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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on the Financial Crisis of 2008

In the realm of academia, literature reviews serve as fundamental components of research papers and
dissertations. They offer a comprehensive overview of existing literature on a particular topic,
providing insights, analyses, and critical evaluations. However, crafting a literature review, especially
on complex subjects like the Financial Crisis of 2008, can be an arduous task fraught with challenges.

The Financial Crisis of 2008 remains one of the most significant events in modern economic history,
triggering widespread economic turmoil and reshaping global financial landscapes. Consequently,
the literature surrounding this crisis is vast and multifaceted, comprising academic papers, books,
reports, and analyses from various disciplines such as economics, finance, sociology, and political

Navigating through this extensive body of literature requires meticulous planning, research, and
analytical skills. Researchers must sift through a plethora of sources, discerning relevant information,
identifying key themes, and synthesizing diverse perspectives. Moreover, they must critically
evaluate the credibility, reliability, and validity of each source to ensure the integrity of their review.

One of the primary challenges encountered in crafting a literature review on the Financial Crisis of
2008 is the sheer volume and complexity of available literature. The crisis spurred a deluge of
academic inquiries, policy analyses, and retrospective studies, contributing to a vast and sometimes
overwhelming pool of information. As a result, researchers may struggle to discern significant
insights amidst the noise of conflicting opinions and interpretations.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of the financial crisis necessitates an understanding of

diverse theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and empirical findings. Researchers must integrate
insights from economics, finance, sociology, political science, and other disciplines, creating a
cohesive narrative that elucidates the multifaceted dimensions of the crisis.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be a prudent strategy for researchers
aiming to produce high-quality literature reviews on the Financial Crisis of 2008. ⇒
⇔ offers specialized services tailored to the needs of academic researchers, providing expert
guidance and support throughout the research process.

With a team of experienced writers and researchers well-versed in the complexities of the financial
crisis, ⇒ ⇔ ensures the delivery of meticulously crafted literature reviews that meet
the highest standards of academic rigor. From conducting comprehensive literature searches to
synthesizing key findings and insights, their services are designed to streamline the research process
and enhance the quality of scholarly output.

In conclusion, crafting a literature review on the Financial Crisis of 2008 is a challenging yet
essential endeavor for researchers seeking to contribute to the understanding of this pivotal event in
economic history. By leveraging the expertise and support offered by ⇒ ⇔,
researchers can navigate the complexities of the literature with confidence, producing comprehensive
and insightful reviews that advance scholarly discourse.
Furthermore, in many cases investors have incentives to coordinate their choices. The cautious
conclusions that we can draw from the studies we analysed, is that the effect of the crisis was
different across and within countries. The US financial crisis left many shocked because it severely
affected their lives. From 2010 to 2017, even as home prices increased nearly 50%, the number of
homes for sale per household declined 37%, and are still 38% below the historical average. Since
banks lend out most of the cash they receive in deposits (see fractional-reserve banking), it is
difficult for them to quickly pay back all deposits if these are suddenly demanded, so a run renders
the bank insolvent, causing customers to lose their deposits, to the extent that they are not covered
by deposit insurance. The financial crisis of 2008 The world economy is currently at its worst with
most countries hit by the pinching global recession. The subprime mortgage was activated by the
influx of funds from private sector, the predatory lending behaviors of the mortgage providers and
the banks entering into the mortgage markets. Fraud has played a role in the collapse of some
financial institutions, when companies have attracted depositors with misleading claims about their
investment strategies, or have embezzled the resulting income. They also showed links between
suicide trends and unemployment, By contrast, Coope and colleagues 26 found no change in overall
male suicides in England and Wales. Depositors start withdrawing their deposits- a “run” on the
bank. Unemployment increased suicide rates for men aged 25-44 years only, while for women no
association was found with austerity measures and economic growth. It was basically risk-free for
the bank and the hedge fund. The banning question among citizens is that what caused the financial
crisis in 2008, and how would we think of the economic and social costs of the financial crisis. The
shame, he says, is that opportunities to change it are now being ignored. The funder was not
involved in the research and preparation of the article, including study design; collection, analysis,
and interpretation of data; writing of the article; nor in the decision to submit it for publication. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. As house prices fell, it became clear that
mortgage-related securities were on the verge of tanking. The technical economic indicator
associated with recession is economic growth which is negative which in quarters is two consecutive
when measured by a nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic product). The council had to ensure that
discipline prevailed in the financial market by eliminating perceptions from traders that the
government would protect them from making losses in case their business collapsed. Housing prices
started falling in 2007 as supply outpaced demand. Astell-Burt and Feng 18 reported an increased
prevalence of cardiovascular (0.6%) and respiratory problems (1%) in the UK in 2010 versus 2008.
