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ABOUT YOUR BOOK + Westend essay" check the word inthe glossary [3 Prerarotorcamisge English Exam AB ey TS_coroaroneneing conta cosme settee “Riso area lhe near FOR THE TEACHER (Poor teL01UNG o-100 for cyber Homework, ‘domioudabe worksheets, enewer ys and ‘ening Matters, the Toners uid owing Hetsing Readers injour elas, hating comengish Soe) yes"? sai Ha “mnt hele word vo igh above then. ‘Mow mary seconds rein ene yor? sid he Right “nat end San ard ae topeter The volt swung: hs sora stove ter eae ‘Rowman svcd arom one yor? he asked ain ‘Sid Hany" cam do th 983 days ina yeas 28 hows ina cay 60 minutes nn nor, 60 seconds te Does rye fave pee of pope?" "te tight sng is sword down andthe stents amped ou the vay “Quik shouted Hany ‘Stop sad mbar, ow the answer The hrignt ponte Ws swords hee ‘The onawe nT: shes “Wat? No Thats wrong! Don ster to et Hanya to the walt “Comet sald the hight. "You may pas Ard he moved to on sig Horry looked at Ambar. He dig understand “Jeary nd: February 2 March 2nd = twelve mnt weve seconds Anbar enpated “On that clever sad Sally. Now, which dor dow go though?” The knight spoee again "Though th tue coor andere mater. find the Weasure, dont beatae Trough the ed doc. >a tes Swng and eimb. dont be seared OVER TO YOU! WHAT WAPP&NS NCAT? ‘A They go through the blue door. Go to page 44. 'B They go through the red door. Go to page 51. Feb Bre news nner cecon Saas ENS TSE * fmes nid athe We sane” + Geesregart eit ht ‘in athe er ween 2 4 ‘CHAPTER 7A The blue door COUSsL WHAT YAPPENS NEXT? A. They must ght pirates. They must work together to get across a river. They must dive ito abi swimming pool 1D Thay must get out ofa room ful of wate. ‘he knight stood sti Mis sword was pointing down atthe flor no. "what dé he s3y about tne two doors?” asked Har. “Through the bie door, under the water find the treasure, don't be ated ald Shas. "Through the red door. up in the ar, swing and climb, dont be seated id Mias. “Blue: said Valentina anc she opened the bive der. “Tguese were going through the blue door” sai Say. "guess so! sald Armbar. And they followed Valetina trough the blue door info an enormous" room. It was dark except fora bive ‘nt eoming from 2 Big swimming poot. They walked ovr tot ane {eoked in it was very deep’, but the water was car. Ac they couts fee square roome with windows and doors onthe bottom. "alll said a voice. The students tumed around. A large man with ‘only one eye inthe mice of his forehead" was standing behind them. "AP shouted Silas and Milas together. The man pickes them up In is hands. He was very strong. "What's wrong with you two? he shouted. His one bigeye locked closely’ atthe boys faces. ‘Nerenotting said Milas. “Seesonry! said Stas, "Good. My name s Cyclops. Welcome to the Dive Challenge!" Then te pt Silas and Milas back conn onthe focr. ‘id you know that astronauts tan" underwater?” asked Cyclops, "es, sit aid Harry, “in this test. you work in pairs. You both dive into the water anc collet gold calns" om the rooms a the Bottom. The tear withthe fewest coins loses. Do you understand” said Cyclops. "There's 2 special thing in ene room = a gold cup. it you gt te geld cup. you levmeetately go through to the final challenge!” Gloteary ety catty + srameus: sr nn morey 1 tema i a ce tow top Sean tenth ep othe the Eton Mitt a + die ounce no wae wit spect > al ac” ‘lament thes outieae “YES! said Har, im going to get that “We dont think so’ said Stes and Milas, “Sally ana Ambar are together, Sas and Milas, ané Harty and Valentina Ave there any questions” asked Cyclops, "Ye. sk said Sally nereusiy™. "'dont know how to dive!" Cylons lsd. “imagine” youre in space” “OK: sai Sally. She looked