Maciprisa Guidelines For Academics

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(As Of October 03, 2023 during the Coaches’ Meeting)


Event Chairman
1. Get the materials from the Academic Chairman
a. Registration sheets
b. Score sheets
c. Official result sheet
d. Certificates of Participation
e. Certificates of Recognition for the winners with printed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th
f. 5 medals – (1) gold, (1) silver and (3) bronze
g. Contestant numbers

2. Distribute the materials to the assigned working committee

Registration Committee
3. Start the registration
a. Get the materials from the event chairman
b. Stay at the door of the contest room
c. Get the certification from the coach that the contestant is the official
representative of the school signed by the School Administrator.
d. Let the coach and contestant present their school I.Ds.
e. Let the coach and the contestant sign in the registration sheet.


Event Chairman
4. Call the registered coaches for the deliberation, and then proceed to the
deliberation room
5. Roll Call of Schools
6. Read the deliberation rules before the deliberation starts

Working Committee
7. Call the registered contestants

8. Administer the drawing of lots to determine the number of each contestant. This
should be done inside the contest room.
9. Set the room; arrange the contestants according to their drawn number. Let them
pin in their number. Check their white board at least 12” X 8” for all events], board
marker, and eraser.


10. Coaches will proceed to their designated contest room.

11. Coaches are strictly prohibited to go near, talk, or make signs to their respective
contestants. The coaches are not allowed to go inside the room. The Quizmaster,
contestants and coaches are no longer allowed to use cellular phones or mobile

Event Chairman
12. Assign somebody to lead the opening prayer and the singing of the Lupang
13. Read the rules
14. Introduce the Quizmaster


Event Chairman
15. Write the correct answer on the board
16. Check the answer of each contestant

Registration Committee member

17. Write the score on the board
18. Accomplish the score sheets

Note: No one is allowed to enter the contest room while the contest is going on except the
members of the contest committee and MACIPRISA Officer assigned to monitor the event.


Event Chairman
19. Thank the Quizmaster, hand in his/her certificate of appreciation.
20. Distribute the Certificate of participation to each participant
21. Announce and award the winners. Start at the 5th place. Mention the name of the
winners and the full name of the schools.

Working Committee
22. Accomplish the list of winners.
23. Erase the scores on the board.
24. Endorse all the materials to the Event Chairman.

Event Chairman
25. Submit to the Academic Coordinator/ Chairperson the following:
a. Materials received before the contest.
b. Certification from the coaches and contestants.
c. Accomplished score sheets and list of winners.
d. Questions contributed by all coaches.



I. Deliberation Rules

1. All academic contests (applies to all levels) shall use the “deliberation method”
in determining the questions to be asked during the contest proper. The
deliberation committee, composed of the Quizmaster, Event Chairman and all
registered coaches, shall meet one hour before the contest for this purpose.
Venue of this deliberation must be far from the contest room to avoid leakage
and other possible irregularities.
2. Only one (1) coach per school participant is allowed to enter the deliberation
room. This room will be closed as soon as the deliberation has been started.
The Event Chairman shall be the presiding officer/ facilitator but, any decision
must be a majority rule. The presiding officer shall give the floor to the
Quizmaster for him/her to read the proposed questions. Appreciation of the
questions shall be done by the Quizmaster and the coaches.
3. Agreed number of questions shall be contributed equally by all coaches who are
present in the deliberation.
4. No one is allowed to leave the room while the deliberation is going on. Likewise,
no one is allowed to copy or jot down the approved question for obvious
reasons. All approved questions will have to be sealed in an envelope. The
sealed envelopes will have to be opened only during the start of the contest
5. Coaches are strictly prohibited to talk with or go near their respective
contestants during or after the deliberation/appreciation of the contribution

6. While the deliberation is in progress, registration of the contestants shall take
place. After registration, all contestants shall be required to stay in the contest

7. During the deliberation, the following must be achieved:

a. Decision on the number of contribution questions based on the number of
competing schools.
b. Decision on which questions contributed will be included in the quiz.
c. Correct spelling of the words must be written on the board. In case when
there is more than one correct spelling of the answer, coaches will have to
agree that all must be considered and given credit. References must back-up
the variation in spelling.
d. Coaches must be able to show the textbooks used as references which
should be written by Filipino authors.
e. All questions must be in ½ short bond paper, computerized, with the font style
Century Gothic and font size 16. Deviation from the prescribed format
may be a ground for non-acceptance of the question/s.
f. The one-hour period for the deliberation process to determine the
appropriateness of contributed questions to be asked in the contest proper
will be STRICTLY followed.
g. The ground rules in the academic contests should be strictly followed in the
appreciation of the contributed questions.

