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Nguyen Nhut Minh, M.A. VX23NNA80131 - Lis./Spe.2 – L.P.


Section 1
You will hear five short conversations. There is one question for each
conversation. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer.
Practice 1
1. What must the man turn off?
A. television B. radio C. lights
2. Where’s the girl’s pen?
A. on the table B. in the bag C. by the phone
3. What will the boy do this evening?
A. practice the guitar B. watch a football match C. wash the car
4. What animals did they see on their holiday?
A. elephants B. lions C. monkeys
5. What does the man want to buy?
A. shirt B. jacket C. sweater
Practice 2
1. Which day is the man’s appointment?
A. Thursday B. Friday C. Monday
2. What is the woman going to eat?
A. sandwiches B. chicken and salad C. soup
3. Which train will the woman take?
A. 11:30 B. 12:45 C. 2:15
4. How much did the man pay for the camera?
A. £150 B. £160 C. £175
5. Which race did the girl win?
A. bicycle race B. swimming race C. running race
Nguyen Nhut Minh, M.A. VX23NNA80131 - Lis./Spe.2 – L.P.

Practice 3
1. Where is the photograph now?
A. above the cupboard B. next to the phone C. next to the window
2. When can Suzy come to dinner?
A. 9th B. 16th C. 23rd
3. Where did Jane go on holiday?
A. in the mountains B. by the beach C. by the river
4. What has Maria hurt?
A. hand B. arm C. neck
5. What time will Clare meet Jack at the station?
A. 1:15 B. 4:30 C. 5:45
Section 2
Listen and fill in the numbered blanks (6-10) with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS
Some further contents based on the discussed units during the course
Section 3
Section 3.1
For questions 11-15, listen and answer these questions by writing short answers
Practice 1
11. Dawn booked the concert ticket over the ………………………. .
12. Dawn’s plane ticket cost £…………. .
13. Dawn stayed in an apartment of his mother’s …………………….. .
14. Dawn thought the concert was too ……………… .
15. Most of the time, Dawn was in the ……………………… .
Practice 2
11. The best class for Joe is ………………………. .
12. Joe’s class begins at ………………………. .
13. How many other students will there be in Joe’s class? …………………….. .
14. What should Joe take to his first class? A(n) ………….……… .
15. Joe will pay £…………………… .
Nguyen Nhut Minh, M.A. VX23NNA80131 - Lis./Spe.2 – L.P.

Practice 3
11. The girl wants to go to Edinburgh ………………………. .
12. The girl will pay £ ………………………. .
13. The girl will get on the coach outside the ………………………. .
14. The coach will be at the girl’s stop at …………………….. a.m.
15. In Edinburgh, the girl will visit the castle and the …………………….. .
Section 3.2
For questions 16-20, listen and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Listen again the conversation and decide if these are true/false statements.

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