worried. ‘Ambar wasnt 100 worried, She knew how to dive. She looked at Valentin staning net to her. "ae you OKT she asked. “Yes! Valentina walked to a earner ofthe room. “Everything you need ie aves there” Cyclops pointed to where Valentina was standing. Put on a diving sult’ fippers™ and an ‘oxygen tani! Don't et your oxygen runout or "Or you'r going to have to save us?” asked Sally “No sald Cyclone. Teachers are not allowed" in the pool. Get 830 for your Dive Challenge” Ctessary ng see eng Sar wees «mage ‘eigen + imate: tt bee + opr ea sors es wears Pope i a7 betel * Sng aig tn ot tat ms «6 Pennesoner ener ccHapreR 8A The gold cup GUESS! WAT UAPPENS NEXT? A Wary gots the gtd eu B Valentina can’t swim. . Silas gles Ambar and Sally some coins. Sally has a problem with her oxygen tank. sally and Ambar helped each oer get ito ther ixng sits i Check your ratio is working” Cyclops sae. Your orgen tanks | have 15 minites of aso be quick. Remember, the fear with te Rouest gtd coins lowes, But the team withthe gold cup min “even if they nave no coins! GO! Stas and tis jumped int the water. Hany and Valentina junpes in not. Sally stood on the side ofthe pak. ‘come on, Sal” sald Ambar. “Team doit she said “Get in the pool ~ oF your team loses. sald Cyetons. >arbar took Says hand and they amped in together. They sxam gum into the blue wate, Ambar cou heat the other students tatting, but she couldn’ see them. Where was everyone? ‘Then somecre swam past her with a big. geld coin in her nana ‘she saw a sling face with red hai was Silas or Mia. ‘nba Nad to work fast. "Follow mel she saa Yo Sal through tne radio. Then she let go of Sally's hand ang swam trough 3 coor Into one ofthe rooms. There wee twa gold coi onthe flac. She picked thern both up. Suddenly someone grabbed” her hand ~ it was the othr twin, She led to stop him, but he took one of the coins land swam away. She coud near him auating ove te rac, mba" {ett angry. She swam out ofthe roam and into another one. Tere was acon there, too. Se picked it up and looked Being her. Where was Sally? ei someone shouted over the asi. “Oh no, Sali hovsht ‘Ambar She sam out of the room and [ooked round her, She ‘bubbies" below her and she sam towards” them. Itwas Sally. her eyes ware enormous and she was vey scared ‘One of the twins broke my oxygen tant cant breathe “OK. OK, let me see. sald Ambar. She Looked at Sally's tank ‘The tube" from the oxygen tank tothe diving sult was cut. "I's not broken, Sally. Wat one second ~ there’ Ambar put the tube back into the diving suit. “Are you OK now? Glossary alessio of 3 + toward ne Salty was crying. “Yes os think <0. | dot ke this’ she said “Come an te's do this together.” said Amba, Together they swarm in and aut of the underwater rooms. They picked up as many cins 15 they coule, but Ambar wase't sure that they had enough to win “One minute! Cyclops said over the radio. “Can we go back vp non?” asked Sally ‘Taey heard Cyclons say "30 seconds’ as they climbed out of the pool. They were the fest students out of the water. They put ther {901d coins ina pile" and Cytions counted them ~ there were eleven, "Next ame Silas and Milas. They put their coins next to Ambar and Sally's Ambar could see that they had more. The brothers were smile. ‘Cyclops counted thelr colns. They had twenty. “Ten seconds said Cyclops. Marys heed popped up out of the water, He embed out and puta ig pile of calms onthe floor. But where was Vateting? ‘Cyclops courted gain. Hary had twenty-two coins. ust then. Valentina climbed out of the pool She was holding the gold cup. She looked quickly atthe tre ples of gald cos ac then she ‘gave the old cup to Ambar. “Ths is for you she sac. “wat?” said Ambar, to surprise to speak “Silas and Mias