Four Kinds of Meaning

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Four kinds of meaning

In his Practical Criticism I.A. Richards suggests that there are several kinds of
meanings and that the "total meaning" is a blend of contributory meanings which are
of different types. He identified four kinds of meaning, or the total meaning of a word
depends upon four factors. Choose the right combination as proposed by Richards.?
(Sense, Feeling, Tone and Intention)

The four kinds of meaning was proposed by I.A. Richards in his seminal book"...........".
( Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgement. )

The book "Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgement " appeared in the
( 1929. )

The phrase Practical Criticism is borrowed from the poet and critic.........
( Samuel Taylor Coleridge. )

I. A. Richards says that the total meaning of a word depends upon four factors:........,
........., ......... , and .......
( sense, feeling, tone and intention.)

Which refers to what is said or the items referred by a writer.

( sense)

Which refers to the emotion, will, desire, interest, attitude etc.

( feeling)

Which is the attitude towards the audience/reader/listener. ?.


What is the writer’s conscious/unconscious aim or the effect he/she is trying to

produce. ?.

I. A. Richards notable works are...

( The Foundations of Aesthetics (1922),
Science and Poetry (1926), and
Coleridge on Imagination (1934).)

According to I. A. Richards , speakers attitude to the subject is known as.....

( feeling)

According to I. A. Richards ........and...... are two doors to enter poetic discourse.

( feeling and tone)

According to I. A. Richards , what we speak to convey to our listeners for the year
consideration can be called........
( Sense )
According to I.A .Richards,......... may totallly dominate others .
( Intention)

According to I.A .Richards, a man writing scientific treatise will put the........ What he
has to say first.
( sense)

According to I.A .Richards, frequently the speakers......... Operates through and

satisfies itself in a combination of other functions.
( Intention)

Who says the following, " discussion of new criticism must start with Mr. I. A.
Richards . The new criticism very nearly began with him"?.
John Crowe Ransom

According to I.A .Richards,......... refers to the attitude of the listener

( Tone )

Practical criticism is the study of.......

( English literature)

The main objective of practical criticism was......

( to encourage students to concentrate on words on the page rather than dependent
ton the preconceived or received belief about the text)

Practical criticism is focused on:.....

( meaning of meaning and philosophy)

When we listen, we expect something to be something to be said.....


Way of choosing or arranging words differently......

( Tone )

The aim of the speaker is:.....

( tone)

What are the four kinds of meaning by IA Richards litcharts?

Meaning is of four kinds – sense : is the state/object to which the words direct the
reader's attention;

feeling : is the way the author sees these objects/states;

tone : is the author's attitude towards the reader;

intention : is the effect which the author is trying to bring about by his words.
[02/03, 11:21 am] JAYA GOVINDA RAO S: What are the four kinds of meaning text?
Sense-what one says, Feeling-what one talks about—
Intention-conscious or unconscious. Tone -one's attitude to the listener.
He speaks for a purpose-purpose modifies his speech.
To understand the meaning-understand the intention.

What are the two uses of language according to Richards?

Elaborate: Richards, in “Principles of Literary Criticism” expounds a theory of
language, and distinguishes between the two uses of language – the referential or
scientific, and the emotive.

Who was the first critic to bring to English criticism a scientific precision and
I. A. Richards

Who was the first to distinguish between the two uses of language – the referential
and the emotive.?
I. A. Richards
…..... Is a shift a carrying over of a word from its normal use to new use.
( Metaphor)

Along with........ IA Richards maybe called the founding father of the New criticism.
( TS Eliot)

Which is your specialised form of rhythm?.


...... Results from the repetition of the particular sounds.

( Rhythm)

"The practical criticism" of I.A. Richards was published. in ......

( 1929)

i. A. Richards affirms that the poetry is made up of.....

( Pseudo statements)

Who says " there is no intellectual doctrine in the poetry and it has nothing to do with
meaning and knowledge"?.
I.A. Richards

According to I. A. Richards, ...... Occasioned by words.

( Poem is a class of experience)

I. A. Richards remembered for his......

( Modern way of teaching and studying literature)

Four kinds of meaning is from I. A. Richards " .............".

( Practical criticism)

One of I. A. Richards major theories is his......

