Grade 7 Regular SCience - 4th Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III


NAME:_______________________________ SCORE:____________
SECTION:______________________________ DATE:_____________


1. Which of the following terms describes latitude?

a. how strong wind is blowing c. how far west or east on the globe a place is located
b. how hot or cold a place is d. how far north or south on the globe a place is located2.
2. Which of the following does NOT describe the lines of latitude?
a. lines are parallel to the equator
b. lines from circles that are similar from the poles
c. lines do not meet
d. lines meet at the poles
3. Which of the following is the approximate reading of the latitude and longitude of Manila?
a. 14˚N, 121˚E b. 14˚E, 121˚N c. 14˚S, 121˚S d. 14˚W, 121˚S
4. To locate exact places on the earth one must look at
a. The lines of latitude only
b. The lines of longitude only.
c. a neighboring area to describe the location.
d. The intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
5. You see pieces of cardboard, empty soft drink cans, and a broken wooden chair dumped in a vacant
lot. What materials are being wasted in the dumpsites?
a. Paper B. Metals C. Wood D. All of these
6. Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on
a. It warms earth’s surface
b. It helps in cloud formation.
c. It makes jet flying more comfortable.
d. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
7. How does atmospheric circulation influence climate?
a. By producing ocean currents.
b. By distributing air that causes wind.
c. By producing winds that cause ocean currents.
d. By producing winds that distribute heat and moisture.
8. What are natural resources? These are materials or elements that people:
a. did not create c. use to meet their needs
b. invented foe themselves d. observe using scientific equipments
9. Which of the following is a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be
a. renewable b. recyclable c. non renewable d. reliable
10. Which pair of resources is renewable?
a. cotton and leather c. coal and solar energy
b. aluminum and iron d. soil and minerals
11. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources, if they were produce
from plants and animals?
a. It takes a very long time to produce them
b. Using them results in environmental problems
c. They are difficult to locate and explore from earth
d. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries
12. Which of the following energy sources does not pollute our environment?
a. geothermal energy c. hydroelectric energy
b. fossil fuel d. nuclear energy
13. The following are harmful effects of excessive soil erosion EXCEPT;
a. deforestation
b. siltation of rivers, making the area prone to floods
c. clogging of fish gills, causing death of fish
d. loss of rich top soil
14. Why is the Philippines said to be belong to the Pacific Ring of Fire?
a. It has many volcanoes c. It is surrounded by trenches
b. It is located near the equator d. It is composed of many islands
15. The following are statements about water resources. Which of them is false?
a. Drinking water resources are limited
b. Clear water is always safe to drink
c. Wastes thrown in bodies of water use up much oxygen
d. Many activities of people decrease the quality of the water supply.
16. Which of the following is the largest ocean region of the earth?
a. Atlantic Ocean b. Pacific Ocean c. Indian Ocean d. Arctic Ocean
17. Which of the following are most abundant gases in the atmosphere?
a. nitrogen and oxygen c. nitrogen and carbon dioxide
b. oxygen and carbon dioxide d. water vapor and nitrogen
18. How living things on Earth are protected from harmful radiation from the sun?
a. by clouds c. by troposphere
b. by ozone layer d. by greenhouse gases
19. Which of the following statements about warm air and cold air is true?
a. Cold air is denser than hot air and it rises
b. Hot air is less dense than cold air and it rises
c. Cold air is less dense than hot air and it rises
d. Hot air is denser than cold air and it rises
20. Which of the following is the warming up of air due to heat trapped by atmospheric gases?
a. convection b. photosynthesis c. salinity d. greenhouse effect
21. Which of these is associated in global warming?
a. El Nino Phenomenon c. greenhouse effect
b. Eutrophication d. Depletion of ozone layer
22. Most of our weather occurs in which layer of the atmosphere?
a. Ionosphere c. mesosphere
b. stratosphere d. troposphere
23. Which of the following is the correct order of Earth’s atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
a. stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere
b. stratosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, exosphere
c. troposphere, mesosphere thermosphere, exosphere, stratosphere
d. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
24. In which atmospheric layers is most water vapor found?
a. troposphere b. stratosphere c. mesosphere d. thermosphere
25. Which of the following is meant by trace gases?
a. they are not harmful c. they are emitted by trees
b. they are naturally occurring on earth d. they are present in very small amounts
26. Which of the following is the basis for the division of the layers of the atmosphere that surrounds
the earth?
a. changing temperature c. changing amount of oxygen
