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Writing a literature review for a journal article can be a challenging task.

It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on a particular topic. Many students and
researchers struggle with this aspect of academic writing due to the complexity and time-consuming
nature of the process.

One of the main difficulties in writing a literature review is finding relevant sources. With the vast
amount of information available online and in libraries, it can be overwhelming to sift through all the
material to find the most suitable and credible sources for inclusion in the review.

Furthermore, synthesizing the information from multiple sources into a coherent and structured
narrative can be challenging. It requires not only summarizing the key findings and arguments of
each source but also identifying common themes, trends, and gaps in the existing literature.

Moreover, ensuring that the literature review is well-organized, logically structured, and properly
formatted according to the journal's guidelines adds another layer of complexity to the writing

For those who find themselves struggling with writing a literature review, ⇒ ⇔ offers
a solution. Our team of experienced writers specializes in academic writing, including literature
reviews. We can help you navigate the complexities of the literature review process and produce a
high-quality review that meets the requirements of your journal.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while ensuring that your
literature review is comprehensive, well-written, and ready for publication. Our writers are skilled in
conducting thorough research, critically analyzing sources, and synthesizing information effectively.

Don't let the difficulty of writing a literature review hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔
today and take the first step towards achieving your academic goals.
For short reports, summaries can seem absurd—the reader thinks “You’ve just told me that!”
Summaries need to read as if time has passed, things have settled down, and the writer is viewing the
subject from higher ground. And a review does not necessarily mean that your reader wants you to
give your personal opinion on whether or not you liked these sources. The list has many of the same
design considerations as the table of contents. As such, do not include trade secrets, sensitive data,
or copyrighted information in your report. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC
Libraries citation tutorial. Riset teknologi informasi dosen pengampu: Use of p ropofol and
emergence agitation in children: Berdasarkan hasil literature review dari 10 jurnal yang terdiri dari
karakteristik 6 jurnal jenis terapi bermain flashcard dan 4 jurnal jenis keterampilan sosial yang
dinyatakan bahwa ha atau hipotesis alternatifnya diterima. The Chinese petrochemicals companies
are Petro China Company limited and China National Petroleum Corporation. Writing literature
reviews is a particularly important skill if you want to apply for graduate school or pursue a career in
research. Please leave Feedback USC Libraries Research Guides Organizing Your Social Sciences
Research Paper 5. Organizing the body Once you have the basic categories in place, then you must
consider how you will present the sources themselves within the body of your paper. The conclusion
should: summarise the important aspects of the existing body of literature; evaluate the current state
of the literature reviewed; identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge; outline areas for
future study; link your research to existing knowledge. While this can be time consuming, it is the
proper way to undertake a literature review. It can be helpful to make an annotated bibliography,
where you compile full citation information and write a paragraph of summary and analysis for each
source. Sample literature reviews as part of an article, dissertation, or thesis. An Introduction to
Research Methods in Sociology by Valerie A. Include the information (or areas of information) that
will be of interest and applicable to the report’s audience and purpose. CNPC has around 30
international production as well as exploration projects. As you write, make sure to follow these tips:
Summarise and synthesise: give an overview of the main points of each source and combine them
into a coherent whole. Overall, you want to leave your reader feeling confident that you have what it
takes to get this research study completed in a timely fashion. For example, a review of the
Internet’s impact on American presidential politics could focus on the development of online
political satire. It could also contain a list of organizations relevant to the material of the report,
questions for surveys conducted, or the derivation of an equation that was used in the text but could
not be referenced because it did not originally appear in a text that could be correctly cited.
Naturally, the use of tables, graphs, and figures is especially important here, as are explanations of
how data were derived. You might argue for the relevance of a specific theoretical approach, or
combine various theoretical concepts to create a framework for your research. For example, imagine
you researched the merits of four-day versus five-day workweeks for maximum productivity. It also
mentions the date of the agreement to write the report. Lit reviews can also be standalone pieces,
either as assignments in a class or as publications. Narrow your topic There are hundreds or even
thousands of articles and books on most areas of study. Importance of a Good Literature Review A
literature review may consist of simply a summary of key sources, but in the social sciences, a
literature review usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis,
often within specific conceptual categories. When you find a useful book or article, you can check
the bibliography to find other relevant sources. Findings revealed that there were over 77,000
medical informatics articles published during the covered period in numerous journals and that the
average annual growth rate was 12%.
You can use it to discuss various theories, models, and definitions of key concepts. Understanding
and conforming to this template will help you to organize complex information as well as meet your
