Ebola Virus Literature Review

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Title: Crafting a Comprehensive Ebola Virus Literature Review Made Easy

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review can often feel like navigating through
uncharted territory, especially when delving into complex topics like the Ebola virus. As one of the
most pressing global health concerns, conducting a thorough literature review on the Ebola virus
demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of existing knowledge.

The task of compiling and synthesizing a comprehensive literature review on the Ebola virus can be
daunting for many reasons. Firstly, the sheer volume of scholarly articles, research papers, and
reports available on the subject can be overwhelming. Sorting through this vast array of information
requires both time and expertise. Secondly, ensuring the relevance, reliability, and credibility of the
sources is crucial to the integrity of the review. Discerning which studies to include and which to
exclude requires a keen understanding of the topic and its various dimensions. Additionally,
synthesizing the findings from diverse sources into a coherent narrative that contributes meaningfully
to the existing body of knowledge presents its own set of challenges.

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The devastating has been the recent West African outbreak. We examined a transmission chain
within social networks in Sukudu village to assess spread and transmission burnout. Key words:
Ebola disease, transmission, epidemiology, discourse. Here we examine the psychosocial
consequences of the epidemic. Response e orts should involve communities to address psychosocial
need, to rebuild health systems and trust and to limit stigma. Health systems in a ected countries
were severely disrupted and overstretched by the outbreak and their capacities were signi cantly
reduced as almost 900 health-care workers were infected with Ebola and more than 500 died. AN
EMERGING VIRUS Bhaskar Reddy Download Free PDF View PDF Avicenna Journal of
Medicine Ebola virus disease: Essential clinical knowledge Omar Aboshady Download Free PDF
View PDF Past, Present and Future about Ebola Virus Diseases: An Updated Review Akash S Mali
Ebola virus is responsible for the Ebola virus diseases. The treatment and diagnosis is very important
because these kind of dangerous viruses are possibly used for bio-weapons. The incubation period
usually lasts 5 to 7 d and approximately 95% of the patients appear signs within 21 d after exposure.
Currently ZMapp is being tried which is a combination of three monoclonal antibodies.
Questionnaire data were analysed using SPSS at uni-variate and bivariate levels. New drug therapies
are evaluated but no FDA approved drug is available, only some supportive care like providing
fluids, replacing blood, treating some infections developed is provided to patients suffering from
Ebola. The major devastating effects of EVD that were reported included loss of lives, disruption of
peoples movements, isolation of people, disruption of children's school activities, stigma and
discrimination of survivors. Hemorrhagic fever occurs in less than half of patients and it takes place
most commonly in the gastrointestinal tract. There is no appropriate antiviral vaccine or therapy is not
available to work against EBOV infection in humans. To browse Academia.edu and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Increasing
public awareness and prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD) spreading are the presently needed
essentials for the community. Further the review also addresses the signs and symptoms of the
disease which is characterized by symptoms like fever, muscle pain, headache, nausea, diarrhea, rash
and so on during the early stages of the disease. This article is an overview of the many published
investigations of how Ebola virus circulates in its natural environment, focusing on the viral reservoir,
susceptible animal species, environmental conditions favoring inter-species transmission, and how the
infection is transmitted to humans. The most general assays used for antibody detection are direct
IgG and IgM ELISAs and IgM capture ELISA. The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a
deadly disease of animal can also be transmitted to human and non-human primates. More females
(about 52%) than males (about 48%) reported that EVD survivors were discriminated during the
EVD outbreak in Bundibugyo District. The results further revealed that more males (about 51%) than
females (49%) were willing to relate with EVD survivors, and this was due to the latter's fear of
contracting the disease. On the control measures, slightly more females than males (about 53% vs.
47% respectively) proposed avoiding contact with infected persons. However, slightly more males
(about 51%) than females (49%) had heard about EVD and more males (about 52%) than females
(48%) admitted that they were at risk of contracting the disease. This research, hence, is engineered
to look at it prevalence and nomenclature of effect on the people. See Full PDF Download PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Prevalence of ebola virus disease and its effect in social
interation in the nation LUKUMON A SALAHUDEEN Download Free PDF View PDF Ebola
disease: a discourse in disease epidemiology Peak Journals, blessing essien Ebola disease has come to
be an international public health issue. It is essential that the global response to the outbreak considers
both acute and long-term psychosocial needs of individuals and communities. However, supportive
recovery practices are performed include high-fluid intake, ventilator support and broad-spectrum
antibiotic therapy. An IgM or rising IgG titter (four-fold) contributes to strong presumptive diagnosis.
Increasing public awareness and prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD) spreading are the presently
needed essentials for the community. The study adopted a descriptive research method which
anchors on social network approach (SNA) as a model to understand the aetiology of the disease.
Currently ZMapp is being tried which is a combination of three monoclonal antibodies. Laboratory
complications including elevated aminotransferase levels, marked lymphocytopenia, and
thrombocytopenia may have occurred. The incubation period usually lasts 5 to 7 d and approximately
95% of the patients appear signs within 21 d after exposure. Major breakthroughs have been made in
recent years but many outstanding questions must be dealt with if we are to prevent human
outbreaks by interfering with the viral life cycle. The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a
deadly disease of animal can also be transmitted to human and non-human primates. Since the initial
discovery of Zaire and Sudan ebola virus in 1976, the Ebola viruses have been responsible for severe
hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in Africa with case fatality rates between 40-90% and Zaire strain
