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Vet Dermatol 2021; 32: 13–e4 DOI: 10.1111/vde.12928

Immunopathogenesis of the feline atopic syndrome

Richard Halliwell*, Frane Banovic† , Ralf S. Mueller‡ and Thierry Olivry§
*Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Campus, Roslin, EH25 9RG, UK
†Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, GA 30605, USA
‡Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich, Veterinaerstr 13, Munich, Germany
§Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, 1060 William Moore Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607,
Correspondence: Ralf Mueller, Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich, Veterinaerstr 13, 80539 Munich, Germany.

Background – Feline diseases of possible allergic origin with similar clinical phenotypes can have a varied under-
lying pathogenesis. Clinical phenotype, precise aetiology and underlying immunopathogenesis all need to be con-
sidered if advances in this neglected area of dermatology are to be made.
Objectives – To document the status of research into the immunopathogenesis of the diseases that fall within
the spectrum of the feline atopic syndrome (FAS), to summarize the conclusions, identify the limitations and
recommend future research directions.
Methods and materials – A search of the literature was undertaken. The strengths and validity of the data and
the contributions to our current understanding of the immunopathogenesis were analysed. Skin diseases of pre-
sumed allergic aetiology and asthma were assessed separately, as was the role of antibodies, cells and cytokines
in each.
Results – The research varied in its quality and its impact often was limited by a failure to employ strict criteria in
case selection. This reflected the difficulties of skin reaction patterns associated with a number of inciting cau-
ses. Research into feline asthma was handicapped by the difficulties of investigating clinical material, and much
of the useful information was derived from experimental models.
Conclusions and clinical importance – The evidence reviewed was supportive of a role for immunoglobulin
(Ig)E in the pathogenesis of both feline atopic skin syndrome (FASS) and asthma, albeit not strongly so. The infla-
mmation noted in both FASS and asthma is accompanied by eosinophils and lymphocytes, and these findings,
together with the cytokine expression, are suggestive in some (not all) cats of T-helper type 2 immune dysregula-

allergic skin disease is believed to be associated with

environmental allergens, the term “Feline Atopic Skin
In the previous paper in this series, justification was pro- Syndrome” (FASS) is proposed, whilst acknowledging
vided for the designation of three of the feline allergic dis- that both flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and food allergy
eases (namely, asthma, skin diseases associated with (FA) can present with overlapping or even identical clinical
environmental allergens and food allergy) as atopic, and it signs. FASS is thus the equivalent of what was described
was proposed that the allergic skin diseases (excluding previously as “nonflea nonfood-hypersensitivity dermati-
flea allergy dermatitis and mosquito-bite hypersensitivity) tis”.2 This paper reviews the published work on the
should be included under the umbrella of “Feline Atopic immunopathogenesis of all of the aforementioned allergic
Syndrome” (FAS) – together with asthma.1 Where the diseases. A complicating feature is that over the years

Accepted 21 October 2020

Sources of Funding: This study was self-funded.
Conflict of Interest: Richard Halliwell: Avacta Animal Health (Wetherby, UK), Virbac (Carros, France). Frane Banovic: Boehringer Ingel-
heim Vetmedica (St Joseph, Missouri, USA), Ceva (Libourne, France), Vétoquinol (Paris, France), Zoetis (Florham Park, New Jersey,
USA). Ralf Mueller: Within the last 5 years, he has been a consultant, lecturer, or has received financial support for studies from Artuvet,
Bayer Animal Health, Ceva Animal Health, Elanco Animal Health, Greer Laboratories, Heska Laboratories, Hill’s, Royal Canin, MSD Animal
Health, Nextmune, Synlab, Virbac Animal Health and Zoetis. Thierry Olivry: Animal Allergy Clinical Laboratories (Kanagawa, Japan), Ceva
(Libourne, France), Boehringer Ingelheim (Athens, Georgia, USA), Boragen (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA), Dechra US
(Overland Park, Kansas, USA), Elanco (Greenfield, Indiana, USA), Galderma (La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland), Genclis, (Vandoeuvre-lès-
Nancy, France), Immunomic Therapeutics (Rockville, Maryland, USA), InVetx (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), Nextmune (Stockholm,
Sweden), Neurocycle Therapeutics (Cambridge, Massacusetts, USA), Royal Canin (Aimargues, France), Simini (Toronto, Canada), Virbac
(Carros, France), Zenoaq (Koriyama City, Japan), Zoetis (Parsipanny, New Jersey, USA).

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© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4. 13
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Halliwell et al.

different authors have employed differing categorization diseases believed to be allergic, and the extent to which
of the clinical material evaluated. The original nomencla- IgE was shown to be implicated therein will be reviewed
ture that was employed in reports is used, and where the in detail.
case material is obviously the equivalent of one of the
1 Positive immediate skin test reactivity to environ-
new designations, this is noted.
mental allergens in affected cats that are either neg-
ative or less strong in normal cats. Wheals resulting
Antibodies from intradermal test (IDT) reactions are not readily
visualized in the cat, and this has led some investi-
Feline antibodies and criteria for involvement of IgE.
gators to use intravenous fluorescein to improve the
Feline immunoglobulin classes. The first systematic study
detection of positive reactions.16,17 The latter study
of feline immunoglobulins (Ig) was published in 1974 and
also investigated the irritant threshold of allergen
identified three classes of antibodies: IgG, IgA and IgM.3
injection in healthy cats, and found that healthy cats
In a later publication,4 evidence was provided for the exis-
tolerate higher concentrations of allergens than do
tence of three subclasses of IgG that were subsequently
dogs. It is thus possible that earlier studies had
designated IgG1a, IgG1b and IgG2 on the basis of physio-
employed suboptimal allergen concentrations.17
chemical and functional characteristics.5
2 The existence of classical reaginic (IgE) antibodies
A report documenting the existence of a reaginic (IgE-
to environmental allergens, as assessed by PK tests
type) antibody in the cat had appeared some years earlier,
in affected cats. Although a positive PK test strongly
in 1968, and was contained in a detailed description of a
implicates IgE antibody, in undertaking quantitative
cat suffering from an allergic dermatitis and enteritis pro-
studies it is important to include the same positive
voked by cow’s milk.6 An intradermal test (IDT) was posi-
high titre serum as a control in all recipients to
tive to milk antigen and the serum gave a positive
assess for any variation in recipient sensitivity.18
Prausnitz–Ku €stner test (PK test) upon intradermal injec-
Additionally, PK tests are not invariably positive
tion into a normal cat with a subsequent antigen chal-
when IgE can be detected serologically in the
lenge at the same site 48 h later. The PK reactivity was
injected sera. For example, in studies in which aller-
abolished by heating the serum at 56°C for 4 h – a classi-
gen-specific IgE was induced in 10 normal cats,
cal feature of IgE. Subsequently, reaginic antibodies were
although the PK positivity always correlated with
reported in association with Otodectes cynotis infesta-
that of IDT reactivity, sera from four of 10 cats
tions,7 and further evidence of the existence of feline IgE
(40%) that contained high levels of antibody as
came from studies with a monoclonal anti-canine IgE that
assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
cross-reacted with its feline homologue.8 The definitive
(ELISA) lacked demonstrable PK reactivity.18
proof, however, was derived from studies of a cat
3 The presence of environmental allergen-specific IgE
infected with Brugia pahangi microfilaria.9 The extensive
in affected cats, as assessed serologically, which is
characterization of the resulting reaginic antibody enabled
absent or present at lower levels in normal cats. In
the cloning and the detailed analysis of its heavy chain,
interpreting such studies, it should be noted that
thus confirming its identity as feline IgE.10
levels of IgE to environmental allergens in cats have
Two separate reports in 1998 and 2003 described the
been shown to increase with age,19 and thus age-
production and characterisation of polyclonal antisera
matching is essential when comparing allergic and
directed against feline IgE,11,12 and since then several lab-
normal cats. Furthermore, IgE serum levels are
oratories have marketed diagnostic services for allergen-
higher in outdoor cats and in those with endopara-
specific IgE employing monoclonal antibodies. Similar
sites.19 In addition, Dermatophagoides farinae (Df)-
antibodies also have been developed against a highly con-
specific IgE is readily detected in the serum of some
served segment of canine IgE that is cross-reactive with
normal household cats and is largely absent from
its feline homologue,13 and the recombinant human Fcɛ-
laboratory-reared cats that are less likely to have
receptor assay developed by Heska (Loveland, CO,
been exposed to that antigen.18 However, it is pos-
USA),14 which has affinity for IgE of several other spe-
sible that this could be the result of a response to
cies, also is marketed for the detection of IgE in cats.
cross-reacting Ascaris antigens – a phenomenon
There are thus many reagents now available for the
reported in other species but not yet in cats.20,21
detection of feline IgE, yet there is often a lack of peer-re-
These are all important considerations when com-
viewed data attesting to the specificity and sensitivity of
parisons are made between allergic and control pop-
the assays and other aspects of quality control. Other
antibodies (e.g. IgG4) have been shown to be able to
4 The clinical response to allergen-specific immuno-
degranulate mast cells upon antigen challenge in
therapy (ASIT). This has long been considered a
humans,15 yet the presence of such heat-stable antibod-
classical feature of IgE-mediated diseases. Ideally
ies in the cat has not been proven, although some evi-
this should be evaluated in blinded, placebo-con-
dence of their existence has been derived from studies
trolled trials.
discussed later in this paper.
5 Atopy patch test results. Although the resulting
eczematous reaction is complex and involves T
Criteria that support the involvement of IgE
cells, it is believed to be triggered most frequently
A number of criteria are classically associated with IgE-
by cross-linking of antigen-specific IgE bound to the
mediated allergic diseases. This paper will examine the
Fcɛ RI on Langerhans cells.22
published data on these criteria as applied to feline
© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
14 Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4.
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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

