Overcoming My Challenge

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When you think of playing basketball,

you almost always think of fun,

happiness, and togetherness with
friends around the neighbourhood.
Well, that was the case for me until the
rather unwanted and unlucky thing

Good morning, Sir Hersi and friends,

my name is Sam, and today I am going
to share with you my experience of
overcoming my challenge.

So, all of this happened during the

summer break last year. It was a cool
afternoon around 4 pm and I went
outside to play pick-up basketball with
my friends. After warmups, I played
normally the way I used to play. And
then it happened.

When the other team had an open

man in the corner, I played help D to
contest the shot, and so was my
teammate beside me. Obviously, I
jumped as high as I could and we
collided mid-air. My knees fell to the
ground so hard and I was soaring in
pain. Then, my friends quickly came to
my aid and my mom rushed me to the
hospital for a quick x-ray scan of my

It turned out that I fractured my upper

tibia bone, (so it's this bone right here
and this is the x-ray scan) you can say I
was fortunate enough that I didn't
damage my bones severely. According
to what the doctor said, my bones
were going to be fully healed in no
time at all, by that he meant the rehab
process would take around 3 weeks. So
as a result of this, I couldn't walk
properly and would surely spend the
rest of my summer break at home.

So that sucked, but it could have been

a lot worse so I constantly reminded
myself that everything was gonna be
okay. It was a really unusual summer
break, usually, I go outside with my
family and friends but instead I was at
home alone, essentially healing. In
order to move, for the first time in my
life I must use crutches, I took showers
while sitting, I could not sleep well,
even I could not take a dump in peace.
You guys know what that felt like. It
was like self-isolation, but I didn't have
the virus in my body.

So, this is where I overcame my

challenge. How you may ask? Well, it's
actually quite simple. Our mind is a
powerful tool, in times like this you just
need to think positively. Ignore all the
bad thoughts in your mind, and do not
overthink. I didn't blame my friend who
collided with me, I just thought it was a
complete accident, I mean who wants
to get people in harm? Outside of
these, I obviously took medicine,
applied ice packs on my knees every 6
hours, and consumed food that
contains high calcium. In times like this
is when I also realized that whenever I
am in trouble, my parents and friends
are always there to support me. My
parents brought food, my friends came
online to play together with me so I
didn't get bored, and the doctor did
what doctors do.

A couple of weeks went by, the school

finally had become onsite learning.
Even though I was never fully healed
and will never be actually because once
hurt it will forever be marked,
nevertheless until this day I feel
blessed that I recovered really well. So
instead of bad times, it was a
memorable time. Injury sucks, but it
happens. Just remember to always take
the positive side of everything.

Thank you for listening, and have a

wonderful day!

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