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Science and Engineering of Materials SI

Edition 7th Edition Askeland Solutions

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Skills Learned: Fatigue

Knovel Problems:
K7-1 A hollow shaft made from AISI 4340 steel has an outer diameter Do of 102 mm and
an inner diameter Di of 63.5 mm. The shaft rotates at 46 rpm one hour a day. It is
supported by two bearings and loaded in the middle with a load W of 24.47 kN. The
distance between the bearings L is 1.98 m. The maximum tensile stress due to
bending for this type of cyclic loading is calculated using the following equation:

8W LDo
σm =
π (Do4 − Di4 )

What is the stress ratio for this type of cyclic loading? Would this shaft last for
one year assuming a safety factor of 2?
Knovel Solutions:
The maximum stress in the shaft is
8⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 8 ⋅ 24470 ⋅ 1.98 ⋅ 0.102
= = 136.813
− 0.102 − 0.0635

The total number of shaft loading cycles in five years is given by:
46 ! "#$ 60 %& 1 ℎ) 365 * !$
= ∗ ∗ ∗ = 1007400 ! "#$
%& ℎ) * ! !)

Search for (“cyclic loading” AND “stress ratio”) on Knovel. Open the section Applied
Cyclic Stresses in the title Encyclopedia of Materials - Science and Technology, Volumes
1-11 (Elsevier © 2001):

The stress ratio R is defined as the ratio of minimum stress to maximum stress. In this
case, the cyclic stresses are symmetrical with the minimum stress being compressive
(negative) and the maximum stress being tensile (positive). Hence, R = –1.

Then, search for ‘AISI 4340 AND fatigue’. Click on the text link for AISI Low-
Alloy Steels in the title Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization
(MMPDS-04). Browse to find Figure Best-fit S/N curves for unnotched AISI
4340 alloy steel bar, Ftu =125 ksi, longitudinal direction (pages 2–45). Click on the Live
Graph link for this figure and plot fatigue life (N) equal to approximately 106 cycles:
The maximum stress for this fatigue life is about 51 ksi.