Satisfaction of more than one of the above criteria sensitivity and specificity, and on the positive and nega-
would naturally be regarded as more persuasive evidence tive predictive values of such tests. It is important also to
of the involvement of IgE in the disease process. note that endoparasitism has been shown to enhance the
immune response to orally administered antigen in cats,29
a further reason for caution when interpreting such tests.
The role of antibodies: skin diseases There is thus strong evidence implicating IgE in the der-
matological and gastrointestinal signs shown in the case
The role of antibodies in feline flea allergy dermatitis
cited above,6 and it is hoped that cases presenting with
similar signs will be subjected to the appropriate
Flea allergy dermatitis in cats is unquestionably associ-
immunopathological studies to ascertain whether IgE can
ated with IgE that is readily detected by IDT and aller-
be implicated more widely.
gen-specific IgE serology;23 however, there also is a
delayed, cell-mediated component,24 and it has been
demonstrated that clinical signs of FAD in the cat The role of antibodies in feline atopic skin syndrome
most often is associated with the latter.24 As is the (FASS)
case in dogs, ASIT for flea allergy dermatitis has not Studies involving IDT alone. The first large study used
been shown to be effective in clinical practice, possibly IDTs and dietary trials in 90 cats with one or more of the
reflecting its complex immunopathogenesis.25 How- following syndromes: miliary dermatitis (13 cats), self-in-
ever, this also could be a reflection of the antigen duced alopecia (24), eosinophilic granuloma complex (20),
preparation used (whole flea extract) and/or the immu- erosive facial dermatitis (12) and varying combinations
nization protocol. Using a model in which FAD was thereof (15). Also included were four cats with a sebor-
induced experimentally, the co-vaccination with flea rhoeic syndrome and two with respiratory signs.30 Six-
salivary antigen 1 DNA and the recombinant protein teen of 90 cats (18%) had signs that responded fully to a
resulted in significant clinical improvement.26 hypoallergenic diet trial, and a further four (4%) had not
only a partial reduction of signs after the change in diet,
The role of antibodies in feline mosquito-bite but also positive IDTs to aeroallergens. Eight cats (9%)
hypersensitivity were diagnosed as flea allergic, 32 (36%) had positive
In this uncommon condition, mosquito-bite exposure in IDTs to aeroallergens and fleas, 29 (32%) had positive
the sensitized cat results in wheals within 20 min which IDTs to aeroallergens alone, and finally one cat (1%) was
are frequently followed by delayed reactions.27,28 The role diagnosed as flea-, aeroallergen- and food-allergic. There
of IgE has been confirmed by positive IDTs, by immediate was no evident association of any one clinical syndrome
(20 min) reactivity following exposure to mosquito bites with the final diagnosis. Half of the 66 aeroallergen-sensi-
and by PK tests. The pathological findings of the delayed tized cats also had a positive IDT to fleas. The highest pro-
(24–48 h) reaction are characterized by an intense eosino- portion of positive reactions (80%) were to Df, and most
philic infiltrate, and it is unclear whether this represents a cats were sensitized to both seasonal and nonseasonal
late-phase IgE reaction and/or cell-mediated hypersensi- allergens, with only three cats exhibiting a cutaneous
tivity.28 reactivity to pollen extracts alone. There was no control
group of normal cats, so the relevance of the IDT reac-
The role of antibodies in feline food allergy (FA) tions cannot be ascertained. However, the sensitization
In the report mentioned earlier,6 a cat belonging to a vet- spectrum of these cats parallels that seen in atopic dogs.
erinarian was presented suffering from a concomitant Studies involving IDT or serology and ASIT. Unfortu-
enteritis and dermatitis, and was assessed immunologi- nately, all studies reporting the use of ASIT in cats have
cally by two of the leading immunologists of the day – been open and uncontrolled, which reflects the ethical dif-
both of whom also were veterinarians. This cat had been ficulties associated with including a placebo control
fed a varied diet, and it became asymptomatic when group.
given a restricted diet of beef and rice with clinical signs In 1982, Reedy31 was the first to describe a possible
relapsing when challenged with cow’s milk. Intestinal contribution of allergy to three feline skin diseases that
biopsies revealed an eosinophilic enteritis and an IDT with were, at the time, regarded as being of uncertain aetiol-
milk allergen was positive, as was a PK test performed ogy. Twenty cats were evaluated: nine with miliary der-
with the cat’s serum. There is thus strong evidence impli- matitis, nine with self-induced alopecia (inappropriately
cating the involvement of IgE in this cat’s clinical signs. described then as psychogenic alopecia) and two with
Although further studies showed the presence of non-IgE eosinophilic ulcers. Positive IDTs were present in 15
antibodies (presumably IgG), it is important to note that cases and the owners of 11 reported a >75% improve-
the existence of an IgE response alone in any situation is ment in clinical signs following ASIT.
exceedingly unlikely, and the presence of concomitant In a brief report of a study in Australia, 29 atopic cats
IgG would be expected. However, this does not neces- were treated with ASIT for one to three years based upon
sarily imply a pathogenic role for such an antibody. their IDT results.32 After removing the nine cats that were
There have been no further studies on the lost to follow-up, five of 20 cats (25%) became asymp-
immunopathogenesis of feline FA. However, serological tomatic following ASIT, with one additional cat (5%)
tests for food antigen-specific IgE and IgG are increas- exhibiting only mild clinical signs. Three cats (15%)
ingly offered by several commercial laboratories, although required intermittent anti-allergic pharmacotherapy and
to our knowledge there are no published data on the were deemed moderate responders, and the other five

© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
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Halliwell et al.