b. changing humidity d. changing composition of gases
27. Which of the following will happen when air is heated?
a. it rises c. it stays in place
b. it spreads in all directions d. it moves toward a lower elevation
28. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing a high mountain?
a. for protection against insect bite
b. the air temperature decreases with altitude
c. so they can be easily located when they get lost
d. to add more weight so they will not be pushed by the wind
29. Which warm up faster, land or water?
a. land b. water c. both warm up d. depends on weather
30. Which of the following will happen to the surrounding as warm air rises?
a. moves in all direction c. moves away from the rising air
b. moves to a higher altitude d. moves toward the place where warm air rises
31. Which of the following direction do wind blows?
a. from the northeast to southwest
b. from the southwest to northeast
c. low pressure area to high pressure area
d. high pressure area to low pressure area
32. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about ITCZ?
a. it results in thunderstorms c. it occurs in the Phil. All year round
b.. it occurs in countries near equator d. it is a place where winds in tropics meet, rise
and form clouds.
33. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, Why are scientist concerned about the greenhouse
a. There is no technology that will keep the temperature constant
b. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible, Earth has many desert areas
c. Human activities like burning fuels and deforestations enhance the greenhouse effect
d. the human population is increasing rapidly, more carbon dioxide will released to the
34. Which of the following occurrences leads to solar eclipse?
a. Full moon, when the Earth moves into the moon’s shadow.
b. Full moon, when the moon moves into the earth’s shadow
c. New moon, when the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow
d. New moon, when the Earth’s move into the moon’s shadow
35. When does the total eclipse of the moon occur?
a. When the moon passes through the moon’s shadow
b. When the moon moves through the inner shadow called umbra
c. When the moon moves through the larger outer shadow called penumbra
d. When the Earth’s shadow falling on the moon dims the moon glow to a dark coppery
36. Which of the following determines the length of one year?
a. revolution of earth around the sun c. inclination of earth’s by 23.5 degrees
b. rotation of earth on its axis d. revolution of moon around the sun
37. If the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees toward the sun, Which of the following will be the season of
the Northern Hemisphere?
a. Summer b. Winter c. Autumn d. Spring
38. Which of the following conditions on a planet would make it very hot?
a. hot and with no atmosphere
b. thick carbon dioxide gas
c. sandy and cratered surface
d. plant covered surface
39. Why the different phases of the moon are viewed here from earth?
a. Because the moon rotates around the earth
b. Because earth revolves around the moon
c. because earth rotates around the moon
d. because earth rotates around the sun
40. Which of the following is the darkest part of the moon shadow during a solar eclipse?
a. waxing gibbous b. umbra c. Penumbra d. waning gibbous
41. A boy standing on an open field on a bright sunny day casts a long shadow pointing east. What
time of the day is it?
a. high noon c. late afternoon
b. early afternoon d. early morning
42. The sun is observed to rise in the East and set in the West. What explains this phenomena?
a. revolution of Earth around the sun c. rotation of Earth on its axis
b. tilt of Earth’s axis d. spherical shape of earth
43. Which of the following is the main reason why we have seasons?
a. Earth’s elliptical orbit; it is closer to the sun at certain times of the year
b. Inclination of the Earth’s axis of rotation in relation to its orbital plane
c. Earth’s oblate spheroid shape
d. Variation of the solar constant
44. Which of the following would NOT describe the reason why we have different seasons?
a. the tilt of the earth c. revolution around the sun
b. direct rays from the sun d. eclipses
45. In which phase of the moon does solar eclipse occur?
a. full moon b. new moon c. first quarter d. last quarte
46. The disappearance of either the sun or the moon is known as;
a. Tides b. eclipse c. season d. phases
47. If the North Pole is tilted away from from the sun. What season is in the Northern hemisphere?
a. summer b. winter c. spring d. fall
48. Why longer night time is experienced in the southern hemisphere?
a. Because North Pole is tilted away from the sun
b. Because North Pole is tilted toward the sun
c. Because South Pole is tilted toward the sun
d. Because South Pole is tilted away from the sun
49 The moving air or wind from the sea to land is called;
a. Land breeze b. sea breeze c. cool air d. warm air
50. The Northeast monsoons is commonly known as;
a. Amihan b. habagat c. monsoon d. ITCZ



1. C 26.A
2. A 27. A
3. A 28. B
4. D 29. A
5. D 30. D
6. D 31. D
7. D 32. C
8. A 33. A
9. A 34. D
10.A 35. B
11.A 36.A
12. C 37. A
13. A 38. B
14. A 39. A
15. B 40. B
16. B 41. C
17. A 42. C
18. B 43. B
19. B 44. D
20. D 45.B
21. C 46. B
22. D 47. B
23. D 48 A
24. A 49. B
25. D 50. A

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