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Name: Sarah Jane H.


Instructor: Dr. Aida C. Abad

Subject: Foundation of Education (MA 103)

Date: March 9, 2024


(Morning session)

These are the topics that was being discussed during morning session. Oriental
and Western philosophies, stratification and its impact on learning, and the
concept of man according to Eastern thought all provide insightful viewpoints
on human nature, education, and philosophical frameworks. Eastern
philosophy places a strong emphasis on people's connection to one another as
well as the universe's harmony and balance. Examining Eastern philosophical
viewpoints enables us to see the comprehensive aspect of human nature and
the significance of developing inner peace and self-awareness during the
educational process. Social hierarchies and inequalities have an impact on
educational opportunities and achievements, as demonstrated by stratification
and its effect on learning. We can analyze and resolve concerns of social justice
and fairness in education by knowing how stratification affects access to
education. We may better comprehend various philosophical traditions and
their respective perspectives by comparing Eastern and Western philosophies.

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