cats (25%) showed some improvement yet required con- than indicating a lack of an immunopathogenic role for
comitant therapy to be maintained. Overall, 70% of the IgE. The same group subsequently published a study on
cats available for follow-up derived some degree of clini- the levels of IgG specific for a limited number of allergens
cal benefit from ASIT. in allergic, normal and “sick” cats and in those with other
In a report detailing the response of 42 cats to ASIT pruritic diseases.39 The groups were of comparable ages
based upon results of ELISA, a grading system was and not specifically age-matched. Of the six allergens
developed for the severity of each of seven clinical syn- tested, levels of specific IgG were significantly higher in
dromes with some animals exhibiting more than one.33 the allergic cats than in the normal cats for ryegrass,
The median level of improvement was 54% for self-in- house dust, mattress, rug and upholstery mix and flea
duced hair loss (29 cats), 67% for miliary dermatitis (23), allergen, but not for HDM, birch or lambs quarter aller-
73% for eosinophilic plaques (10), 95% for eosinophilic gens. It was of note that none of the cats in the allergic
ulcers (six), 100% for linear granulomas (three), 65% for group showed positive IDTs to rye grass despite having
otitis externa (four) and 90% for lower respiratory disease significantly higher levels of IgG than the normal group
(four). against that allergen. The authors did not propose a
In the most recent report, 45 of 225 pruritic cats seen pathogenic role for IgG, and suggested that the higher
in a referral clinic in Australia were diagnosed as suffering levels of this immunoglobulin were indicative of a Th2
from atopic dermatitis (AD) based on a compatible history immune polarization leading to increased IgG and IgE.
and clinical signs, and elimination of all other potential In a later publication,40 serum concentrations of IgE
causes of their pruritus and cutaneous signs.34 Six of 45 specific for Df and D. pteronyssinus (Dp) in 59 cats diag-
cats (13%) had a concurrent FA and 11 (24%) had concur- nosed with allergic skin disease (mean age 5.1 years)
rent FAD with one cat (2%) diagnosed with a combination were compared to those in 54 clinically-healthy cats
of AD, FA and FAD. Intradermal testing was undertaken (mean age 3.1 years) employing an in-house IgE Fcɛ-re-
on 30 cats of which 19 (63%) exhibited positive results. ceptor assay. The allergic group was further subdivided
One additional cat was tested serologically and also had into cats with self-induced alopecia without other lesions
positive results. Immunotherapy was prescribed for 26 of (22 cats), those with papulo-crusted dermatitis (i.e. miliary
these cats (58%), and of the 23 that completed at least dermatitis) (seven), eosinophilic granuloma complex
one year of treatment, a good response (defined as a (seven), head-and-neck dermatitis (16) and those with a
marked reduction or resolution of clinical lesions and combination of these clinical syndromes (seven). Fleas
reduction or discontinuation of ongoing symptomatic were not observed by the owners or the veterinarians,
medications) was reported in 13 cases (57%) with a par- and most cats had been subjected to a rigorous flea con-
tial response being seen in six additional cats (26%). trol programme before presentation. The possibility of FA
Again, this was an open study, yet the results are strik- had been eliminated in 10 cats by a restrictive dietary trial.
ingly similar to the only placebo-controlled study of ASIT There were no significant differences observed between
in dogs.35 the healthy cats and each of the allergic groups, thus lead-
Two further studies on immunotherapy have been ing the authors to question the relevance of HDM in the
reported only in abstract form at the time of writing. pathogenesis of allergic skin disease in the cat. However,
Twenty-two cats diagnosed with nonflea nonfood-in- as all of the cats were presumed to be suffering from the
duced hypersensitivity dermatitis (i.e. FASS) to dust same clinical entity (i.e. environmental allergies), it could
mites were treated with sublingual immunotherapy have been useful to encompass all varying clinical spectra
(SLIT), and their response evaluated after three and six in one single group and compare the levels to those in
months.36 There was a significant lowering of the Scoring normal cats. The lack of age-matching also was a con-
Feline Allergic Dermatitis (SCORFAD) assessment and in cern. A more recent study compared the results of a rapid
the owner-assessed pruritus scores by three months. screening test for allergen-specific IgE in 31 atopic cats
These changes were accompanied by a significant reduc- and 31 age-matched normal cats with those of a com-
tion in the levels of house dust mite (HDM)-specific IgE. plete panel using the Fcɛ-receptor assay. 41 Results were
In another report, a cat with a long history of asthma and recorded as positive or negative, and there was a high
pruritus leading to self-induced alopecia that reacted to degree of concordance between the two tests. However,
the Der f 2 antigen of Df, was treated with a recombinant there was no difference in the percentage of positive
pullulan-conjugated Der f 2 immunotherapy vaccine (Aller- reactors in the allergic group compared to the normal
mune, Zenoaq: Tokyo, Japan). After 22 weeks, hair group; it could have been useful to examine the strength
regrowth was almost complete and the fluticasone inha- of the positive reactions recorded in the complete panel
ler could be reduced from once daily to once every three for evidence of any difference between groups.
days.37 Another multicentre study based across a number of
Studies involving serology with or without IDT. One of European countries reached a similar conclusion.19
the earlier studies undertaken at the University of Bristol Among 60 cats, the proportion of those with skin dis-
on 36 cats with clinical signs of allergic dermatitis com- eases attributable to environmental allergies that were
pared the diagnostic value IDT and an ELISA for IgE.38 positive to one or more allergens upon serological evalua-
IDT results had a positive predictive value of 100% in the tion employing the Fcɛ-receptor assay was not signifi-
case of environmental allergens and those of the ELISA cantly different from the comparator groups that included
was much lower, and the assay was not deemed a useful cats with FA (15), FAD (16), nonallergic pruritic cats (18)
diagnostic test. The poor performance of the latter might, and healthy controls (20), although cats were not age-
of course, be attributable to the assay procedure rather matched.
© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
16 Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4.
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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