cheated” It wasnt fa” said Vatentina “HAT said Cylons, ‘Sally and Ambar go through wth te gold cup! ‘Harry and Valentina go though with twenty-two coins!” "WHATA! THAT'S NOT FAIRY shouted Silas and Milas. “Too ate! Goodbye boys” sald Cyclops. He pushed them back into the pool Suddenly the water started to move. It went ound and ‘ound like a whitpool- The boys were pulled tothe centre and then ‘Gown into the pot. Glossary ing someon nsee + wg out ar esa conto nen ior moves ees ey chy {oper on tance 50 (Towne neers spe ts CHAPTER 79 The red door UcSSE MAT WAPPEHS NEXT? They must find some monkeys. They must cross some Bridges. They must take part ina circus. ‘They must fy on giant birds. 3 Te stor ss eras ping own a Ne tor aout the to dors? asked Hae. “What ie say aes nce he water a the esi, dont be sire ead Stas “Grcuptve fo dor, u nthe a, sing and climb, dont be seg aa Mae “Pe si Valeria, ad she opened the red doo. “Tyvese wee going though there door” sad Sal. “Udurs sot 5 anbar. And they fllmed Valentine tough the Yd door to avery col voom, Tere was thee mist and they colt see ang. Valentina walked soy foward and ten stopped: Tere was 2g cop” down no the mit below ‘he sides move beside es Now hey COU see smal risges Trond’ nthe ar above the mist. The bges were mage of Wo0d {rope And they looked very ol an danger. "voce tenn them shouted STOP ‘hese ned sound nd an atl woman wh Diht econ yet She was weang large hat anda necace wih 3 Sraces head on "Fm acne Meus! And this isthe ds Tet “Did sn say Mecura? Sal whispered to Anbar. “Uke, the monster rom te stores? Wi spares for hal? Cant Medusa turn Decale int" sone"? ina 2d mba. No, he can rely be a.” She thought about the oer teachers “honstert a Hay Wupting ‘atid you sa? shouted Madame Madu, So looked at Har. Her eyes became Base for @ moment. as something moving {ior er nat Hare face went vite, He was seared now. Glossary + eropcetmce efor matin god)» sR wht moveg itpng not tchrg be pause Hone dul he ck ileteteratheartutmacst | thc ue tapos see Wound Biredttosce {tem peopl ltr ue tnew bac : ion airy auc 2 echo oes ase caer rtrs ey re EN ee ane _clargers rere tem poy wei i su a er na ia Tes alsa See si a Ses Sees heen se we ene an somone Bal sicrmtnsmns nuendiimvar ern, aecarminme seiwerusas erm wemaemy ae Seen wutdna nen eee arene tara aes aera laprerdyetete| cat Sito eer miata ts Beto ues Se Mee ee ee se scgta wecmergccee me rey aarp ces teas suerte gs ase Pe Perret reer tetera ora There was a bridge close to them “Start from thee. Your tine starts Tere there. io 1 eee tora tne cn + eps stars gogo down Senet yu sy ome Perea semana soso 2 2 f Wy v (CHAPTER 68 The mist USS WAT HAPPENS WCXT? 1A. Stas and Mass bridge breaks. B Valentina pushes Sally off a bridge © Ambaris sick Medusa ture Hany Into stone Spier Coma 4 1s and Milas ran up the step and jumped onto the fest tige Stes to move andy tom tho steps. ‘Sedpe tet shouted Hany. “On that's mo ai Sally sid to Armbar ‘i wins an eUlkiyseoas ne eno the nest bride, [rar watehed the bridges eve, Leck Sly” ahe Seid From aie cn se all te bridges. Tere ae sis aferentbragee ete two go up and dwn tose two swing round. nd that one ress Ltt to Fgh. The sith Boe fe moving very Sony nm ard sour" te need to tie it ust ght whispered Say ‘Rey was tying to ten. Valent pled is tm, Don steno the she sald Run, now ‘he orabbed” bis arm and jumped ont the es bridge a swing tl te tne stops, Harry nary fel But Valentina cought an. They far guickly across towards the second cdg. bt it went up into. the aiaway from them Valeting and Mary wat ad then jumped Sh ie age come back down. They were moving aay. "ye have to go now Ambar si fo Sal Together Ambar ad sally jumpea ont the fst brgge. They walked acres. The