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Writing a literature review on employee satisfaction level can be a daunting task for many

individuals. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on the
topic. From identifying relevant sources to analyzing various perspectives and theories, the process
demands meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

One of the challenges of writing a literature review is the sheer volume of available literature. With
numerous studies, articles, and academic papers published on employee satisfaction, sorting through
this vast amount of information can be overwhelming. Additionally, evaluating the credibility and
relevance of each source adds another layer of complexity to the process.

Furthermore, synthesizing the information gathered from different sources into a coherent narrative
requires careful planning and organization. Ensuring that the review is structured logically, with clear
connections between different studies and ideas, is essential for conveying a cohesive argument.

Moreover, writing a literature review requires critical thinking and analytical skills to assess the
strengths and limitations of existing research. It involves identifying gaps in the literature and
suggesting areas for future investigation, which demands a nuanced understanding of the topic.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review on employee satisfaction level, it is
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In conclusion, writing a literature review on employee satisfaction level is a challenging yet essential
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Here we find different contradictory results while one study suggests level of income increases the
level of satisfaction and the other study finds no satisfactory correlations or different view of
income’s importance. Despite this, there remains a paucity of critical academic literature on the
subject, and relatively little is known about how employee engagement can be influenced by
management. Very sat isfied 2. Sat isfied 3. Neutral 4. Dissat isfied 5. Very d issatisfied 6. We
consider that job satisfaction represents a feeling that appears as a result of the perception that the
job enables the material and psychological needs (Aziri, 2008). The study has used SPSS version 17
for data analyses. Health care, Illness, Medical terms 1044 Words 4 Pages A review of employee
training and development. The objective of this paper is to conduct a literature review and analysis
on theories and empirical evidence on the relationship between employee motivation and
organizational productivity with a view to drawing important lessons for managerial practice. How
to write a creative writingHow to write a creative writing a lesson before dying essay free usf
freshman application essay business plan library. Mikhail Bakhtin was born in Orel, Russia on
November 17 1895. Effect of job design on employee satisfaction (a study of fertilizer companie.
The level of organizational commitment was moderate, with relatively higher variability in affective
commitment. Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene theory identifies satisfiers or motivator factors as
achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth, on the other hand,
dissatisfiers or hygiene factors as company policy, supervision, working conditions, interpersonal
relationship at work, salary and benefits, and job security (Gitman et al 2008). Research was carried
out at a manufacturing factory. A, Antoncic, B. (2011) Employee Satisfaction, Intrapreneurship and
Firm Growth; A Model. This paper is based on a research project carried out on commercial banks in
Kakamega central District, Kenya focusing on the influence of employee productivity on
organisational performance as how employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. The term job
satisfactions refers to the attituted and feelings people have about their work. Note: Copyright of all
images in review of literature on job satisfaction project report content depends on the source site.
This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled
labor and piecework towards the more modern approach o f assembly lines and hourly wages. Hotel
managers who familiarize themselves with these study findings will be in a better position to
understand the important role of occupational stress in employee turnover. Managerial
trustworthiness and goal directedness increase the leverage of intrinsic motivation on employee
satisfaction, whereas extrinsic rewards expectancy decreases the leverage. A study conducted in
Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas reported similarities among. First, this study conducted a
principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation to extract occupational stress factors. In
the early 20th century, leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great
leaders. When it is about the pay satisfaction it is said that high pay does not always lead to job
satisfaction. Using a sample of management information systems professionals, the models were
tested using a combination of pseudo-generalized least squares, and full information
maximumlikelihood estimation procedures. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense
feelings of joy and satisfaction. The Hawthorne plant created an Industrial Research Division in the
early work on morale. By conducting anonymous surveys, you give your employees a chance to
voice their true and honest opinions about their jobs, giving you the opportunity to work out any
factors which cause employee dissatisfaction and address them. Kristin et al. (2004) cited in Paul
(2012) found that the overall job satisfaction decreases after the age of 45; perceptions of
management fairness and problem resolution also decrease with age. The study revealed that no one
library scored consistently high or low on all dimensions of satisfaction.
