Dreams 23

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We all came into this world with an assigned purpose. And those purpose can
only be found in the presence of the Lord.
Chapter 1
Learning To Dream
There maybe times that we felt of disqualifying our self to dream more. We
think and we grab Satan’s lies in our mind that we are not good enough in
everything that we do. But God has God has given us the ability to dream and
see visions by the power of the holy spirit.
Chapter 2
The Origin of Dream
When God reveal something on us, our spirit should be sensitive enough to
hear. Just like Pastor Cesar's experience in encountering the Lord. He let the
spirit fill him from then he encountered God even in the midst of circumstances.
He never stops dreaming and asking God to reveal his presence instead, he
perseveres in seeking the presence of the Lord. As it is also written that if we
first seek the kingdom of God with all our hearts, everything else shall be added
unto us. For no one knows our tomorrow but one thing we know is that only
God knows our tomorrow.
Chapter 3
Glimpsing the Future
It is important to have a strong relationship to our Lord Jesus Christ for it gives
fulfillment of his plans into our life. Whatever it is that we are going through we
must not lose our sight on our God given purpose as everything we go through
is allowed by God to transform us to the person that he wants us to be. We must
always think of God's will in our life before our own will so his protection and
guidance will all be with us, and our future will all be protected with the
blessings that comes from him.
Chapter 4
Maturing in the Dessert
As a Christian, we are not exempted of the trials that we may encounter for it is
a way of God to prepare us to be the person that is complete and not lacking
anything when testing comes. And we can only prepare if we put our strong faith
and trust in him despite of the circumstances. To be equip with the word of God
and continue to hold on to his promises in our life.
Chapter 5
Rekindling the Romantic
Flame in your Marriage
God knows when our heart is ready for a certain responsibility. And for us to be
ready, We first have to go through process of refining our character so God can
trust us on greater blessings that he's about to pour on us. Whether a blessing
of any kind, relationship blessings or any favors in your relationship. The most
important thing is that our hearts to continue to be on fire with him whatever
circumstances we are into. For our God is the only one who can fix all
misunderstanding and broken relationship in marriage, And in every aspect of
our life as long as we always put God at the center of our relationship.
Chapter 6
Resting in Gods promises
God's promises will never ever fail despite of our sinful nature. He is willing to
give what we deserve as long as we do the things glorifies him. And if we know
how to wait patiently, God will reward us with unexpected blessings that we
couldn’t imagine.
Chapter 7
Determine to have a priestly
A decision to serve God is never been easy. For It will all starts with our desire
to serve him and to live a life that glorifies him alone. Before we can win our
family we must first act upon the word of the Lord, stand firm in our faith and
believe that everything works together for our own good and for our
generations to come. And as we serve, expect trials and setbacks along the way
to refine our character according to the will of God in our life. Our wisdom,
knowledge and understanding will also grow for us to be victorious in our
future challenges within ourselves and in our family
Chapter 8
Restoring the blessing of
God gave us a unique irreversible sexuality that we need to value for the rest of
our life. And as we mature, we must learn how to guard our minds and heart
with whatever our societies own definition of sexuality. That’s how important is
being rooted with a strong foundation of the word of God. From this, we can
still glorify God By means of staying pure in our hearts and mind, having self-
control and waiting for an intimate relationship until marriage. This is one way
of God's blessings to overflow in our life and by this, his plans will continue to
prevail for the generations to come.
Chapter 9
The women in the ministry
God has a different way of molding us to be a woman of faith. Only he knows
our weaknesses and strengths and so he uses it to test our heart and faith in him.
There will be times that we think our plans cause us to be on the top. There will
be times that we thought that the pains and sufferings that we currently
encounter is enough for us to be victorious in our walk with Jesus but most of
the time those are just the beginning of Gods transformation in our lives from
glory to glory. We must expect more of Jesus, we must expect more of his
miracle and overtaking blessings that comes from denying ourselves and
following his will in our life.
Chapter 10
The Power of innovation
Our Vision breaks our reason, it breaks our traditions in the past that cause us
to be limited in serving God. Our God is a limitless God so we must not limit
our strength if it's the will of God in our life so be it. We must find ways and be
creative in our own way. A way that is pleasing to the Lord for he has given us
the capacity and the authority here on earth to be a steward and a caretaker of
his creation. We must bring glory to God in everything that we say or do.

