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1 Gaikar Siddhi Sanjay 10

2 Gund Vijayeedutt Balkrishna 15

3 Mali Ganraj Ashok 26

4 Nalawade Sumit Chandrakant 31


Prof. Amar A. Khot



This is to certify that the project entitled “Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis
Windmill for Power Generation” is a bonafide work of “Gaikar Siddhi Sanjay (10),
Gund Vijayeedutt Balkrishna (15), Mali Ganraj Ashok (26), Nalawade Sumit
Chandrakant (31)” submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Mechanical

(Prof. A. A. Khot) (Prof. A. R.Ghadge)

Supervisor/Guide Head of Department

(D. N. Jaiswal)
Project Report Approval for BE

The Project report titled “Design and Fabrication of the Vertical Axis Windmill for
Power Generation '' by Siddhi Gaikar (10), Vijayeedutt Gund (15), Ganraj Mali (26),
Sumit Nalawade (31) is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Mechanical Engineering from G. M. Vedak Institute of Technology, Tala, A/p & Tal- Tala,
Dist- Raigad, Maharashtra-402111.

Prof. A.A. Khot Prof. A. R. Ghadge

(Guide) (HOD)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
G.M.V.I.T, Tala G.M.V.I.T, Tala


1. ________________

2. ________________

Date :
Place :

We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and
where others' ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced
the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic
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be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the
sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not
been taken when needed.


(1) Gaikar Siddhi Sanjay Rupali 10

(2) Gund Vijayeedutt Balkrishna 15

(3) Mali Ganraj Ashok 26

(4) Nalawade Sumit Chandrakant 30


Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds of work by human
beings and nature. Energy consumption is directly proportional to the progress of mankind.
With ever increasing population, industrialization of the developing countries, recent
trends and developments in various technologies/rapid technological improvements, the
global demand for energy is expected to increase rather significantly in the near future.
The primary source of energy is fossil fuel, however due to the limited supply of fossil
fuels and large scale environmental degradation caused by their widespread use,
particularly global warming, environmental pollution and acid rain, strongly suggests that
harnessing of non-conventional, renewable and environmental eco-friendly energy sources
is vital for steering the global energy supplies towards a sustainable path. This paper
describes in brief the non-conventional energy sources and their importance for developing

Chapter no. Title Page no.

List of Figures

List of Tables

1 Introduction 08

2 Literature review 11

3 Methodology 16

3.1 Wind turbine design parameters 17

3.2 Design of blade 18

3.3 Design of frame 19

3.4 Design of bolt 20

3.5 Bearing Specification 20

3.6 Cost Estimation 21

4 Fabrication procedure 22

4.1 CAD modelling 22

4.2 Fabrication of Turbine Blades 23

4.3 Fabrication of Frame 24

4.4 Assembling the model 26

4.5 Electric components 27

5 Proposed Experimental Setup and Experimentation 30

5.1 Working 30

5.2 Observation 30

6 Result and Conclusion 32

7 References 33

Figure no. Title Page no.

01 Methodology 16

02 Top view of Blade 18

03 Ball bearing 20

04 Blade 22

05 Blade's Multi view 23

07 Blade profile 24

08 Frame 24

09 Frame's Multi view 24

10 Fabrication of Frame 25

11 Model 26

12 Model top view 26

13 Dynamo 27

14 Solar panel 27

15 Battery 28

16 Step up transformer 28

17 LED 29

Table no. Title Page no.

01 Cost Estimation 21

02 Observation 30
Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 01


The ability of a system to perform any kind of work is called Energy and it exists in
many forms so having on comprehensive definition of energy is not possible. According to
the Law of Conservation of Energy “The amount of energy is neither created nor destroyed”
so it is the property of an object that can be transferred from one object to another or can be
converted from one form to another form but cannot be created nor destroyed.
The sources of energies are classified into:
Non-Renewable Energy Sources: This energy is found underneath the earth and they do not
replenish at the same usage speed as they take lots of time to replenish again. Some examples
of Non- Renewable Energy Sources are Coal. Oil, and Natural gas.
Renewable Energy Sources: This type of energy resources are found in nature and are easily
available in abundant quantities. Some examples of Renewable Energy Sources are Solar
Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy etc.
Use of Non- Renewable Energies like fossil fuels for power generation has led to
many environmental issues such as pollution, emission of greenhouse gases, global warming,
degraded air quality index and also as they take longer to replenish the availability of that
resource decreases. So to avoid all this an alternative to power generation using renewable
sources should be adopted as they are easily available and have less impact on the
There are different types of Renewable energy sources such as Solar energy, Wind
energy, Hydropower, Tidal energy, Geothermal energy, Biomass energy and also there are
different ways to harness power from each of these different energy types. For example, Solar
Energy is harnessed using solar panels, Wind energy is harnessed with the help of wind
turbines, Hydropower is from hydropower plant which harness the energy of water from
higher to lower elevations, Tidal energy is harnessed from the rise and fall of tides of ocean
water, Geothermal energy utilises the accessible thermal energy from the earth’s interior,
Biomass energy is harnessed from the biomass plants.
According to IEA (International Energy Association ), Power generation from solar
PV will increase by a record 179 TWh in 2021, marking 22% growth in 2020. Solar PV