Using the Unit Converter (Tools menu) on Knovel for the stress:
This value exceeds the calculated value of 136.813 MPa by a factor of 2.573, which is
greater than the specified safety factor of 2.
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no related content on Scribd:
Cambridge Gulf Tribes, x, 51, 62, 65, 74, 93, 99, 101, 226, 238,
282, 288, 375, 377, 405
camel, ochre drawing of, 329
Campbell, John, 344
camp, clearing a site for, 100;
life, 100-119;
occupations while in, 112, 113;
selection of, 91
camptocnemia, 15
cannibalism, 21, 189
canoes, 160-164;
dug-outs, 164;
housing of, 162;
with outriggers, 164;
with sail, 164
capacity of skull, 37
Cape York, 93, 104
caravan travelling, 1
caries, 31
Carpentaria Gulf, 50, 93, 128, 129, 151, 160, 161, 162, 164,
189, 201, 266, 287, 375
carpentry taught boys, 85
carrying, dogs, 67;
infants, methods of, 66, 67
carved bone, 313;
grave posts, 207, 309-310;
pearl shell, 313;
trees, 308, 309;
weapons, 310
carvings in rock, 299-308
Cassia, branch used as an emblem of peace, 2;
used for headgear, 280
casus belli, 183
caterpillar, 122;
totemic designs of, 350, 352
Caucasian, 58, 59;
derived from Australoid, 59
cave drawings, 314, 315, 322 et seq.;
of Glenelg River, 333, 343-345;
inspiration given by natural feature, 331, 332
celestial “walk-about,” 296
ceremonial dance, drawing of, 332, 338
ceremony of welcome, 379
character of aboriginal, 227
characteristics of race, 5-17
charcoal drawing, method of, 323;
of ceremonial dance, 338, 332;
of crows, 319, 335, 336;
of buffalo hunter, 325, 337;
of kangaroo hunter, 326, 337
cheek bone, 30
chief of tribe, 226
chignon, 47
child decorations, 84, 85
childhood, 69-90
children, entertainment of, 69, 70, 71;
position of at ceremonials, 84, 85;
playing with sand and mud, 73-75;
running after wind-driven seeds, 76;
taught to sing and dance, 70;
taught to draw and imitate tracks, 71, 72, 73;
tobogganing, 75
chin, 29
Christianity, 257
cicadae and crickets, musical powers envied, 384
cicatrices, 236-238, 250
circle-within-circle designs, 351, 353
circumcision, 239-244;
drastic treatment of shirkers, 243
clubbing the initiate, 242
clubs, 168, 169, 170;
in warfare, 188
club-rule, 222-223
“coal sack,” 332
cockatoo, kept as pet, 89
colour, artificially applied to body when hunting, 142;
of aboriginal’s skin, 40-45;
affected by climate, 45, 49, 59
composition, in aboriginal art, 338
conception, ideas about, 284, 285
conventional designs, 346 et seq.
conventional representation of human figure, 353-358
conversation, actions aiding, 395;
by song, 385
conversationalist, the aboriginal as, 371, 395
Coo-ee, 2. See also “käu,” 142
cooking, methods of, 108
cooleman, 92
Coopers Creek, 50, 83, 92, 102, 114 (Barcoo), 121, 127, 150,
155, 169, 170, 190 (Barcoo), 200, 237, 362, 376
cores, stone, 364
corrobboree, 377
cosmetics, 115
Cossus moth (witchedy), 122, 204
cotton tree (Bombatt malabaricum), 249
council of old men, 225, 226
Crocker Island, 131, 191
Crocodile, carvings of, 331;
ceremony of, 377;
eggs of, 126;
floating log to simulate, 159;
hunting the, 134
cradle, food-carrier taking the place of, 65
“cratch-cradle,” 84
crawfish, 128
cremation, not practised, 204
crossed boomerangs, the symbol of strife, 347, 351
crows, ceremony of, 378, 379;
drawing of, 319, 335, 336
“cutting” the shadow, 175
Cunningham, Professor D. J., 24
Cyperus rotundus (“yelka”), 148
Cyrena, acting as a pigment dish, 319;
used as a scraper, 162

“dabba,” stone knife, 367
daggers, 172
Daly River spear types, 196, 197, 198
“damatba” throwing weapon, 170
“dangorra,” the great emu in the sky, 315, 333, 349
Darwin, Charles, 33
dead person’s name not mentioned, 211, 212
death, tracing the cause of a, 208, 209
dental rudiments, 33
de Rougemont, 133
desert surroundings, 1
dialects, variety of, 387, 388
“didjeridoo” drone pipe, 375, 376, 379, 380
Dieri Tribe, xiv, 4, 76, 82, 83, 92, 111, 121, 150, 155, 170, 172,
190, 205, 206, 218, 237, 242, 271, 282, 289, 290, 361, 362,
376, 386, 396, 400
diminutive expressions, 396, 400
“dindula,” hair ornament, 47
dingo, the wild dog of Australia, 119;
hunting the, 141;
mythical dingo or “knullia” people, 342
Diprotodon, 52, 54;
associated with other bones, 119;
carving of spoor, 307
disc throwing, 76
discipline, 85
diseases, the cause of rapid decline of aborigines, xiv
dog, the constant companion of aboriginal, 118, 119
dolichocephaly, 35
dolls, 79, 80
down-decoration of ground, 282, 326
Dravidians, 58
drawings, in sand, 70-73;
of “totem,” 339-343
dress, mode of, 113, 114, 115
drinking, methods of, 98, 99
drone pipe, 375, 376, 379, 380
drought, trying conditions of, 117
Dubois, Professor, 55
Duboisia Hopwoodi, 155
Duckworth, Professor, W. L. H., 33
duels, 165-174;
boomerang, 168;
chivalry displayed in, 174;
club, 168-170;
damatba, 170;
heavy spear, 172, 173;
kutturu, 165-168;
reed spears, 171;
stone dagger, 172;
shield used in, 173
dugong, hunting the, 134-137;
sung to during initiation, 19
dugout canoes, 164
Durham Downs, 237