second triage come back down, and they jumpes on. ‘Ok, this isnt too bad” sad Sally. Hary and Valentina mee now en te fourth ridge and so were Sas and ils. Stas and Mas Jumped onto te it ridge. Then they tuned around and pused te bridge with Harry and Valentina standing on amy ane Valntina's bridge started swinging around and around Was 90g very fast “Ohno! Look at Har sai Sally. Har’ face was green “in e's going to be sek sai Arba. Come on Glossary 58 bar and Sally ra along thei bridge then they jumped down conto the ti bridge It was very ol. "Be carefull” aid Ambar but Sally didn't hear her andthe wood broke under her fot. The bridge was moving down into the mist as ‘inbar helped Saly to stand up again. The mist was very clase to ‘hem now. "Were too close to the mist said Ambar. Then she saw the next bridge going up. "Ouick, we have to run!" There wasnt much ta, ‘Then Saly heard aloud sting” sound, She looked down into the rst. twas fl of snakes, “sakes!” she shouted. "Tere are snakes inthe mist" ‘Silas and Milas laughed. ‘Ambar an Sally jumped onto th next bége. They could see Horry and Valentina onthe bridge in front of them, Iwasa swinging ‘las and Maas were stl onthe ith xidge. They were running up 1 dwn It tying to move closer to the sith bridge. “Tra's nota ood idea” sald Ambar. “Why not? Tyre anead of us. Theyre going to win sald Hay, ‘No, Amar’ ight sald Valentina. Wateh" ‘Sas and Milas an along the ridge agin and apan unt ~ SNAPL ‘he old bridge broke. Te two brothers fel into the mist Suddenly the hissing sound became louder. Then it stopped an the mist ésappeares. ‘Madame Medusa was standing onthe other side ofthe bridges. “Tne testis over she sald 56 @owrerenmer ont a 8 c D —S CHAPTER 9 Zero-G ball aS3t WHAT WAPPONS HEAT? ‘Tey pay fotbal in space “They go Into a glant football, ‘They 90 Into a spaceship. ‘They See the other students again. teacher pane 2 dor, Hay. Vien, Anbr ng By Sbeut of tne room toa bight corn They weer Sak “it one eveyone’ a Hor rae ely OR? ee ‘Meet run The Space Cong competion cay et neo are really good for." he stopped. eet Meco at) Good er GS? she Ab, SePNe eat sn tht but etree Cou sh, ey cane 1c Notte crfr Tay wees Roe ute om se in atm window Behn te vind eteonssoer le wile ee facers were match sone eps wa se eas bend ey toudsee Ces rate sa ate Siias a wl oof esc re wee ae toe on te wala se asta oe fa a se eet te rom 9 sou Mae ctl vas Nain: at 3 eve above te os snare cool vd Saly. How's ostng? Melcel od constants seid eatsce He M3 sephora see voce wary au ned te "Gaeta tes ene be wooe’ ole Feo a tea the Space Guns consetton" “he soars ached teaches iat ws 60 ‘ave you neve herd of ee bal its spec get tubes bu in sera gi, Sse engin sae Tan cf gat now soe te tedster “Pi heuted Saya SheMet a Theyre wee ines sont “inf aman shouted Kary, way ao see ou “The es ae singled ho hoseteoce Toon etal xo theo =the ee of ls igh Eah get ane po eo tice pots own An the wane oes mt 50 Glossary eating: staying nw 36 pe gion wih a con om & ae + mer munaner at mates ‘he students wore trying to swim in thea wasnt moved slowly tothe walls ane grabbed the ropes, "Tm going to win this for my 634” sae Hany “Tm going to win this for my famiy” sie Sal “Tm going to win this forme, sad Anbar ‘hey looked at Valentina, wnat?” she aid I cant win. inthe headteacher’ eaughtee. im just here fr fun. And anyway. the prize ent what you tine ts WHAT said the over te. vou" telling us ths now? sai Ambar, ‘The lights in the room start lashing”. The stents bhi tne ass window started cheering’. "GO! shouted the hastesner, ary pushed away trom the wal and sung cn tis rope ita the idole ofthe room. He was close to a basketball anghefcked t {owards the goa. But it Noated off anc ne