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

accounted for 3.6% of the global electricity generation, and it remains the third largest
renewable electricity technology behind hydropower and wind. And the amount of electricity
generated by the wind is increased by almost 273 TWh in 2021 (up 17%), 55% higher growth
than that achieved in 2020 and the largest of all the power generation technologies. Wind
remains the leading non-hydro renewable technology, generating 1870 TWh in 2021, almost
as much as all the others combined. Modern bioenergy is the largest source of renewable
energy globally, accounting for 55% of renewable energy over 6% of global energy supply. In
2021 global hydropower generation decreased by 15 TWh (down 0.4%) to 4327 TWh. The
drop in generation was caused by persistent droughts in hydropower-rich countries such as
Brazil. United States, Turkey, China, India and Canada, leading to lower than usual hydro
capacity utilisation.
From all the above types of renewable energy sources for our project we have selected
Wind as source of power generation. Wind is used to produce electricity by converting the
kinetic energy present in the air. The conversion of wind energy into rotational energy is done
with the help of blades of wind turbines. And this rotational energy is transferred by a shaft to
the generator, thereby producing electrical energy. The amount of power that can be harnessed
from the wind depends on the size of the turbine and the length of the blades. Theoretically,
when the wind speed doubles, the wind power potential increases by a factor of eight. Wind
turbines first emerged more than a century ago, following the invention of the electric
generator in the 1830s, engineers started attempting to harness wind energy to produce
According to the orientation of the shaft and the rotational axis there are two types of
Wind turbines: Horizontal axis and Vertical axis wind turbines. A turbine with a shaft
mounted horizontally parallel to the ground is known as Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
(HWAT) whereas the turbine having shaft perpendicular to the ground is known as Vertical
Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). Horizontal axis wind turbines are the more traditional windmill
types that look vaguely like a large propeller at the end of the tall pole or tower. The blades of
the turbine spin on a horizontal axis. Vertical axis wind turbines are more useful in urban and
low-lying areas where the direction of the wind is frequently changing. The key advantage of
vertical axis wind turbines is that they are not needed to be faced along the wind direction as
they can rotate at any wind direction. This makes them ideal for areas where the wind
direction is less predictable. In vertical axis wind turbines there are also types such as
Darrieus, Savomious, H- shape blades, Helix shape blades.
Darrieus wind turbine has an alternate name as Eggbeater turbine. This kind of turbine

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

was invented by Georges Darrieus in 1931. A Darrieus machine is a low torque and high
speed and consists of two blades that are vertically oriented and rotating around a
perpendicular shaft. It is a lift-type vertical axis turbine.
The Savonius wind turbine was initiated in the year 1922 by a Finnish scientist
Savonius. The Savonius wind turbine definition is that it is employed for the conservation of
wind forces into torque based on the rotational shift. The turbine is included with multiple
aerofoils, but these are not every time placed on the rotational shaft, but also ground
positioned on the rotational shaft, but also ground positioned or even these are airborne

