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90 Day Challenge Devotion


“For you have need of patience (endurance),

so that when you have done the will of God, you may
receive what was promised.” Hebrews 10:36 (NASB)
PATIENCE: "The ability to wait and work without complaint or
discouragement… even in the midst of difficulties, delays, and defeats (e.g.,
endurance, perseverance)"
Pray: Ask the Lord to make you patient.
Read: James 5:7-11
Meditate: On the necessity of time to produce quality.
Discover: How patience enriches individuals.

James has set the stage for some serious reflection.

At the close of chapter 4, he has reminded us of the brevity of
life and the relationship between the Lord and one’s future. At
the outset of Chapter 5 he warns against the tendency to trust
in riches. Now he turns our thoughts toward patience.

1. How long are we encouraged to be patient?

(v. 7) ________________________________________________________________________

2. What three examples of patience are found in the text?

(v. 7) ______________________________________________________________



3. What must the farmer patiently wait for?

(v. 7)_______________________________________________________________

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90 Day Challenge Devotion
4. What three admonitions are based upon the farmer’s example?

(v. 8a)______________________________________________________________

(v. 8b)_______________________________________________________________

(v. 9a)______________________________________________________________

5. Why do you think prophets been used as an example?

(v. 10)_______________________________________________________________

5. What does the patience of Job teach us?



Pray: Lord, help me be patient while waiting, with little satisfaction, and in
painful experiences.

Patience is an uncommon characteristic. Babies are impatient by nature and

often grow to adulthood without changing. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that
patience is the results of God’s Spirit touching our lives. It is a wonderful
characteristic in others, but difficult to demonstrate ourselves. As we learn more
about patience through this study, application is a must so that we could be a
vessel of blessing to others as we fulfill the Greatest Commission of the Lord.

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Signature Over Printed Name Today’s Date

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