However, it should be mentioned that questions have of allergic skin disease in the cat. The lack of significance
arisen recently over the sensitivity of the Fcɛ-receptor seen in the case of Dp is surprising in light of this mite
assay (which is based upon the human extracellular alpha being the dominant acarid in house dust in the UK.47,48
chain segment) in cats. A study was conducted in which Studies involving the passive transfer of hypersensitiv-
IgE was induced to specific allergens as part of the devel- ity. In the first of these studies,49 sera were collected
opment of a model for feline asthma.42 The cats were from 17 cats suffering from either eosinophilic plaques
subjected to IDT at intervals and serum was at the same (five cats), miliary dermatitis (six) or pruritic facial dermati-
time submitted to two laboratories for assay of the levels tis (six). None had responded to a six week hypoallergenic
of allergen-specific IgE during the sensitization process. diet trial or to an intensive flea control programme. Sera
One of these assays proved to be unreliable, yet for the also were collected from 12 healthy cats of similar ages.
Fcɛ-receptor assay, the sensitivity for Bermuda grass and IDTs had not been performed in any of them. In undertak-
house dust antigen respectively was 14% and 0% at day ing passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA), aliquots of the
(D)28 and 14% and 75% at D50 which contrasted with sera (both heated to 56°C for 24 h and unheated) were
100% and 100% at D28 and 100% and 50% at D50 for injected intradermally into normal cats and the sites were
the IDT. However, caution is required when interpreting challenged 24 h later with intravenous allergens in saline
these results owing to the differing stability of IgE in the containing 0.5% Evans blue. The antigens employed
circulation and the skin. Studies in humans have shown a were those most commonly implicated in feline allergic
serum half-life for IgE of two days as compared with a tis- skin disease in the Netherlands, namely cat dander, dog
sue half-life of 13–20 days with detectable persistence dander, human dander, house dust and a grass pollen
for as long as 50 days.43,44,45 Studies in the dog have mixture. PK tests also were performed whereby the anti-
shown a similarly long tissue half-life.46 Nonetheless, PK gen was injected intradermally. Any positive reactions
testing with a pool of serum gave positive results whilst with unheated sera, which had been abolished following
serology was negative, which suggests a suboptimal sen- serum heating, suggested the presence of allergen-speci-
sitivity. fic IgE antibodies, and those reactions remaining with the
A study employing a polyclonal anti-IgE18 compared heated serum were interpreted as indicating the pres-
serum levels in 10 cats with allergic skin disease with ence of a heat-stable antibody (presumably of the IgG
those of 15 healthy cats that were not age-matched. On class). Positive reactions were more commonly seen with
the one hand, the levels of Df-specific IgE in the allergic the PK test than with the PCA. Reactions were some-
cats (median 475 relative antibody units – RAU) were not what inconsistent and were more commonly seen with
significantly different from those of healthy cats (median heated sera. Only in one case was a reaction consistent
330 RAU). On the other, the levels in 11 healthy labora- with a classic IgE-type antibody identified, which also
tory-reared cats were remarkably and significantly lower was seen in the serum of a normal cat. However, heat-
(median 37 RAU; P < 0.05). This possibly reflects the stable antibodies were identified in a number of sera. This
exposure of the home-living cats to dust mites which study could have proved more informative if it had been
were absent from the laboratory environment. It also is combined with IDTs.
possible that the household cats had been sensitized to Results of a later study were more supportive of a role
ascarids, which were absent from the laboratory reared for IgE. Tests were performed on 10 cats with signs con-
cats, and that the resultant anti-Ascaris IgE cross-reacted sistent with AD – namely miliary dermatitis (six cats),
with Df as mentioned earlier.20,21 head-and-neck pruritus (five) and eosinophilic plaques
By contrast, another study evaluated the IgE levels to (two), with three cats exhibiting a combination of clinical
both mercaptoethanol-reduced and native Df and Dp in signs.50 There were 10 control cats of comparable age.
58 cats with suspected allergic skin disease, and 52 age- All cats were skin-tested with 10 antigens at four differ-
matched cats whose sera had been submitted for labora- ent strengths. The control group was used as PK test
tory analysis for diseases not suggestive of allergy. recipients on two occasions, with one cat reacting to two
Specifically excluded from this comparator group were antigens only at the second test – possibly as a result of
sera from cats with dermatological, respiratory, gastroin- test variability or to sensitization by the first IDT. At the
testinal signs or neoplasia.13 The Df/Dp-specific IgE levels first test, one control cat reacted to the Df and two to the
in the allergic cats also were compared with those of 26 flea extracts. At the second test, one cat demonstrated
specific pathogen-free cats (SPF) that were age-matched reactions to grass and mugwort, in addition to the two
with the allergic group and not with the nonallergic group. cats that reacted to flea. Of the allergic cats, five of 10
FAD and FA had not been ruled out in all cases before (50%) reacted to one or more antigens. Four reacted to
testing. The HDM-specific IgE serum levels in the SPF flea antigen, and all five reacted to one or more additional
group were significantly lower to all antigens than were antigens, with one cat reacting to all 10 antigens, one cat
those in the other two groups. Df-specific IgE was detect- reacting to six antigens, one cat reacting to three antigens
able in 62% of the allergic cats, in 42% of the cats with and one cat reacting to two antigens. Again, excluding
“other diseases” and in only 8% of the SPF cats; the flea antigen, serum from four of five allergic cats (80%)
levels were significantly higher in the allergic group than transferred positive PK reactivity to one or more antigens.
in the nonallergic group (P < 0.03). The IgE levels against There was thus an appreciable difference both in IDT and
native Dp or against the reduced Df and Dp allergens PK reactivity of the sera between the two groups,
were not significantly different. These results are more although sera from the IDT positive cats did not always
supportive of a role of Df-specific IgE in the pathogenesis transfer a positive PK test. Whether or not the lack of IDT

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positivity in five of 10 allergic cats could be attributed to gic asthma.55,56 Neutrophilic nonallergic asthma is not
the limited antigen panel used, or whether an “atopic-like induced by allergens, and rather is triggered by infections
dermatitis” exists in the cat – as has been proposed for and exposure to cigarette smoke and pollution.55,56
the dog and which would be associated with a lack of IDT Pet cats spontaneously develop a syndrome similar to
reactivity – is a matter of conjecture. human allergic asthma and this similarity led to the devel-
As alluded to earlier, passive transfer tests are notori- opment of feline experimental models of allergic asthma
ously difficult to perform, and may yield inconsistent for preclinical studies applicable both to feline and human
results. Also, the finding that high levels of allergen-speci- health.57,58 These experimental models of feline asthma
fic IgE may be encountered that are not transferable via were developed with either ovalbumin,59 Ascaris suum,60
PK tests led to the suggestion that IgE may be heteroge- or a combination of HDM or Bermuda grass allergens.57
neous and not always pathogenic.51 The experimental feline asthma models develop airway
hyper-reactivity, eosinophilic inflammation and airway
Results of atopy patch tests (APTs) remodelling similar to the natural disease.57,58 Much of
Atopy patch tests in dogs are ordinarily positive only in the understanding of the allergic and molecular pathways
the presence of IgE antibodies to the allergen being for feline asthma comes from data collected using these
employed,52 and the reactions are believed to be initiated experimental models.58
by the cross-linking of Langerhans cell-bound IgE.22 In the Feline chronic bronchitis is another common lower air-
only report of APTs in allergic cats, tests were performed way disease that is considered a distinct syndrome from
on six cats with AD that showed positive IDTs and/or pos- feline asthma. It develops secondary to previous insults
itive skin prick tests and 10 age-matched normal cats.53 (e.g. infections or inhaled irritants) that permanently dam-
Allergens employed were Df, Dp, Tyrophagus putrescen- age the airways, and with neutrophils being the main cell
tiae (Tp) and a grass pollen mix. Positive APTs were seen type found in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF).58 It is
in three of six cats (50%), and in two further cats, biop- possible that this condition could represent a phenotype
sies showed a significant infiltrate with interleukin (IL)-4- of neutrophilic nonallergic asthma, which would be similar
and CD3-positive cells, although neither cat had a visible to human nontype 2 asthma.
reaction. The 10 normal cats showed negative IDT and
skin prick test results, and a lack of APT reactivity. Posi- The role of antibodies in spontaneous feline asthma
tive APT reactions were seen to Dp, Tp and Df, and to The pathogenesis of feline asthma, and the question of
both Df and grass pollen, respectively, in the three reac- whether it can be considered an allergic or an atopic dis-
tors. These results confirm that at least three of the six ease that is IgE-mediated, has always been highly contro-
cats had allergen-reactive IgE and also suggest its versial. Evidence for an allergic basis would be
involvement in the disease process. strengthened if there were a demonstrable association
with other allergic conditions. One such case report has
Conclusions on the role of IgE in FASS been published recently,37 and there have been other
The material reviewed in this section is highly variable in anecdotal reports describing co-existing allergic dermati-
quality and probably included many different phenotypes. tis with asthma. In one of these,61 a cat belonging to an
Altogether, the findings in some studies of positive APTs, owner who suffered from asthma during the ragweed
of positive PK tests, and favourable responses to ASIT season presented his cat with a three year history of der-
based upon either positive IDTs and/or serology are gen- matitis and lower respiratory signs that each year were
erally supportive of the possible role of IgE. exacerbated during the ragweed season. IDTs revealed a
number of positive reactions, with that to ragweed being
particularly strong. ASIT resulted in complete remission
The role of antibodies: asthma
of the respiratory signs and there was a marked improve-
Introduction ment in the dermatological signs.61 Furthermore, lower
Asthma is a chronic disorder of the airways characterized respiratory disease diagnosed as probable or definitive
by airflow limitation and obstruction, airway hyper-re- asthma was reported as accompanying 6–7% of 145 cats
sponsiveness, and airway inflammation.54 Airway hyper- in two publications of cats diagnosed with either AD or
responsiveness is an exaggerated response of the air- nonflea nonfood hypersensitivity dermatitis (i.e.
ways to nonspecific stimuli, whereas chronic airway FASS).2,34
inflammation develops from plasma extravasation and Further evidence implicating IgE was derived from a
the influx of inflammatory cells, such as eosinophils, neu- study of cats with a diagnosis of asthma that were
trophils, lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells.54 referred from the cardiopulmonary service at the Univer-
In humans, asthma is an heterogeneous disease and an sity of Wisconsin-Madison to the Dermatology service.
umbrella diagnosis that includes several different clinical All referred cats were stated to be free of any past or pre-
presentations.55 Allergic asthma is the most common of sent dermatological signs and they were to be skin-tested
these phenotypes with its early-age onset and the pres- with a view to undertaking ASIT. The authors commented
ence of allergen-specific IgE on a T-helper type 2 (Th2) that a surprising number of cats (number not quoted) had
cytokine and chemokine background.54,55 The second to be excluded because they were found to be suffering
major subgroup of asthma is nontype 2 asthma (“nonaller- from skin disease upon dermatological examination. The
gic asthma”), which comprises an heterogeneous group of 10 cats without skin disease selected had a significantly
endotypes and phenotypes, such as neutrophilic nonaller- greater incidence of positive IDT reactions and positive