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 2


2.1 Overview of the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine :

E.A.D. Kumara 1, N.K. Hettiarachchi 2, K.G.R.M. Jayathilake 3 [1]. This paper gives
an overview of a vertical axis wind turbine. The behaviour of vertical axis wind turbines
(VAWT), present technological state, new finding through modelling work and future
direction of VAWTs were reviewed. It was observed that VAWT plays a vital role in the
present energy crisis. One can foresee that human beings will be dwelling in a world with
wind turbines and solar panels due to the present energy crisis with the non-renewable energy.
Wind energy has been identified as a promising renewable option. Although the full life cycle
accounting shows VAWTs are advantageous on a cost basis or materials basis over horizontal
axis wind turbines (HAWTs). Currently the VAWTs do not generate enough electricity due to
some challenges which are discussed in this paper. Drag driven VAWT (Savonius type), lift
driven VAWT (Darrieus type) and hybrid of both (D+S) turbine efficiencies can be increased
by adding the deflector system that guides the wind towards the turbine blades. A lot of
research is ongoing at present in this level. From the vast survey of the present technological
states of VAWT, It was observed that china is the leading researcher in this field for the past
few years while European countries serve their place in this research area

2.2 Design and Construction of the vertical axis wind turbine:

Ogunoh Chika C1, Ezemmuo Daniel T.2, Ani Moses C. 3 [2]. Author has summarised
that Increasing demand in energy facilitates the need of clean energy such as wind energy.
residences , buildings and commercial sites need more power, but also continuous power.
Important facilities such as wireless or radio sets require small amounts of energy, but with a
continuous supply. This project was done to design and construct a vertical axis wind turbine
for small scale use. After an introduction about the historical background of wind turbines, the
report deals with a more accurate analysis of the main type of vertical axis wind turbine,
showing their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, differences between vertical axis
turbine and horizontal axis wind turbine and their operations. The parameters of the wind
turbines were discussed and the generators(stator) that can be used to connect the windmill to

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

the electricity grid are reported as well. Several statistics are also presented, in order to
explain the development of wind energy in Nigeria. Results from trials shows that as the
speed increases, there is increase in voltage and this in turn implies a watt change in different
speeds. This also implies that when there is high wind, there is a higher rpm. The turbine
fulfilled all specifications such as efficiency above 80%, 33 Watt output power and likewise
the capacity was adequate for its purpose and was proven to be efficient in generation of

2.3 A Review on Vertical and Horizontal Axis Turbine :

C.M.Vivek, P.Gopikrishnan 2, R.Murugesh 2, R.Raja Mohamed 2 [3]. Author has
summarised that Wind energy is one of the major forms of renewable energy resources found
abundantly which is widely used as an alternative energy. Wind power is sustainable and the
production of electricity using wind energy is increasing day by day due to lack of availability
of fossil fuels. The energy can be converted into electricity by using vertical axis wind
turbines (VAWT) and Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). The vertical axis wind turbine
is highly used for domestic applications where the volume of production is low and efficiency
is optimal while the horizontal axis wind turbine is widely used for volume of production
which requires huge investment and the efficiency is high. This paper is focused on
increasing the efficiency of using wind energy by producing large amounts of electricity and
reducing the space for installation. This can be done by combining the vertical axis wind
turbine (VAWT) and horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) in the same tower. The combined
vertical and horizontal axis wind turbine reduces the cost for a larger volume of electricity

2.4 Design and construction of vertical axis wind turbine:

Piyush Gulve, Dr. S.B. Barve [4], The principal objective of this paper is rural
electrification via hybrid systems which include wind and solar energy. Our intention is to
design a wind turbine compact enough to be installed on roof tops. So we decided to design a
vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) over horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) . The
advantages of VAWT over HAWT are compact for the same electricity generation , less noise,
easy for installation and maintenance and reacts to windmills for all directions. The wind
turbine designed to generate electricity sufficient enough for domestic use. The electricity
generated will be stored in the battery and then given the load. This project emphasises on
electrification of remote areas with minimum cost where load shading still has to be done to

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

meet the demand of urban areas.

2.5 Power Generation on Highway by using Vertical axis wind turbines and solar
Pro. Sachin Y. 1, Govind P. Salunkhe2, Pankaj G. Patil3, Mujahid F Khatik4.[5], This
paper focuses on use of air on highway divider with the help of vertical axis wind turbines.
When the vehicle passes on the highway it produces a considerable amount of air due to its
speed. This air tangentially strikes on the blade of the vertical axis wind turbine and makes
rotation of the turbine in only one direction. The solar system is used to generate electrical
energy and also installed in a way that it diverts the vehicle air towards a turbine to generate
electricity. The electrical output of the vertical axis turbine and solar system is stored in a
battery. This stored energy can be further used for street lighting, toll gates,etc.