showing maximum fatality rate. The first outbreak occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(formerly Zaire) in a village near the Ebola River, which gave the virus its name. In the discussion,
the study has highlighted that Ebola disease is not just a localized issue but rather a global
phenomenon. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Ebola, as it was called was one of the
worst of all times, as its break out and massive death toll of lives affected many things, including
social interactions in and across nations. This will lead to more culturally sensitive responses to EVD
outbreaks in future. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This research, hence,
is engineered to look at it prevalence and nomenclature of effect on the people. To browse
Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. We examined a transmission chain within social networks in
Sukudu village to assess spread and transmission burnout. New drug therapies are evaluated but no
FDA approved drug is available, only some supportive care like providing fluids, replacing blood,
treating some infections developed is provided to patients suffering from Ebola. Conclusions: This
study has shown that whereas both men and women demonstrate average knowledge about EVD,
there is need for more training and sensitization targeting women who have delusions about the
severity of the disease, its risk factors, stigma and the integration of survivors in the affected
communities. Ebola is a traumatic illness both in terms of symptom severity and mortality rates. More
females (about 52%) than males (about 48%) reported that EVD survivors were discriminated during
the EVD outbreak in Bundibugyo District. The present review describes briefly about virology,
epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral disease. At the
community level, a cyclical pattern of fear occurs, with a loss of trust in health services and stigma,
resulting in disruptions of community interactions and community break down. Communities also
need to be sensitized about the gender roles that increase both the burden of EVD and the risk of
men and women contracting the disease. The symptoms progress over the time and patients suffer
from dehydration, stupor, confusion, hypotension, multi-organ failure, leading to fulminant shock
and eventually death. The global nature of the disease has turned it into a pandemic. A discourse on
Ebola is necessary to bring to fore salient factors about the disease particularly its mode of spread.
Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional design using both quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Simple random sampling was used to select the participants. Elevated hepatic transaminases is
common and severe hepatitis is more common in fatal cases and frequently there is associated fluid
depletion. The results further revealed that more males (about 51%) than females (49%) were willing
to relate with EVD survivors, and this was due to the latter's fear of contracting the disease. A
structured questionnaire was administered to 254 respondents, 50% of whom were women.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Ebola virus enters the patient through mucous membranes, breaks in the skin,
or parenterally. It is essential that the global response to the outbreak considers both acute and long-
term psychosocial needs of individuals and communities. The study adopted a descriptive research
method which anchors on social network approach (SNA) as a model to understand the aetiology of
the disease. Major breakthroughs have been made in recent years but many outstanding questions
must be dealt with if we are to prevent human outbreaks by interfering with the viral life cycle. The
works of scholars also revealed the pattern of spread of the disease. The study was set to examine the
gender differences in the level of knowledge, attitudes and perceptions about EVD. Methods: The
study employed a cross-sectional design using both quantitative and qualitative data collection
methods. EVD is often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain,
headache and sore throat. Increasing public awareness and prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD)
spreading are the presently needed essentials for the community. This article is an overview of the
many published investigations of how Ebola virus circulates in its natural environment, focusing on
the viral reservoir, susceptible animal species, environmental conditions favoring inter-species
transmission, and how the infection is transmitted to humans. The most general assays used for
antibody detection are direct IgG and IgM ELISAs and IgM capture ELISA. To browse
Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the largest in history. Key words: Ebola
disease, transmission, epidemiology, discourse. Once the more virulent forms enter the human
population, transmission occurs primarily through direct contact with infected body fluids and may
result in significant outbreaks. The symptoms progress over the time and patients suffer from
dehydration, stupor, confusion, hypotension, multi-organ failure, leading to fulminant shock and
eventually death. No FDA-approved vaccine or medicine is available for Ebola. Laboratory
complications including elevated aminotransferase levels, marked lymphocytopenia, and
thrombocytopenia may have occurred. The devastating has been the recent West African outbreak.
Social links to the transmission chain were used to calculate cumulative incidence proportion as the
number of EBOV-infected people in the network divided by total network size. Those a ected are
likely to experience psychological e ects due to the traumatic course of the infection, fear of death
and experience of witnessing others dying. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Fruit bats are considered
possible natural hosts for Ebola virus. The treatment and diagnosis is very important because these
kind of dangerous viruses are possibly used for bio-weapons. The present review describes briefly
about virology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral
Social links to the transmission chain were used to calculate cumulative incidence proportion as the
number of EBOV-infected people in the network divided by total network size. EVD is often
characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Methods: The study employed a cross-
sectional design using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The devastating has
been the recent West African outbreak. Elevated hepatic transaminases is common and severe
hepatitis is more common in fatal cases and frequently there is associated fluid depletion. This
requires adoption of adequate measures such as sensitization of the general population on the
symptoms of the disease to reduce fear and stigmatization. To browse Academia.edu and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. As of May 20,
2015 the cumulative number, suspected, diagnosis and laboratory-confirmed cases attributed to
