-41) 15 10.0
Gen X: Born: 1965-1980 (Age: 42-57) 4 2.7
Boomers: Born: 1946-1964 (Age: 58-76) 2 1.3
Chinese 90 60.0
Indian 25 16.7
Malay 35 23.3
Other 0 0
Government sector employee 9 6.0
Private sector employee 8 5.3

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

Self-employed/own business 8 5.3

Unemployed 1 0.7
Retired 3 2.0
Student 121 80.7
Level of Education
Primary School 0 0
Secondary School 17 11.3
Diploma/ STPM/ Matriculation /and the equivalent 14 9.3
Bachelor's Degree 118 78.7
Master's Degree 1 0.7
PhD 0 0

Table 1 above shows that of 150 respondents, 53.3% of them are male, whereas 46.7
of them are female. 86% of these responses are from millennials born which is between
the ages of 10 to 25, and the least number of responses are from boomers, which is
1.3%. For ethnicity, most respondents are Chinese, which is 90%, followed by Malay
(23.3%), and Indian (16.7%). For employment status, 80.7% of respondents are
students, 6% from government sector employees, 8% for private sector employees and
self-employed, 3% from retired, and 1% from unemployed. This indicates that
McDonald’s regular customers are students. The level of education among the
respondents mostly are bachelor's degree which is 78.8%. The second highest
education level of the respondents is a secondary school (11.3%), followed by
diploma/STPM/matriculation/and the equivalent (9.3%).

Table 2. Usage Behavior

Respondents Percentage (%)

Have you ever tried McDonald’s?
Yes 100
No 0
In the past three months, how often do you purchase
0 time 0
1-3 times 70
4-7 times 24
8-10 times 6
What is the most used method that you used to purchase
McDonald’s during the post-pandemic?
Walk-in 27.3
Drive-thru 11.3
McDonald’s App 8.7
Food Delivery App 52.7
What is the most used payment method you used when purchasing
McDonald’s during the post-pandemic?
Cash 18
E-wallet (Touch 'n Go, Boost, MAE, etc.) 10.7
Debit/Credit Card 71.3

Table 2 shows that all the respondents (100%) have tried McDonald’s. In the past three
months during the post-pandemic, there are 70% of respondents purchased McDonald’s
about 1-3 times, 24% of respondents purchased McDonald’s about 4-7 times, and 6% of
respondents purchased about 8-10 times. For the purchase method, most of the
respondents (52.7%) preferred using the food delivery app, followed by the walk-in
method (27.3%), the drive-thru method (11.3%), and McDonald’s app (8.7%). For the
payment method, 71.3% of respondents preferred the payment method of debit/credit
card, 18% of respondents preferred cash, and 10.7% of respondents preferred E-wallet.
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

Table 3. Customer Satisfaction Level during post-pandemic

Percentage (%)
1 2 3 4 5
The implementation of social distancing
McDonald's has ensured that there is 0 1.3 8.0 39.3 51.3 4.41 0.696
space for everyone to practice social
McDonald's has arranged for 0.7 2.7 37. 8.7 50.7 4.06 1.025
employees to monitor and ensure 3
their customers practice social
distancing in their restaurants.
McDonald's has put remarks on the 0 2.0 8.0 36.7 53.3 4.41 0.725
floor to ensure that their customers
practice social distancing at the
correct distance.
McDonald's has served food based 0.7 3.3 6.7 21.3 68.0 4.53 0.817
on social distancing measures
McDonald's has set table limits to 0 6.7 8.0 15.3 70.0 4.49 0.903
ensure that customers can practice
social distancing even while eating.
The use of masks and hand sanitizers
McDonald's has ensured employees 1.3 4.7 6.0 8.7 79.3 4.60 0.897
and customers wear masks before
entering the restaurants.
McDonald's has ensured employees 0.7 5.3 6.0 20.0 68.0 4.49 0.880
and customers sanitize their hands
before entering the restaurants.
McDonald’s has provided hand 0 0 3.3 16.0 80.7 4.77 0.494
sanitizers at the entrance.
McDonald's has provided hand 0 1.3 4.0 24.0 70.7 4.64 0.627
sanitizers at the counters.
Where available, McDonald's has 0 1.3 11. 8.0 79.3 4.65 0.733
increased the use of alcohol-based 3
hand sanitizer as a supplement to
frequent handwashing, where
The implementation of the contactless (Drive-thru, Delivery) and cashless system (E-
Wallet, Debit/Credit Card)
McDonald's has provided customers 0 0 3.3 10.7 86.0 4.83 0.460
to place orders via food delivery app
and Drive-thru.
McDonald’s has encouraged 0 0 2.0 22.7 75.3 4.73 0.487
customers to pay via E-Wallet and
Debit/Credit Card.
McDonald’s has updated and 0 0 8.7 6.7 84.7 4.76 0.598
upgraded the McDonald's app to
cope with the increase in customer
McDonald’s has increased the 0 4.0 5.3 16.7 74.0 4.61 0.768
number of self-checkout counters.
McDonald’s has increased the 0 0 2.0 16.7 81.3 2.79 0.453
number of food deliveries.
The enhancement of hygiene and cleanliness