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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

allergen-specific IgE serology than did an age-matched

General conclusions on the role of IgE
control group.62 A very recent retrospective study of 18
cats with a clinical diagnosis of asthma failed to show any
association between the number and strength of aller- Some of the studies reviewed above were compromised
gen-specific IgE reactions on serology and the severity of by the difficulties in performing IDTs in cats, and by the
clinical signs or airway eosinophilia.63 The authors fact that it is only recently that nonirritant thresholds for
nonetheless concluded that there was a strong associa- allergens used for IDTs have been established for this
tion between the identification of allergen-specific IgE in species.17 Furthermore, serological tests marketed for
that 14 of the 18 cats (78%) showed positive reactivity. allergen-specific IgE have not always been accompanied
However, the absence of a control group raises questions by data confirming their validity and reliability. Some stud-
as to the validity of this conclusion.63 ies also had limited impact as a consequence of the lack
In the first and only study on the efficacy of ASIT for of age-matched control groups – an important necessity
spontaneous feline asthma, IDT was performed on 20 following the demonstration that IgE reactivity in cats
cats that fulfilled the necessary clinicopathological diag- increases with age.19
nostic criteria.64 Positive results were seen in 15 cats, Nonetheless, there are studies showing good results
mostly to HDMs and to a lesser extent, to pollens. Chang- with IDT and ASIT, which are supportive of a role for
ing from a dry food to a moist diet led to complete remis- IgE,34,64 as are the results of atopy patch tests.53 The
sion of clinical signs in three cats that were allergic to results of PK tests also are suggestive of IgE’s patho-
storage mites. The ASIT was administered to 12 cats and genic role.6,50 The model of feline asthma has been par-
was reported as fully effective in eight of these (67%). ticularly informative and supportive of the role of IgE.57
Clinical signs improved in the remaining four cats, yet This has not only provided useful information for veteri-
these still required inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodila- nary medicine, but also is an excellent model for the
tor two to three times weekly. human disease.
However, there are a number of considerations taken
The role of antibodies in the experimental model of from both human and veterinary medicine which limit the
feline asthma likelihood that strong associations between IgE and
The valuable experimental model developed by Carol specific disease states will be found. First, normal cats
Reneiro and colleagues by sensitizing cats to Bermuda are likely to have IgE antibodies to environmental aller-
grass and/or HDM with subsequent inhalation challenge gens to which they are exposed, as has been shown in
has provided valuable information.57 A protocol for rush dogs.71 This is particularly true in the case of HDM aller-
ASIT was effective in dampening the eosinophilic airway gens,13,18 although the implication of possible cross-reac-
reactivity of sensitized cats,65 and a later paper compared tivity with ascarid antigens also must be considered.20,21
the efficacy of subcutaneous rush ASIT with intranasally- Secondly, the atopic diseases in man are not invariably
administered allergens.66 Both were effective, and whilst associated with detectable IgE antibody, with the intrinsic
the subcutaneous ASIT was associated with more subset of both AD and asthma having no such associa-
adverse reactions, a more consistent clinical response tion. Similarly, there exists a subset of dogs with AD in
resulted. The reduced airway eosinophilia was shown to which allergen-specific IgE is not demonstrable, either by
parallel the reduction in clinical signs after allergen chal- IDT or serology – those affected with the so-called atopic-
lenge. Subsequent studies therefore examined airway like dermatitis.72,73
eosinophilia alone as a marker of the therapeutic Overall, our knowledge base, in terms of IgE involve-
response.67,68,69 ment, is far behind that pertaining to the dog – indeed we
The ASIT response was shown not to be totally anti- are probably at the same state that we were 20 years
gen-specific,67 and it was lessened by the concurrent ago when the association of IgE with Langerhans cells in
administration of systemic glucocorticoids.68 Intriguingly, the dog was shown.74 There is no doubt that more care-
neonatal exposure to allergens prevented the subsequent fully controlled studies are required, with well-defined dis-
induction of experimental asthma.69 ease entities subjected to rigorous immunological
These studies have led the authors to suggest that investigations. However, much of the evidence reviewed
ASIT could be one of the treatments of choice for sponta- in this paper is supportive of a role for IgE, albeit not
neous feline asthma, so long as the causative allergens strongly so.
can be precisely identified by either IDT or allergen-speci-
fic IgE serology.70
The role of cells and mediators: skin
Conclusions on the role of IgE in asthma
The evidence for a pathogenic role for IgE in feline Inflammatory patterns
asthma is stronger for the experimental model than it is More than 20 years ago, in 1996, Scott was the first to
for the spontaneous disease. There is an obvious need characterize the dermal inflammation that accompanies
for more structured studies of clinical cases, which would feline and canine inflammatory skin diseases.75 Among
include measurements of allergen-specific IgE in both the 144 feline biopsies studied, 30 showed an interstitial
serum and BALF. However, the few studies on ASIT in pattern of which 19 had been collected from cats diag-
clinical situations and the experimental model are cer- nosed with atopy or eosinophilic diseases. In these biop-
tainly supportive of its potential role. sies, the interstitial pattern was found to be deep and

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Halliwell et al.