mized. Sally ana rn wang into the mice ofthe room on the ropes. They met and fyabbed each other's hands. Then they let go anc moved tush the air towards" a basketball Soon trey were bot eating with basketball thet Rand Valentina held on to her ope, an theew another rope into te ‘goal, She pushed away from the wal te get a basketbal. Then ste ‘limbed onto the rope that was gong into the goaL a threw the ‘basketball Into the ele. The Blue geal flashed geen. ‘One olnt for Valentina” shouted the heateachr. Who's 93 to win the game? 95. They COVER TO YOU! WAT PENS nex? ‘A Ambar wins. Go to pase 62. Hany wins. Go to page 68. Sally wins. Go to page 70. tossary + ein sot fea yet: Rai onan nt 87 @ernerenmaa comet CHAPTER 108 Ambar Ucgs! WAT LAPS MEXT? |A. Ambar becomes an astronaut, 1B The heacteacher helps Ambar win, © Ambar becomes a teacher atthe Schoot of Labyrinth. All the students go home. Spice Came ater seaeare tence oats ie Soeaeh meta mae mig poeates Waemtovrn ts Se Ee ms Jambar looked around the room. Sally was above her. She was erat arcane attics aga tte SS earn Saiee ete ona mers sits See einen Eee eereuereeeiatite iia cirutereeee eae SR a tant Betis ae Tees tayontggren ei Sear ahem ee seeteere Eee tt Peete ioe eer into the goal! Glossary * bounced it and moves nay aa o sve pas! ba ns! 8 Pe eases Ten the room flashed, Sionty the gay came bace aca nes, eae Har Anbu Sly Yorn tar ee ee ofthe rom. Hoy a Sly were ware Waa ne losers”? te yGonratulations, Ambar’ said the headteacher. t's tne feryur pace Ba fest we Roe oy sotbye oh aber ase reso? me Medusa wed te co Sh tok tt ef ang tpt se sates one tas ees a Sens Be soled thay ard Saiyan oe used gk oy 3 Sy ned stone. or sowed ea or a ou avr en eve te Stel of bans patties ba yu we 8 wena: 1 ere op ene fern Bot wa owe. ejee Mass pec ont ar Toc evel ny Ts vermont sh eatace “iad tated inten nt lng yo eying ae wsfewee nd you 2 wet for ayn Nek nye Stent "aorta! shouted te header. ati dt tnon wn to eleee hatte Sento be Jewel and put her hand on it. a ah ht te Soenswere sf nha win tote “at sista hater Nor Thera br tanh ph ae Arby fet ve rae soanher ten sn omnes ees se was sary Stet cus natant Sling Fa srr Sli ‘stort wha fapere to Haran Sy roa eo ‘cons? Wena st TH ND Gloseay mares” sine (CHAPTER 108 Harry USS! WAT YAPPINS WIXT? [A The headteacher helps Harry win, 1B Harry is tat alone. © Sally becomes an astronaut. The headteacher goes to space. Soace Cama > tony Sorted dr ase uo eta sa eas Ber eee ces ene Mead cia cane a News etm eet ces bee wee rene Se aes Se Roe cee nore cee nn Se es baescahe Seat a ees Te a eer a eae Fee pereaitcennride erp serene et ab ard ie rocco See Seca etic ss a ea ee spel aa Soe ee ae aa me yee ree ees eanes oy ee paperclip hy aedeagal peor megieara tere ee poe sa eae ese ae ee See te ene ustenceumcarseaces Si erpana ota age ince: ee eee ee et are Piel phi tenth i ore borate te toe wins” suid the headteacher. shouted Sally Glossary esting not aig bye ues + cence ed get mi nds Sroched ae 8 1 eee pth neon Teter econ wo dosnt win o ‘The tights inthe room fase. Slowly the gravity came back and te stusents Rated to te Hoot, Amba Sally, and Harty stood in ‘he mie ofthe room, Valentina stocd by the wall. She loked “Consatvatons Harry” salg the headteacher. "W's tne for you to become an astronaut “what about us? asked Sally. “You ost sad the neadteacher. Succeny te loo disappeared below them, and Sally and Ambar fai inte the dark below. Then a bor appeared in thor place with a slowing red jewel oni. “Ths fs 8 speci jewel, Mary Teuc it ang fay," want tobe an astronaut sai the headteacher. Harry walked to the red jewel and put his hands on it “Twant to be an astronaut on the Moon!” Everything wet white. Hary closed Pis