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

McDonald’s has ensured employees 0 0.7 14. 7.3 78.0 4.63 0.747
wash their hands frequently. 0
McDonald’s has ensured employees 0 7.3 5.3 8.7 78.7 4.59 0.891
wash the toilet frequently.
McDonald’s has ensured the tables, 0 7.3 4.7 18.7 69.3 4.50 0.888
chairs, and floor are always clean.
McDonald’s has increased the 0 1.3 8.7 11.3 78.7 4.67 0.690
frequency of cleaning, sanitizing, and
disinfection of high-touchpoint
McDonald’s has continued high 0 3.3 9.3 45.3 42.0 4.26 0.764
standards of promoting regular and
thorough handwashing and
reminding crew members of their best
practices for personal hygiene.
The implementation of checking body temperature
McDonald’s has checked their 0 4.7 12. 5.3 77.3 4.55 0.886
employee body temperature before 7
starting their business.
McDonald's has ensured customers 0.7 1.3 11. 8.0 78.7 4.63 0.790
check their body temperature before 3
entering the restaurants.
McDonald's has ensured those who 1.3 1.3 10. 6.7 80.7 4.64 0.822
enter the restaurants are below the 0
specific temperature.
McDonald's will prohibit those who 0 2.7 8.7 8.7 80.0 4.66 0.749
exceed the specific temperature from
entering the restaurants.
McDonald’s has recorded and written 0.7 0.7 10. 9.3 78.7 4.65 0.752
the temperature reading of their rider 7
and crew on customers' takeout bags
for added peace-of-mind.
Note: 1- Very dissatisfied, 2- Dissatisfied, 3- Neutral, 4- Satisfied, 5- Very satisfied, M- Mean, SD-
Standard Deviation

Factors of customer satisfaction level during post-pandemic encompass the

implementation of social distancing, the use of masks and hand sanitizers, the
implementation of the contactless (Drive-thru, Delivery) and cashless system (E-Wallet,
Debit/Credit Card), the enhancement of hygiene and cleanliness, and the
implementation of checking body temperature. This segment will discuss customer
satisfaction on how McDonald's adopted in Malaysia to surmount the outbreak of Covid-
19 on post-pandemic. The respondents are given a scale from Very Dissatisfied to Very
Satisfied to indicate their level of satisfaction with how McDonald's performed post-

The Implementation of Social Distancing

Section 1 of Table 3 summarises the level of customer satisfaction towards implementing
social distancing in post-pandemic. As much as 90.6% of respondents responded
affirmatively, indicating that they are pleased with the way McDonald's has ensured that
everyone has space to practice social distancing. Besides, most responders (59.4%) are
satisfied that McDonald's has arranged for employees to monitor and ensure their
customers practice social distancing in their restaurants. Moreover, 90% were satisfied
that McDonald's has put remarks on the floor to ensure that their customers practice
social distancing at the correct distance. Furthermore, the survey shows most
respondents (89.3%) are pleased that McDonald's has served food based on social
distancing measures. Next, 85.3% of respondents responded positively as they were
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

satisfied that McDonald's has set table limits to ensure that customers can practice social
distancing even while eating.