Indian exports fell by 9.9 per cent in November2008. The impact of fiscal austerity on suicide: on
the empirics of a modern Greek tragedy. This is an example of a financial crisis caused due to
interconnected financial systems. When everything is intertwined, if one thing goes wrong, a domino
effect is never far-off from happening. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2009. Print. Margin Call.
Dir. Chandor, J.C. Perf. Bettany, Paul and Spacey, Kevin. In England, Barr and colleagues 20 were
first to show an increase of suicides after 2008. Nine studies (22%) were rated as moderate, showing
a high risk for bias in up to two domains (table 3 ? ). In December 2001, Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan lowered the fed funds rate to 1.75%. The Fed lowered it again in November 2002 to
1.25%. Warner Bros, 2011. DVD. Too Big to Fail. Perf. Giamatti, Paul and Asner, Ed. Between 2006
and 2018, the fraction of Americans renting their home increased by 13%.
Measurement error in health outcomes, adapted from the Newcastle-Ottawa scale, captured the
heterogeneity of indicators used, which varied in terms of potential for misreporting (eg, high
potential for suicides, none for all cause mortality). The subprime mortgage crisis and the bursting of
other real estate bubbles around the world also led to recession in the U.S. and a number of other
countries in late 2008 and 2009. Fraud has played a role in the collapse of some financial
institutions, when companies have attracted depositors with misleading claims about their investment
strategies, or have embezzled the resulting income. With more debt, you become more vulnerable to
debt becoming very expensive and not being able to repay it. An increase in savings meant that
people were more willing to save than to spend, as a result of which interest rates fell. In particular,
almost all studies on suicides (14 of 16 studies) and mortality (both), were rated as weak (that is, had
a high risk of bias). The effect of the late 2000s financial crisis on suicides in Spain: an interrupted
time-series analysis. Such failures are associated to lack of code of ethics and poor ethical orientation
by these financial firms. The problem is that such ethical issues have been ignored and that the
practice still exists. When the values of the derivatives crumbled, banks stopped lending to each
other. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. We compared the rating for each domain, as well as the overall
rating, and reached a consensus on the final rating for each included study. Governments have
attempted to eliminate or mitigate financial crises by regulating the financial sector. Cookie
information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you
return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find
most interesting and useful. Once you get a mortgage from a bank, the bank sells the loan on the
secondary market. Financial institutions use CP to raise funds that they then lend to ordinary
businesses and households. Four Greek studies used data from the Hellenic Statistical Authority
(ELSTAT) but applied different analyses. We must defer to economic law or we make matters worse
by attempting to control society. We need more empirical studies that explore the impact of the crisis
on health and, more importantly, investigate the mechanisms that affect health outcomes. Economic
and financial crises a fundamental analysis from Islamic financial. Astell-Burt and Feng, 18 using
population data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey in the UK, found a 0.2% increase in
depression and 0.1% increase in mental illness during the crisis. Economist Barry Eichengreen
recommends the best books on the euro. DP, CS, and JPAI were involved in the interpretation and
discussion of results. This book discusses the topics of contagion in emerging stock markets during
the Asian and Latin American crisis and the relationship between the executive compensation
structure and the banks riskiness of asset portfolios. (Imprint: Nova). Under this scenario, if one
intervened and employed the unemployed group in jobs where they are underpaid and overworked,
suicides might actually increase. Impact of the 2008 economic and financial crisis on child health: a
systematic review. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by a confluence of issues within the finance
industry and the broader economy. Tapia-Granados and Rodriguez 53 analysed WHO data on
Iceland, Finland, and Greece for 1990-2012 and concluded that the crisis had no impact on mortality,
as mortality dropped faster or continued falling after 2007 as quickly as in previous years, for almost
all age groups. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2009. Print. Margin Call. Dir. Chandor, J.C. Perf.
Bettany, Paul and Spacey, Kevin. At the end of October 2008, BEA announced that the US was in
recession. Cooperation and Development) countries affected the Indian gems and.
