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Second Periodic Examination

SY 2023-2024
Name: Date:

Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST answer. Write your
answer before the number.

1. Which of the following organ systems do skull, vertebral column, ribs sternum,
bones of the shoulder, arms, hands, hips, legs, and feet belong to?
A. Circulatory C. Integumentary
B. Digestive D. Skeletal

2. Which of the following organ systems do mouth, esophagus, stomach,

small intestine, large intestine?
A. Circulatory C. Integumentary
B. B. Digestive D. Skeletal

3. Which of the following organ systems is responsible for the exchange of

gases between the atmosphere, the blood, and body cells?
A. Circulatory C. Excretory
B. Digestive D. Respiratory

4. Homeostasis is an important function related to Integumentary and

Excretory systems. Which of the following makes this process important to
our body?

A. keeping the bones together C. making the brain functional

B. removing wastes in our body D. maintaining a good
blood circulation

5. Which group of vertebrate animals can live both on land and in water?
A. Amphibian B. Fish C. Mammal D. Reptile

6. Which group of vertebrate animals feed their young with milk through
their mammary gland?
A. Amphibian B. Fish C. Mammal D. Reptile
7. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE about invertebrate
I. They are cold-blooded animals.
II. They have no backbone.
III. They only live in the water.
A. I C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, and III
8. Which of the following animals belongs to invertebrate group?

A. Earthworm B. Dolphin C. Goat D. Horse

9. Which of the following describes a tropical rainforest?

I. It typically has warm temperature.

II. It typically has cold temperature
III. It houses variety of living and non-living things.
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II, and III

10. Which of the following ecosystems houses variety of plants, and animals
under the sea?
A. coral reef B. desert C. forest D. swamp
11. Which of the following ecosystems is a forested wetland as both land and
water play important roles in building its environment?

A. coral reef B. desert C. forest D. swamp

12. Which of the following statement/s is/are importance of mangroves in the
ecological balance?

I. It serves as first line of defense for coastal communities.

II. It is a home to variety of fishes, crabs, shrimps, and mollusks species.
III. It maintains shorelines and provides natural barriers for coastal
A. I B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III

13. Which of the following serve as threat/s to coral reefs?

I. Oil spills II. Pesticides III. Sewage

A. I C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II, and III

14. Trees are important as we depend on them to provide clean air, food,
medicine, among others. Which of the following activities can protect our

A. Deforestation C. Reforestation
B. Overgrazing D. Sewage build-up

15. Coral reefs shield coastlines from the adverse effect of wave action and tropical
storms, provide many marine species with habitats and shelter, and are the
source of nitrogen and other important nutrients for the marine food chain. How
can we protect coral reefs?

A. Anchor boats on the coral reefs.

B. Drive responsibly when you go near the coral reefs.
C. Leave bottles to serve as sea creatures’ houses in the coral.
D. Select corals that you can sell in the market as souvenirs to tourist.

For question numbers 16-17 refer to the illustration at the right.

16. Which of the following digestive organs breaks
down the food using enzymes so it can pass to
our intestines? (see choices on
the diagram)

17. How does the organ B help the digestive system of

our body?

A. It moves the food to the stomach.

B. It absorbs the nutrients from the food.
C. The food is stored in it up to four hours.
D. It crushes and grinds the food into pieces.

For question numbers 18-19 refer to the illustration at the right.

18. What organ systems work together based on

the organs

A. Circulatory and Respiratory

B. Digestive and Muscular
C. Excretory and Nervous
D. Integumentary and Skeletal

19. Based on your answer in Question Number 18, how do these organ systems
work together for the body?

A. They release harmful toxins of the body.

B. They command the functions of other body organs.
C. They provide oxygen to the body through blood circulation.
D. They digest food and distribute nutrients throughout the body.

For question numbers 20-24 refer to the illustration below.


20. Which of the following are vertebrate animals?

A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV

21. Based on your answer in Question Number 20, why are they called

A. They have backbones. C. They have hollow bones.

B. They have light bones. D. They do not have backbones.

22. Which of the following are invertebrate animals?

A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV
23. Based on your answer in Question Number 22, why are they called

They have backbones.
Their backbone is hard.
They do not have backbones.
They have milk for their babies.
24. How can you distinguish the characteristics of vertebrate and invertebrate

I. Vertebrate animals have backbones.

II. Invertebrate animals do not have backbones.
III. Vertebrate animals live on land only.
IV. Invertebrate animals live on water only.
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I and III D. II and IV

25. Jona saw varieties of fish, crab, shrimp, and mollusk species living in a
certain swamp. In which ecosystem do you think she saw these species?

A. Coral reefs C. Mangrove forest

B. Desert D. Tropical rainforest
26. What might happen if a tropical rainforest receives little rain for a long period of
I. Soil erosion might occur as trees die.
II. There will be an abundance of oxygen.
III. Increase population of both plants and animals.
IV. Plants will wither affecting animals depending on them for food.

A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III

D.II and IV
For question numbers 27-30 refer to the illustration at the right.