ear, 29, 30
echidna designs, 336, 346, 347
eggs, of birds, 125, 126;
of reptiles, 126
“Elaija,” a sacred ancestor, 283
“elbola,” bark headgear, 280
“elenba,” wooden hair pins, 47
elopement, 223
emu, in the sky, 315, 332, 333, 334, 349;
carved in boabab, 309, 330;
carving on boomerang, 317;
ceremony, 274-280, 377, 378;
game, 81, 82;
gum leaves imitating the rustle of, 374;
hunting the, 129-140;
neck in the sky (“Yirrerri”), 334
enemy, corrobboree portraying the slaying of, 383, 384
“engulba,” pitjuri, 155
ensellure, 7
epipteric bone, 36
“Erinnja,” an evil spirit, 294
“erriakutta” (yelka) ceremonial drawing, 282, 327
erythrism, 48
escort of natives, 2
Etheridge, R., x
ethmoid, 25
“Etominja,” sacred ground design, 282, 326
Eucalyptus corymbosa (Bloodwood), 98, 152;
dumosa (water mallee), 98;
miniata (woolly butt), 161;
rostrata (red gum), 147;
tetradonta (stringy bark), 161
Eugenia, leaf poultice applied to breast, 20
evil spirit, 291, 292, 294, 299, 314, 385
exchange of wives, 224
exclamations, 398, 399
external angular process, 25
extremities, length of, 10
eye, 23, 25

Face, 22-30
fat of emu and goanna, 115
fatty tissue scant in aboriginal, 5, 6
fatty tumours, 6
feather wig, 50
femur, 14, 15
feet, evolution and use of, 10 et seq.;
“hand-like” form of Berringin tribesman, 11
fibula, 16
fight, corrobboree of, 382
figure contrast between aboriginal and European, 5 et seq.
fire-fly, artificial, 376
fire ceremony (“Ngardaddi”), 261, 263
fire, 108;
shovels, 109, 110;
saw, 111, 202;
sores, 110;
stick, 110, 112;
whisk, 110, 111;
the precursor of civilization, 258, 260;
legend concerning origin on earth, 259, 260
fireless cooking, 80
fire walking, 236
firewood, gathered by women, 107
fish, barriers, 129;
designs, 350;
hooks, 132;
nets, 129, 130, 131;
nooses, 129;
ochre drawings of, 328;
spears, 131, 132
fishing, in parties, 127, 128, 129;
line, 132;
methods, 127, 128;
races, 128
flatfoot, 12
Flinders, Matthew, 117
Flinders Ranges, burial customs in the, 206;
ochre mine, 316;
rock carvings, 299, 303-308
flying fox design, 345, 350
foetal elements (“rattappa”), 287
food-carrier, used as cradle, 64, 65, 66
food restrictions, 250, 251
foot of Tasmanian, 14
footmarks in caves, 322
fourth molar, 32, 33
forehead, 23, 35
Fowler’s Bay, 64, 76, 295, 383
Fraipont’s method, 28, 29
frog, corrobboree of, 379
frog dance of children, 70
frog designs, 335, 346
frontal bone, 35, 36
frontal suture, 34
Frontispiece, 145
funeral chant, 211

gagging the initiate, 242, 246
Garner, Professor, 405
Genyornis, carving of track, 308
geological antiquity, 49, 52, 53, 54
gesture language, 388-394
“gibba,” chewed bone, 176
“Gibberi,” circumcision, 242
Gibraltar skull, 23, 32
Ginmu Tribe, 4, 253
girls accompany women instructors, 85
Glenelg River, xi, 159, 288, 312, 333, 344
goanna, 127
Gondwana, 55, 56
Good Spirit, 294, 295
goose hunting, 138, 139
“gorri,” a game played on the Humbert River, 76, 77
gouge, bone, 314
grasshopper, 387
grass tree, cover when emu hunting, 140;
flower stalks used for making spear shafts, 195
grave posts, 207
Great Australian Bight, 66, 141, 169, 192, 199
great emu ceremony, 274 et seq.
Grey, Sir George, xi, 219, 272, 340, 343, 344
Gribble, E. R., 17
Groote Island, 101, 164, 197
ground drawings, 282, 326, 327
grubs, 122-125
gruesome rite, 247, 290
“gummanda,” cicatrices, 238