The researchers assume that respondents were very satisfied with McDonald's
implementation of social distancing. This is because social distancing is an effective way
to vanquish the pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
some viruses, such as the COVID-19 virus, are highly contagious. Social distancing
creates distance between people. A virus cannot spread if no other individuals surround
a sick person. Ruff (2020), a family medicine physician at the University of North
Carolina, explains that social distance entails avoiding individuals as much as possible
to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. The healthcare system would be
overwhelmed if everyone had coronavirus simultaneously and required hospitalization
(Ruff, 2020). Thus, McDonald's has played their role in social responsibility in combating
the outbreak.

The Use of Masks and Hand Sanitizers

Section 2 of Table 3 summarises the level of customer satisfaction towards the use of
masks and hand sanitizers in post-pandemic. As much as 88% of respondents were well
pleased that McDonald's has ensured employees and customers wear masks before
entering the restaurants. Besides, most responders (88%) are satisfied that McDonald's
has ensured employees and customers sanitize their hands before entering the
restaurants. Furthermore, 96.7% were satisfied that McDonald's provided hand
sanitizers at the entrance. Next, the survey shows that most respondents (94.7%) are
pleased that McDonald's has provided hand sanitizers at the counters. Moreover, 87.3%
of respondents responded positively as they were satisfied that McDonald's has
increased the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer as a supplement to frequent
handwashing, where available.

The mask must be donned to limit the risk of infection. When everyone purchasing
McDonald's food wears a mask, the consumer would feel more secure and happy. Dr.
Adalja, an infectious disease specialist and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center
for Health Security, states that face masks may help safeguard against numerous
respiratory infections transmitted by the droplet route, including coronavirus and
influenza (John Hopkins, 2021). Moreover, viruses such as the coronavirus might
transmit from an infected person to others via the air by coughing and sneezing or by
contacting a contaminated surface and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before
washing your hands. When wearing a face mask, it is possible to prevent droplets from
touching the face or mouth before falling to the ground (Humphreys, 2020). Thereto,
numerous specialists have mandated the use of hand sanitizers on account of the
concerns about the spread of COVID-19. According to Prajapati, Desai, and Chandarana
(2022), the finding has proven that hand sanitizers are extremely efficient in combating
the virus. Therein, McDonald's has imposed the use of masks and hand sanitizers when
an individual is around McDonald's. This is to ensure that Covid-19 can be contained.

The Implementation of the Contactless (Drive-thru, Delivery) and Cashless System

(E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card)
Section 3 of Table 3 summarizes the level of customer satisfaction towards implementing
the contactless (Drive-thru, Delivery) and cashless system (E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card)
in post-pandemic. As much as 96.7% of respondents were pleased that McDonald's had
allowed customers to place orders via the food delivery app and Drive-thru. Then, most
responders (98%) are satisfied that McDonald's has encouraged customers to pay via
E-Wallet and Debit/Credit Card. Likewise, 91.4% were satisfied that McDonald's has
updated and upgraded the McDonald's app to cope with the increase in customer usage.
Next, the survey shows that most respondents (90.7%) are pleased that McDonald's has
increased the number of self-checkout counters. Besides, 98% of respondents

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

responded positively as they were satisfied that McDonald's has increased the number
of food deliveries.

Tiny droplets created by coughing, sneezing, and talking may transmit the coronavirus
to persons in close contact with one another. When someone comes in touch with cash
or a check that an infected person, Covid19, has handled. They run the risk of being
infected themselves (Yakean, 2020). In this context, the contactless (Drive-thru,
Delivery) and cashless systems (E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card) play a prominent role in
circumventing people from getting into close contact with infected people. This is said so
because ordering food via the contactless system (Drive-thru, Delivery) allows people to
place an order without entering the restaurant or going out from home. Concomitantly,
making payment via a cashless system (E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card) will make the
payment process swift, readily, and in line with the World Health Organization. WHO has
urged people to use contactless payments, when possible, to mitigate the risk of
transmission (Finn, 2020). Thus, McDonald's has offered their customers contactless
(Drive-thru, Delivery) and cashless systems (E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card) to reduce the
risk of getting infected and safeguard their health.