eosinophilic.75 The results were expanded in 2011 with in the superficial lesional dermis and these expressed
the review of 43 samples that might have included some CD4 four times more often than CD8.81 These results are
of those obtained in 1996.76 Among these cats, 14 had similar to those seen in the skin of humans and dogs with
AD, 15 had FA and 14 had FAD; their clinical presenta- AD.82,83,84
tions were miliary dermatitis (29) or nonlesional pruritus Langerhans cells. Using immunohistochemical analy-
(14). By contrast with the earlier study, the dermal inflam- sis, Langerhans cells were enumerated in the skin of nine
mation was both superficial and deep in 41 of 43 cats healthy cats and nine with signs of allergic dermatitis.85
(95%). There was no difference in histopathological reac- The median CD1a+ epidermal Langerhans cell number
tion patterns based on clinical diagnosis or cutaneous was three times higher in allergic cats than in healthy
phenotype.76 cats; the median CD1a+ dermal dendritic cell count of
Other workers reported that in cats with hypersensitiv- allergic cats was twice that of controls.85 Such hyper-
ity dermatoses, the epidermis is hyperplastic and spongi- plasia of epidermal Langerhans cells and dermal dendritic
otic, and there is a superficial dermal perivascular-to- cells also is seen in humans and dogs with AD.74,83,86
diffuse inflammation comprising mast cells, eosinophils,
lymphocytes and macrophages with only occasional neu- Cytokines
trophils.77 Whilst eosinophils were absent from normal Few studies have reported the type of pro-inflammatory
feline skin, both the lesional and nonlesional dermis of mediators in the skin or blood of cats with HD. In 2002,
cats with miliary dermatitis had many eosinophils in a Roosje and colleagues searched for cells expressing the
perivascular-to-diffuse distribution.77 Later on, six distinct IgE-promoting cytokine IL-4 in the skin of five cats with
histological inflammatory patterns were found in biopsies recurrent, pruritic, glucocorticoid-responsive miliary der-
from 16 cats with different clinical presentations of aller- matitis. Although there were few cells immunostaining
gic skin diseases, suggesting that this category of dis- for this cytokine in the epidermis, there were significantly
eases might encompass multiple entities.78 In these cats, more IL-4-positive cells in the lesional dermis of cats with
using a semi-quantitative method (number of cells/high miliary dermatitis (median: 59 cells/mm2) than that in
power field, with four categories), the authors found their nonlesional dermis (18 cells/mm2). Normal feline
more cells in the lesional than nonlesional dermis, and the skin had few such cells (a median of 1 cell/mm2).87 Nearly
inflammatory cells were characterized as T cells, dendritic all cells positive for IL-4 expressed CD4 and were
cells, macrophages and mast cells with few immunoglob- deemed as representing Th cells while there were only
ulin-expressing plasma cells.78 occasional mast cells secreting this cytokine.87 Inflamma-
tory cells that stained positively for IL-4 were similarly
Specific cell types involved found in skin biopsies of atopy patch tests where aller-
Mast cells. In 2015, Tunhikorn and colleagues reviewed gens to which cats were hypersensitive were applied epi-
skin biopsies from 371 cats with inflammatory der- cutaneously.53 In these biopsies, the dermal
matoses, amongst which were 143 cats with an allergic inflammatory infiltrate was composed mainly of CD4-pos-
skin disease.79 There were more mast cells in the superfi- itive T cells and antigen-presenting cells, findings that mir-
cial and deep lesional dermis of cats with allergic dermati- ror those seen in patch-test studies in atopic dogs.53,52
tis than in those of normal cats, yet their numbers were Because of the eosinophilia that is typically present in
not different between cats with allergic and nonallergic cats with hypersensitivity dermatoses, Nakazato and col-
dermatitides.79 These results are similar to those of leagues studied the serum levels of IL-5, a cytokine
another study that noted three times more mast cells in important for eosinophil development and survival.88 The
the lesional dermis of cats with miliary dermatitis than in investigators collected sera from 54 cats with pruritic skin
that of healthy cats.77 Using histochemical and immuno- lesions presumed to be of allergic origin. Thirty of 54
chemical stains of skin biopsies from eight cats with eosi- (55%) exhibited detectable serum allergen-specific IgE,
nophilic diseases (three with eosinophilic plaques, two as did 11 normal cats. With a bioassay using a mouse
with eosinophilic granulomas and three with other eosino- lymphocytic cell line transfected with the human IL-5
philic dermatitides), most dermal mast cells (82%) were receptor alpha, IL-5 serum levels were found to be identi-
found to be of the “TC” phenotype (i.e., expressing tryp- cal between the two groups of cats and levels were not
tase and chymase), with a minority expressing only one correlated with the peripheral eosinophil counts.88
of the two proteases (12% chymase and approximately Finally, Taglinger and colleagues developed reverse
5% tryptase).80 However, the previous study found more transcription-PCR assays to amplify feline IL-2, IL-4, IL-5,
coarsely-granulated chymase-expressing mast cells in the IL-6, IL-10, IL-12 (p35 and p40), IL-18, tumour necrosis
dermis of cats with miliary dermatitis without any differ- factor-alpha (TNF-a), transforming growth factor-beta
ence in tryptase-positive mast cells between cats with (TGF-b) and interferon-gamma (IFN-c) mRNA.89 Skin biop-
miliary dermatitis and normal cats;77 the relevance and sies were obtained from seven locations in 10 healthy
importance of these observations to disease pathogene- cats and 16 cats which presented with clinical signs of
sis are unclear, however. allergic skin disease (nine with eosinophilic plaques, 10
T cells. In order to characterize the T cells present in with self-induced alopecia, one with an eosinophilic gran-
the skin of cats with allergic dermatitis, Roosje and col- uloma and two with miliary dermatitis; some cats exhib-
leagues examined the phenotype of epidermal and der- ited multiple phenotypes). The mRNAs for IL-5, IL-12p35,
mal mononuclear cells in 10 cats with miliary dermatitis TGF- b and TNF-a were expressed in all control and aller-
and pruritus compatible with an allergic dermatitis, and 10 gic cats. The 11 cytokine mRNA transcripts quantified
healthy cats.81 T cells were reported as more prominent were present at varying levels without any apparent
© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
20 Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4.
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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