Conduct Surveys Conducting workplace surveys is an excellent way to boost employee satisfaction
and morale. Job satisfaction can be considered as one of the main factors when it comes to
efficiancy and effectiveness of business organizations. Although, many academics have found a
correlation between employee satisfaction and organizational performance, there has been an
opposition to this view and that has called for an extensive study, as employee satisfaction has little
or no influence in the performance of an organization in certain industries. The literature review will
pay attention to a book on the cult of Luxury Brand, Impact of Personal Orientation on Luxury
Brand Purchase Value, Shopper Behaviour in Recession and impulsive buying behaviour in recession.
Topics on gender and leadership style have attracted many researchers from various field of study
particularly in psychology and management discipline. Furthermore, relevant recommendations and
measures for improving the employee satisfaction. Satisfaction in the workplace is valuable to study
for multiple reasons: (a) increased satisfaction is suggested to be related to increased productivity,
and (b) promoting employee satisfaction has inherent humanitarian value (Smith et al., 1969). In
addition, job satisfaction is also related to other positive outcomes in the workplace, employee
turnover, safety, and customer loyalty and satisfaction. You can access all contents by clicking the
download button. Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 47, No., 2011, pp69-79.
Metle, M. K. (2001). Education, job satisfaction and gender in Kuwait. Mikhail Bakhtin was born in
Orel, Russia on November 17 1895. Another popular and highly researched measure of job
satisfaction is the Minnesota Satisfaction. Organization member to its operating characteristic is the
cognitive evaluation, employees get through the more realistic values and expectations of the gap
between the value obtained after the meeting whether or not all aspects of work attitudes and
emotional Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the
individual has an effect on his attitude. For example, Kumari et al. (2011) found that socio-economic
and cultural structures of a country essentially lead citizen’s perception of job satisfaction in both
public and private sectors. 3. 0 Comparison, contradiction and Evaluation. This paper analyzes the
relationship between employee satisfaction and long-run stock returns. A. Whether you're a manager,
company psychologist, quality control specialist, or involved with motivating people to work harder
in any capacity—Locke and Latham's guide will hand you the keen insight and practical advice you
need to reach even your toughest cases. Stepwise regression anal ysis and one sample t-tests were
used to confirming the research hypotheses. High level of pay does not ensure the happiness or
satisfaction among employees as job satisfaction focus rather on culture and reward systems
(Mondrow, 2011). A unit may fall sick because of a major lubricant i. Employee welfare is an
essential part of social welfare. According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the
influence of many external factors, it remains something internal that has to do with the way how the
employee feels. Organization commitment can be defined as affiliation of employees to the
organization and. Two hundred and fifteen (215) responses to questionnaire-based survey were
collected from managerial and non-managerial employees, and analyzed through using SPSS 17.0.
Statistical analysis indicates that the employees working in the banking sector feel that their jobs are
somewhat secure. Firts, organizations should be guided by human values. Employees were asked to
try to complete the survey all at one time, however, a respondent could exit and resume the survey at
the same point later using an identifier which was their unique employee number. Organization
member to its operating characteristic is the cognitive evaluation, employees get through the more
realistic values and expectations of the gap between the value obtained after the meeting whether or
not all aspects of work attitudes and emotional. In the light of this, there is a significant correlation
between organizational commitment and job involvement, though not very strong. The study
highlights customer satisfaction levels among young customers in banking industry. Further analysis
of data showed that climate variables had. This has resulted dissatisfaction among the employees in
various level. The term is used almost every day of our lives but not everyone know what it takes to
actually practise motivating. In.
As economies around the world encounter uncertainty in global markets and companies try to find
different ways to reduce cost, which in many cases have resulted in the reduction of the work force.
The review is a careful examination of a body of literature pointing toward the answer to your
research question. An incidental finding was that the odds of turnover were three times greater in
female officers with children than in female officers with no children. Job satisfaction is the
collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their current job. There are two strong
connections with employee satisfaction relating to employee rating of the company based on how
committed it is to its philosophy of caring, sharing, trust and respect; and the ability of the company
to compete with others. Influence of leadership styles on job satisfaction of employees in small and.
