Offer of Employment - MS Ekechi Divine

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22nd August, 2022

Ms Ekechi Divine
28, Oguntolu Street,
Shomolu LGA,
Lagos State.

We refer to your application for employment and subsequent interview and are pleased to
offer you employment with LoveWorld Schools as a SCHOOL NURSE. You are expected to
resume on Thursday, 1st September 2022. Your monthly offer shall be N100, 000 (One
hundred thousand naira only) monthly.

Your annual remuneration shall be as follows:

Basic Salary: N180,000

Housing Allowance: N420,000
Transport Allowance: N300,000
Wardrobe Allowance: N180,000
Entertainment Allowance: N120,000

Please note that cash component of your salary will be paid to you monthly in arrears after
deduction of personal income tax, your pension contribution, repayment of any loans
obtained by you and any other statutory deduction authorised by the Federal of State
13th Month: In addition to the above stated remuneration, you will be entitled to one-month
basic salary excluding tax.
Tuition: Your children will also be entitled to get 70% off tuition fees should they attend as
students in the primary section of the School.
School Lunch: You will be served a meal at lunch time.
Health Insurance: You will be part of the School’s health insurance scheme under the
School’s HMO.

You will be on probation for six months. On completion of your probation, subject to
satisfactory performance of your duties, receipt of satisfactory reports from three (3)
referees and your last place of employment, your appointment may be confirmed or
otherwise extended for one school term. While on probation, either party may terminate
your employment by giving one (1) months’ notice or paying one (1) month’s basic salary in
lieu of notice.

After confirmation, either party may terminate this appointment at any time by giving three
months’ notice in writing or paying three months’ basic salary in lieu of notice. The period of
notice required after confirmation of your employment shall be reduced to one month
provided that the notice terminates (or is to terminate) at the end of a school session.

Summary dismissal/termination of employment

Should you at any time be guilty of serious misconduct, refuse to comply with lawful
orders/instructions or conduct yourself in a manner likely to bring the School’s name into
disrepute, the School shall be entitled to exercise its power of summary dismissal. Also,
your employment may be terminated should you be incapable of performing your duties to
the satisfaction of the School for whatever reason.

You shall serve the School as a SCHOOL NURSE. Your responsibilities shall include (but
shall not be limited to) ensuring the health and wellbeing of all pupils as well as maintaining and
updating health records of pupils. You shall also carry out such other duties as the School
Management may give you from time to time.
Hours of work
The School’s normal hours of work are as follows:
Monday to Friday: 7.15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with lunch break.

These hours are subject to alteration from time to time as may be necessary. You are
expected to put in such extra hours as the exigencies of duty may dictate. Please note that
staff meeting days may extend beyond 5:00pm on some occasions.

You are entitled to 21 days’ holiday with pay for each completed year of service. Annual
holidays may be prorated for periods of employment less than a year. Except you have
obtained the prior written consent of the School to defer the taking of your holiday, any
holiday not taken shall be forfeited and you shall not be entitled to any payment in lieu of
the holiday. Holidays shall be taken only during school vacations.

Confidential information
Work in the School is of a confidential nature. Therefore, you must not during or after the
termination of your employment with the School without the School’s express consent,
disclose to third parties information coming into your possession in the course of your
employment, especially relating to the affairs of the School and its students.

Medical examination
The School reserves the right to request you to undergo a medical examination by the
School’s medical adviser or by a doctor nominated by the School and to provide such blood
or other like specimens for analysis as and when deemed necessary.

Other employment
You may not without the prior written consent of the School engage in any form of business
or employment other than your employment with the School whether inside or outside your
normal hours of work.
Acceptance of offer
If you find our offer acceptable, kindly indicate your acceptance of the offer to the
undersigned by signing and returning the attached copy of this letter within 72 hours of the
receipt of the offer.

Yours sincerely,
For: LoveWorld School

Pst. (Dr.) Anita Aguele
School Administrator

Offer accepted by me:

Name: …………………………………………………

Signature: ……………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………….

Date of Assumption of Duty: …………………………………

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