( synaesthesis )
Who says, " I. A . Richards claim to have Pioneered Anglo American new criticism
after thirties and forties is unassailable?. George Watson

I. A. Richard often compared with.....

( coledridge)

i.A. Richards critical method is predominantly.....

( Aesthetic)

Who is called the father of Criticism?

John Dryden

I. A. Richards four kinds of meaning talks about the functions of......

( Language)

Who is called the father of new criticism?.

I. A. Richards

I. A. Richards was the first critic to bring......... Criticism a Scientific precision and
objectivity. ( English criticism)

Four kinds of meaning was published in..... ( 1929)

Four kinds of meaning is also called as.........

( scientific criticism )

Four kinds of meaning is also called as.........

( Language criticism )

According to I. A. Richards, criticism should be like .......

( science)

In " Four kinds of meaning" I. A. Richards talks about two kinds of language. what are
1. Referential language - scientific language - statements
2. . Emotive language - pseudo statements

" Four kinds of meaning" was extracted from" ......."

( practical criticism)

Whose work of Epigram used by I. ARichards in his Four kinds of meaning?.

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan

Where did this " Four kinds of meaning" occur in "practical criticism "by I. A.
Part III - Analysis -chapter 1

The founder of New criticism? I. A. Richards

Which is a blend of contributory meanings which, are of different types.?.
Total meaning

Which refers to what is said, or the ‘items’ referred to by a writer; ?.


Which refers to the emotion, attitude, interest, will, desire, etc towards what is being
said; ?

What is the attitude towards the audience/ reader;?.


What is the writer’s conscious or unconscious aim or the effect that s/ he is trying
to produce.?.

In which treatise , the writer puts sense first, subordinates his feeling, establishes
his tone by following academic convention, and clearly states his intention?.
scientific treatise

In which speech , intention is predominant, feeling is its instrument to express

causes and policies, tone establishes the relations with the audience and sense is
the representation of facts. ?.
political speech

Who should be prepared to apprehend the interplay of the four meanings, which
together comprise the total meaning of the poem.?.
perceptive reader.

What are the two uses of language according to Richards?

Elaborate: Richards, in “Principles of Literary Criticism” expounds a theory of
language, and distinguishes between the two uses of language – the referential or
scientific, and the emotive

What is I.A. Richards best known for?

In a literary context Richards is best known for his Principles of Literary Criticism
(1924), Science and Poetry (1926), and above all Practical Criticism: A Study of
Literary Judgement (1929), a work which revolutionized the teaching and study of

Which was like navigating through a labyrinth.?.


Who admits that the analysis of ‘anonymous’ poems his students undertook has
generated a hundred verdicts from a hundred readers.?.
I. A. Richards

Richards says that the difficulties of understanding the poems are interdependent
like a........
( cluster of monkeys. )

The original difficulty’ of reading of the poem is the problem of making out the......
( meaning)

The most significant fact for studying literature is that there are several kinds of .....
,( meaning.)

When we read/talk, we are like ‘jugglers keeping the ........ in the air while we balance
the cue on our nose
( billiard-balls)

I. A. Richards device language function into..... types .

( four )

Which critical essayof I .A.Richard’s gives solution to the problem of arriving at the
universal meaning. ?.
“Four Kinds of Meanings”

Which school of criticism mainly focuses on the text and it meaning by avoiding the
background of the text. ?.
New Criticism,

Who was the proponent of text centric approach, proves the importance of close
reading by his Cambridge experiment with his students.?
I. A. Richards.

Who wrote the book,........

( Practical Criticism (1929).)

The essay “Four Kinds of Meanings” is the first chapter of the third part of I. A.
Richards book of.........
( practical criticism)

I.A.Richards delineates that the total meaning or the universal meaning is the
combination of four different meanings. What are they?.
Sense, Tone, Feeling, and Intention.

Which essay mainly focuses on understanding the poetry since Practical Criticism
centres on reading poetry with close reading. ?.
Four kinds of meaning

I. A. Richards is primarily known for his concept of .........and........ which can be

associated with the four kinds of meaning the poetry contains.
( referential language and emotive language )

Sense and aim are predominant in .......

( referential language);

Tone and Feelings are predominant in.......

