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Advanced Word Processing Skills

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I. Motivation/Pre-Assessment
Imagine if you are still using a software technology that has a limited capacity. Will
you still be able to do what you want to have in your stuff? Will your work be good as
much as you needed?
For you to answer the questions above and to remind you of how technologies are
helpful us in our daily lives, search the picture below in your laptop/computer. Go to start
bar and type notepad. Explore its features. Write your observation in the rectangular box

Now, look for MS Word, go to start bar again and type MS

Word. Again, write your observation in the rectangular box

After writing, go to this

link and don’t forget to write your name and section
( and share your thoughts about
the two almost similar software’s.

Looking forward to your participation. ^_^


II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• recognize MS Word and its features;
• demonstrate the applied productivity tools; and
• create various documents to apply the word processing skills.

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III. Lesson Proper

Key Terms
• MS Word
Scan me to view
• Mail Merge Lesson 3 in PDF Form
• Data Source
• Label Generation
• Integrating Images
• External Material
• Image Placement
What is MS Word?
MS Word is a word processing program used to create,
format, save, and print letters, manuals, contracts, proposals,
reports, newsletters, cards, flyers, invitations, certificates,
forms, envelopes, blog post, webpages, signs, manuscripts,
or books with table of contents and other documents.
Figure 1: MS Word 365 Logo
Microsoft Word is a word processing program created by
Microsoft Corporation. It is the most widely used word processor today and is used in
most desktop and laptop computers. It is available in both Windows and Macintosh
Versions. Microsoft Word today is part of the Microsoft Office Suite.
Since MS Word is one of the most used programs of the Office Suite, some
basic information regarding its creation and development has been given below:
• Charles Simonyi, a developer and Richard Brodie, a software engineer, were the
two creators of MS Word
• This program was initially named “Multi-Tool Word” but later, was renamed as MS
• It was introduced in 1983
• Word for Windows is available standalone or as a part of MS Office suite
• MS Word for Mac was introduced by Microsoft as Word 1.0 in 1985
• The extension for any word file is “.doc”
Look at the picture below. What year were you introduced to MS Word? How was your
first experienced of using it? Write it below.

Figure 2: Microsoft Word Logo History

Uses of MS Word
Given below are the different fields in which MS Word is used and simplifies the work of
an individual:
• In Education: It is considered as one of the simplest tools which can be used by
both teachers and students. Creating notes is easier using MS Word as they can
be made more interactive by adding shapes and images. It is also convenient to
make assignments on MS Word and submitting them online.
• In Workplace: Submitting letters, bills, creating reports, letterheads, sample
documents, can all easily be done using MS Word.
• Creating & Updating Resume: One of the best tools to create your resumes and
is easy to edit and make changes in it as per your experience.
• For Authors: Since separate options are available for bibliography, table of
contents, etc., it is the best tool which can be used by authors for writing books
and adjusting it as per the layout and alignment of your choice.

I.Mail Merge & Label Generation

A. Mail Merge
It allows you to quickly send information, newsletter, resumés, or brochures to many
people. Mail merge lets you create a batch of documents that are personalized for each
recipient. For example, a form letter might be personalized to address each recipient by
name. A data source, like a list, spreadsheet, or database, is associated with the
Two Components of Mail Merge
1) Form Document - It is generally the document that
contains the main body of the message we want to
convey or send. The main body of the message is
the part of the form document that remains the
same no matter whom you send it to from among
your list. Placeholders--called merge fields--tell
Word where in the document to include information
from the data source. It indicates the sign [<<’>>].
Take a look at the figure on the Left side.
Figure 3: Form Document with Placeholders
2) List or Data File - This is where the individual
information or data that needs to be
plugged in (merged) to the form document
is placed and maintained. One of the best
things about this mail merge feature is that
it allows data file to be created from within
the Microsoft Word application itself, or it
gets data from a file created in Microsoft
Excel or other data formats. In this way,
fields that needed to be filled up on the
form document can easily be maintained
without accidentally altering the form or
main document. You can also easily add,
remove, modify, or extract your data more
efficiently by using other data management
applications like Excel or Access and
import them in Word during the mail merge
process. See the figure on the right side.
Figure 4: Data File Sample
i. Using MS Word to Create a Mail Merge


In order to send a publication to people, you need to create a recipient list or data
source/data file.
1. Click the Mailings tab, go to the Start group, and click Select Recipients.
2. On the list of options, select Type New List.

