Make Bank in The U.S.

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Local city/etc.

democratic political "groups" understand that they're a source of

income in the form of funding, grants, bills, fees, court costs, etc. as well as a
way to funnel money to the groups they're using to keep the black community where
it is. Non profits make bank. The people who build, rent, and renovate the
apartments minorities live in make bank. The courts they pack make bank. All in
all, it's a great source of profit to keep them where they are.
Which is away from the predominantly white progressive democrats who create these
systems. Pricing them out of the area with "real" houses, lack of transportation,
lack of walkable food/grocery/etc.
This makes the minorities pretty victimy people, and that's a powerful tool because
victims start to feel entitled and upset with the people who they think are making
them victims.
It also makes them go for the "lottery" outs. Big NBA star, rapper, kids' shot by
cops lottery, drugs, etc. Instead of actual work, because they'll never succeed
with actual work in the city they're in. This is why whites are going to become
criminals eventually as well. Unfortunately they're going to be a lot better than
minorities at it.
SO, when you live in a culture of victimhood with the government sitting in your
living room or knocking on your door, literally, weekly. Seeing your masters
driving their tesla's to their tree lined 2 story houses, you get a bit upset.
Now, when these cities also """understand""" that the minority is a """victim"""
and start making accommodations for them, this ALLOWS them to become jealous
violent apes. Further entrenching them into the progressives pocket, court system,
and financial funnel.

Additionally, after decades of this you have the people who DON"T want to be
victims rising above the single mothers beating their kids with shoes and create a
group/place where they can go and feel immune or above the white people and their
system, gangs. and comment's too long.

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