2.6 Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Savonius Wind Turbine:

S. Jagadish Venkata sai*1, Venkateswara Rao2,[6],This paper the design and analysis
of vertical axis Savonius wind turbines to generate electrical energy from wind energy. The
Savonius rotor was designed with the rotor diameter of 2 m and the rotor height of 4 m. The
3D model of the Savonius rotor blade was made by utilising solidworks software.
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis and structural finite element analysis are
presented in this paper. CFD analysis was done to obtain the pressure difference between
concave and convex surface of the rotor blade and structural FEA was done to obtain the
structural response of the blade.

2.7 Review of Savonius Wind Turbine Design and Performance:

M.ZEMAMOUa*, M.AGGOURa, A.TOUMIb[7], Author has summarised that the
world adopts a policy of energy transition , which refers to the fossil fuels by renewable
energy to reduce CO2 emission , however the major issue is to develop a wind turbine which
has a simple design , relatively low operating speed and independent wind directions, the
Savonius rotor appear to be promising for such condition, but suffer from major drawbacks:
low efficiency and high negative torque. So far several scientific research aims to improve the
performance of Savonius turbine, by optimising the effects of the different geometric
parameter and by the developing new design the range of the power coefficient values for the
conventional Savonius rotors is between 0.1 and 0.25 . the installation of several extra set
leads to new design which achieve an improvement of in the coefficient of performance of

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

27.3% compared to the conventional rotor.

2.8 Hybrid Power Generation system using Vertical axis wind Turbine and solar Panel:
Chetan sonawane, manav Velani, akash singh and vikas kumar tripathi[11], Among the
races in the countries of the world, energy consumption and power requirement is one of the
most vital things in the world. Due to the increase in the power consumption , conventional
energy resources are depleting day by day. Considering this and also the issue of global
warming and pollution , the importance of the non conventional energy resources is
increasing. Also there is a need for a clean and continuous supply of power from such a
system that can be used for wind turbines and solar energy gives uninterrupted power. The
electrical power from such a system can be used for various purposes. This paper deals with
the generation of electricity using vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) and also solar panels at
affordable cost without disturbing the balance in nature.

2.9 Design, Modelling and Analysis of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine:
Nikhil Karwal and Shivprakash B. Barve 2 [8]. In recent times research and
development especially in the field of sustainable energy, i.e., wind power, solar power, etc.
are considerably increased due to high pollution and high emissions by existing methods of
energy generation. The horizontal axis wind turbine is generally used for commercial
purposes. Therefore, for residential purposes the Savonius wind turbine is a good alternative
which can be used to power a household as it functions in varying wind speeds and is
omnidirectional. This paper aims to design and analyse a Savonius vertical axis wind turbine
which can generate power from wind and is used for residential purposes in rural areas
affected by electric shortage. The wind turbine is modelled in solid works and analysed in
ansys and solidworks. Following the modelling, design and analysis, the Savonius turbine is
developed for the mentioned application.

2.10 Design and Fabrication of Savonius Wind Turbine:

Dr. Suresh, S. Bujari, Laxmeshwar 2, Mabusab Bentur 3, Satish Shirabadagi 4, Kiran
M, [9]. The electricity is generated from conventional energy sources. These sources will be
at the end of the scale. To save these sources, we should use renewable energy sources. Wind
energy is one of the big renewable energy sources. The windmill uses the wind power to
produce electricity. Wind is the form of solar energy. It is created from the atmosphere of the
sun causing areas of uneven heating. In conjunction with the uneven heating of the sun,

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

rotation of the earth and the rockiness of the earth’s surface winds are formed. This wind
energy strikes on the blade of the turbine which rotates the turbine. This rotation of the turbine
shaft rotates the shaft of the generator which is coupled together. The mechanical energy of
wind is converted into electrical energy. For reducing the friction between the bearing and
shaft we are using magnetic levitation. Magnetic levitation suspended the shaft in air without
contact with the steady side part of the windmill. This totally neglects the friction between the
shaft of the rotor and the stator assembly.

