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The first and most important reason I don't give people a chance is because I don't

have fucking time for every goddamn nobody. This is why class exists at all. No
really- I'm completely serious. The reason you have fashion and manners and
etiquette and invitation only events is to filter out people who waste your time.

Women do this by default- if they're attractive in the slightest. They get

approached constantly, and make snap judgements about who has potential. Why do
they all do this? Because they learned at 14 that most people are wasting their
time, and only get clingier and bitchier the more you "lead them on" by giving them
the time of day.

When it comes to assessing danger, snap judgements become even more critical. And
predators lie by default. Why would I trust what they say about themselves?

These people love the Bee Allegory.

>honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little

No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all
summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and
takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of
you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?
Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees
and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our
friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than
yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is
there any difference? You american drones...has your life not been made easier by
harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??
and whenever there are inequities, we are there...getting our "cut"

Alright, out of respect for a curious mind, I'll write just one more.

The book you want to look into is "Class: A Guide Through the American Status
System" by Paul Fussell. He's a bit dated (he wrote it in the neocon 80's), but the
broad strokes are still all correct. You might also look into "The Gervais
Principle" by Venatesh Rao.

There's a meme based on something from- I believe- Wolf of Wallstreet: "If your
friends aren't discussing X,Y,Z, you need new friends."

Class minded people know their social time is limited, and that their social time
is going to further their career. A person can be kind and honest, but still be
pretty useless. They can't do you any favors. Time spent on them is time you can't
spend with someone who can actually help you. If this sounds sociopathic, it's
because it is- which is why sociopaths cluster around high society.

But it works. You'll get better medical care if you make friends with a veteran
nurse or PA. They know the staff, they know who's a quack. All it takes is their
recommendation. The quack will still see just as many randos who walk in without a
clue, but you'll always get the doctor who doesn't suck. Similarly, if you're
friends with a mechanic- even if he can't fix your car, he'll know someone who can
and whether they're ripping you off.

You absolutely pay these people back, even if you're a stone cold sociopath.
They're valuable investments! But you dress it up in the warmth of friendship.
Chances are nurses and nerds aren't sociopaths. They don't play the game. I don't
really want to play the game, but hence the phrase "Hate the game, not the player".

Once you're grooming your friend group for "quality people" (useful contacts), you
naturally start to sort for idiots. But it can be hard to tell whose an idiot in a
field you know nothing about. So you test them in other ways. How well can they
follow meaningless rules? Can they pay attention to small details? Forks. Neckties.
Scotch. etc.

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