Chapter 11
Learning to hear the voice of
God wants to open our spiritual eyes and ears for us to be able to hear and see
clearly his voice and the visions that he wants to impart on us. God is longing us
to hear him through his words through prayer and meditating it day and night.
Until that we can be able to move freely and pursue our God given purpose. For
with Satan's lies that continuously tormenting God's people, it is impossible to
flee from it with our own strength and might thus we need the mighty power of
God to move in our life to overcome from Satan’s trap

Chapter 12
Being in Agreement
The enemy is like a roaring lion ready to devour someone. To distract the
beautiful creation and plan of God whether a ministry or relationships. As a son
and daughter of God we must desire more in our spirit. For if we focus our
hearts and mind in the Lord, the enemy will flee, and we will be able to focus
more on the things that God wants us to do.

Part 2
Strategies for
God has given us wisdom to be creative and strategic. As long as we follow
God’s direction, and we surrender to his will in our life.

Chapter 1
Aiming for success
Wherever we are and whatever we are going through, one thing is for sure that
God has a wonderful plan for each and every one of us. It only takes a step of
faith to be able to follow God and for his plans to prevail in our life. For God's
plan is not to harm us but to prosper us and for us to have the best future that
we could ever imagine. As what Jesus did two thousand years ago, he came into
the earth not to show off his power but to be a servant of all. Which shows that
our own meaning of success shouldn't come from worldly riches, but it should
Always comes from the cross and the fulfillment of God's plan in our life.

Chapter 2
The Anointing of
God desires quality over quantity and quality depends on the obedience of our
spirit to the word of the Lord that never changes yesterday, today and
tomorrow. When we are filled with the spirit of God, we can be unstoppable in
serving God. We can be capable of doing things that we don't usually do before
for the glory of the Lord and that could result to multiplication of the believers
in Christ.

Chapter 3
Success through Cell groups
The true vision and strategies that we need to imitate is through the finish work
of Jesus. How he humbles down himself for him to win more souls and disciple
them, how he impacted the life of many believers through his sacrifice,
obedience to God the father and through his unconditional love. Nowadays,
God is calling us to initiate this vision of 12 by this, we can be able to work in
unity and to apply the vision.

Chapter 4
Understanding the concept of
the twelve
God has already given us the strategy to work on it by his servant Pastor Cesar
Castillanos and the thing that we need to do is to implement it and follow the
process. If we stand in unity and strive to put the vision into action, we can be
able to maintain a ministry with a strong foundation through equipping and
teaching the people on how to share and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 5
Transformed to Transform
We are not called by God just to sit and listen to the preaching of our leaders or
Pastors, but we are called by God to be engage by equipping ourselves through
trainings acting upon the greatest commission that he commanded to all the
believers. With a pure, teachable and willing heart who can accept corrections,
God can fulfill his plans in our life through submission to his appointed and
Anointed authorities.

Chapter 6
A Question of Character
God cannot use us in his kingdom if we continue dwelling in our past. We must
always remember that everything happens in our life for the benefit of molding
us to be the person that God wants us to be in his time and will. But sadly, most
of the time we got impatient that instead of following and allowing God to
control everything in our life, we take shortcuts until we got deceive into Satan's
trap. By following the will of God in our life, and meditating on his words we
can better take hold of our future with Jesus Christ as he’s son’s and daughter’s
molded by our strong faith and trust in him

Chapter 7
Implementing Encounters
An encounter with God is an encounter that could change our life from glory to
glory. God can use us in whatever situations we are into. God can use us even
in the times that we felt we are not yet ready as God’s timeline is different from
ours. This is a great testimony on how great our God is in our life and that only
he can transform us from glory to glory.

Chapter 8
Establishing the Vision
Our vision breaks our reason. Our vision influences visionless person. And
our vision makes the impossible things possible as we work on it hand in
hand with the help and guidance of our Lord. As we obey him, and
surrender the things that he wants us to do, he will give us more than what
we expect from a small act of obedience to a greater blessings as God sees
our labor in him for as it is written that our labor in him will never be in
vain. And God will always be faithful to his words.

Chapter 9
A Change of Nature
To change our nature, we need to let go and let God. Letting God remove the
things that hinders us. Letting go of the old things that tormenting us and letting
go of the things that distracts us. And start to make decision that benefits us
eternally. By changing our lifestyle, our habits and replace it with Godly
lifestyle that always that brings glory to God now and forever.