The remaining three domains were included to capture important characteristics of our studies. There
is a need for better empirical studies, especially those focused on identifying mechanisms that can
mitigate the adverse effects of the crisis. Long Term Returns vs Short Term Interest Rates Long Term
Returns vs Short Term Interest Rates Financial crisis Financial crisis HOME LOANS
ANALYST PRESENTATION Financial Market Failure and Regulation of the Financial System
Financial Market Failure and Regulation of the Financial System The Credit Crisis: An Islamic
Perspective. In 2008, the banks were much bigger and far more intertwined. For men, austerity
measures and negative economic growth significantly increased suicide rates. The Great Financial
Crisis: Causes and Consequences. Health inequality between immigrants and natives in Spain: the
loss of the healthy immigrant effect in times of economic crisis. Some economists insist that bubbles
never or almost never occur. In Spain, Cordoba-Dona and colleagues 27 found an increase in suicide
attempt rates for both sexes during 2008-12 in Andalucia. Finally, measurement error could be
substantial for some of the examined crisis indicators and health outcomes. You can find out more
about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Even now, many of those changes
are clear to Redfin only because at different times we’ve been their eyewitness, their beneficiary,
their target, or their propagator. In particular, almost all studies on suicides (14 of 16 studies) and
mortality (both), were rated as weak (that is, had a high risk of bias). This is consistent with previous
studies that showed worse effects on groups that lack social protection. 58 Finally, some evidence
suggests that the crisis increased social inequalities in health, disproportionately affecting
immigrants, 37 those who were less educated, and those living in certain regions. 52 Further, from a
policy perspective, most studies failed to capture the mechanisms that affect health outcomes. The
true cost of the economic crisis on psychological well-being: a review. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. For a long time, the government has been behaving unethically in the
sense that it promoted and encouraged home ownership among the citizens who could not afford to
service their loans. Pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders before and after a national economic
collapse: a population based cohort study. The US government reacted to this phenomenon with
fiscal stimulus packages for financial institutions, monetary laws expansion, and bailouts (Magdoff
and Bellamy 72). The 2008 financial crisis affected all financial institutions in the world. Bartoll and
colleagues 21 showed that the probability of good self rated health increased for by 7.6% (P 50
found that the prevalence of poor self rated health fell during the financial crisis by 5.7%. A fourth
Spanish study using data from the same survey 37 found that immigrants who arrived before 2006
had worse self rated health than natives. Governments have attempted to eliminate or mitigate
financial crises by regulating the financial sector. We compared the rating for each domain, as well
as the overall rating, and reached a consensus on the final rating for each included study. First,
economists have long known that distorted beliefs have important effects on prices of financial
assets, e.g. risk-free rate and stock prices, but they still find it wanting to understand why the
distorted beliefs can cause massive default in 2008; second, understanding what caused the financial
crisis helps to create effective changes in policy. Further, the 2008 financial crisis was activated by
intricate interplay of government laws that motivated home ownership offering them cheap interests
on house loans. The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in
Europe: an empirical analysis. The subprime mortgage was activated by the influx of funds from
private sector, the predatory lending behaviors of the mortgage providers and the banks entering into
the mortgage markets. Systematic reviews. York Publishing Services, 2009. ? Moher D, Liberati A,
Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. They reflect on the origins of the crisis as well as the possible economic and
political transformations it may engender. That also lowered interest rates on adjustable-rate
Moreover, these common scales did not include items that captured important aspects that we wanted
to consider in our review. There are many theories why a financial crisis could have a recessionary
effect on the rest of the economy. Methods Search strategy and selection process Our steps for
identifying and reviewing the evidence were based on the recommendations of the Centre for
Reviews and Dissemination. 11 Firstly, we conducted structured searches of online databases:
PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Another factor believed to
contribute to financial crises is asset-liability mismatch, a situation in which the risks associated with
an institution's debts and assets are not appropriately aligned. Have health trends worsened in
Greece as a result of the financial crisis. Some financial crises have been blamed on insufficient
regulation, and have led to changes in regulation in order to avoid a repeat. Rachiotis and colleagues
46 used ELSTAT data for 2003-12 and correlation and regression analyses, and found that overall
suicide rates increased 35% between 2010 and 2012; rates increased for both sexes. Indistinguishable
from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market Reached a Trillion. The highest increase was among the
male age group 15-24 years, while suicide rates for women remained stable. However, for monetary
policy to be effective the confidence that both the consumers and businesses have in it play a pivotal
role. Four Greek studies used data from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) but applied
different analyses. He recommends the best books on the causes of the financial crisis. Studies
focusing on mortality seemed to show a different picture, with overall mortality not being affected or
even declining during the crisis years. Of these, 1077 (15%) were attributed to increased
