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X : Hi, how’s your day?

Y : Not really good.

X : What’s going on?
Y : Mr. Tommy gave us a topic about globalization, and I don’t know what it means.
Z : Hi, did you say something about globalization?
Y : I did, why?
Z : It is the best topic to discuss.
X : Are you serious? It sounds hard.
Z : It’s not easy at all, but we can discuss it into a simple way.
Y : Alright, I’ll catch you later after school at Mutant café.
Z : Good idea. See you there
X : Can’t wait to discuss about it, see you soon guys.

At Mutant Café
Y : Before we start, please tell me “What is globalization?”
Z : It just means that “The process of interaction and integration among people,
companies, and governments.”
X : Does the process have some impacts on the environment around the world?
Z : Definitely!
Y : It’s scary but interesting, tell me more about it.
Z : Ok, I’ll tell you about the evidence of globalization is everywhere but it is important
recognize that not everyone is in favour of it. Some groups argue that TNCs are
responsible for many of the world’s environmental problems. These problems include
global warming.
Y : Wait! What is TNC?
X : (browse on google and explain it to others)
A transnational corporation is an enterprise that is involved with the international
production of goods or services, foreign investments, or income management
in more than one country.
Y : Thanks. Continue please.
Z : some groups also claim that TNC is taking advantage of developing countries by
polluting industries within their borders logging, their tropical forests, and exploiting
their labour.
X : How about our local culture? Can we loss it?
Y : Impossible!
Z : the fact is…. It could be.
X n Y : WHAT???
Z : The tendency for developed countries to interfere in the affairs of developing
countries and a reduce power of governments to control economic activity.
Y : I don’t think this is a good choice for us.
Z : However, there are people who support globalization and suggest it benefits
individuals in the global community. It can give us a faster economic growth, access
the new technology, cheaper import and so on.
They argue that globalization will make the world economy more efficient, and will
continue to create hundreds of millions of jobs mainly in developing countries.

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