2.11 Design and Development of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine:

Samir J. Deshmukh 1, Sagar M. Charthal 2 [10], Wind energy is the kinetic energy
associated with movement of large masses of air. These motions result from uneven heating of
the atmosphere by the sun creating temperature, density and pressure difference. It is an
indirect form of solar energy. The device used to convert kinetic energy of wind into electrical
power is called a wind turbine. Vertical Axis wind power generators represent a very
promising future for wind power generation. In present study an attempt is made to utilise a
low velocity wind below 4m/s for useful power generation using magnetic levitation for
vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) termed as Maglev turbines. A single large Maglev turbine
can give output more than conventional horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT). The rotor is
designed to harness enough air to rotate the shaft at low and high wind speeds while keeping
the centre of mass closer to the base yielding stability due to the maglev effect. The efficiency
of the turbine is increased by replacing the conventional bearings by magnets in repulsion, the
magnetic levitation helps the turbine to spin at a much faster rate as it eliminates the stresses
on the shaft of the turbine. The major components are placed at the ground level which
ensures the safety of the turbine .

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 3


The vertical axis wind turbine is used to convert the kinetic energy into mechanical
energy. The Light weight blade materials are used for making the vertical axis wind turbine.
The height of the blade is 760mm and blade chord is 170 mm. The blades are fixed to a shaft
and the shaft is connected to the supporting frame structure.
The Figure below shows the process followed for the project implementation.

Figure 01 : Methodology

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

3.2 Wind turbine design parameters:

1. Swept area:
The swept area is the section of air that encloses the turbine in its movement. It is
calculated by :
S = 2×RL
S - swept area (m²); R - rotor radius(m); L - blade length (m)
2. Power:
If, u is the speed of wind, the volume of air column passing through an area A per unit
time is given by Au. ρ is the density of air, the air mass flow rate, through area A, is
given as, ρAu.
The power P available in the wind, is equal to the kinetic energy rate associated with
the mass of moving air.
P= ½ ×( ρAu)×u²
P= 0.5×ρAu³
3. Tip Speed Ratio:
It is defined as the ratio between the tangential speed at the blade tip and the actual
wind speed.
TSR = tangential speed at the blade tip / actual wind speed
TSR = (Rω)/V
R : rotor radius (m); ω - angular speed(rad/s); V - ambient wind speed
4. Solidity:
It is defined as the ratio of the projected area of the rotor blades on the rotor plane to
the swept area of the rotor.
Solidity = (nC)/πD
n : no. of blades; C - average breadth of a blade; D - diameter of the rotor.
5. Chord :
Width of the blade or distance from one edge of the blade to another.
6. Number of Blades:
The number of blades has a direct effect in the smoothness of rotor operation.

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

3.3 Blade design

For the fabrication of blades, we first need to calculate all the parameters like blade
length, diameter, thickness, height and also material selection.

Material: GI
Blade height: 760mm
Thickness: 0.20 mm
Diameter : 0.34 mm
Swept area: π r2
= π * 0.17

= 0.0907 m2

Figure no. 03 Top view of Blade

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

3.4 Design of frame:

The maximum load = 5kg (including friction)
F = 5kg = 5 * 9.81 = 49.05
We know that the load on each , Wcr = 49.05/4 = 12.26 N
t = Thickness of the angle, b = width of the angle
Cross Sectional area of the angle = A = t*b
Assuming the width of the angle is three times the thickness of the angle,
i.e. b = 3*t
A = t*3t = 3t2
And the moment of inertia of the cross section of the angle,
I = 1/12 t*b3 = 2.25 t4
We know that,
I = AK2, where k = radius of gyration
K = I/A = 2.25 t4/3t2 = 0.75 t2
Since for the buckling of the angle in the vertical plane, the ends are considered as hinged,
Therefore the equivalent length of the angle, L = l = 381mm
And Rankin’s constant,
A = 1/7500
Now using the relation,
Wcr = (f*A)/(1+a*(L/K))2 with usual notation
f = 100 N/mm2
12.6 = (100*3t2)/(1+(1/7500)*(381/0.75t2))
t = 5.7 mm
b = 3*t = 3*5.7 = 17.1 mm
But the standard angle available is 20x20x3. Hence for the safer side we have selected it
which can bear the impact loading. Hence our design is safe.

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

3.5 Design of bolt:

Bolt is to be fastened tightly also it will take load due to rotation.

Stress for C-25 steel f = 420 kg/cm2. The standard nominal diameter of the bolt is 8 mm.
From the table in the design data book, the diameter corresponding to the M8 bolt is 8.160
mm. Also initial tension in the bolt when the belt is fully tightened.
P = 30 kg = 300 N is the value of force applied by hand
P = π / 4d2*f
f = (300*4)/3.14*(12*0.84)2 = 3.76 N/mm2.
The calculated f is less than the maximum f, hence our is safe.

