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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon
Concepcion District


Subject: ENGLISH No of Competency Covered: Grading Period: Third Grading

Grade Level: 6 Section: Mapamaraan School Year: 2022 - 2023

Levels of Cognitive Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy Total Number of

No. of % Item Placement I Number of Items Items
Learning Competencies Hours (Weight Lower Order Thinking Skills Higher Order Thinking Skills
(LC) Taught per LC) Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Actual Adjusted
Present a coherent, 8.3 25% 1-4 4 28 1 29-32 5 44-45 2 10 10
comprehensive report on
differing viewpoints on
an issue
Make a stand 8.3 25% 5 1 33 1 2 2
Gather relevant information from 8.3 25% 6-10 5 5 5
print sources
Evaluate narratives based on 8.3 25% 11-17 8 18-27 11 34-43 10 33 33
how the author developed the 46 47 48 49 1 50 1
TOTAL 33 100% 18 11 1 16 3 1 50 50

Prepared by: Checked/Inspected:


Teacher III Master Teacher I


Principal I
in English VI
SY 2022-2023

1. C 26. B
2. D 27. A
3. D 28. D
4. D 29. A
5. D 30. D
6. B 31. D
7. D 32. C
8. D 33. D
9. D 34. B
10. C 35. C
11. D 36. B
12. A 37. A
13. C 38. C
14. D 39. C
15. D 40. A
16. B 41. D
17. B 42. B
18. C 43. A
19. D 44. C
20. C 45. C
21. A 46-50.
22. A Answers’ may vary.
23. B
24. B
25. D
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Romblon
Concepcion District
_______________ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Third Quarter Examination
English VI
SY 2022-2023 50

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Teacher: _________________________________________ Section: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the statements very well. Answer what is asked by choosing your best
response. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

______1. It is an information that is known or proven to be true.

A. Defense C. Facts
B. Evidence D. Informed Opinion
______2. It is a belief based on information.
A. Defense C. Facts
B. Evidence D. Informed Opinion
______3. It is a position taken on a topic or issue.
A. Defense C. Opposition
B. Informed Opinion D. Stand
______4. Which of the following is NOT useful in preparing clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoints?
A. Doing a research C. Making assumptions
B. Listening to others’ opinion D. Stating facts
______5. How are you going to make a stand?
A. Make a plan.
B. Don’t say anything.
C. Completely believing in the topic.
D. Look at the topic then make a research.
______6. Which source will you use if you want to get information about many different things?
A. Dictionary C. Glossary
B. Encyclopedia D. Thesaurus
______7. Which of the following is similar to a dictionary?
A. Almanac C. Glossary
B. Encyclopedia D. Index
______8. When is an index used?
A. To look for the title of a lesson
B. To quickly find a topic and its page
C. To find additional information about a topic
D. To get the synonym and antonym of a word
______9. Which of the following is an example of an online reference?
A. Book C. Twitter
B. Newspaper D. Website
______10. What information can you get from a thesaurus?
A. Definition C. Synonym
B. Pronunciation D. Spelling
______11. What is a narrative?
A. A biography C. A research project
B. A poetry D. A story
______12. In the story, what refers to the persons, animals, being, creatures or things around which the story
A. Characters C. Time and place
B. Opinion D. Vivid and interesting
______13. What do you call the time and place in which the events happen in a story?
A. Chronological order C. Setting
B. Dialogue D. Transition words

DIRECTIONS: Read the story. Then, analyze the setting and character. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided before each number.

The Frogs & the Ox

By: Aesop

An Ox came down to a reedy pool to drink. As he splashed heavily into the water, he crushed a young
Frog into the mud.
The old Frog soon missed the little one and asked his brothers and sisters what had become of him.
"A great big monster," said one of them, "stepped on little brother with one of his huge feet!"
"Big, was he!" said the old Frog, puffing herself up. "Was he as big as this?"
"Oh, much bigger!" they cried.
The Frog puffed up still more.
"He could not have been bigger than this," she said. But the little Frogs all declared that the monster
was much, much bigger and the old Frog kept puffing herself out more and more until, all at once, she burst.