Figure 5: For nos. 1 & 2

3. On the New Address List

dialog box, click New Entry
and type the recipient
information. Click Ok.

Figure 6: For no. 3

4. To customize the placeholders,

click customize columns.

Figure 7: For no. 4

Icon Name Function
Start Mail Merge Merges data into a publication which Will be printed and
mailed. Shows Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard.

Select Recipients Chooses the list of people you intend to send the letter
to. You can type your own list, use your Outlook
contacts or connect to a database
Edit Recipient List Makes changes to the list of recipients and decide
which of them should receive your letter.


1. Click the Mailings tab, go to the Start group did click Edit Recipient List.

Figure 8: Follow no. 1

2. On the Mail Merge Recipient dialog box, click the name that you would like to
edit and type the correct information.

Figure 9: Do no. 2
1. Open the Word document that you want to Mail Merge.
2. On the Ribbon, click the Mailings tab, go to the Start Mail Merge group, and
click Start Mail Merge and select Step by Step Mail Merge.
3. The Task Pane will show the Mail Merge steps 1 to 6.

Step 1: Select document type

i. Choose from the options such as Letters, E-mail messages, Envelope,
Labels, or Directory.
ii. Click Next.

Start Mail Merge

Select document type

Step by Step Mail Merge


Figure 10: Select document type

Step 2: Select Starting Document

i.Choose from the options such as Use the current document, Start from a
template or Start from existing document.
ii. Click Next.

Select starting

Figure 11: Step 2

Step 3: Select Recipients
i.If you have not created yet a recipient list, choose the Type a New List and click
Create and the New Address List dialog box will appear where you can type in
the names and data of your recipients.
ii.Click New Entry to add additional names and after typing click Cancel to close
the dialog box.
iii.After you have entered your list, the Save Address List dialog box will open.
iv.Type your file name and click Save.
v. If you have previously created the recipient list, select Use an Existing List and
click Browse or Edit Recipient List.
vi.The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box will appear
vii.You can still add or remove names on the dialog box and click Ok.

Select Recipients

Type a new list


Figure 12: Step 3

New Address List

Type the name and

address here

New Entry

Figure 13: For nos. 1 & 2

Save address list

Save address list

Figure 14: See nos. 3 & 4

Mail Merge Recipients


Figure 15: Read nos. 5, 6, & 7

Step 4: Write your letter

i. Click the Address Block to specify the Address Elements.
ii. Click the Greeting Line to set the greeting line format.
iii. Click Next.
Write your letter

Address Block
Greeting Line

Figure 16: Step 4

Insert Address

Select Format
of Address

Figure 17: Customize the Address Block

Greeting Line

Click arrow to select format of

greeting line

Figure 18: Customize the Greeting Line

Step 5: Preview your Letter
i. The name, address, and greeting line will show in the document.
ii.You can click the Forward and Back arrows to view other recipients in the list.
iii.You can also Edit Recipient List.

Address, and
Greeting Line

Figure 19: Step 5

Step 6: Complete the Merge

i. To print directly, select Print.
ii. If you want to adjust on individual recipients, select Edit Individual Letters.

Edit Individual

Figure 20: Step 6

B. Label Generation
Labels are used for envelopes that you intend to send out to persons usually
containing the name, address, or telephone.
i. Start a new document in MS Word.
ii. Go to the Mailings tab, in the Create group, click Labels and the Envelope and
Labels dialog box will appear
iii. In the Address box, type the text you want to be placed on the label.
iv. Click the Insert Address icon you have an address stored in the in the electronic
address book.
v. To change the Font, or Paragraph formatting, select the text, right-click and select
the option from the drop-down menu.
vi. Click Options button and the Label Options dialog box will appear.
vii. Select the settings like the type of printer, the supplier that produced your label
sheets, and others. If the dimensions and layout do not match your label click the
printer type (Continuous-feed printers or Page printers) and then click New
Label. Type a name in the Label Name box, select the height, width, margins, and
other options for your label, and then click OK. The new label appears in the
Other/Custom category. The next time you use your Custom labels, be sure to
select Other/ Custom in the Label vendors list.
viii. After you make the settings, click OK
ix. Under Print, select Full Page of the Same Label or Single label. Then in the Row
and Column boxes, enter the numbers that match the numbers of rows and columns
on the label sheet for the label that you want to print.
x. Click Print.