3.6 Bearing Specifications:

Type: Deep Groove Ball Bearing
Closures: Open
Size: 10mm x 26mm x 8mm
Bearing Inner Diameter: 10mm
Bearing Outer Diameter: 26mm
Bearing Width: 8mm

Figure no.04 Ball bearing

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Cost Estimation for Components

Sr no. Components Price (Rs)

1 Ms Frame 60/kg

2 Blades 700

3 Solar Plate 800

4 Dynamo 400

5 Battery 1400

6 Inventer 600

7 Welding stick 300

8 LED, Tubelight 500

9 Colour (Black Oil Paint) 200

10 Bearing (2 Nos) 300

Total = 5440/-

Table no. 01 Cost Estimation

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 4


Software used: CATIA

It is a multi-platform software suite for computer-aided design, computer-aided
manufacturing, computer-aided engineering, 3D modelling and product lifecycle
management, developed by the French company Dassault Systemes. In that we have designed
the blade shape, the frame structure and shaft.

4.1 CAD Drawing for Blades

After the selection, calculation and designing of the blade we have done the
fabrication of the blades. For the fabrication we need a 3D shape and the dimensions for ease
of understanding. For the designing of 3D blades, we used the CATIA software, in that we
designed the blade shape. The Figure shows the 3D structure of our turbine blade.

Figure no.05 Blade

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Figure no. 06 Blade's Multi view

4.2 Fabrication of Turbine Blades
Savonius blades are a crucial and basic part of a wind turbine. They are mainly made
of aluminium, fibreglass or carbon fibre. GI material was selected because they provide better
strength to weight ratio. The design of the individual blades also affects the overall design of
the rotor. Rotor blades take the energy out of the wind; they capture the wind and convert its
kinetic energy into rotation of the hub. We used a 1 metre sheet . We cut it into required
dimensions. Then according to the blade dimensions we cut an aluminium strip to provide
support to the blades. Once the GI sheet and the aluminium strips have been cut it is bent into
desired shape using a 4 inch PVC pipe and rolling the sheet over it, then the strips are
attached to the GI blades using a nut and bolt.

Figure no.07 Blade profile

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

4.3 CAD Drawing for Frame

After the selection, calculation and designing of the frame we have done the
fabrication of the frame. For the fabrication we need a 3D shape and the dimensions for ease
of understanding. For the designing of the 3D frame , we used the CATIA software, in that we
designed the frame shape. The Figure shows the 3D structure of our frame.

Figure no.08 Frame

Figure no. 09 Frame's Multi view

4.4 Fabrication of Frame
For fabrication of frame the materials that can be used are Mild steel, Alloy steel,
Stainless steel, Aluminium. We have selected Mild Steel as a material for the frame. It is
cheap, suitable for different cutting and coating methods and has good weldability while
providing good enough physical properties.

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

We cut the square pipes using a grinder into required lengths. Then welded the MS
pipe using Stick welding as per required form of the frame. We made sure that the joints are
strong and secured as they will be under a lot of stress from the wind. Once the frame is
welded together we grinded and smoothen the sharp and rough edges. We also painted the
frame to protect it from dust and erosion.

Figure no. 10 Fabrication of frame

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

4.4 Assembling the model

The assembly of the model started with the attachment of a bearing to the frame and
inside the bearing the shaft was inserted. Then from top of the shaft we inserted the nuts at
two different points and then self locked them. Then three small MS strips were welded at
equal distance on the both nuts and welded three blades to these strips which are attached to
the nuts. Then we attached the bearing to the upper part of the frame and then inserted it on
the top of the shaft. To connect the motor to the shaft we drilled a 6 mm hole at the bottom of
the shaft. Then we inserted the motor into the hollow space of the shaft and then we welded a
support for the motor to the frame.

Figure no.11 Model

Figure no.12 Model top view

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

4.5. Electric components

Dynamo - a device that makes direct current electric power using electromagnetism.It is also
known as a generator, however the term generator normally refers to an "alternator" which
creates alternating current power. Dynamos and Generators convert mechanical rotation into
electric power.