Next, this study used the regression analysis to ascertain the effect of occupational stresses on
turnover intention and to identify the occupational stresses that have a more significant effect on
hotel employee's turnover intention. If your employees are dissatisfied and disengaged with their
jobs, your business is less likely to experience success and the dissatisfaction is likely to rub off on
your customers. Hoppock defined job satisfaction as any combination of psychological,
physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied
with my job (Hoppock, 1935). Implement a training and development program into your company
that gives employees the chance to improve their existing skills, learn new skills, and even work
towards promotions or different positions within the company. Another popular and highly
researched measure of job satisfaction is the Minnesota Satisfaction. Note: Copyright of all images in
review of literature on job satisfaction project report content depends on the source site. Project
Report on Performance Appraisal System and Effectiveness in Flora Hot. Keywords: Human
resources, employee retention, job satisfaction, literature. Welfare measures may be both voluntary
and statutory. Every employee in the company will have to be researchers and managers. Review of
literature Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the
individual has an effect on his attitude. So, it can be understood that the Public sector jobs are
generally more stable compared to the private sector, and this factor contributes to both positive and
negative perceived job satisfaction in these two sectors. Employee Satisfaction is a prerequisite for
the customer satisfaction. Learn more The Benefits Of Employee Recognition Awards Effectively
managing your employees can be extremely difficult. Journal of Management Studies, 42(8), pp.
1571-1592 Pelit, E., Yuksel, O. and Yalcin A., 2011. The effects of employee empowerment on
employee job satisfaction. Four hypotheses have been advanced regarding the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a satisfaction causes commitment, b
commitment causes satisfaction, c satisfaction and commitment are reciprocally related, and d no
causal relationship exists between the two constructs. Job satisfaction represents a combination of
positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work. Analyses of the data showed that
the librarians derived satisfaction from their work, social recognition received, working conditions,
job security and social status in his. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(1), pp. 30-51.
Mehra, S. and Ranganathan, S. (2011) Implementing quality management practices without
sacrificing employee satisfaction. In today’s organization, where company leadership is transforming
from traditional styles to more collaborative style (Christensen, 2009), employee satisfaction is being
given due consideration based on the concept of happy people brings happy customers and growth
(Blanchard, 2004). Job satisfaction can be considered as one of the main factors when it comes to
efficiancy and effectiveness of business organizations. On the basis of the literature review and the
interview research, it seems that all the in- Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a
professional person, that is, the individual has an effect on his attitude. Reward systems that truly
value good performance fulfill the drive to acquire. Through job satisfaction evaluation different
levels of satisfaction in different organizational units can be defined, but in turn can serve as a good
indication regarding in which organizational unit changes that would boost performance should be
Role of Psychological Contract in Organizational Development Role of Psychological Contract in
Organizational Development Effect of job design on employee satisfaction (a study of fertilizer
companie. They don’t have enough salary accourding to the work, they work for atleast 12 hr non-
stop and. Supervision, the second facet, is measured in such ways assignments.Coworkers, the third.
He used 3 measuring instruments like MIQ (Minnesota Importance Questionnaire) to measure
vocational needs, MJDQ (Minnesota Job Description Questionnaire) to measure perceptions of the
characteris tics of his job environment and MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) to measure
Librarian. This paper is based on a research project carried out on commercial banks in Kakamega
central District, Kenya focusing on the influence of employee productivity on organisational
performance as how employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. As it is in this case much
information has been provided about the role of HRM, employee satisfaction and the various factors
which contribute to it. They concluded that their dissatisfaction is a product of their personality.
Mikhail Bakhtin was born in Orel, Russia on November 17 1895. Job satisfaction can be considered
as one of the main factors when it comes to efficiancy and effectiveness of business organizations.
In a constantly changing world of today, where past is replaced by dynamic present and the dynamic
present is being replaced by more challenging future, the old ways of doing. If employees are
satisfied with their job, the turnover rate will be lower than that of a company with unhappy
employees. In the light of this, there is a significant correlation between organizational commitment
and job involvement, though not very strong. In the public sector, however, training and personal
development was found to be the most important factor on employee satisfaction as training of
workforce provides various benefits to organizations such as fewer production errors, increased
productivity, decreased turnover and improved safety (Turkyilmaz, 2011). The importance of job
satisfaction specially emerges to surface if had in mind the many negative consequences of job
disstisfaction such a lack of loyalty,increased abstenteism, increase number of accidents etc.