II. Contest Proper Rules

1. All the academic contestants should not be in school uniform and shall
present their school IDs to the registration team.
2. Only the following are allowed inside the contest room:
a. Contest committee headed by the event chairman
b. Quizmaster
c. Contestants
3. Parents and relatives of the contestants are not allowed to watch the
4. The contests shall be closed doors.
5. A latecomer will be allowed to participate in the contest but his coach will no
longer allowed to contribute questions/during the deliberation. He will only be
entitled to answer the question being given at the time of his arrival.
6. No student contestant shall be allowed to write anything after the official timer
had signaled the “end” of the time allotment. First offense violation of this rule
would mean “warning” but a correct answer will still be counted. Second offense
would mean disqualification of the contestant.
7. Textbooks used as references should be published within four years prior to the
date of the contest.

8. There will be no tiebreaker in the academic contests, which means that all
contestants who placed with the equal number of points will be awarded

III. Ground Rules:

A. Spelling
1. The contest will be three levels:
a. Level 1- Grades 1-3
b. Level 2 – Grades 4-6
c. Level 3 – Junior High School

2. One to two questions shall be contributed by each coach depending on the

number of participants.
3. The contestants will have to print in small letters each word within 10
4. The Quizmaster shall read the word twice, give the part of speech and
meaning, use the word in a sentence and read again.
5. Words for elementary/ secondary spelling contest shall come from the basic
textbooks used in the particular grade/ year level concerned. The reference
or the title of the book used, author and the date of publication four years
from the contest date must be indicated in the contribution questions which
the coaches will submit during the deliberation.
6. Spelling words should not include proper nouns, French words, archaic,
slang, colloquial, scientific terms and highly technical terms.
7. The official timer shall signal the “start” and the contestants shall write their
answers on the white board. The same official timer shall signal the “end” of
the time allotted for each question by means of a buzzer and the contestants
shall stop writing. They shall show their answers in front for checking and at
the back for the coaches to see their answers.
8. Every correct answer shall be credited one point.
9. There will be no tiebreaker in the academic contests, which means that all
contestants who placed with the equal number of points will be awarded
10. Only duly registered coaches can make any protest regarding the propriety of
any question and this must be during the deliberation before the start of the
11. The event committee inside the contest room is not allowed to talk with and
disturb any of the contestants while the contest is in progress.
12. Protests must be resolved by the Contest Jury before a new question is
given. No protest shall be entertained after the winners are finally declared or
announced except a disqualification of contestants.

13. The Contest Jury shall be composed of the Quizmaster, the Event Chairman
and all coaches involved in the protest.
14. The Contest Jury can seek the advice and/or decision of the Appeals
Committee (MACIPRISA Officers/ Executive Board) when its members find it
difficult to resolve any particular protest. In resolving any protest, the decision
of the majority of the Contest Jury is required.

B. General Information

1. The contest will be three levels:

a. Level 1- Grades 1-3
b. Level 2 – Grades 4-6
c. Level 3 – Junior High School

2. Contestant shall answer every question within 15 seconds for level 1 and 10
seconds for levels 2 and 3.
3. Multiple-choice type of questions will be used and answers must be written in
capital letters.
4. One to two questions shall be distributed by each coach depending on the
number of participants.
5. The rules on spelling and capitalization shall apply in this contest.
6. Coverage:
Elementary: Civics and Culture, Philippine History, Geography,
Constitution, Current Events about the Filipinos and events in
the Philippines must be taken from newspaper broad sheets
from August up to the date of the contest.

Source: Basic Textbooks

High School: Contemporary Issues, Current Events about the Filipinos and
events in the Philippines from August up to the date of the

Source: Basic Textbooks

Note: References for current events must be the standard newspaper and of
national interest.

7. Current Events questions shall be in English while questions from textbooks

should be in textbooks published within four years prior to the date of the
8. The official timer shall signal the “Start” and the contestants shall write their
answers on the whiteboard. The official timer shall signal the “end: of the time
allotted for each question by means of a buzzer and the contestants shall
stop writing and shall show their answers in front for checking and at the back
for the coaches to see their answers.
9. Every correct answer shall be credited one point.
10. There will be no tiebreaker in the academic contests, which means that all
contestants who placed with the equal number of points will be awarded
11. Only duly registered coaches can make any protest regarding the propriety of
any question and this must be during the deliberation before the start of the
12. The event committee inside the contest room is not allowed to talk with and
disturb any of the contestants while the contest is in progress.
13. Protests must be resolved by the Contest Jury before a new question is
given. No protest shall be entertained after the winners are finally declared or
announced except a disqualification of contestants.
14. The Contest Jury shall be composed of the Quizmaster, the Event Chairman
and all coaches except the coaches involved in the protest.
15. The Contest Jury can seek the advice and/or decision of the Appeals
Committee (MACIPRISA Officers/ Executive Board) when its members find it
difficult to resolve any particular protest. In resolving any protest, the decision
of the majority of the Contest Jury is required.

