1 Practice - The Past Participle Form

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English 301

Student’s Name Astrid Amairany Sanchez Diaz

Account Number 2180096


Exercise 1. Spelling. Decide whether the listed verbs are regular or irregular and then write the
past simple form (V2) and the past participle form (V3) of the following verbs in base form. Then
read them outloud.


1 finish Regular finished Finished

2 see Irregular saw Seen

3 go Irregular went Gone

have Irregular had Had


meet Irregular met Met


6 call regular called called

fall Irregular fell Fallen


8 do Irregular did Done

9 know Irregular knew known

10 fly Irregular flew Flown

11 come Irregular came come

English 301

12 study Regular studied Studied

stay Regular stayed Stayed


14 begin Irregular began Begun

15 start Regular started Started

16 write Irregular wrote Written

17 eat Irregular ate Eaten

18 cut Irregular cut cut

19 read irregular read Read

be Irregular was/were Been


Exercise 2. Listening. Listen to the audio and classify on the table below the fifteen regular
verbs according to the final sound you hear. Make sure to include the number as well.


/d/ /t/ /ɪd/

4.joined 2.finish 1.started

7. played 6.worked 3.studied

9. travelled 8.stopped 5. visited

10. lived 11.walked 12.graduated

English 301

Exercise 3. Pronunciation. Read the following text once to highlight in yellow all the regular
verbs in -ed form. Then, read it again outloude and make sure to produce the correct
pronunciation for endings of the verbs. Finally, record your voice while you read the story using
www.vocaroo.com. Paste the link in the box below.


Yesterday was so busy! At the office, I worked hard with my team. We developed a new
advertising plan. Our meeting lasted about two hours. I remembered an advertising plan that
worked five years ago, and I suggested we try that again. We needed to get the manager's
approval. We called him on the office phone. He admitted that the idea seemed good, but he
believed we should lower the budget. We reported our numbers to him and talked about the
budget for a long time. Finally, he decided to give us the money we wanted.

On the way home, I stopped at the mall. I had promised my daughter a new MP3 player for her
birthday. At the electronics store, I played songs and listened for quality sound. I decided to
buy one at a medium price.

When I got home, the kitchen was a mess. At our house, we have agreed to clean up after
ourselves, so I asked around to find out who had cooked last. That person turned out to be my
son. While he washed the dishes, I sat at the kitchen table and talked to him about his school
work. Last year, he tested into an advanced program, and I wanted to see how he was doing.
He seemed happy with it. He started telling me about his classes and what he learned that day.


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