Adult Anthropometric Practical Work

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Report of Practical Work - Adult Anthropometric

Hasil Pengukuran Antropometri

Name Pengukur: Fayara Aretha Kunaefi | Nama Responden: Diandra Arya Shafira

Hasil Pengukuran 1 Hasil Pengukuran 2

Berat Badan (kg)
45.4 45.4



Tinggi Badan (cm) Hasil Pengukuran 1 Hasil Pengukuran 2

160.3 160.2


160.25 ≈ 160.3

Lingkar Lengan Atas (cm) 22.9

Lingkar Pinggang (cm) 71.3

Lingkar Panggul (cm) 91.8

Interpretation of Nutritional Status

Body Mass Index (BMI)
Based on her measurements, Shafira’s BMI is approximately 17.65.
This would classify her as underweight:
● Indicates insufficient body weight relative to height.
● May suggest a potential lack of adequate nutrition and may be associated with various health risks,
including nutrient deficiencies and compromised immune function.

Upper Arm Circumference

● Shafira is not pregnant or in a post-partum state, her upper arm circumference of 22.9cm borders
between “malnutrisi sedang” (moderate malnutrition) and “normal”.

Waist / Hip Circumference Ratio (WHR)

● WHR = 91.8 / 71.3 ≈ 0.775
○ A WHR below 0.85 is often considered low risk for cardiovascular and other health issues.
Based on the WHR alone, Shafira’s body fat distribution is relatively healthy.

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