habitations, 101-105
half-castes, 59, 60
hailstone (“Imbodna”), mythical stone, 264
hair, 46, 47;
belts, 116;
cutting of, 117;
pins (wooden), 47
Hakea bark, charcoal used for blackening hair, 285
hammers, stone, 360
hand-ball, 77
hand-like feet, 10-12
hand-prints in caves, 321, 322
hand-mills, 319, 361
hardening the child, 236
hatchets, stone, 362, 363
hawk traps, 137, 138
head-biting during initiation, 244, 245
head-dress, of emu ceremony, 277;
of “tjilba purra” (phallic) ceremony, 287
head-rests, 105
height of aboriginal, 16, 17
Helix perinflata, 121
Hickson, Sydney, 49
hide and seek, 78, 79
Higgin, A. J., 157
hollow trees used as shelters, 102
honey, wild bees’, 145;
drink, 153, 154
honey-ant, 146, 147
Howitt, Dr. A. W., 295
human chain-pattern, 353, 354, 355
human form, pictographic representation of, 353-358
Humbert River, 76, 320, 324, 336, 337, 352, 353, 403
Humboldt, Alexander von, 20
humerus, 16
hunt, objects of the, 121
hunting, 120-147;
buffalo, 144, 145;
crocodile, 134;
dingo, 141;
dugong, 134-137;
emu, 129-140;
geese, 138, 139;
hawks, 137, 138;
kangaroo, 141-144;
opossum, 140, 141;
turtle, 132, 133;
whistling duck, 139;
wallaby, 141;
wombat, 141
hunting instinct, 120, 121
hunting with fire, 126
huts, 102-105
Huxley, Thomas, 24
hypertrichosis, 46

“ilbarinam,” tjuringa, xi
“ilja-imbadja,” hand marks in caves, 321
“ilgarukna,” venesection, 275
“illiya tjuringa,” emu ceremony, 274 et seq.
“ilpalinja,” sun worship, 265-267
“Iltdana,” evil spirit, 292
Ilyauarra Tribe, 4, 205
“Imbodna,” a mythical hailstone, 264
“Imboromba,” a spirit father’s mate, 287
imitation, of the plovers’ call, 70, 265, 379, 386;
of the dingo’s howl, 70;
of the jungle fowl’s call, 380;
of the crow’s call, 378;
of the crocodile, 377;
of the emu, 279, 378
“Indorida,” the mate of Rukkutta, 291
infant betrothal, 221
infant, treatment of, 64-68;
rubbing milk and charcoal over body of, 65;
singeing hair of, with fire stick, 65
“ingada,” a chief, 226
Ingada Ladjia Knaninja, leader of yam ceremony, 281
“ingwitega,” munyeroo, 150
inion, 36
initiation, 230-256;
amputation of finger-joints, 253, 254;
of the female, 252, 253;
origin of, 251, 252;
without mutilation, 249
instinct for locating water, 96
interment, 205-207
internal angular process, 25
interrogatives, 403
intitjuma, ceremonies, 274
intoxicating drink, 153, 154
introduction to a tribe, 1-3
iris, 25
“irr,” 171;
expression of disgust, 118
“irriakutta,” yelka, 149

“jarrulge,” mulga apple, 152
Jewish features, 26
“jingardti,” a chief, 226
Joyce, Capt. T. A., x
judge of character, 228
“judja,” a chief, 226
jungle fowl, corrobboree of, 380, 381
jus primae noctis, 256
justice, idea of, 227