Moral Lesson: Do not attempt the impossible.

_______14. Where did the Ox come down?

A. To a pond C. To a spring
B. To a river D. To a reedy pool
_______15. What animal was called monster?
A. Duck C. Frogs
B. Fish D. Ox

The Fisherman & the Little Fish

By Aesop

A poor Fisherman, who lived on the fish he caught, had bad luck one day and
caught nothing but a very small fry. The Fisherman was about to put it in his basket when the little Fish said:
"Please spare me, Mr. Fisherman! I am so small it is not worthwhile to carry me home. When I am
bigger, I shall make you a much better meal."
But the Fisherman quickly put the fish into his basket.
"How foolish I should be," he said, "to throw you back. However small you may be, you are better than
nothing at all."

Moral Lesson: A small gain is worth more than a large promise.

_______16. When did the story happen?

A. One afternoon C. One night
B. One day D. One sunny day

_______17. What animal was caught by the fisherman?

A. Little Crab C. Little Shark
B. Little Fish D. Little Shrimp

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the statements very well. Answer what is asked by choosing your best
response. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______18. Elisa is a simple girl who loves to stay in her room all day. She spends her time playing with her
cellphone. She only gets out of her room when it is time to eat. Her parents would usually scold her
because of her attitude. What element of a plot is being referred to?
A. Climax C. Exposition
B. Conflict D. Resolution
_______19. Pedro stumbles upon a small hill where a duwende lives. The duwende gets angry because his
house is destroyed. When Pedro arrives home, he feels unwell. His nanay calls an albularyo. The
albularyo says that it is done by an angry duwende. What type of conflict is being referred to?

A. Character versus Nature

B. Character versus Society
C. Character versus Character
D. Character versus Supernatural Forces
_______20. Rizal was a busy man living in his hometown Calamba. How will you describe Rizal?
A. Bored C. Occupied
B. Carefree D. Relaxed
_______21. The bandits took all the treasures that made the villagers became hopeless. The bandits
A. The antagonists. C. The narrators.
B. The authors. D. The protagonists.

DIRECTIONS: Read the narrative below; evaluate the traits/qualities of the characters as to how they portray
their roles in the narrative. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part of La Union in the Northern part of the
Philippines. They had a son named Lam-ang. Before Lam-ang was born, Don Juan went to the mountains in
order to punish a group of their Igorot enemies. While he was away, his son Lam-ang was born. It took four
people to help Namongan give birth.
As soon as Lam-ang was born, he spoke. He named himself and chose his godparents. At nine
months, he decided he would go and look for his father. During his exhausting journey, he rested for a while.
He fell asleep and had a bad dream about his father's head being stuck on a pole by the Igorot.

_______22. What character trait was shown by Don Juan?

A. Brave C. Humble
B. Hardworking D. Strong
_______23. How was he able to show his courage to kill his enemies?
A. He went to the mountain with his group.
B. He went alone fearlessly to the mountain.
C. He went to the mountain with his battle gears.
D. He went to the mountain together with his wife.
_______24. In this narrative, what strange quality does Lam-ang have?
A. Coward C. Timid
B. Extraordinary D. Vigilant
_______25. How will you describe the character in this narrative?
A. Funny C. Normal
B. Horrible D. Unbelievable

DIRECTIONS: Read the narrative below, evaluate the setting and answer the questions below. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before each number.

Lam-ang was furious when he learned what had happened to his father. He rushed to the enemies’
village and killed them all, except for one whom he let go so that he could tell other people about his greatness.
Upon returning to Nalbuan in triumph, he was bathed by women in the Amburayan River. All the fish
died because of the dirt and odor from Lam-ang's body.
Meanwhile, on the next village, there lived a beautiful young woman named Ines Kannoyan whom Lam-
ang wanted to woo. He visited her and brought along with him his white rooster and gray dog. On his way, he
met his enemy Sumarang, one of Ines’ suitors whom he fought once. Lam-ang found Ines’ house. It was
surrounded by many suitors who brought something with them trying to catch Ines’ attention.