reader’s specific needs. Rely heavily on the guidelines your instructor has given you. A review
organized in this manner would shift between time periods within each section according to the
point being made. It is also an argument as to why and how the tasks you have outlined will help
you investigate the research problem and answer your research question(s). As with figures and
tables, appendices should be numbered or lettered in sequence; i.e., “Appendix A, Appendix B,” and
so on. What are the most important topics, subtopics, etc., that your review needs to include. Once
you have determined your audience, you can then decide what type of literature review is
appropriate. Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic. Adapted from
Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative. At the end of the review
follows a conclusion that once again explicitly ties all of the cited works together to show how this
analysis is itself a contribution to the literature. In a research proposal, this can take two forms: a
reference list or a bibliography. First, there are the primary studies that researchers conduct and
publish. A literature review I am currently working on, for example, explores. When we say
“literature review” or refer to “the literature,” we are talking about the research ( scholarship ) in a
given field. Qualitative versus quantitative research Empirical versus theoretical scholarship Divide
the research by sociological, historical, or cultural sources Theoretical: In many humanities articles,
the literature review is the foundation for the theoretical framework. In the progress report, you
explain any or all of the following. What you include in each depends on the objective of your
literature review. Analysis: Involves critically evaluating and summarizing key findings,
methodologies, and debates found in. What are their needs, interests, and culture and values.
Consequently, it is critical that the research design and methods section is well-written, clear, and
logically organized. It follows the IMRaD format and should leave the reader with a full
understanding of the issue. But there is relatively no continuity among subjects here. Identifies
critical gaps and points of disagreement. Include each of the key concepts or variables you’re
interested in, and list any synonyms and related terms. You can add to this list as you discover new
keywords in the process of your literature search. Diantaranya adalah mengidentifikasikan
kesenjangan (identify gaps), menghindari pembuatan ulang (reinventing the wheel),
mengidentifikasikan metode. If there are conflicting studies, why do you think that is. They also
keep you (the writer) organized and focused on the topic. Whenever practical, provide a follow-up
comment, too. Make sure to read the abstract to find out whether an article is relevant to your
Tuliskan pencarian yang anda lakukan di setiap database sehingga anda dapat menggandakannya jika
perlu nanti (atau hindari pencarian buntu yang anda lupa sudah pernah mencoba). Also the labor is
particularly cheap in China so it requires effective management in working efficiently and effectively
(Armstrong, 2000). The annotations inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy and quality of the
sources cited. Tip We've also compiled a few examples, templates, and sample outlines for you
below. Literature reviews are most often part of a larger work, like a research article, but may also be
written as their own piece to demonstrate a student's understanding of a concept. There are many
resources that offer step-by-step guidance for writing a literature review, and you can find some of
them under Other Resources in the menu to the left. Report this Document Download now Save
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 12 Search inside document. Micheal Porter’s five
forces also impacts to a great extent in the viable strategic management of a business. Like
descriptive reviews, the research questions are generic and usually relate to publication patterns and
trends. For each publication, ask yourself: What question or problem is the author addressing. Given
this, while literature reviews are designed to provide an overview and synthesis of pertinent sources
you have explored, there are a number of approaches you could adopt depending upon the type of
analysis underpinning your study. As the literature review is information dense, it is essential that
this section be intelligently structured to enable your reader to grasp the key arguments underpinning
your study. Contoh literature review jurnal pdf students contoh literature review jurnal pdf well and
this is exactly where our popular service excels. Conclusions may be listed and numbered, and it
should be made clear how they contribute to the understanding of the overall problem. For example,
if you are reviewing literature about women and religion, key themes can include the role of women
in churches and the religious attitude towards women. A literature review has three main purposes: -
To find out what is already known about a particular topic or question -To identify gaps in
knowledge -To inform the reader about the current state of research on a topic In order to write a
good literature review, you must first decide on your topic, then find and read the relevant literature.
The categorization of human capital has been sub-divided into three categories which are intellectual
capital, social capital and organizational capital. While it is important to consider the methods that
other researchers have employed, it is equally important, if not more so, to consider what methods
have not been employed but could be. Steps in Conducting a Literature Review A literature review
is an integrated analysis-- not just a summary-- of scholarly writings and other relevant evidence
related directly to your research question. What’s important to understand is that the research gap (or
gaps) needs to emerge from your previous discussion of the theoretical and empirical literature.
Findings revealed that there were over 77,000 medical informatics articles published during the
covered period in numerous journals and that the average annual growth rate was 12%. For the
Internet in American presidential politics project, one methodological approach would be to look at
cultural differences between the portrayal of American presidents on American, British, and French