( emotive language. )

In which essay I.A.Richards says as, “The original difficulty of all reading, the
problem of making out the meaning, is our obvious starting-point.” ?
Four kinds of meaning.

According to I.A.Richards, difficulty of reading is because of the difficulty of.....

( meaning)

The concept of total meaning can be compared to........

( Allen Tate’s theory of Tension. )

Who postulates the theory of total meaning. ?


What concept of I. A. Richards can be described as, “Whether we are active, as in

speech or writing, or passive, as readers or listeners, the Total Meaning we are
engaged with is, almost always, a bland, a combination of several contributory
meanings of different types.” ?.
Total meaning

which gives the primary meaning to the text. ?.


Who points out that “misreadings are commonly caused by failure to make out plain
I. A. Richards

The first reading method Richards suggests is, reading and understanding the literal
meaning of the text, which he calls......
( Sense. )

Which has a meaning which is not the final meaning but a dimension of meaning?.

I. A. Richards, “We speak to say something, and when we listen we

expect something to be said. We use words to direct our hearers' attention upon
some state of affairs, to present to them some items for consideration and to excite
in them some thoughts about these items.”
(Sense )

Where did The literal meaning of the poetry is obviously easy to comprehend?.

According to I. A. Richards , the reader can be a passive reader in analysing the......

( sense)

1. Sense -- the state of affairs or the items presented for consideration.

2. Feeling -- By feeling he means the whole range of emotional attitudes, desire,

pleasure etc. that the words evoke.
Feeling does not enter into some types of discourse -- mathematics, for

3. Tone: the attitude of the speaker to the audience.

4. Intention -- the speaker's conscious or unconscious intention, the effect he is

trylng to promote
[03/03, 12:11 pm] JAYA GOVINDA RAO S: Sense: what one says

Feeling : what one talks about

Tone: one's attitude to the listener

Intention :conscious or and conscious

The first reading method Richards suggests is, reading and understanding the literal
meaning of the text, which he calls ......
( Sense. )

Which has a meaning which is not the final meaning but a dimension of meaning. ?

Richards insist his readers to focus on the aim of the author which He calls it......
( intention’. )

The notion of understanding the author’s intention may sometimes lead us to what
Wimsatt and Beardsley call, ‘............’ where, “the author's "intention" upon the critic's
judgment has been challenged”
( Intentional Fallacy)

The understanding of poetry is a complex process than understanding of a prose

passage which primarily focuses on ........and......
( sense and intention. )

Understanding poetry mainly focuses on........and......

( Feeling and Tone. )

Which are the two doors to enter into the poetic discourse” ?.
Feelings and tone

Since poetry is emotive, the focus is on........and.......

( feelings and tone. )

Who says "Richards' claim to have pioneered Anglo-American New Criticism of the
thirties and forties is unassailable. He provided the theoretical foundations on which
the technique of verbal analysis was built.” ?.
George Watson

Who are considered pioneers in the field of new criticism. ?.

Richards and T.S. Eliot

Richards is often compared with .........

( Coleridge. )

Which means plain literal meaning. ?


Words which communicate something which gives plain literary menacing without
communication any hidden or under layer meaning are called ......
( Sense )

By tone is meant the writer’s ...... to his reader.

( attitude)

According to Richards “Originally language may have been almost pure emotion that
is to sa
1. A means of expression feelings about situation.
2. A means of expressing impersonal attitudes
3. 3. A means of bringing about concerted action.
Which have a mutual dependence. ?
Sense and feeling

The meaning of words is also determined by........... and.......

( rhythm and metre. )

Both ..........and ........ are organic and integral parts of a poem, for they both
determine the meaning of the words used by the poets
( rhythm and metre)

........., .........and ........ cannot be separated; they form together a single system.
( Rhythm, metre and meaning)

Which is a shift, a carrying over of a word from its normal use to a new use".?

Metaphors may be of two kinds :what are they ?.

(I) sense-metaphors, and (2) emotive-metaphors.

In which metaphor the shift is due to a similarity or analogy between the original
object and the new one. ?
sense metaphor

In which metaphor the shift is due to a similarity between the feelings the new
situation and the normal situation arouse. ?.
emotive metaphor

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