The Enhancement of Hygiene and Cleanliness

Section 4 of Table 3 summarises the level of customer satisfaction towards enhancing
hygiene and cleanliness in post-pandemic. As much as 85.3% of respondents were
pleased that McDonald's has ensured employees wash their hands frequently.
Furthermore, most of the responders (87.4%) are satisfied that McDonald's has ensured
employees wash the toilet frequently. Thereto, 88% were satisfied that McDonald's has
ensured the tables, chairs, and floor are always clean. Moreover, the survey shows that
most respondents (90%) are pleased that McDonald's has increased the frequency of
cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection of high-touchpoint surfaces. Besides, 87.3% of
respondents responded positively as they were satisfied that McDonald's has continued
high standards of promoting regular and thorough handwashing and reminding crew
members of their best practices for personal hygiene.

Hygiene and cleanliness are vitally crucial to the food and beverage (F&B) industry,
notably with the presence of ominous Covid-19. A customer's first impression of a
restaurant is crucial; if it is unclean, they may worry about the safety of the food they are
about to eat. Both major chains and independent stores suffer when there is an issue
with food safety. Cleaning the kitchen and eating area regularly helps prevent the spread
of germs (Integrity Services, 2018). This can ensure that the customers feel relieved
about the hygiene and cleanliness at McDonald's and are willing and happy to dine in at
McDonald's even the Covid-19 is occurring now.

The Implementation of Checking Body Temperature

Section 5 of Table 3 summarises the level of customer satisfaction towards implementing
checking body temperature in post-pandemic. As much as 82.6% of respondents
responded affirmatively, indicating that they are pleased with how McDonald's has
checked their employee body temperature before starting off their business. Besides,
most responders (86.7%) are satisfied that McDonald's has ensured customers check
their body temperature before entering the restaurants. Moreover, 87.4% were satisfied
that McDonald's has ensured those who enter the restaurants are below the specific
temperature. Furthermore, the survey shows most respondents (88.7%) are pleased that
McDonald's will prohibit those who exceed the specific temperature from entering the
restaurants. Next, 88% of respondents responded positively as they were satisfied that
McDonald's has recorded and written the temperature reading of their rider and crew on
customers' takeout bags for added peace of mind.

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) Vol. 6
No. 2, pp. 1-14, June, 2023 P-ISSN: 2685-8800 / E-ISSN: 2654-7945

It is imperative to check everyone's temperature to ensure they do not subject the virus
to infect them, even though they feel perfectly all right. Keeping an eye on customers'
temperature might help them catch diseases in their earliest stages (Torrance, 2020).
On account of that, customers are satisfied with McDonald's efforts to aid them in
practicing excellent infection control by doing a temperature check before entering the
restaurant. This tactic worked well since it allowed McDonald's to serve its customers
wherever they enjoyed at McDonald's.


Based on the research above, it can be interpreted that most customers are satisfied
with McDonald's performance after the pandemic. The implementation of health
protocols has been carried out well by McDonald’s. Both customers and employees are
required to maintain social distancing. Before entering the McDonald’s outlet, customers
must check their body temperature first to ensure they are not all infected with the virus,
even if they feel fine. In addition, wash your hands before and after leaving McDonald’s
so that you don't carry the coronavirus, and use health masks. As well as being satisfied
with the health protocols in place, customers are also satisfied with McDonald's, which
has continued its high standards of promoting regular and thorough hand washing and
reminding crew members of their best practices for personal hygiene. In terms of
payment, McDonald’s has also used a contactless system (Drive-thru & Delivery) and
cashless (E-Wallet, Debit/Credit Card), which can prevent people from making direct
contact so that there will be no virus transmission. It also provides convenience. In
payments and orders.



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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