Figure 21: Label Generation

Figure 22: Label Options
II. Integrating Images and External Material in MS Word
In Microsoft word processing you can do a lot of things to make your documents look
good and presentable. One of its function is to integrate image. Word processing refers
to an application program for manipulating text-based documents; the electronic
equivalent of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most likely, dictionary and thesaurus.
Word processors run the scope from simple through complex, but all ease the tasks
associated with editing documents (deleting, inserting, rewording, and so on).

A. Kinds of Materials

1. Pictures
➢ Joint Photographic Experts Group –
➢ It identifies the kind of data compression
process that it uses to make it more
compatible and portable through the
➢ It does not support transparency and Figure 23: Example of JPEG format picture
therefore, images of this file type can be
difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other
materials or elements in your document.
➢ Support 16.7 million colors & approximately small in size

Figure 24: Scan for more options in the

size of the jpg picture

b. GIF
➢ Graphics Interchange Format
➢ This type of image file is capable of displaying
➢ It is also capable of displaying simple animation.
➢ Not good for printing documents, good for sending
documents electronically like emails, and website
➢ Downside is that it can only support up to 256 colors, so
Figure 25: Scan to view how GIF
works it is good mostly on logos and art decors with very limited, and
generally solid colors.
c. PNG
➢ Portable Network Graphics
➢ Its’ development was basically for the purpose of
transporting images on the Internet at faster rate
➢ Good with transparencies but unlike GIFs, it does not
support animation, but it can display up to 16 million
colors, so image quality for this image file type is also
remarkably improved.
➢ PNG allows the control of the transparency level or Figure 26: Scan for the PNG
opacity of images. Format Sample

2. Clip Art (old MS Word Versions) Icons/3D Models (Microsoft 365, Office 2019,
and Office 2021
➢ This is generally a .GIF type
➢ These are line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas
and objects that you might want to integrate in your document.

Figure 28: Old MS Word Versions Figure 27: New MS Word Versions

3. Shapes
➢ These are printable objects or materials that
you can integrate in your document to
enhance its appearance or allow you to
have some tools to use for composing and
representing ideas or messages.
➢ It can use in designing layout for printing
Figure 29: Shapes in New MS Word Versions
4. Smart Art
➢ Redefined sets of different shapes
grouped together to form ideas that are
organizational or structural in nature.
➢ It is for graphically represent an
organization, process, relationships, or
flow for infographic documents.

Figure 30: Smart Art in New MS Word Version

5. Chart
➢ It is useful for preparing reports that
correlate and present data in a graphical
➢ It create charts that can be integrate in
your document either directly in Microsoft
Word or imported from external files like
Microsoft Excel.
Figure 31: Charts in New MS Word Version

6. Screenshots
• Microsoft Word provides a
snipping tool for your screen shots
so you can select and display only
the part that you exactly like to
capture on your screen.

Figure 32: Screenshots in New MS Word Version

III. Image Placement

Inserting an image or any other material in your document is quite easy especially
if the material already exists in your local storage device. It is just a matter of opening
up the image file through the Microsoft Word dialog box or wizard. Sometimes, if the
image you would like to insert is on a web page currently displayed on your screen,
it could be copied and pasted. The real challenge is where to put the image you
inserted or where to move it.
Figure 33:Default Lay-out of Text Wrapping

i. In Line with Text – The default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in
your document. It treats your image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned
with the text line. This setting is usually used when you need to place your image at
the beginning of a paragraph.
ii. Square – Its setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere within the
paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like a frame.
iii. Tight – Its almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hugs” or
conforms to the general shape of the image.
iv. Through – Its setting allows the extension on your document to flow even tighter,
taking the contours and shape of the image. Again, this can be the best used with
.GIF or .PNG type of image.
v. Top and Bottom – Its setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and the
bottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own as in the
vi. Behind Text – It allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your
document but with all the texts floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image
look like a background.
vii. In Front of Text – As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed on top
of the text as if your image was dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the
text you placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.