“kadabba,” phallus, 283, 284
Kai Kai, an old medicine man, 180
“kaidi,” tjuringa, 270
kaili (boomerang), used as musical instrument, 383;
miniature, for practice, 82
Kaitidji (Kaitish) Tribe, 4, 92, 364
Kakera, marriage group, 220
Kakatu Tribe, 4, 267
“kaleya pubanye,” the sitting emu (coal sack), 332
“kaloa,” raft, 160;
toy models of, 82
“kalumba,” nardoo, 150
“kalunuinti,” phallus, 288
“kanbanna,” paddles, 159
kangaroo, charcoal drawings of, 321, 326, 336, 337;
conventional representation of, 350;
corrobboree of, 381;
hunt, 141-144;
ochre drawings of, 327, 328;
origin of “arre,” its name, 387;
tjuringa design of, 349, 352
“kapa” or “kadje,” water lily, 151
“kapi wiyinna,” magic water stick, 264
“karru,” milky way, 349
“karwinnunga,” shield, 173
“käu,” vide Coo-ee, 142
“käu-käu,” chewed bone, 176
“kaula,” native pear, 152
Keith, Sir Arthur, x
kidney fat and marrow of dead warriors eaten, 189
Killalpaninna, 290;
“killa wulpanna,” 290, 291
King Sound natives, 50, 82, 88, 132, 151, 159, 283, 309, 311,
330, 358, 363, 396
kitchen-middens, 121, 122
Klaatsch, Professor Hermann, x, 25, 28, 29, 42, 50
“Knaninja,” xi, 265, 271, 274, 280, 281, 282, 285, 327, 341, 352,
“Knaninja Arrerreka,” mythical sun creature, 265;
ceremonies of, 274
knives, stone, 364
“knudda” (fat) of witchedy, 342
“Knurriga Tjilba Purra” (phallus), 286;
head of the Kukadja, 285
kobong, xi, 219, 226, 232, 269, 271, 272, 340
Kochia bush, used for making vegetable-down, 276
Kolaia Tribe, 4, 65
“kolldürr,” stone spear-head, 370
Kukadja, 285, 286, 292, 293
Kukata Tribe, 4, 32, 81, 82, 87, 184, 200, 205, 236, 241, 242,
248, 255, 288, 296, 318, 361, 362
“kukerra,” playing stick, 82, 83
Kumara marriage group, 220
Kunapippi, a mythical witch, 271
Kurdaitja, an evil creature, 71, 72
“kurreke tata,” the plover, 70, 265, 386
“kutturu,” fighting stick, practice, 87;
duels, 165-168;
embodied in head-gear, 280
Kuyanni Tribe, 4, 362
“Kwatje,” water, ceremonies, 274
“Kwatje purra,” magic water stick, 264

lachrymal bone, 25
lactation, artificial, 20
“ladjia,” or yam tjuringa, 280 et seq., 337;
design of, 347
Lake Eyre, 50
lances, 193
“langa langa,” a shell knife used for “cutting the shadow,” 175
“langu,” native pear, 152
language, xii, 386-405
lanugo, 46, 49
La Perouse, 107
Larrekiya Tribe, 4, 62, 77, 111, 130, 131, 139, 142, 163, 164,
170, 196, 201, 202, 205, 207, 208, 210, 230, 249, 252, 332,
374, 379, 384
legs, 14
Lemuria, 55, 56
lerp manna, 147
leucoderma, 43
licentiousness, 224, 254
“lionila,” a club, 170
lipomas, 6
lips, 31
living skeletons, 21
lizards, 126;
designs of, 334, 335
lobulus, piercing of, 30
log rafts, 158-160
“lorngai,” feather wig, 50
lumbo-sacral curve, 9
“lurra,” a lipoma, 6

MacDonnell Ranges, 50, 92, 127, 146, 153, 155, 218, 226, 285,
291, 341, 362, 364, 405
Maiyarra’s conception, 61;
accouchement, 63
Malay bêche-de-mer fishers, 57
manna, 147
mastoid process, 30
“marimba,” wallaby bone used for loosening a tooth, 236
marine molluscs, 121, 122
marital relationships between man and woman, 222, 223
marriage systems, 218, 219, 220, 221;
allotment of infant, 221, 222
“marriwirri,” wooden sword, 170

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