unemployment. As more data becomes available, it is also possible to consider the potential lag
effects of the crisis, a clear limitation of most studies so far. In December 2001, Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan lowered the fed funds rate to 1.75%. The Fed lowered it again in
November 2002 to 1.25%. The recent economic recession and self-rated health in Estonia, Lithuania
and Finland: a comparative cross-sectional study in 2004-2010. Self rated health Twelve studies
focused on the impact of the crisis on self rated health, finding mixed results depending on the
country and group analysed. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative
ideas for their writing assignments. Our main finding of mixed effects on health outcomes accords
with most previous literature on financial crises and health. 57 An empirical study conducted before
the crisis 58 on data from 26 European countries (1970-2007) showed that unemployment was
positively associated with suicide rates and homicides and negatively associated with deaths due to
road accidents. Bernanke and former Treasury secretaries Timothy F. In many situations, the ethical
abuses can be attributed to the poor or lack of training of low-level employees who were directed
and assured that they were working in a correct manner. Home prices fell 33% from their peak in
April 2006 to their low point in March 2011. Liquidation in industrial engineering The FDIC is the
liquidator of those banks or financial institutions that do not belong to the SIPC. Results for women
and for other regions were non-significant. Indian exports fell by 9.9 per cent in November2008.
This review process followed the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
(PRISMA) guidelines (the PRISMA checklist is available on request). 12 Data extraction and
analysis We extracted data using a standardised data extraction form. Health, economic crisis, and
austerity: A comparison of Greece, Finland and Iceland. It is significant to note that banks and other
financial bodies had they acted in moral or ethical manner; they could have avoided the unethical
behaviors. According to the deterministic view, advertising budgeting is often influenced by previous
sales and partly by future sales expectations.
It has been argued that this was probably due to fewer working hours 50 and healthier lifestyles
during years of economic difficulties. 16 Some claim that factors other than the crisis—such as
improvements in road safety policies and a declining prevalence of injectable drug use, 50 explain
these findings. Although we excluded qualitative studies, we came across only one study that would
have met our other selection criteria. Elo’s result 2023: Return on investment increased to 6 per cent
and cost effi. As you accumulate more debt, one could become concerned that this is dangerous.
OpenUrl CrossRef ? Malard L, Chastang JF, Niedhammer I. The legislation established financial
oversight team or council that had the role of watching the behaviors and trends of financial markets.
Although there were differences across countries and groups, there was some indication that suicides
increased and mental health deteriorated during the crisis. During the 2000s, Lehman invested
extensively in mortgage-related securities and commercial real estate and relied on CP to fund these
investments. Some economists insist that bubbles never or almost never occur. Trends in population
mental health before and after the 2008 recession: a repeat cross-sectional analysis of the 1991-2010
Health Surveys of England. The legislation was passed as a reaction to the 2008 financial crisis as it
tried to bring some important transformations to the financial regulation and management. Bernanke
and former Treasury secretaries Timothy F. One factor that frequently contributes to a bubble is the
presence of buyers who purchase an asset based solely on the expectation that they can later resell it
at a higher price, rather than calculating the income it will generate in the future. Robert Skidelsky
recommended his best books on an economist who has made quite a comeback since 2008, John
Maynard Keynes. Country Interest rate in 2007 Interest rate in 2008. NOTE: We only request your
email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to
see it, and that it is not junk mail. Conclusions The evidence on the impact of the financial crisis on
health outcomes in Europe is mixed, and the data and methodologies used in many papers are
susceptible to substantial bias. That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession. The
most pertinent ethical issue in the financial crisis of 2008 was evident in the actions and behaviors of
the financial institutions and banks that gave easy loans to borrowers without verification if they
were worth or not. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and former Treasury Secretary Larry
Summers also lobbied for the bill’s passage. Possible delayed effect of unemployment on suicidal
rates: the case of Hungary. The research assistant and one author then screened the abstracts of the
selected papers independently, and when disagreements occurred, the second author became
involved. Many analyses of financial crises emphasize the role of investment mistakes caused by lack
of knowledge or the imperfections of human reasoning. He is a regular contributor to the Redfin
blog and Twitter. That permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading with derivatives. As lender
of last resort, central banks provide financial aid to ailing banks. Barry Eichengreen, an economist at
Berkeley, recommended books to better understand the Euro. One important example is the Great
Depression, which was preceded in many countries by bank runs and stock market crashes. B416 The
Evolution Of Global Economies Lecture 10 Recent Global Economic Cris. Long Term Returns vs
Short Term Interest Rates Long Term Returns vs Short Term Interest Rates Financial crisis Financial
SECURITISATION ANALYST PRESENTATION Financial Market Failure and Regulation of the
Financial System Financial Market Failure and Regulation of the Financial System The Credit Crisis:
An Islamic Perspective.