IV. Practice/Drills
Direction: Write a thank you letter to your parents using the template in MS Word. Add
your family picture, designs, clip arts, and colors. Give it to your parents. Either mobile
phone or printed, take a family selfie after they read it. Upload the letter first, and then the
selfie in this link:
Rubric (15 points)
Criteria Descriptors Score
Content Covers the prescribed contents/ topics 5
Graphic designs Presents varied graphics, illustrations, and text suited 5
and layout for the concept/ topic
Utilizes easy to understand layout presentation
Creativity Presents a very creative and authentic output 5
Total /15

Assess your STATUS

V. Written Work
Direction: Research from the internet at least five different kinds of jobs. Choose one
that you like and explain why you like it. Then make an application letter expressing your
interest to apply for a job in a company. Attached the letter in this link:
Rubric 18 pts. +2 if perfect = 20 pts

Beginning Level Adequate Outstanding

Standard Score
1 2 3

Does not include Includes relevant Specifically shows

specific work and work and how skills and work
education education and education
Content experience that experience and experience can
relate to the job. elaborates on contribute to the
Does not elaborate skills but does company’s
on skills or explain not always success. Uses
how they can explain how they examples to
contribute to the can contribute to support analysis.
company. Does the company’s Asks for an
not ask for an success. Does interview and
interview. ask for an provides necessary
interview. contact information.

Does not include Includes all the Includes all

all the necessary necessary necessary
elements. No elements. elements, and all
Organization logical flow Paragraphs elements flow
between could use better logically from one to
paragraphs. structure and the other.

Writing is vague Writing is short Writing is direct and

and verbose. and direct. Uses specific. Action
Language is some action statements and
Writing Style sometimes unclear statements and active verbs are
or inappropriate for active verbs. used throughout.
audience. Style and tone are

Does not follow Follows Follows appropriate

appropriate appropriate business letter
business letter business letter format exactly.
Format format. format but leaves
out a few details,
such as

Letter contains Letter contains Letter contains no

more than one one grammatical errors in grammar
and Usage
grammatical error. error. and usage.

Letter contains Letter contains Letter contains no

more than one one spelling errors in spelling
spelling and/or and/or and punctuation.
and Spelling
punctuation error. punctuation

REDDIT to Demonstrate

VI. Performance Task

Direction: Watch the video below. Then, create a certificate using the Microsoft Word.
Upload the excel and certificates (files in pdf) in this given link:

(Commix and More Tutorials. Feb 17, 2020. How to create multiple certificates in
Microsoft Word and Excel using Mail Merge. Retrieved from: )
Rubric (15 points)
Criteria Descriptors Score
Content Covers the prescribed contents/ topics 5
Graphic designs Presents varied graphics, illustrations, and text suited 5
and layout for the concept/ topic
Utilizes easy to understand layout presentation
Creativity Presents a very creative and authentic output 5
Total /15

BOOKMARKS for the Soul

VII. Quotations/Bible Verses

“The human spirit must prevail over technology.”

- Albert Einstein

SNAP of Key Points

VIII. Lesson Summary

• Microsoft Word is one of the most common and helpful productivity tools.
• Mail Merge are useful for mass sending of mailings and for printed letters.
Aside from creating letters, we can use them for labels, envelopes, certificates, for
an easy access of sending/making documents.
• Integrating images in Microsoft Word can make our presentations and excels
to have more enricher contents. Utilizing the features of MS Word for inserting
pictures like Shapes, Icons, 3D Models, Smart Art, Chart, and Screenshots are an
easy way of being effortlessly efficient in your studies/work.
• Image placements are helpful in terms of adding images in your letter. It gives
a more pleasant reading if we knew how to place the image well.
Jemma Development Group. (2017). Empowerment Technology. 7 Berkshire St. cor.
Pasadena St., Cainta, Rizal: Jemma, Inc.
Jemma Development Group. (2017). Microsoft Word 2016. 7 Berkshire St. cor. Pasadena
St., Cainta, Rizal: Jemma, Inc.
An Introduction to MS Word. (n.d.). BYJU’S EXAM PREP.
Use mail merge for bulk email, letters, labels, and envelopes. (n.d.). Microsoft.
Llasos, A. (2020). Empowerment Technologies: Quarter 1 – Module 2: Applied
Productivity. Department of Education.
Buccigeng (2019, February 25). Image Placement. Empowerment Technology Gaining
further knowledge about Empowerment Technology.

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