C. Mathematics

1. The contest will be three levels:

a. Level 1- Grades 1-3
b. Level 2 – Grades 4-6
c. Level 3 – Junior High School

2. It is institutionalized that only 1-step word problem solving type of questions

shall compose the contest for level 1, 2-step problem for level 2, and 3-step
word problem for Level 3. One to two questions shall be contributed by each
coach depending on the number of participants.
3. Coverage:
Elementary: Elementary Mathematics, Four Fundamental Operations,
Mathematical Terms and Computational Skills

Source: Basic Textbooks

High School: Basic Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and

Trigonometry (cover to cover)

Source: Basic Textbooks

4. The questions will be read twice. The contestants will have to write their
answers within 30 while 60 seconds for longer problems
5. The official timer shall signal the “Start” and the contestants shall write their
answers on the whiteboard. The official timer shall signal the “end” of the time
allotted for each question by means of a buzzer and the contestants shall
stop writing. After each question, the duly registered coaches shall go over
the answer sheets of the contestants and check the answers. Caution should
be exercised so as not to allow any coach to check the answers of his/her
own contestant.
6. If a contest fails to write the unit measure or object/s being called for, his
answer shall be considered wrong.
7. After the questions in each round are given and checked, the total number of
points garnered by the contestants is summed up.
8. There will be no tiebreaker in the academic contests, which means that all
contestants who placed with the equal number of points will be awarded
9. The event committee inside the contest room is not allowed to talk with and
disturb any of the contestants while the contest is in progress.
10. Protests must be resolved by the Contest Jury before a new question is
given. No protest shall be entertained after the winners are finally declared or
announced except a disqualification of contestants.
11. The Contest Jury shall be composed of the Quizmaster, the Event Chairman
and all coaches involved in the protest.
12. The Contest Jury can seek the advice and/or decision of the Appeals
Committee (MACIPRISA Officers/ Executive Board) when its members find it
difficult to resolve any particular protest. In resolving any protest, the decision
of the majority of the Contest Jury is required.

D. Science
1. The contest will be three levels:
a. Level 1- Grades 1-3
b. Level 2- Grades 4-6
c. Level 3 – Junior High School

2. Contestants shall answer every question within 20 seconds while 60 for

hard/long situations and each correct answer shall be credited one point. One
to two questions shall be contributed by each coach depending on the
number of participants. Questions in Science must be situational/application

3. Each question will be read twice.

4. Coverage:
Elementary: Science subjects in the elementary
High School: Science subjects in High School such as General
Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics (cover to cover)

5. Each question shall be in multiple choices with four alternatives/ options to

choose from. “None of these” and “All of the above” should not be included in
the choices. The quizmaster shall read each question twice. The contestant
must write the capital letter of the correct answer on the white board to avoid
confusion. Violation of this would mean disqualification of the answer even if
it is correct.
6. The official timer shall signal the “start” and the contestant shall choose and
write the letter of the correct answer. The official timer shall signal the “end”
of the time allotted for each question by means of a buzzer and the
contestants shall stop writing their respective answers. They will have to
show their answer in front for checking and at the back for the coaches to see
their answers.
7. Only duly registered coaches can make any protest regarding the propriety of
any question and this must be made during the deliberation before the start
of the contest.
8. The event committee inside the contest room is not allowed to talk with and
disturb any of the contestants while the contest is in progress.
9. Protests must be resolved by the Contest Jury before a new question is
given. No protest shall be entertained after the winners are finally declared or
announced except a disqualification of contestants.
10. The Contest Jury shall be composed of the Quizmaster, the Event Chairman
and all the coaches except the coaches involved in the protest.
11. The Contest Jury can seek the advice and/or possible decision of the
Appeals Committee (MACIPRISA Officers/Executive Board) when its
members find it difficult to resolve any particular protest. In resolving any
protest, the decision of the majority of the Contest Jury is required.
12. There will be no tiebreaker in the academic contests, which means that all
contestants who placed with the equal number of points will be awarded

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