Ebola virus was 26, 969, including 11,135 deaths. We examined a transmission chain within social
networks in Sukudu village to assess spread and transmission burnout. Scientists are working on
variety of vaccines and antiviral drugs for Ebola viruses. This is fatal viral hemorrhagic illness, is due
to infection with the Ebola virus of the Filoviridae family. Response e orts should involve
communities to address psychosocial need, to rebuild health systems and trust and to limit stigma.
The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name. The
works of scholars also revealed the pattern of spread of the disease. This will lead to more culturally
sensitive responses to EVD outbreaks in future. The outbreak resulted in an increased need for health
services, reduced quality of life and economic productivity and social system break down. Increasing
public awareness and prevention of Ebola virus disease (EVD) spreading are the presently needed
essentials for the community. Survivors can also experience psychosocial consequences due to
feelings of shame or guilt (e.g. from transmitting infection to others) and stigmatization or blame
from their communities. The virulence of Ebola virus involved in several immune evasion
mechanisms that include an inhibition of type I interferon responsible for innate immunity, epitope
masking, etc. Once the more virulent forms enter the human population, transmission occurs
primarily through direct contact with infected body fluids and may result in significant outbreaks.
The present review describes briefly about virology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission,
diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral disease. Currently neither a licensed vaccine nor an approved
treatment is available for human use. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Laboratory
complications including elevated aminotransferase levels, marked lymphocytopenia, and
thrombocytopenia may have occurred. However, slightly more males (about 51%) than females
(49%) had heard about EVD and more males (about 52%) than females (48%) admitted that they
were at risk of contracting the disease. Ebola is a traumatic illness both in terms of symptom severity
and mortality rates. A structured questionnaire was administered to 254 respondents, 50% of whom
were women. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. More women (about 56%) compared to men (44%) attained
secondary education while more men (about 51% versus 49% of the women) reported that they were
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Response e orts should involve communities to
address psychosocial need, to rebuild health systems and trust and to limit stigma. Health systems in
a ected countries were severely disrupted and overstretched by the outbreak and their capacities
were signi cantly reduced as almost 900 health-care workers were infected with Ebola and more than
500 died. Currently neither a licensed vaccine nor an approved treatment is available for human use.
Major breakthroughs have been made in recent years but many outstanding questions must be dealt
with if we are to prevent human outbreaks by interfering with the viral life cycle. To browse
Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. This article is an overview of the many published investigations of how Ebola virus
circulates in its natural environment, focusing on the viral reservoir, susceptible animal species,
environmental conditions favoring inter-species transmission, and how the infection is transmitted to
humans. The study was set to examine the gender differences in the level of knowledge, attitudes
and perceptions about EVD. Fruit bats are considered possible natural hosts for Ebola virus. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. More women (about 56%) compared to men
(44%) attained secondary education while more men (about 51% versus 49% of the women)
reported that they were married. Ebola was firstly described in 1976 and since then occurred
sporadically in Central Africa. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the
disease takes its name. Social links to the transmission chain were used to calculate cumulative
incidence proportion as the number of EBOV-infected people in the network divided by total
network size. Ebola virus enters the patient through mucous membranes, breaks in the skin, or
parenterally. RELATED TOPICS Microbiology Immunology Africa Medical Microbiology Natural
History Disease Outbreaks Humans Microbes Animals Life Cycle Natural Environment
Environmental Conditions See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job
Board We're Hiring. Conclusions: This study has shown that whereas both men and women
demonstrate average knowledge about EVD, there is need for more training and sensitization
targeting women who have delusions about the severity of the disease, its risk factors, stigma and the
integration of survivors in the affected communities. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press
Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. New drug therapies are evaluated but no FDA
approved drug is available, only some supportive care like providing fluids, replacing blood, treating
some infections developed is provided to patients suffering from Ebola. Ebola virus disease first
appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku,
Democratic Republic of Congo. However, little has been documented with regard to the gender and
social aspects of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in two sub counties (Kikyo and Bundibugyo Town
Council) in Bundibugyo District in Western Uganda. Once the more virulent forms enter the human
population, transmission occurs primarily through direct contact with infected body fluids and may
result in significant outbreaks. Typical features include fever, profound weakness, diarrhoea,
abdominal pain, cramping, nausea and vomiting for 3-5 days and maybe persisting for up to a week.
This disease could be diagnosed through laboratory findings by several detection tests like IgM
Elisa, Immunosorbent Assay technique, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Immunohistochemistry
testing, isolation of viruses and so on. The study adopted a descriptive research method which
anchors on social network approach (SNA) as a model to understand the aetiology of the disease.
However, supportive recovery practices are performed include high-fluid intake, ventilator support
and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. EVD is often characterized by the sudden onset of fever,
intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. Ebola, as it was called was one of the
worst of all times, as its break out and massive death toll of lives affected many things, including
social interactions in and across nations. The present review describes briefly about virology,
epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral disease.

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