eyes. When he opened them aga he was wearing 2 spacesut and he was standing on rey rocks. twins very cust He looked around: There were grey rocks ‘everyutere. Vw He uas on the Moon Far anay he could see 8 ‘ise and green ball It was the Earth an it was very beaut, “Ini ie auesome'T he ea This is the Dest” tHe stares jumping up and down. He could ump Nght He laughed ang jampea ane played on tne Moon fora while, Ten he steppes. “Hello? he sid into bis helmet, Hello? How do I get home’? But there was no answer. “Hello, s my dad there? Stil no answer. “Helo! Someone help mel ‘ase ging to be on the Moon forever"? Te) lossary + message + fren ra tne & (Coane seme att ccHapTeR 10¢ Sally USS! WAT AMPPCNS MEAT? a aly hada basketball Thal was gd. he pte was tat se ould move. The others were eimbing vn the epee aoe ntng Sit te wall Why coucnt she move? Se sou Veins a? esto atthe goal itwert in an the got Rash er “Goal! Two point forthe Bint Valentina she hese nN "i's nt fa She's done this before shouted Kary. He was deve ona on 0 3oe. He tee to cocn abacus missed. Ambar was floating above Hoary. nd she put er et on oad “Hey shouted Hay ‘Sor sd Arar. She puted him away wit) ber eet Hay went backars" ahd Arbor floated tonards the goa Se tre far aston and the gol flashed green “Gealt said the headteecer. One pint to bar What could Sally do? There were thee bashes ear er. She reached out” and grabbed one with her left hand. Then se grantee ‘nother one with her ight Rand. Now she had to basketballs: She ‘Surg her legs Up nd caught the tir basetbal between Nr fet Great! Now se had tvee baskets, bt how eo he gf the seat? Do you need some help? said a voice nett er. twas \atetinal She was hanging Ono" 2 rope. “Unm. yess please said Sal, "But why help me? <1 tot yu. Fim jst here for fon sai Valenti Varin sauna hee rope, and pushed Sally towards the goa Saly and her tree basketballs floated slowly tough thea and through te goa. flashes green “Wow sald the headteacher. Three points! Saly wis teceary + backwards ne Secon behind + reheat bit ge wth + Betray nts amos auay + ‘pean dow mn sb con 2 29, Ns + Fein ote igo i a er Nr snouts Hay ad Aba The lon room Rases. low the aay came Back. and the stents Ronte to the or. Amar. Sally, and Hary stood in {he mile of te oom. Valentina stood on het own by the wal, "Songaulatons, Sal i he Headteacher, t's time or you to become an astronet 1h box carve up fom te for with along. ed fewe ontop. “Tis a speci jewcl. Sali Tove’ Ian say want tobe an strona sad the headteacher. Saly taughed. “Amasic jewel? Sally realy wast sre wy she ha to touch a jewel Was ths 2 {oe"? She walkea over to the red Jove. and put her hand on it “Oh magi jewel! cont want t bean astronaut! wat al the money inte wort Hal Ha Sally thought it was very funny. But when she loked a the others no-one was laughing. “OMT sai the headteacher. Very wal It one “Oh nat sid Valentina. She tuned and rn ot ofthe room. “There was a runing” sound. Sally looked sound. "What's happening? twas just a ok she said. Harry rant the doo, but now twas locked. “he ceig” opened. Then coins, lots and ots of coin, started fang eno te foe was fing money “he coin Mt Sal, Aba, and Far. Soon they couént move And the mane Kept aig an fain. “Tean't move shouted Hany. “Peta” Ambar shoute “Be careful what you wish" fo." they heard tha vic ofthe eastooene 233. "Helo us shouted Sal, but Iwas too late TM (lessary + ag ap pa ron 5 acetone 1 feet feta ys oc ry ot n Browne seme owe AFTER READING TALK AROUT Typ SOR fend ene sentence an rte th mar at ete 1 1 ked the ston. 1 2 3 «@ os ‘1 thought the story was exciting 1 2 3 4 os «1 Uked choosing what happened next inthe ston, 1 2 3 4 8

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