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Although it has been more common to investigate employee
attitude data at the individual employee level, researchers have begun to explore similar relationships
at the business-unit level and the organizational level. Research was carried out at a manufacturing
factory. Some of the most commonly cited definitions on job satisfaction are analysed in the text that
folows. The study found that a positive and a significant relationship exists between knowledge
identification and employee job satisfaction in aluminum manufacturing firms and positive and
significant relationship between knowledge identification and all the measures of employee job
satisfaction. The study hypothesized that there is a strong relationship between performance and
intrinsic rewards, which is derived from the performance of the task itself, while extrinsic rewards,
such as pay, security and working conditions, were found subject to several other influences.
Satisfaction depends basically upon what an individual wants from the. All faculty members of
universities recognized by Higher education commission (HEC) were included in the population and
data was analyzed through SPSS. The six libraries were compared in terms of their scores for each
dimensions of satisfaction. We examine the effect of employee satisfaction on corporate performance
using employees’. Review of literature gives the opportunity to research worker to get information
related to what has been already done in the area of job satisfaction and absenteeism. There is only
two shift in a Day one start in the morning 5am and second one start in evening. Thus one way to
increase the overall level of job satisfaction in an organisation is to recruit applicants who show high
levels of overall job and life satisfaction Aamodt, 2004. We consider that job satisfaction represents a
feeling that appears as a result of the perception that the job enables the material and psychological
needs (Aziri, 2008). An Investigation into Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio.
Likewise, this literature found that employee satisfaction has shown to be a key success factor to
most organizations. The initial Hawthorne effect referred to the observation that.
People also can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs s uch as the kind of work they do,
their cowork ers, sup ervisors or suborinates and their pay ( George et al., 2008). Job satisfaction is a
complex and multifaceted concept wich can mean different things to different people. Job
satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their current job. Final
Report of capstone on Employees satisfaction in Proodle organisation (P. The objective of this paper
is to conduct a literature review and analysis on theories and empirical evidence on the relationship
between employee motivation and organizational productivity with a view to drawing important
lessons for managerial practice. Purpose — general practice model justin timberlake, and business in
designing, work. Some of the most commonly cited definitions on job satisfaction are analysed in
the text that folows. The study sample comprised of 368 frontline employees and 384 customers
who were selected through purposive and stratified sampling techniques respectively. The objective
of this paper is to conduct a literature review and analysis on theories and empirical evidence on the
relationship between employee motivation and organizational productivity with a view to drawing
important lessons for managerial practice. Organization member to its operating characteristic is the
cognitive evaluation, employees get through the more realistic values and expectations of the gap
between the value obtained after the meeting whether or not all aspects of work attitudes and
emotional Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the
individual has an effect on his attitude. Singapore 1995. Slack, F., Orife, J. N., Anderson, F. (2010)
Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction with their Organization: An
Empirical Study in the United States. International Business and Management - 2013 Module
name:Operations and Human Resource Management (Evening Class) Module Code:CORP 5041
Assignment: Group Critical Analysis Project Theme: Key factors of employee satisfaction and its
impacts to company success. It is based on psychological needs that inspires a performance set by an
objective. A survey polling members of the Association for Investment Management and Research
found. Implement a training and development program into your company that gives employees the
chance to improve their existing skills, learn new skills, and even work towards promotions or
different positions within the company. Employees, whether working in private organizations or
public institutions, need to be motivated for achieving their own personal goals, as well as the
organizational goals. Work restructuring and job enlargement techniques should be considered in
order to try and meet this desire. Review of literature gives the opportunity to research worker to get
information related to what has been already done in the area of job satisfaction and absenteeism.
When it is about the pay satisfaction it is said that high pay does not always lead to job satisfaction.
When analysing job satisfaction the logic that a satisfied employee is a happy employee and a happy
employee is a sucesful employee. Four hypotheses have been advanced regarding the causal
relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a satisfaction causes
commitment, b commitment causes satisfaction, c satisfaction and commitment are reciprocally
related, and d no causal relationship exists between the two constructs. As it is in this case much
information has been provided about the role of HRM, employee satisfaction and the various factors
which contribute to it. Employee recruitment has changed in many ways for the passed few years.