websites. What sources have they cited to support their conclusions. Their career choices can be
unexpected as compared to both the categories of individuals that is the extroverted and the
introverted (Blackhall and Michelle, 2010). In technical reports, an entire section of your paper may
be devoted to a literature review. As mentioned previously, there are a number of existing guidelines
for literature reviews. The body of literature includes all studies that address related or identical
hypotheses or research problems. A well-done integrative review meets the same standards as
primary research in regard to clarity, rigor, and replication. By Publication Order your sources by
publication chronology, then, only if the order demonstrates a more important trend. Berdasarkan
hasil literature review dari 10 jurnal yang terdiri dari karakteristik 6 jurnal jenis terapi bermain
flashcard dan 4 jurnal jenis keterampilan sosial yang dinyatakan bahwa ha atau hipotesis
alternatifnya diterima. Finally, double check that you’ve documented your sources and formatted the
review appropriately for your discipline.
Heterogeneity between the included studies in terms of reported outcomes and measures precluded
the use of meta-analytic methods. A flow diagram shows the number of studies identified, screened,
and included or excluded at each stage of study selection. A thematic review would have subtopics
based upon factors that relate to the theme or issue. They also give recipients a chance to evaluate
your work on the project and to request changes. It contains information about the report that does
not belong in the report itself, and could be viewed as a form of metadiscourse—a self-referential
document that refers back to the main document to provide context. The mangers who are involved
in the strategic planning concerned with the business of petrochemicals must be concerned with the
future prices forecasting of petrochemicals as well as the factors that regulate these prices. This
makes you wonder about American whaling methods during the time portrayed in Moby Dick, so
you find some academic articles published in the last five years on how accurately Herman Melville
portrayed the whaling scene in his novel. Write a clear opening paragraph reminding your recipient
of the project you are working on and that you are providing progress on that project. Federal
government websites often end Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're
on a federal government site. Interestingly, their research appeared to be the first research to link
individual resilience factors with community resilience factors. The literature review gives you a
chance to: Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and scholarly context Develop a theoretical
framework and methodology for your research Position yourself in relation to other researchers and
theorists Show how your dissertation addresses a gap or contributes to a debate You might also have
to write a literature review as a stand-alone assignment. It also mentions the date of the agreement to
write the report. Right? Wrong! The “literature” of a literature review refers to any collection of
materials on a topic, not necessarily the great literary texts of the world. “Literature” could be
anything from a set of government pamphlets on British colonial methods in Africa to scholarly
articles on the treatment of a torn ACL. Identifying these factors is vital to creating a report that will
be accepted by the reader—whether the report is written for internal or external readers, and if the
report is solicited or unsolicited. (See chapter 9 for a more details on interval vs external and
solicited vs unsolicited documents. Fink, Arlene. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the
Internet to Paper. Literature reviews serve as a guide to a particular topic: professionals can use
literature reviews to keep current on their field; scholars can determine credibility of the writer in his
or her field by analyzing the literature review. Most lit reviews use a basic introduction-body-
conclusion structure; if your lit review is part of a larger paper, the introduction and conclusion pieces
may be just a few sentences while you focus most of your attention on the body. These studies were
identified through a formal and systematic search in four databases between 2003 and 2013. Banyak
penelitian yang sebelumnya dilakukan mengenai distributed database.dalam upaya pengembangan
distributed database ini perlu dilakukan studi pustaka sebagai salah satu dari penerapan metode
penelitian yang akan dilakukan. The US petro chemical company operating in China needs to set up a
learning organization in order to enhance faster growth and sustainability in the region. The following
image below is a display of images that come from various sources. However, if you are writing a
review in the humanities, history, or social sciences, a survey of the history of the literature may be
what is needed, because what is important is how perspectives have changed through the years or
within a certain time period. Privacy Overview Have a language expert improve your writing Run a
free plagiarism check in 10 minutes, automatically generate references for free. Does the research use
established frameworks or take an innovative approach. Note specific courses and principles studied
in these courses. Well, the research gap should serve as the core justification for your study. In this
way, critical reviews attempt to constructively inform other scholars about the weaknesses of prior
research and strengthen knowledge development by giving focus and direction to studies for further
improvement ( Kirkevold, 1997 ). Missed appointments are a major cause of inefficiency in
healthcare delivery with substantial monetary costs to health systems. These authors sought to assess
whether mobile phone-based appointment reminders delivered through Short Message Service ( sms
) or Multimedia Messaging Service ( mms ) are effective in improving rates of patient attendance and
reducing overall costs. It focuses on a small segment of the literature on a topic and makes up an
entire work on its own. In other words, graphics should clarify the information in the text, while the
text should explain and support the graphics.

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