Animal Farm Test - Chapter 1 and 2 - READY

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Animal farm - Chapters 1 and 2

Multiple Choice Questions: (15 points)

1. What is the name of the prize Middle White boar who had a strange dream and
wished to communicate it to the other animals?
a) Snowball
b) Napoleon
c) Old Major
d) Boxer

2. What song did Old Major teach the animals during his speech?
a) Beasts of England
b) Animal Anthem
c) Freedom Song
d) Rebellion Melody

3. What did Old Major consider the only real enemy the animals had?
a) Other animals
b) Human beings
c) The weather
d) The farm's conditions

4. Who were the primary organizers and teachers of the principles of Animalism?
a) The cows
b) The horses
c) The pigs
d) The dogs

5. What was the name of the farm before it was changed by the animals after the
a) Manor Farm
b) Freedom Farm
c) Liberty Farm
d) Animal Farm
6. How did the animals respond when Mr. Jones and his men tried to whip them
during their uprising?
a) The animals fled in fear.
b) The animals were apathetic and ignored them.
c) The animals butted and kicked their tormentors.
d) The animals tried to negotiate with them.

7. What happened to Moses, the tame raven, after the Rebellion?

a) He became a leader of the animals.
b) He was chased away by the other animals.
c) He continued spreading tales of Sugarcandy Mountain.
d) He became a loyal servant of Mr. Jones.

8. What were the Seven Commandments that the pigs formulated based on the
principles of Animalism?
a) Rules to overthrow humans
b) Guidelines for equality among animals
c) Directives for gathering food
d) Regulations for cleanliness and order

True or False Questions (10 points)

9. Old Major was admired and respected by all the animals on the farm.
a) True
b) False

10. The wild creatures, like rats and rabbits, were considered enemies by Old Major.
a) True
b) False

11. Napoleon and Snowball led the animals in chasing Mr. Jones and his men off the
a) True
b) False

12. The animals celebrated their victory over Mr. Jones by destroying the farmhouse.
a) True
b) False
13. The Seven Commandments were intended to preserve the equality and
principles of Animalism.
a) True
b) False

Short Answer Questions (25 points) - Choose 2 and answer

14. What role did Squealer play in the early organization of the animals after the

15. How did Snowball and Napoleon's roles differ in their leadership of the animals?

16. Discuss the importance of the Seven Commandments in shaping the animals'
beliefs and behaviors on Animal Farm.

Analysis Questions (25 points)- Choose 1 and answer

17. Why did the Animals decide to turn Mr. Jones house into a museum?

18. Discuss the role of Snowball and Napoleon in organizing the animals and
shaping their beliefs after the Rebellion.

Personal Response Question (25 points) - Choose 1 and answer

19. Put yourself in the position of one of the animals who attended Old Major's
speech. How would you personally feel about the ideas he presented? Would
you be motivated to join the Rebellion? Explain your thoughts and emotions.

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