Health inequality between immigrants and natives in Spain: the loss of the healthy immigrant effect
in times of economic crisis. This book discusses the topics of contagion in emerging stock markets
during the Asian and Latin American crisis and the relationship between the executive compensation
structure and the banks riskiness of asset portfolios. (Imprint: Nova). It is a monetary system with
checks and balances built into the system (i.e. strong incentives). Data from the USA also suggest
that overall mortality is procyclical and decreases during financial crises, while suicides are
countercyclical and increase when the economy worsens. 15 Our findings shed some light on the
groups most affected during the financial crisis. The economy recovered better than we could have
hoped, and still American society has fractured more than we could have imagined. With such cheap
loans, many people bought homes as investments to sell as prices kept rising. One important example
is the Great Depression, which was preceded in many countries by bank runs and stock market
crashes. In addition, the magnitude and geographical variation of the crisis makes it a unique context
to analyse. We conclude that past sales and partly sales expectations may change company and
marketing goals that eventually affect the use of strategic communication instruments such as
advertising. Another goal of regulation is making sure institutions have sufficient assets to meet their
contractual obligations, through reserve requirements, capital requirements, and other limits on
leverage. That had been imploding from 1929 through to the trough, early in 1933. Between August
2008 and October 2008, the subprime borrowers in the US have affected the availability of credit and
decreased the repayment of loans. Multicountry studies were included if their results on European
countries could be identified separately. Indeed, the two views are not entirely mutually exclusive,
and may reinforce each other. It is significant to note that banks and other financial bodies had they
acted in moral or ethical manner; they could have avoided the unethical behaviors. What has
happened to suicides during the Greek economic crisis. The second cause, as explained by Princeton
professor HS Shin, has its roots in Europe. Evans Hall 165 Whitney Avenue New Haven, CT 06511-
3729. Time bias was also a common concern (none of the studies had a low risk of time bias).
Internship Presentation on Characterization of Stainless Steel-Titanium Diffu. Nonetheless, the
literature on financial crises, in particular on the global financial crisis 2007-2009, is already
voluminous. Long Term Returns vs Short Term Interest Rates Long Term Returns vs Short Term
Interest Rates Financial crisis Financial crisis HOME LOANS SECURITISATION ANALYST
Market Failure and Regulation of the Financial System Financial Market Failure and Regulation of
the Financial System The Credit Crisis: An Islamic Perspective. Banks were, as aforementioned,
borrowing huge amounts of money, thus more dependent on their borrowings rather than the funds of
the shareholders i.e. Equity capital (This ratio of borrowings to shareholders’ funds is called
Leverage. We uncover this relation distinguishing between consumer packaged goods (CPG) and
durable consumer goods (DCG) industries. Examples of bank runs include the run on the Bank of
the United States in 1931 and the run on Northern Rock in 2007. Different countries responded with
different policies. Eiriksdottir and colleagues, 32 studying infant health in Iceland, found increased
odds of low birthweight deliveries after the crisis (from 2.5% to 3%), particularly among mothers
younger than 25 years and among unemployed mothers. This in turn meant that the legislation
increased the extent to which financial agencies may be liquidated by the government. Lehman’s
creditors lost confidence and started to withdraw their money from the fund. Despite its limitations,
this is the first systematic review of the literature on the effect of the 2008 financial crisis in Europe
on health outcomes, which also assesses the risk of bias of the reviewed studies.

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