Figure no. 13 Dynamo

Solar panel:

Figure no. 14 Solar panel

G.M.V.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-23) 27

Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Battery :

Figure no. 15 Battery

Step up Transformer (12-0-12) :
The circuit involves resistor of 330kΩ,
Mosfet IRFZ44N

Figure no. 16 Step up transformer

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation


Figure no.17 LED

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Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 5



This turbine works once the wind turns the turbine. Once this turbine rotates, then the
generator will get it as mechanical input & generate the output as electrical energy. This
turbine is arranged on the dividers of the highway roads. The shape of turbine wings is curved
to get the wind for revolution from the 2-way road where the vehicle speed will make this
turbine turn. Here, wind speed is used in different ways based on our requirements. This shaft
is directly connected to the electric generator. This turbine will revolve once the wind blows
& the shaft sends these rotations to the generator like a mechanical input. So the generator
will generate the output as the electrical energy by using this input so that this output will be
stored within the rechargeable battery. This stored current in the battery is then increased by a
step up transformer and then this current is used for domestic purposes.

Testing of the model and observations :

Testing location: College terrace

Average wind speed at location: 5 m/s

Wind speed (m/s) Voltage (V) Current (Amps)

5 1.32 5.28

5.83 1.96 7.84

6.66 2.51 10.04

Table no. 02 Observations

Power output:
Power = Current*Voltage

G.M.V.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-23) 30

Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

For wind speed of 5 m/s
Voltage = 1.32 V and current = 5.28 Amps
Power = 1.32 * 5.28 = 6.9696 Watts
For wind speed of 5.83 m/s
Voltage = 1.96 V and current = 7.84 Amps
Power = 1.96 * 7.84 = 15.3664 Watts
For wind speed of 6.66 m/s
Voltage = 2.51 V and current = 10.04 Amps
Power = 2.51 * 10.04 = 25.2004 Watts

G.M.V.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-23) 31

Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 6


To generate an efficient amount of current the wind speed required is 30 km/hr. The
venue for the operation of our project is Tala and it has an average wind speed of 19 km/hr, so
power generated is less as compared to required output. Though the power generated seems
quite low, it can be seen as usable power generated from nothing.
These turbines have a great advantage over Horizontal axis wind turbines that they
can work on low height thus these turbines can be installed on individual houses for their
particular use. The power generated from the turbine can be stored or used to charge a storage
device and then the storage device can be used as a continuous power source.
Having said that there are some limitation of these turbines VAWT blades are rarely at
an optimal angle to the wind or in clean air, so they can never be as efficient as a tripled
HAWT and won’t generate more electricity, HAWTs almost never collapse due to lateral
stress, and VAWTs typically have very asymmetrical front and rear stresses on their bearings,
and to generate the same electricity, VAWTs would have to be as tall as HAWTs, so visual
impact will be virtually identical.
Yet with more and more engineers and researchers working on the design and
development of Vertical axis wind turbine efficiency can be increased and the usability of
these turbines can be increased.

G.M.V.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-23) 32

Design and Fabrication of Vertical Axis Windmill for Power Generation

Chapter 7


1) E.A.D. Kumara, N.K. Hettiarachchi , K.G.R.M. Jayathilake, Overview of the Vertical

Axis Wind Turbine.
2) Ogunoh Chika , Ezemmuo Daniel, Ani Moses C, Design and Construction of the
vertical axis wind turbine.
3) C.M.Vivek, P.Gopikrishnan , R.Murugesh , R.Raja Mohamed, Review on Vertical and
Horizontal Axis Turbine.
4) Piyush Gulve, Dr. S.B. Barve, Design and construction of vertical axis wind turbines.
5) Pro. Sachin Y, Govind P. Salunkhe, Pankaj G. Patil, Mujahid F Khatik, Power
Generation on Highway by using Vertical axis wind turbines and solar system.
6) S. Jagadish Venkata Sai, Venkateswara Rao, Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis
Savonius Wind Turbine.
7) M.ZEMAMOU, M.AGGOUR, A.TOUMI, Review of Savonius Wind Turbine Design
and Performance.
8) Nikhil Karwal and Shivprakash B. Barve, Design, Modelling and Analysis of
Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.
9) Dr. Suresh, S. Bujari, Laxmeshwar , Mabusab Bentur , Satish Shirabadagi , Kiran M.,
Design and Fabrication of Savonius Wind Turbine.
10) Samir J. Deshmukh , Sagar M. Charthal, Design and Development of Vertical Axis
Wind Turbine.
11) Chetan Sonawane, Manav Velani, Akash Singh and Vikas Kumar Tripathi, Hybrid
Power Generation System using Vertical Axis Wind Turbine and solar panel.

G.M.V.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering (2022-23) 33

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