27. What types of plants are mainly

found in this saline, brackish

A. Mango C. Molave
B. Mangrove D. Narra
28. Which part of the tree does the arrow point out in the illustration?

A. branch B. leaf C. root C. trunk

29. Based on your observation, how important are these plants to the other living
organisms in this ecosystem?
A. They serve as sources of medicine.
B. They serve as tourist attraction during summer.
C. They serve as place where photosynthesis takes place.
D. They serve as home and source of nutrients for fish, birds, and other
30. Based on your observation, how important are these plants to the non-living
things in this ecosystem?
I. They hold the soil.
II. They contribute to the addition of oxygen.
III. They absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
IV. They provide protection to the coastal areas against sea waves.

A. I and II C. I, II, and III

B. III and IV D. I, II, III, and IV

31. The fishermen use dynamite in fishing to have a big catch. If this practice
continues, what do you think will happen to marine resources?

A. Fishes will multiply fast. C. Marine life will decrease.

B. The coral will multiply. D. Marine life will increase.
I. Plant more trees. II. Join incleanup drives.
For question numbers 32-33 refer to the statements below.
III. Use dynamite when fishing. IV. Cut many trees in the forest.

32. How will you protect our rainforest?

A. I and II B. I and III D. II and III D. II and IV

33. Which of the following should not be done to our rainforests?

34. What will happen in an ecosystem if we fail to protect and conserve them?

I. There will be loss of biodiversity.

II. Animal species will continue to exist.
III. Living and non-living things will be greatly affected.
IV. There will be clean air and abundance of resources.

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. II and IV

35. Which of the following is/are the way/s to protect our coral reefs?

I. Banning dynamite fishing.

II. Discouraging people from collecting corals.
III. Let the boats anchor on the coral reefs to protect them.
IV. Allow the tourists to touch the corals and take them as souvenirs.

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. II and IV

36. Teeth are part of the skeletal system, but they are also part of the digestive
system. What role do teeth play in the digestive system?

A. They begin chemical digestion.

B. They begin mechanical digestion.
C. They are shaped for grinding, mashing, and tearing food.
D. They release enzymes into the saliva for chemical digestion.
37. Air sacs are spaces within an organism where there is the constant presence of
air. Why are air sacs important?

A. They hold the urine.

B. They digest the food.
C. They carry stimulus from the brain.
D. They assist in the gas exchange.

38. Juan is an athlete who competes in various international and national

marathon competitions. Which of the organ systems in our body work
together to help him walk, leap, and run?

A. Digestive and Excretory

B. Endocrine and Reproductive
C. Integumentary and Lymphatic
D. Skeletal and Muscular

39. How do muscular and digestive systems work together?

A. The muscles in the stomach send food to our muscles.

B. Digestive system gives muscles the command to digest food.
C. The muscles of esophagus and stomach push and mix the food.
D. Our muscles need our digestive system to absorb food nutrients.

40. Your uncle is a veterinarian and you asked him to help you on your assignment
about vertebrates. These are the statements he said to you: an animal with
backbone, lives in water and move through swimming. What animal is he
referring to?

A. catfish B. snail C. spider D. starfish

41. You and your classmates went to Manila Ocean Park and saw different kinds of
invertebrate animals. One of your classmates said that the animals in a shelf
have six legs, thorax, and abdomen. What animal do you think is described

A. ant B. earthworm C. scorpion D. spider

42. Animals possess body parts which are distinct to them. Which characteristic
BEST distinguishes birds from the other vertebrates?

A. They have bones. C. They lay eggs with shell.

B. They are covered with feathers. D. They take care of their young.

43. Dog, cats, and cow are examples of mammals. Which of the following is a
unique characteristic of mammals?

A. They have four legs.

B. They crawl and live on land.
C. They feed their young with milk.
D. They are scaled animals in water.

44. How do coral reefs affect living and non-

living things as they interact in this type
of ecosystem? (see figure at
the right)

A. Coral reefs act as

nursery of fish and

marine creatures
and protect

from erosion.
B. Coral reefs give fishes their beautiful colors and add sand to the sea.
C. Coral reefs act as source of additional income to fishermen and as protector
of coastline.
D. Coral reefs give food to the fishes and other creatures and offer opportunities
for recreation to all living things.

45. How is a mangrove swamp important to living

Pnon-living things interacting in this ecosystem?
(see figure at the right)

I. Mangrove

protects shoreline from big

II. Mangrove prevents soil
erosion by using its roots to
hold the soil.
III. Mangrove provides shelter
and source of food for
different creatures.

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II and III D. I, II, and III
49. As a pupil, how can you protect bodies of water as a means of protecting the coral

I. Help in coastal clean-up in your area.

II. Avoid buying corals to be put in aquarium.
III. Avoid throwing garbages, pesticides and insecticides to rivers.

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II, and


50. Why are tropical rainforests important?

I. It stabilizes climate making surrounding fresh and cool.

II. It contributes to the additional oxygen needed by animals and
III. It absorbs excessive carbon dioxide and harmful gases to prevent global

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II and III D. I, II, and III

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