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Media and Information Literacy

At the end of the 2 hours discussion, the students should be able to:
a.) differentiate animal and plant cells according to presence or absence of certain
b.) demonstrate willingness in performing group or individual activity
c.) arranged the tile puzzle to form the designed picture


Title: Animal and Plant Cell
References: Science Textbook for Grade 7 by Violeta R. Roson, pp. 143-152
 Diagrams or models of animal and plant cells
 Whiteboard or chart paper
 Markers
 Worksheets or graphic organizers
 Microscopes (optional)
Science Process: Classifying, Comparing, Observing, Communicating
Strategy: Collaborative Learning, Inquiry-Based Approach

III. Procedures
A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
Greet the students then ask them to seat properly.
 Checking of attendance
 Review
 Motivation: Video presentation

B. Presentation
 Begin by asking students what they know about cells and why they are
 Introduce the topic of animal and plant cells, explaining that cells are the
basic units of life and that different organisms have different types of cells.

 Display diagrams or models of animal and plant cells on the board or using
visual aids.
 Lead a discussion comparing the structures and functions of animal and
plant cells, focusing on key organelles such as the cell membrane, nucleus,
cytoplasm, mitochondria, chloroplasts (in plant cells), and cell wall (in plant
 Use questioning techniques to encourage critical thinking and engagement.
C. Activity Proper
a. Activity
Cell Structure
 Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of
cards or images depicting different cell structures and organelles.
 Instruct students to sort the cards into two categories: animal cell structures
and plant cell structures.
 Circulate among the groups to provide guidance and answer any questions.

b. Analysis
Visual Representation (10 minutes):
 Have students draw and label diagrams of animal and plant cells on the
whiteboard or chart paper.
 Encourage students to include all the organelles discussed earlier and to
annotate each structure with its function.
 Discuss and compare the diagrams as a class, highlighting similarities and
differences between animal and plant cells.

c. Application (15 minutes)

 Distribute worksheets or graphic organizers with questions or activities
related to animal and plant cells.
 Students can work individually or in pairs to complete the tasks, which may
include labeling diagrams, answering comprehension questions, or
comparing cell structures.
 Provide support and feedback as needed.

Cell Comparison Chart
V. Assignment
Cell Model Project
 Students will demonstrate their understanding of the structures and functions of
animal and plant cells by creating a 3D model of each type of cell.

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