Chapter 10
Building walls for protection
As a Christian believer we have to understand the true source of our weaknesses
that might possibly bring us to destructions and wrong decisions Of our actions.
And we have to know that the source of our protection can only be found as we
find our purpose in the presence of God through the blood of Jesus who saved
us from all our iniquities and learning to surrender unto his will in our life.

Chapter 11
Depending on the Holy Spirit
To depend in the holy spirit is to a Acknowledge the need of God in our life. As
it is written that our God is spirit so we as his children should worship him in
spirit and in truth. To spend time in our secret place and accept our calling with
the help of the holy spirit. For we cannot do anything without his guidance and

Chapter 12
Victory over the Enemy
Overcoming the battles through the blood of the lamb. Having faith in the finish
work of Jesus and overcoming fear through our faith and always putting on the
armor of God by studying and meditating on his words and making it work
through application in our daily lives for our battle is not against flesh and
blood but against the principalities of spiritual darkness.
Part 3
Awakening the annointing

Chapter 1
A second chance
God has given us many chances because of his grace and protection though we
are sinners still he is able to accept and extend his grace on us for His love for
us truly surpasses our understanding. Though we fail many times, surely God is
our back up and he will never ever let us down. We may encounter a lot of
challenges along the way but the most important thing is we stay on track with
our true purpose in his kingdom.
Chapter 2
Faith, Hope and Love
It is love, faith and hope that can put broken things together. The love of Jesus
for us that freed us from our sin. How he suffered and sacrifice himself for our
sake. And it is faith and hope in the finish works of Jesus that brings us to
miracles and breakthroughs
Chapter 3
The five priorities
Our God is a God of clarity. He doesn’t give confusions to his people that is
why we must always know our priorities in life. As we follow our priorities,
surely God will always be on top of it and he will never be put in the last. For
we must always put in our mind the eternal things more than anything that this
world can offer
Chapter 4
Child or slave?
Chapter 5
What God can do through a
God can do more through a women. We, as women created to be a helper in the
Chapter 6
Women in the G12 vision
As a women in G12 vision, there is a purpose for us on why God allows us to be
involve in this vision. Through this, God has given us the ability to win more
souls using the strategies imparted to us by his servant Pastor Cesar Castillanos
and by the power of the holy spirit. Through the refined character brought to us
by circumstances and testing of faith, God knows when our heart is ready to
handle bigger things in his kingdom and God knows that as a women we too are
capable to pursue and initiate the vision by his guidance and protection.

Chapter 7
Aiming at our target
We shouldn’t lose our focus in our God given purpose no matter what the
circumstances is. We have to strive more to be different from others and be
separated in the world and things that doesn’t give glory to God. We always
have to aim on our target which is to win the prize of eternal life though
patience, consistency and perseverance.
Chapter 8
Initiating the vision
Initiating the vision might be hard at first, it takes consistency, dedication and
passion and of course our love of God for us to be able to pursue and continue.
We have to go and follow the process on how to retain the souls and building
them to be mature in their faith in Christ Jesus. However, as we persevere and
endure hardships, there will be blessings and multiplication awaits ahead of us.
A realizations of how great and amazing our God is in our life.

Chapter 9
Getting to know the
environment of the vision
As a leader, we must assess the environment we are into. Stepping down and
showing our empathy towards our people/disciples. Encouraging them in their
lowest that they may not be driven by their emotions/feelings instead they will
use their situation as a driving purpose to bear more fruit and build a character
of Jesus in whatever circumstances they are into.
Chapter 10
Characteristics of a G12 leader
A leader is a model of faith in Jesus Christ. A leader must strive to have a
character of Jesus which is applying our faith in every words and actions.
Following the vision and Leading them into the path of righteousness.

Chapter 11
How to establish and
consolidate the G12 group
A G12 leader must first be involve and should dig deeper into the vision.
Making sure that we are ready spiritually and physically to handle the ups and
down of our people. Asking the holy spirit to guide us in everything that we do
in our decisions and when the right time comes that we are ready and when God
sees that we are ready, he will anoint us with the power of the holy spirit to be a
leader of leaders and win more souls for his kingdom.
Chapter 12
Leaders must have vision in
their heart
Without a vision, we cannot be called as a leader. A leader should have a vision
to follow, a process to go through. So we can be able to impart and share the
vison to other people which enables them to change their life from glory to

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