difference of expression between healthy feline skin and model of experimental asthma,57 the histological lung
the nonlesional and lesional samples from the various changes were evaluated after chronic exposures to HDM
cats with allergic skin diseases.89 Such heterogeneous and Bermuda grass aeroallergens in groups of sensitized
cytokine patterns not only likely reflect differences in the cats. Cats demonstrated a pathology similar to that of
chronicity of biopsied skin lesions, but also could highlight human asthma; this was characterized by epithelial cell
the lack of common immunopathogenesis existing hyperplasia with evidence of fragility, smooth muscle
between the clinical variants biopsied in that study. hypertrophy and hyperplasia, and submucosal gland
hyperplasia, with variable eosinophilic inflammation. A
Chemokines peribronchial mononuclear inflammation was prominent
The feline thymus and activation-regulated chemokine in HDM-sensitized cats.
(TARC), now known as C-C motif chemokine ligand 17 Because of the immunological link between the upper
(CCL17), was cloned in 2003.90 The mRNA for this Th2 and lower airways in human patients with allergic rhinitis
cell-recruiting chemokine was amplified in the skin of five and asthma, morphological changes in the nasal and lung
cats with eosinophilic plaques, with an expression level airways of cats after Bermuda grass aeroallergen sensiti-
higher in lesional than nonlesional skin.90 The same group zation and challenge were studied.96 Mild eosinophilic
also cloned the feline CCL5, also known as RANTES (Reg- inflammation, primarily in the anterior nasal cavity, and a
ulated upon Activation, Normal T cell Expressed, and marked increase in tissue mast cells were observed in
Secreted), a chemoattractant for T cells, eosinophils and the nasal airways of asthmatic cats compared to control
basophils. The expression of CCL5 was studied in seven cats. Unlike the asthma-induced pathology in the pul-
cats with eosinophilic plaques, and the transcription monary airways, there was no increase in intraepithelial
levels were identical to those of CCL17 above. Again, the mucosubstances in the nasal airways and the increase in
level of expression in the lesional skin of cats with eosino- mast cell infiltration was not observed along the pul-
philic plaques was greater than that of nonlesional skin.91 monary axial airways. This study demonstrated that a
A similar increase in Th2 chemokines is seen in the skin chronic aeroallergen challenge in experimentally-sensi-
of humans and dogs with AD.92–94 tized cats also causes an increase in mast cells in all
regions of the nasal airways; these findings are similar to
Conclusions on the role of cell and mediators in skin those observed in allergic rhinitis in people.97,98
diseases The role of eosinophils. The lung pathology of feline
The results of the few studies published suggest some asthma is characterized by airway eosinophilic infiltration
resemblance in the inflammatory infiltrate that occurs and inflammation. Eosinophilic inflammation is observed
during FASS and that present in human and canine AD. on the cytological evaluation of BALF samples from asth-
Regrettably, the studies investigating the expression of matic cats, yet what constitutes “normal” cellular per-
cytokines and chemokines are either very small, or have centages in the BALF fluid of healthy cats is controversial,
largely inconclusive results that cannot unequivocally sup- as some studies have reported ranges varying from 0%
port that all cats with one of the FASS variants have a to 83%.58,99,100,101,102 The healthy cats were defined as
Th2-dominant allergic disease, like dogs and humans with those free from clinical signs. However, similar to human
AD. asthmatics, a subclinical airway inflammation can be pre-
sent in pet cats resulting in variable BALF percentages of
eosinophils.103 Some studies proposed a cut-off
The role of cells and mediators: asthma
of ≥ 17% BALF eosinophils in pet cats as the upper limit
Pathomechanisms and cell types involved in feline of normal,99,104 yet as noted above, there is a need for
allergic asthma prospective studies with well-defined healthy control
Development of the asthmatic state. Allergic asthma is groups to determine this abnormal cut-off value.
induced by the sensitization to environmental allergens
such as HDM, grass, weed and tree pollens, fungal Cytokines and chemokines
spores and animal danders. The initiation of an immune Few studies have reported the type of pro-inflammatory
response begins with the activation and differentiation of mediators in the airways or blood of cats with feline spon-
allergen-specific Th2 cells, which orchestrate the inflam- taneous or experimental allergic asthma. In 2010, a study
matory response and induce IgE production. After sensiti- compared the concentrations of IL-4, IFN-c and TNF-a in
zation, clinical signs of allergic asthma result from the BALF of 13 feline asthmatic cats, 23 research cats
subsequent allergen inhalation. Allergen-triggered activa- with experimentally-induced asthma and eight client-
tion of IgE bound on mast cells and basophils leads to owned cats with chronic bronchitis; 20 healthy cats
their degranulation, the exacerbation of an inflammatory served as a control group.104 Both groups with asthma
cascade and the recruitment of eosinophils into the lungs. had a significantly greater percentage of eosinophils in
Ultimately, the cat develops features of persistent airway the BALF, whereas the feline bronchitis group had a sig-
inflammation and asthma clinical signs occur.55–57 nificantly greater percentage of neutrophils in this fluid.
Inflammatory patterns and airway remodelling. The Most of the cats had BALF concentrations of IL-4 and
morphological features that define pulmonary airway IFN-c that were lower than the limit of detection for the
pathology in chronic allergic asthma in humans include assays, thus precluding a meaningful statistical analysis.
epithelial cell and smooth muscle hyperplasia, subepithe- Interestingly, IL-4 was not detectable in the BALF of any
lial fibrosis, an inflammatory cell influx, submucosal gland cat in the asthma group, regardless of whether the cat
hyperplasia and increased vascularity.95 In the feline had received glucocorticoids or not. There was no
© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
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Halliwell et al.

significant difference among groups in the concentrations several phenotypes and the results were not differenti-
of TNF-a in BALF samples. ated between clinical presentations. This heterogeneity
In the feline model of experimental asthma, the of inclusion criteria likely explains the variability of study
changes in cytokine profiles of BAL cell pellets and results (e.g. degree of tissue eosinophilia, cytokine and
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stud- chemokine expression levels) and makes collating all find-
ied during and after six months of chronic exposure to ings challenging. Furthermore, in most of these studies,
HDM and Bermuda grass allergens.57 A significant upreg- biopsies of the so-called “nonlesional” skin were, in fact,
ulation of IL-10 and IL-4 mRNA, the prototypical Th2 cyto- microscopically inflamed; this “nonlesional” terminology
kine, was observed in PBMCs and BAL cells after would be better changed to “visibly nonlesional” to high-
parenteral sensitization and seven weekly allergen chal- light the possibility that the skin is subclinically inflamed.
lenges. There was no significant change in the expression Finally, most of the research on the pathogenesis of
of the Th1 cytokines IFN-c and IL-12p40. Lung tissues feline asthma has been conducted in experimental mod-
from Bermuda grass-induced asthmatic and placebo con- els using sensitized cats. It is important to consider the
trol cats obtained at one year had no significant differ- limitations of such models of the natural disease as they
ences in the relative mRNA transcription between the might only mirror –never truly reproduce – the sponta-
Bermuda grass-sensitized and control cats for IL-2, IL-4, neous disease.
IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, IFN-c, chemokine ligand 3
(CCL3) and CCL5 (RANTES).
Concluding remarks on the
immunopathogenesis of the FAS
Conclusions on the role of cell and mediators in feline
asthma More research is needed on the immunopathogenesis of
The inflammatory patterns and the pathological the FAS, both for its clinical dermatological and asthma
changes associated with the airway remodelling in subsets. Studies should focus on the characterization of
feline asthma and feline models of experimental each individual variant – separately – in order to determine
asthma resemble changes that occur in human if each variant is part of a continuum within the same syn-
asthma. The results of a few studies that investigated drome or rather forms a separate entity, not only clini-
cytokine and chemokine gene expressions and protein cally, but also mechanistically.
levels in feline asthma and asthma models showed
the upregulation of the gene encoding IL-4, a Th2-dom-
inant pro-allergic cytokine.
The authors would like to thank Emmanuel Bensignor,
Patrick Hensel, Cherie Pucheu-Haston and Manolis Sari-
General conclusions on the role of cells and
domichelakis for their review of the manuscript. The
World Association for Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD)
There is some evidence that both feline hypersensitivity supported the breakfast sessions of the International
dermatoses and asthma are associated with an inflamma- Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA) at
tion that includes eosinophils and mononuclear cells and the past European Veterinary Dermatology Congresses
that, in some and not in all cats, the expression of cytoki- and North American Veterinary Dermatology Forums
nes suggests a Th2 immune dysregulation. Unfortu- where this paper was planned and the content of the
nately, the variability in clinical phenotypes in the skin paper discussed. Open access funding enabled and orga-
diseases is a source of heterogeneity that limits the use- nized by Projekt DEAL
fulness of the above information. Most of the data on
feline asthma were obtained from experimental models
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Unfortunately, most of the studies referenced above for
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22 Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4.
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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

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Contexte – Les maladies fe lines suppose es d’origine allergique avec des phe notypes cliniques sembla-
bles, peuvent avoir de nombreuses pathoge nies differentes sous jacentes. Le phe notype clinque,
tiologie pre
l’e cise et l’immunopathoge nie sous jacente doivent tous e ^tre conside  re
s si des avance es veu-
lent e^tre faites dans ces domaines ne glige
s de la dermatologie.
Objectifs – De crire le statut de recherche de l’immunopathoge nie des maladies qui tombent dans le spec-
tre du syndrome cutane  atopique fe lin (FASS), re sumer les conclusions, identifier les limites et recomman-
der de futures directions de recherche.
Me thodes – Une e tude bibliographique a e  te
alisee. Les forces et la validite des donne es et des contribu-
tions a nos connaissances actuelles sur l’immunopathoge nie ont e  te
 analyse es. Les dermatoses
presume es d’origine allergique et l’asthme, ont e  te
s separe
ment, ainsi que le ro ^le des anticorps,
cellules et cytokines.
Resultats – La qualite  des recherches e tait variee et ses impacts e taient souvent limite s par un de faut
d’utilisation de crite res stricts de se lection des cas. Ceci refle te les difficulte s des patrons de re action
cutane e associe e a un grand nombre d’e tiologies. La recherche sur l’asthme fe lin a e
 freinee par les diffi-
cultes d’explorer le mate riel clinque et la plupart des informations utiles e tait de rive
es de mode les experi-
Conclusions et importance Clinique – La revue des preuves supporte le ro ^le de l’immunoglobuline (Ig)E
dans la pathoge nie de l’asthme et du FASS quoique pas fortement. L’inflammation note e dans le FASS et
l’asthme est accompagne e d’e osinophiles et de lymphocytes, et ces donne es, ensemble avec
l’expression de cytokines, sugge rent d’une de  re
gulation immunitaire des T-helper type 2 de certains chats
(mais pas tous).