The result said that Job satisfaction had the strongest relationship, but both affective and continuance
commitment showed an incremental effect even in the presence of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction
can be considered as one of the main factors when it comes to efficiancy and effectiveness of
business organizations. To compare with Facebook, Google has paid lower wages to its employees
but providing vast benefits had caused employees to accept reduction on their wages because it
provides them job satisfaction fostering by company culture whereas Facebook is found with less
employees’ satisfaction though the level of pay is slightly higher (Huffingpost 2012). All faculty
members of universities recognized by Higher education commission (HEC) were included in the
population and data was analyzed through SPSS. To prove the importance of empowerment in the
company’s success Eesley et al. 2006) has said that intrapreneurship is the practice of creating new
business products and opportunities in an organization through proactive empowerment; and
intrapreneurship is propelled by an individual's or a team's willingness to take calculated risks and act
to create business opportunities that serve an organization's needs for growth and improvement.
Reuben Chirchir 409 945-1-pb 409 945-1-pb Devrupam SH An Investigation into Employee Job
Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio. There are two strong connections with employee
satisfaction relating to employee rating of the company based on how committed it is to its
philosophy of caring, sharing, trust and respect; and the ability of the company to compete with
others. Data analysis has been performed using SPSS software.
It is a good policy for any organisation and job satisfaction is of the main cause which leads to more
effective functioning of the individual and organisation as a whole. The one of the major problem is
that they don’t have proper lunch and dinner. Employee Satisfaction and Its Affects on Customer
Service in a Healthcare Facility A thorough review of literature on the relationship of employee and
customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction at St. Moreover, Kivimaki et al (1997) cited in
Mehra et al (2011) has also said that adopting Total Quality Management in an organization leads to
decreased job satisfaction. The six libraries were compared in terms of their scores for each
dimensions of satisfaction. The finding shows significance different when ages of groups of
respondent were considered and no significance different in a group of worker that is based on
experience. MEHTA 2 ABSTRACT Motivated and engaged employees tend to contribute more in
terms of organizational productivity and support in maintaining a higher commitment level leading to
the higher customer satisfaction. It also applies in a situation where duties have been rigidly divided
into professionals and non-professionals. Reuben Chirchir 409 945-1-pb 409 945-1-pb Devrupam
SH An Investigation into Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizatio. In the early 20th
century, leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great leaders.
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Although it has been more common to investigate employee
attitude data at the individual employee level, researchers have begun to explore similar relationships
at the business-unit level and the organizational level. This paper is based on a research project
carried out on commercial banks in Kakamega central District, Kenya focusing on the influence of
employee productivity on organisational performance as how employee satisfaction leads to customer
satisfaction. Study the effects of antecedents of employee satisfaction in banking sector o. Scholars
can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The
literature review will pay attention to a book on the cult of Luxury Brand, Impact of Personal
Orientation on Luxury Brand Purchase Value, Shopper Behaviour in Recession and impulsive buying
behaviour in recession. Here, learn how to give various facets of job satisfaction, where staff for
managing job satis- faction. Introduction Nowadays, job satisfaction is one of the successful key for
managers in any organization. This literature survey seeks to establish the relevance of motivation
theories to construction, and to review attempts to apply these theories to construction operatives.
Study on the Stress Level Impact of Customer Satisfaction on the Business Impact of Customer
Satisfaction on the Business Final Report of capstone on Employees satisfaction in Proodle
organisation (P. The history of job satisfaction stems back to the perspective on job satisfaction. One
of the most often cited definitions on job satisfaction is thr one given by Spector according to
whome job satisfaction has to do with the way how people feel about their job and its various
aspects. Having good relationships with the colleagues, high salary, good working conditions,
training. The principal component factor analysis divided the 23 occupational stress items into six
factors: problems related to the home, problems related to task and pay, conflict with job
responsibility, unfair treatment, shortage of support, and organizational culture. Introduction
Nowadays, job satisfaction is one of the successful key for managers in any organization. Paul
(2012) discovered that age influences the level of motivation among employees, for instance,
younger employees felt more motivated to extra work, while older employees were less eager to do
so. To support their argument they quoted various theories like Vroom, Maslow etc. Job satisfaction
is the key ingridient that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the achevement of other goals
that lead to a feeling of fullfillment (Kaliski,2007). Purpose — general practice model justin
timberlake, and business in designing, work. There are several actions that could trigger this block
including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Results revealed
positive and significant relationships between, Leadership Behaviour and Service Quality,
Leadership Behaviour and Organizational Commitment, Leadership Behaviour and Job Satisfaction,
Organizational Commitment and Service Quality, Job satisfaction and Service quality which implies
that when one va riable is improved it leads to improvement of the other.

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