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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Sta. Maria, Presentacion, Camarines Sur

Title School Career Guidance Program for Grade 12 Students

Proponent School Guidance Designate and Grade 12 Advisers
Program Description School Career Guidance Program is an event for Grade 12 Students where
they will be guided and taught of modules regarding their choice of path as
they continue to be growing individuals of the community. This program
aims to help the learners in exploring their choices and in making
responsible decisions relevant to career pathing. This is also designed to
help the learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to
identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in society. And lastly,
this targets to enhance linkage of academic and career experiences and
thus, improves career preparation and management.
Pre-requisite program None
Rationale The Department of Education (DepEd), in its commitment to
DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2015 entitled Senior High School Career Guidance
Program and Early Registration, must continue amidst the challenges and
uncertainties of face-to-face classes brought by Coronavirus Disease 2019
In relation to this DepEd Memorandum No. 161, s. 2016 entitled
Conduct of Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Early
Registration for School Year 2021-2022, School Guidance and Grade 12
Class advisers are advised to deliver the Grade 12 Career Guidance
Modules March ___, 2022.

Objectives  Designed to help the learners in exploring their choices and in

making responsible decisions relevant to career pathing
 Designed to help the learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and
experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and
succeed in society.
 Designed to enhance linkage of academic and career experiences
and thus, improves career preparation and management.
Target Competencies  Prepare Outputs in every activity
 Reflect and react in every module presented.
 Choose course in College
Key Content  Module 1: Embarking on a Journey of Self – Awareness
 Module 2: Examining the Destinations
 Module 3: The Choice of Choosing
 Module 4: Myself in Other’s Shoes
 Module 5: Walkthrough
 Module 6: Keep Me Balanced
 Module 7: Version of Me 2.0
 Module 8: Ready to Take Off!
Participant’s profile Participants No. of expected participants
School Head 1
Guidance Designate 1
Grade 12 Advisers 4
Resource Speakers 8

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Grade 12 Students 115
Total 129
Duration Two (2) days
Target Dates March ____, 2022
Venue Presentacion National High School SHS building
Methodology Seminar - Workshop, Lecture and discussion, Face to face
(See Appendix A for the Schedule Matrix)
Budgetary A. Source of Funds - School MOOE
requirements B. Expected No. of participants - 10 Participants
C. Expected Training Expenses:
 Snacks at P20.00/ head (10 x 20 x 4) - 800.00
 Lunch at P100.00/head (10 x 100 x 2) - 2000.00
 Tarpaulin - 500.00
 Token/Stipend - 1,500.00
 Certificates with frame - 300.00
 Miscellaneous - 500.00
TOTAL =P 5,600.00

Prepared/Submitted by: Reviewed and Checked:


School Guidance Designate MT II/ School Head

Recommending Approval:

Public Schools District Supervisor



Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

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