________26. How does the village look like after the struggle between Lam-ang and the villagers?
A. A battle field C. A happy place
B. A bloody village D. A peaceful place
________27. How was rivalry in the passage proven?
A. Lam-ang fought his enemy Sumarang.
B. Lam-ang found Ines’ house in the village.
C. Ines’ house was surrounded by many suitors.
D..Lam-ang brought along with him his white rooster and gray dog.

DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the statements very well. Answer what is asked by choosing your best
response. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______28. What other way can we do to reduce plastic pollution?

A. Buy bottled water.
B. Show no interest in recycling materials.
C. Advice manufacturers to increase the supply of plastics.
D. Instead of using plastic bags, bring your bag where you can place the grocery items
_______29. The Department of Education prohibits the selling of junk foods in school canteens. What is your
point of view?
A. It should not be allowed in campus of schools as junk foods are unhealthy.
B. Junk foods provide greater availability and affordability in cafeteria of schools
C. Students will gain heavy weight, leading to obesity and blood sugar as they eat junk foods.
D. Fast food should be allowed as every individual or a student has a fundamental right to choose.
_______30. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Plastic adds beauty to the environment.
B. It takes up one year for plastic to decompose.
C. Plastic saves the lives of millions of seabirds and animals.
D. The litters found on the beaches include cigarette butts, bottles, bottle caps, food wrappers,
and grocery bags.
_______31. Why is it important to reduce plastic waste?
A. Because the supplier needs it.
B. Because it is not contaminated.
C. Because factories need it badly.
D. Because it also reduces energy consumption.
_______32. How should you prepare clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoints?
1. Know and research about the topic/main idea.
2. Present two or more point of views. Provide support, reason or basis to these views.
3. Bring out the strong points of your viewpoint using all the information as your basis for you to
persuade your audience.
4. You can also pose a question or a statement leaving your audience to decide for themselves
which point of view they would choose to take.
A. 1-3-2-4 C. 1-2-3-4
B. 1-2-4-3 D. 1-4-3-2
_______33. Which of the following is TRUE about giving a stand and an opinion?
A. Everyone is not entitled to stand in their own opinion.
B. To make a stand is to determine the equality to be defended.
C. Believe in what you’re telling or writing and never convince the listener or someone else.
D. Understand well the informed opinion; decide your position on the topic, and present evidence
to support your statement.
_______34. The following are elements of narrative writing EXCEPT one, which is it?
A. Characters C. Problem and solution
B. Drama D. Setting
_______35. Why are descriptive words important to the story?
A. Because they motivate the readers.
B. Because they make the story longer.
C. Because they add details to the story.
D. Because they show how intelligent the writer is.
_______36. Which of the statement shows rising action?
A. “Elisa, will you please go out for a while? It seems that you are too caught up with your
cellphone. Can’t you help me in the kitchen? I’m so busy right now,” her mother said.
B. This angered mom said, “If you will not get out of your room in a minute, I will confiscate your
cellphone and I will not return it to you anymore,” her mother said.
C. Elisa quickly went out of her room and said, “I’m sorry, Mom. I had been unhelpful to you. I
promise I will not spend most of my time watching You Tube and playing Mobile Legends. I
hope you will forgive me.”
B. “Wait for a while, Mom,” Elisa answered. “I just need to finish this video,” she added.
“How many hours will I wait for you, Elisa? I need you right now!” yelled mom.
“For a while mom! I just really need to finish this”, answered Elisa.
_______37. Which of the statement shows conflict?
A. “Elisa, will you please go out for a while? It seems that you are too caught up with your
cellphone. Can’t you help me in the kitchen? I’m so busy right now,” her mother said.
B. This angered mom said, “If you will not get out of your room in a minute, I will confiscate
your cellphone and I will not return it to you anymore,” her mother said.
C. Elisa quickly went out of her room and said, “I’m sorry, Mom. I had been unhelpful to you. I
promise I will not spend most of my time watching You Tube and playing Mobile Legends. I
hope you will forgive me.”
D. “Wait for a while, Mom,” Elisa answered. “I just need to finish this video,” she added.
“How many hours will I wait for you, Elisa? I need you right now!”, yelled mom.
“For a while mom! I just really need to finish this”, answered Elisa.

