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Chapter 20: Worlds Apart: The Americans and Oceania

World History AP Regional and Interregional Interactions (c. 1200 to c. 1450)

1. The Global Tapestry 2. Networks of Exchange

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Chapter focus Questions:

States and Empires in Mesoamerica and North America

The Toltecs and the Mexica pgs. 428-431

Focus Questions:

1. Identify Teotihuacan:

2. Identify the Mexica:

3. Identify the Toltecs and explain their migration:

4. What trades and products did the city of Tula become known for?

5. What destroyed the Toltec state?

6. Who built the Aztec empire?

7. Identify Tenochtitlan and who founded it:

8. Describe the chinampa system:

9. Under who’s rule did the Mexica launch their campaign of expansion?

10. How did the Mexica create a triple alliance and what did it become?

11. What was the main objective of the triple alliance and why?

Mexica Society pgs. 431-433

12. Describe the social structure of the Mexica society:

13. Explain the life of the warriors in Mexica society:

14. Describe the lives of women in Mexica society:

15. Explain the importance of priests in Mexica society:

16. Identify calpulli:

17. Why did artisans and merchants enjoy prestige in Mexica society?

Mexica Religion pgs. 433

19. Identify the two principal Gods of the Mexica people?

20. Identify Huitzilopochtli and the impact of human sacrifice:

Peoples and Societies of North America pgs. 434-435

21. What did many people in North America depend on to build their societies?

22. How did the Pueblo and Navajo societies maintain their existence?
23. Identify the Iroquois:

24. Describe the structures that the woodland people built:

25. Identify Cahokia:

26. How do we know about trade in the North American societies?

27. What are some examples of trade throughout the North American region?

States and Empires in South America

The Coming of the Incas pgs. 435-438

28. From what means is the past of the South American societies uncovered?

29. Identify Chucuito:

30. What served as the staple food of the Chucuito peoples diet?
31. What did llamas and alpacas provide to the Chucuito people?

32. Identify Chimu:

33. Identify Chanchan:

34. Who will the Chucuito and Chimu people fall to?

35. Where did the Incas first settle?

36. Identify Pachacuti:

37. By the 15th century describe the Inca empire then:

38. Describe how the Inca empire maintained it rule:

39. Explain the Inca Administration system:

40. Define quipu:

41. Identify Cuzco:

42. Who were the main residents of Cuzco?

43. Describe the road system in the Inca empire and its importance:

Inca Society and Religion pgs. 438-439

44. Why did Inca society not generate large classes of merchants or trade?
45. Name and describe the main classes of the Inca society:

46. How did aristocrats and priests live privileged lives?

47. Identify ayllu and describe the life of peasants:

48. Identify Inti:

49. Identify Viracocha:

50. Explain the Incas moral though:

The Societies of Oceania

The Nomadic Foragers of Australia pgs. 439-441

51. Identify the aboriginal people:
52. How did trade factor into the mobile and nomadic life of the aboriginal people?

53. Explain the culture and religion of the aboriginal people:

The Development of Pacific Island Societies pgs. 441-444

54. What was the last large habitable region of the earth?

55. How did islands link trade?

56. Why didn’t trade networks emerge in the eastern Pacific Ocean?

57. Identify the Maori population and the importance of sweet potatoes:

58. Describe the social classes of the Pacific island people:

59. Explain how ruling chiefs played a role in Pacific Island societies:

60. Who did high chiefs claim their power descend from?

61. Identify marae:

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