Introduccio  n – las enfermedades felinas de posible origen ale rgico con fenotipos clınicos similares pueden
tener una patoge nesis subyacente variada. El fenotipo clınico, la etiologıa precisa y la inmunopatoge nesis
subyacente deben tenerse en cuenta si se quieren lograr avances en esta  area desatendida de la dermato-
Objetivos – documentar el estado de la investigacio n sobre la inmunopatoge nesis de las enfermedades
que caen dentro del espectro del sındrome de piel ato pica felina (FASS), resumir las conclusiones, identifi-
car las limitaciones y recomendar direcciones de investigacio n futuras.
Me todos – Se realizo  una bu
squeda de la literatura. Se analizaron la solidez y validez de los datos y las con-
tribuciones a nuestra comprensio n actual de la inmunopatoge nesis. Las enfermedades de la piel de pre-
sunta etiologıa alergica y el asma se evaluaron por separado, al igual que el papel de los anticuerpos, las
celulas y las citoquinas en cada una.
Resultados – la investigacio n vario
 en su calidad y su impacto a menudo se vio limitado por la falta de
empleo de criterios estrictos en la seleccio n de casos. Esto reflejo  las dificultades de los patrones de
reaccio n de la piel asociados con una serie de causas incitantes. La investigacio n sobre el asma felino se
vio obstaculizada por las dificultades de investigar material clınico, y gran parte de la informacio n util se
derivo  de modelos experimentales.

© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
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Halliwell et al.

Conclusio n e importancia clınica – la evidencia revisada apoya el papel de la inmunoglobulina (Ig)E en la

patogenesis tanto de FASS como del asma, aunque no tan intensamente. La inflamacio n observada tanto
en FASS como en asma se acompan ~a de eosinofilos y linfocitos, y estos hallazgos, junto con la expresio
de citoquinas, sugieren en algunos (no todos) gatos una desregulacio n inmune de linfocitos T ayudantes
tipo 2.

Hintergrund – Katzenkrankheiten mit mo €glichem allergischem Ursprung mit € ahnlichen klinischen Ph€ ano-
typen ko €nnen eine unterschiedliche zugrundeliegende Pathogenese haben. Der klinische Ph€ anotyp, eine

genaue Atiologie und die zugrundeliegende Immunpathogenese mu €ssen alle in Betracht gezogen werden,
wenn in diesem vernachl€assigten Gebiet der Dermatologie Fortschritte gemacht werden sollen.
Ziele – Eine Dokumentation des Forschungsstatus der Immunpathogenese der Krankheiten, die in dieses
Spektrum des felinen atopischen Hautsyndroms (FASS) fallen, eine Zusammenfassung der Schlussfolge-
rungen, eine Identifizierung der Limitierungen und die Abgabe einer Empfehlung fu €r zuku€nftige Richtungen
der Forschung.
Methoden – Es wurde eine Literatursuche durchgefu €hrt. Die St€ arken und die Validit€at der Daten und ihr
Beitrag zu unserem momentanen Verst€andnis der Immunpathogenese wurden analysiert. Hautkrankheiten

von vermeintlicher allergischer Atiologie und Asthma wurden getrennt erfasst, sowie auch die Rolle der

Antikorper, der Zellen und der jeweiligen Zytokine.
Ergebnisse – Die Forschungsdaten variierten in ihrer Qualit€ at und ihr Einfluss war durch das Fehlen von
strikten Kriterien bei der Auswahl der F€alle limitiert. Das reflektierte die Schwierigkeiten von Hautreaktions-
mustern, die mit einigen der auslo €senden Ursachen im Zusammenhang standen. Die Forschung u €ber feli-
nes Asthma war durch die Schwierigkeit klinisches Material zu untersuchen, eingeschr€ ankt und die meiste
nu€tzliche Information wurde aus experimentellen Modellen gewonnen.
Schlussfolgerung und klinische Bedeutung – Die durchgesehene Evidenz unterstu €tzte die Rolle von
Immunglobulin (Ig) E bei der Pathogenese von sowohl FASS als auch Asthma, obwohl diese Evidenz nicht
sehr stark war. Die Entzu €ndung, die bei FASS und Asthma beobachtet wurde, wird von Eosinophilen und
Lymphozyten begleitet und diese Befunde, zusammen mit der Zytokin Exprimierung weisen bei einigen
(nicht allen) Katzen auf eine T-Helfer Typ 2 Immundysregulierung hin.

要約 – 背景–アレルギー由来の可能性のある猫の疾病は、似たような臨床表現型を持ち、さまざまな根本
支持するものであったが、それほど強くはなかった。 FASSと喘息の両方で認められる炎症は、好酸球と


© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
e3 Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4.
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Feline atopic syndrome: pathogenesis

Contexto – As doencßas felinas de possıvel origem ale rgica com feno tipos clınicos semelhantes podem ter
patoge ^nese subjacente variada. O feno tipo clınico, a etiologia precisa e a imunopatoge ^nese subjacente
devem ser considerados para que avancßos sejam feitos nessa area tao negligenciada da dermatologia.
Objetivos – Documentar a situacß~ao das pesquisas sobre a imunopatoge ^nese das doencßas inclusas no
espectro da sındrome ato pica cut^anea felina (FASS, feline atopic skin syndrome), sintetizar as concluso ~es,
~es e recomendar direcßo
identificar as limitacßo ~es para pesquisas futuras.
Me todos – Realizou-se uma revis~ao de literatura. Os pontos fortes e a validade dos dados e suas contri-
~es para o entendimento atual da imunopatoge
buicßo ^nese foram analisados. As dermatopatias de etiologia
rgica presumida e a asma foram avaliadas separadamente, bem como a funcß~
ale lulas
ao dos anticorpos, ce
e citocinas em cada.
Resultados – A pesquisa variou em sua qualidade e o seu impacto foi muitas vezes limitado pela falha em
se implementar crite rios restritos de inclus~ao de casos. Isso refletiu as dificuldades com os padro ~es de rea-
tividade cut^anea associados a uma variedade de agentes causais. Os estudos com asma felina foram preju-
dicados pelas dificuldades de investigacß~ ao do material clınico, e muitas das informacßo ~es uteis foram
derivadas de modelos experimentais.
Conclusa ~o e importa ^ncia clınica – As evide^ncias revisadas corroboraram com a participacß~ ao da imunoglo-
bulina E (IgE) na patoge ^nese da FASS e da asma, apesar de n~ ao fortemente. A inflamacß~ ao observada em
ambas FASS e asma e  acompanhada de eosino filos e linfo
citos, e esses achados, em conjunto com a
express~ao de citocinas, s~ao sugestivos de desregulacß~ ao imune do tipo 2 em alguns (n~ ao todos) os gatos.

© 2021 The Authors. Veterinary Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Veterinary
Dermatology and the American College of Veterinary Dermatology, 32, 13–e4. e4

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