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Pre -conquest - referred to art before coming of first colonizers ( in historical terms)

Indigenous - in stylistic terms ( to emphasize the idea that our ancestors have been making art even before colonization.

Pre-colonial - described in cultural terms as a term to use in general way of life before colonization.

Mayvanuvanua - Ritual found in Batanes.

Cañao or Kanyaw
- Ritual found in Cordillera Atonomous Region.
- Officiated by Shaman or Mumbaki
- involves animal sacrifice ( where the entrails are read through the process of divination.)

Kashawing Ritual
- in Lake Lanao Mindanao to ensure abundance during rice planting & harvesting is still observed and performed.
- involves a reenactment of the pact made by the ancestors in the community.

Tagbanwa - in Palawan, they believe that every 13th moon, 3 goddesses descend from heaven to bless the planting of rice. The Shamans go into a trance
amidst ritual chanting and are believed to be takenober by the goddesses.

Kudyapi - a 3 stringed guitar

Kulintang - an array of bossed gongs
Gansa or Flat gong, Bamboo percussion instruments and the Agong - A large bossed Gong.

Pangalay - from the Sulu Archipelago is mimetic movements of seabirds.

They imitate the movements of Predatory birds:

- Mandayas’ Kinabua
- The banog-banog of the Hingaonon
- B’laan Communities
- Man-manok of the Bagobos

Talip Dance of the Ifugaos - is used in courtship and is mimetic to the movements of wild fowls.

They represent the comedic movements of monkeys:

- Inamong of the Mastigsalugs
- Kadaliwas Dance of the T’bolis

Tinikling - a popular tagalog folk dance often showcase for tourists.

People of the Cordilleras - carved the Bulul

Hagabi - a wooden bench that marks the socioeconomic status of the owner. ( an ifugaos sini an nag produce)
Christianized Communities in Laguna and Pampanga - are known for carving santos or sculptures of saints as well as the other wooden sculptures of
secular non-religious orientation.

Paete, Laguna - recognized for its carving tradition.

Okir - are employed in wood carving.

Sensuous figures sometimes panted in primary colors folow the basic designs of the:
- Mythical Sarimanok
- The Naga or Serpent
- Pako Rabong or Fern

Elaborate okir designs csn also be found in the panolong or protuding beams of the sultan’s house called the torogan.

Manunggul Jar
- discovered in the Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan is dated to the late Neolitihic period (890-710 BC)
- it is a secondary burial vessel, where buried and exhumed bones are placed.

Other forms of pottery that remain in use:

Palayok - for cooking
Banga and Tapayan - for fermenting food or keeping liquids.

The traditional Pagbuburnay in Vigan - Thrives and is currently valued in illocos as part of its creative industry.

A backstrap loom or pigments - used to weave designs that hold special meaning for a particular cultural group.

Example of woven textiles:

Pis siyabit - a headpiece woven by Tausug of Sulu
Malong - with equisite tapestry panels called langkit woven by the Maranao of Lanao del Sur.

The colorful double-layered tepo mat of the Sama of Tawi-tawi made of pandan leaves is remarkable example of a mundane or everyday object with high
artistic value.

In Itbayat, Batanes, ovaloid baskets made of nito and bamboo - are used as a head sling to carry harvests.

In the Ilocos region, sturdy bamboo strips - are woven to create fish traps called bubo.

Boxer Codex - is a 16th century illustrated manuscript featured representations of various ethnolinguistic groups.

Islas de los Pintados - refers to the Visayans that are fully covered with tattoos.

other Philippine ethnolinguistic groups which practiced tattooing include the:

- Kalinga
- Kankanay
- Ibaloy
- Ifugao

The T’boli (in particular) - are known to wear brass chains, bells, and colorful beads to complete their elaborate ensemble.

Lotoans or Betel nut boxes of various shape - made of brass or bronze produced chiefly by the Maranao of Lanao del Sur.
Lost wax or Cire perdue - a special technique of metal casting which involves the use of moulds filled with liquefied metal that
eventually hardens.

Brass, Kendi, and the Gaddur - used in ceremonies and are cherished as status symbols or as heirloom pieces.

Kendi - is a vessel used for pouring liquids. it has a round body with no handle.

Gadur - is a container with a tapered top, a round body, and a flared base.


Hunter Gatherers Society

- arts for ritual purposed or for everydy use.
- sarted from mere craft, but then developed to have decorative, elements, meaning and context. (characteristic: Integral to life)

Mainly oral story about hunting, and nature. These are in the form of the following:

Epic poems
Wise sayings

Performing Arts Expressed through Music, Songs, Dance, Chants and many more.

Rituals - performed by sacrificing animals to worship nature, celestial bodies, animals, Anito, Diwata, Gods, and Goddesses.

Ceremony - performed during events such as wedding, healing, mourning, and victory celebration.

Architecture - tent-like shelters and tree houses made from natural resources.

Ancient Filipinos had attained a high artistic level through:
Pangalay - from the Sulu archipelago is mimetic movement of seabirds

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