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Antonio Pigafetta was born in the year 1942 in Vicenza, Italy. His exact
birth year is not known but it is speculated mostly that Pigafetta was born
in 1942. He was born into a rich family in Vicenza, Northeast Italy. He
studied Cartography, Geography, and Astronomy while he was younger.
Later on, he went on to serve aboard the ships of the “Knights of Rhodes”
at the start of the 16th century. Also, until 1519, he always went to Spain
with Monsignor Francesco Chieregati, the papal nuncio at the time.
Antonio also traveled with Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, and
his crew on their voyage to the Indies. He traveled with Ferdinand by order
of King Charles I of Spain.

Antonio Pigafetta was in Seville when he was first learned about

Magellan’s proposed expedition and decided to be part of the expedition.
He accepted the title of Supernumerary which literarily translates to “that
exceeds the number”. Also, he was paid a salary of 1000 maravedis, and
Iberian coins of gold between the 11th and 14th centuries. Because he
studied Geography.


 Spices were considered in high demand and a very profitable commodity among
European rivalry between Spain and Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula.
 Both were in perfect locations to begin exploring Africa and planning on going
around Africa to reach the Spice Islands in Asia.
 The rivalry between Spain and Portugal became so intense that the two governments
had to ask the Pope to divide the New World into parts that would be Portuguese.
 After his plan was rejected by Portugal, the Spaniards supported Magellan’s plan to
 In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain with 5 ships to find a western route
to the Moluccas. Ferdinand led the five Spanish ships and 237 men in what was to
become the first voyage around the world. The expedition experience challenges
along the way experienced challenges long the way; out of the five boats that was
provided by King Charles V that left Spain, only three reached the Philippines.
 Santiago
 San Antonio
 Concepcion
 Trinidad
 Victoria
 Under the command of Juan Serrano
 Crew: 32
 Called as a “caravel”
 Smallest of the five ships
 First ship that has been lost.
 Under the command of Juan De Cartegena soon led by Alvarado De Mesquita
 Crew: 60
 The largest in the fleet
 Sailed back to spain
 The second ship that has been lost.
 Under the command of Gaspar de Quesada
 Crew: 45
 Captain was executed because of a mutiny.
 Burned
 The third ship that has been lost.
 Under the command of Ferdinand Magellan
 The Flagship
 Crew: 55
 Was attacked by a Portuguese ship.
 Left shipwrecked.
 The fourth ship that has been lost.
 Under the command of Luiz Mendoza, soon led by Juan Sebastian Elcano
 Crew: 43
 The ship where Antonio Pigafetta was on board.
 The first ship that circumnavigated the world.
 The only ship to complete the voyage.

 Pigaffeta’s journal became our primary source of knowledge.

 His original journal has been lost, and it is unknown what language he wrote it in.
 Copies of the manuscript were given to us; three of them were written in French, two
versions are at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
 The third edition was previously owned by Thomas Philipp, a British collector.
1. Socio-cultural significance
- The descriptions of the natives reflect the early lives of the Visayan ancestors.
2. Political significance
- The journal shows that even before the pre-colonial Philippines had its own
political system.
3. Economic significance
- They had the barter system wherein they exchange their goods for something that
they want or need.
 • Islands of Ladroni – Islands of thieves
 • Island of Zamal (Samar) – an uninhabited island where they took shelter.
 • Island of Humunu (Homonhon) – a place where they found two springs of the
clearest water.
 • Butuan and Calagan – the first mass site
 • Ceylon, Zubu Calaghann – best ports to get food.
 • Mazaua – where they remained for seven days.
 • Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, Baybai and Gatighan – the five islands they passed
 • Gatighan – bats were as large as eagles.
 • Polo, Ticobon, and Pozon – islands where they waited for the king of Mazaua.
 • Captain-General – Ferdinand Magellan
 • Raia Colambu & Raia Siaui – kings that took part in the mass.

Date: March 16, 1521

Arrival on Zamal (Samar) island, which was a high land at a distance of three hundred leagues from
the islands of Ladroni.

Date: March 17, 1521

The captain-general planned to land on another deserted island to the right of Zamal in order to be
safer, acquire water, and relax.
Date: March 18, 1521

Saw a boat coming toward them with nine men in it.

Encounter with the people of Zamal and gave gifts to each other as a way of showing gratitude.

People of Zamal promised to give rice, coconuts, and food within four days.

Date: March 22, 1521

Men from Zuluan came and gave them two boats with coconuts, sweet oranges, a jar of palm-wine,
and a cock.

Date: March 25, 1521

Pigafetta fell off the boat and was rescued by a small boat.

Shaped their course toward the west southwest between four small islands, namely, Cenalo,
Hiunanghan, Ibusson, and Abarien.

Date: March 28, 1521

Saw a fire on an island the night before and anchored near it.

Date: March 29, 1521

The Captain-General and the King of Zamatra met, became friends, and gave him and his people
food and other things that would be beneficial for them.

Date: March 31, 1521

First mass.

Date: April 7, 1521

Entered the port of Zubu.

The primary reason of Antonio Pigafetta in writing the document is to discover and learn about the
world. He wanted to record details and information during the expedition which caused him to join
the voyage and served as an assistant to Magellan.

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