________38. Which of the statement shows falling action?

A. “Elisa, will you please go out for a while? It seems that you are too caught up with your
cellphone. Can’t you help me in the kitchen? I’m so busy right now,” her mother said.
B. This angered mom said, “If you will not get out of your room in a minute, I will confiscate
your cellphone and I will not return it to you anymore,” her mother said.
C. Elisa quickly went out of her room and said, “I’m sorry, Mom. I had been unhelpful to you. I
promise I will not spend most of my time watching You Tube and playing Mobile Legends. I
hope you will forgive me.”
D. “Wait for a while, Mom,” Elisa answered. “I just need to finish this video,” she added.
“How many hours will I wait for you, Elisa? I need you right now!”, yelled mom.
“For a while mom! I just really need to finish this”, answered Elisa.
________39. Which of the statement shows exposition?
A. “Elisa, will you please go out for a while? It seems that you are too caught up with your
cellphone. Can’t you help me in the kitchen? I’m so busy right now,” her mother said.
B. This angered mom said, “If you will not get out of your room in a minute, I will confiscate
your cellphone and I will not return it to you anymore,” her mother said.
C. Elisa is a simple girl who loves to stay in her room all day. She spends her time playing with
her cellphone. She only gets out of her room when it is time to eat. Her parents would
usually scold her because of her attitude.
D. “Wait for a while, Mom,” Elisa answered. “I just need to finish this video,” she added.
“How many hours will I wait for you, Elisa? I need you right now!”, yelled mom.
“For a while mom! I just really need to finish this”, answered Elisa.
________40. In August, when the soldiers fought in Marawi and got wounded, their comrades lift them to the
chopper and took away. How will you describe the setting in the sentence?
A. A bloody battlefield C. A place of festivities
B. A holy place D. A romantic place
________41. Which of the following vividly describes a setting?
A. Humming birds swiftly fly across the horizon.
B. The chieftain ferociously fought the Spanish invaders.
C. Although miles away, he still sends letters remembering me.
D. The walls of the house were made of dark stones and dimly lit by candles.
________42. The weather was ideal. They have a more perfect garden party. How do you evaluate this kind of
A. Costly setting C. Messy setting
B. Favorable setting D. Poor Setting
________43. Which of the following is the part where the characters and setting are established?
A. A long time ago, a little boy was walking through a park.
B. The boy tried to guess the magic words but none of them worked.
C.The little boy brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party ever.
D. With this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and revealed a pathway leading to a great big
pile of toys and chocolate.
________44. Should children be given an allowance? Why or why not?
A. Yes, an allowance may open the door to kids making poor financial decisions when spending
their money.
B. Yes, kids may not be motivated to do their chores when they do not need the money or they
have saved up enough.
C. Yes, an allowance can teach children about finances, responsibility and the consequences of
poor financial decisions
D. Yes, it gives kids spending money for non-essential items such as toys and video games.
________45. Study the following statements about plastic pollution and how it affects the environment.
I. It does not affect global warming.
II. It prevents poisoning and starvation.
III. It is hazardous to both marine and wildlife animals.
IV. It sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening and spreading toxins.

A. I and II are correct C. III and IV are correct

B. II and III are correct D. I and IV are correct

DIRECTIONS: Read the narrative, and then answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on the space

Battle of Mactan

Year 1521, in the Island of Mactan, a stranger came named Magellan. He was sent by the King of
Spain to ask the chieftain of the island to pay for a tribute. Lapulapu the chief was in deep anger and resists to
pay, and stand firm on his decision. Magellan with his disappointment prepared his men to fight against Lapu-
lapu. Soon the battle begun. The peaceful Mactan waters became warlike sight and turned red. Magellan’s
men fell lifeless and dead. Lapu-lapu and his men rejoice gloriously in their victory for the Filipino liberty.

46. In this narrative, which refers to the setting?

47. What was the conflict or problem in the narrative?
48. If you will evaluate the trait of the lead character or the hero in the narrative, what trait is it?
49. Based from the narrative, how would you assess the role of the antagonist or the villain?
50. What will you feel after the battle in Mactan?

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