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IITs and locations, sorted by date of establishment # Namo Short name | Established | Mode | Stato/UT 2 | lian insite oefrmaton Technology. | rq 1999 MoE | unar Pradesh 2 | denim ofomaton Tsien | wroyy 2005 woe | Masa + | Seine et, een 27 | HOE | 5 | Reais ofntometoneemoton, | yrs 2018 pre Anat 4, dian nsttute ofrformaton Technology. | 7g 2013 pep | Assam 7 | Ilan nite a rfemationTeetlogy, | ry 2013 PPP Gujarat 8 | [alan nite ofrformation Teeblesy. | rr Kota 2013 PPP Rajasthan 9 | Piian Instivte of Information Technology, | yr 2013 PPP | Tamil Nadu 10 | fila ste otnomatn Teemoony, | yr 2014 per | Himachal 11 | lan ete nfomaton Tesco 17 sone 2014 ppp | Haryana 12 | pany of formaton Tecmotons | yr Kata 2014 PPP | West Bengal 13 flan institute of norman eehelony. yr 2018 ppp | utar Pradesh 14 Ian Insitute of ntermation Tecnology. | yrroWD 2015 PPP | Karnataka ss Reso toesierrcceos | yrownine [ame | woe _| AS 16 fan stu of intermation Tecnology. yr Katya | 2018 PPP Kerala 17, idan rete nlomaton Taino, yy 2015 PPP | Manipur to | Halen inte ofomaton octets, yr 2016 PPP | Maharashtra te fan sit of information Tecoiogy. yp 2016 PPP | Maharashtra an | fgdgpineieofinematon Texto | yr sur 2017 ppp | Gujarat 22 | Idan Insite ofniamaionTe.9%, yr prop 2017 pre Madhya # Name Shortname | Established | Mode | State/UT 23 _ Indian Institute of information Technology, Inion is INT Bhagalpur | 2017 PPP Bihar 24 Indian institute of Information Technology, 7 Agartala 2018 PPP Tripura Agartala 25 flan stu of ntormation Tech 109%. wr Raehur 2019 PPP Kamataka References “Institutions - Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development" ( iilits). Retrieved 11 January 2017 2. "Legistation : Loksaha" ( (Type "Indian Institutes of Information Technology” in the "Short Title of the Bill" field and click “Submit"). Retrieved 6 June 2020 3, "The Indian Institutes of Information Technology Act, 2014" ( es/The%20indian%20Institutes%200f%20Information%20%20Techonology%20Act%2C%202014 pdf) (PDF). Gazette of India. Government of India. 8 December 2014, Retrieved 12 September 2017. 4. “Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2017" (https:/; 20181025050842/http://www.prsindia. org/uploads/medialGST,%202017/IIIT%20(Amendment)%2 OBill,%202017.pdf) (PDF). Government of India. 21 March 2017. Archived from the original (http:// www prsindia org/uploads/media/GST, %202017/IIIT%20%28Amendment%29%20Bill, %202017.p df) (PDF) on 25 October 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2017. 5, "Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2017" ( 20180417172622/ 7/INT%20Act, %202017. pdf) (PDF). Gazette of India. Government of India. 17 August 2017, Archived from the original (http:/w,%202017.pdf) (PDF) on 17 April 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2017. 6, “Setting up of Indian Institute of Information Technology" ( spx?relid=106785). Ministry of Human Resource Development. 16 July 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2017. 7. Choudhari, Abhishek (15 May 2015). "HRD ministry approves IIIT for Nagpur" (http://timesofindia,i The Times of India. Times News Network. Retrieved 16 September 2017. 8, Narayan, Santosh (9 December 2015). "Cabinet clears decks for setting up IIIT" (http://www.dailyp html). The Pioneer. Retrieved 16 September 2017. 9, Roshan, Kumar (15 December 2016). "More room for education" (https://web.archive.orghweb/201 61216165824 /http:/www,jsp). The Telegraph Archived from the original (https:/,jsp) on 16 December 2016. Retrieved 16 September 2017 10. “IIT Surat" (https:/iweb archive orghweb/20181122072104/ p)., Archived from the original ( on 22 November 2018. Retrieved 16 September 2017 11. "The Indian Institutes of information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Act, 2017" (http:lega (PDF). 9 August 2017. Retrieved 11 August 2017.

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