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Title: E-Government Adoption and Acceptance: A Literature Review PDF

In the realm of e-government adoption and acceptance, conducting a comprehensive literature

review is pivotal for understanding the landscape, challenges, and opportunities inherent in the
digital transformation of governance. However, embarking on such a task is no easy feat; it requires
meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and critical analysis of various scholarly works.

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involves synthesizing diverse perspectives, methodologies, and findings to construct a cohesive
narrative that elucidates the current state of knowledge in the field.

Navigating through the vast expanse of literature on e-government can be daunting, given the
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sociology to political science, a literature review must draw from diverse disciplines to provide a
comprehensive understanding of e-government adoption and acceptance.

Furthermore, identifying relevant studies, extracting key insights, and synthesizing them into a
coherent narrative requires a significant investment of time and effort. Researchers must sift through
a multitude of sources, critically evaluate their credibility and relevance, and integrate disparate
findings to construct a holistic overview of the topic.

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Introduction The widespread adoption of e-government projects has contributed to the benefits
gained from its implementation. In the context of e-vendors, institution-based trust represents the
electronic channels by which the services will be delivered. International Journal of Human-
Computer Studies, 59, 451-474. (03)00111-3 51. Taylor, S. and Todd, P.A. (1995) Assessing IT
Usage: The Role of Prior Experience. A review of the literature suggests that the Technology
Acceptance Model, which is the basis of much of the research into IT diffusion, will be useful only if
it is extended to include specific issues of trust and risk perception. TAM further suggests that two
beliefs?perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). Demographic profile of
participants. Table 2. Loading and Cronbach’s alpha test results for the research model constructs.
This paper presents the citizens aspect of egovernment. These factors are categorized into three main
groups. Journal of Management Information Systems, 13, 185-204. 39. Zucker, L.G. (1986) The
Production of Trust: Institutional Sources of Economic Structure, 1840-1920. As an attempt to
narrow the existing knowledge gap in this area, this paper is intended to examine factors influencing
the adoption of electronic government services. Compared with other developing countries, Jordan is
doing more to develop its ICT sector in order to improve national competitiveness. Furthermore, the
analysis of current literature regarding their adoption and acceptance has highlighted some distinct
gaps that additional research could attempt to fill. The objective is to understand how citizens
perceive e-government as a primary government interaction channel and the factors that affect their
level of usage. Furthermore, they found no significant relationship among perceived ease of use,
image or trustworthiness and citizens’ intention to use e-government services. Evolution of Graphic
Documentation of Heritage Luis Agustin-Hernandez Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED
TOPICS Information Technology E Government Literature Review Policy Management Electronic
Government IT See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board
We're Hiring. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 7, 157. MIS Quarterly, 27, 51-90. 62.
Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H. and Schoorman, F.D. (1995) An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust.
Government Information Quarterly, 18, 122-136. (01)00066-1 17. Tan, C.W., Pan, S.L. and Lim,
E.T.K. (2005) Towards the Restoration of Public Trust in Electronic Governments: A Case Study of
the e-Filing System in Singapore. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
International License (CC BY). International Journal of Information Communication Technologies
and Human Development (IJICTHD), 4, 39-51. Sage Publications, London. 46. Tolbert, C.J. and
Mossberger, K. (2006) The Effects of E-Government on Trust and Confidence in Government. In the
context of e-government adoption, this represents citizens’ perceptions of the integrity and
competence of government agencies. Government Information Quarterly, 20, 333-352. 3. Al-Adawi,
Z., Yousafzai, S. and Pallister, J. (2005) Conceptual Model of Citizen Adoption of E-Government.
Furthermore, several studies using TAM have incorporated additional constructs from other related
models, such as Trust, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Diffusion of Innovation. Information
Systems Frontiers, 10, 473-482. 9. Gefen, D. and Straub, D. (2000) The Relative Importance of
Perceived Ease of Use in IS Adoption a Study of E-Commerce Adoption. Therefore, if individuals
believe that the government has high competence, then they are very likely to adopt and use
electronic government services. Therefore, in the pre-implementation and implementation stages of
electronic government services, it is very likely that PEOU will have a positive effect on citizens’
intention to use the technology, which seems to be a possible explanation of the inconsistent results
in the literature. Download Free PDF View PDF Individual Acceptance of e-Government: A
Literature Review SDIWC Organization Download Free PDF View PDF E-GOVERNMENT
FACTORS Yogesh Dwivedi Abstract After more than a decade of research in the area of e-
government adoption research, no study has performed a literature analysis on the specific aspects of
e-government adoption such as challenges and critical success factors. Journal of Management
Information Systems, 11, 87-114. 53. Jiang, J.J., Hsu, M.K., Klein, G. and Lin, B. (2000) E-
Commerce User Behavior Model: An Empirical Study.
H7: There is a negative relationship between trust in electronic channels and the perception of risk.
H2: There is a positive relationship between perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to use e-
gov- ernment services. Institute for Development Policy and Management, Manchester. 2. Wang, Y.-
S. (2002) The Adoption of Electronic Tax Filing Systems: An Empirical Study. Proceedings of the
11th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, 11-14 August 2005, 1949- 1954. 35.
Gefen, D. (2002) Customer Loyalty in E-Commerce. Furthermore, the research model had the
capability to explain the 58.1 percent of the variance in intention to engage in e-government services.
In order to address these questions, eight hypotheses were developed and tested. Therefore, this
study measures adoption intention as a predictor of actual usage. International Journal of Human-
Computer Studies, 59, 451-474. (03)00111-3 51. Taylor, S. and Todd, P.A. (1995) Assessing IT
Usage: The Role of Prior Experience. Constructs such as trust, quality of information, quality of
service, and quality of the system, despite not being original from UTAUT seminal paper, were often
integrated into the model to predict individuals’ behavioral acceptance. Introduction The widespread
adoption of e-government projects has contributed to the benefits gained from its implementation.
H3: There is a positive relationship between trust in electronic channels and behavioural intention.
Therefore, in the pre-implementation and implementation stages of electronic government services, it
is very likely that PEOU will have a positive effect on citizens’ intention to use the technology,
which seems to be a possible explanation of the inconsistent results in the literature. The literature
reveals two types of trust that can affect citizens’ intention to adopt. The remainder of this paper is
divided into five parts. From the 1529 articles using UTAUT (from 2003 to 2019), we selected the
41 most cited papers that were related to e-Government acceptance. The Journal of High Technology
Management Research, 23, 1-14. 14. Gironda, J.T. and Peterson, M. (2014) Interpersonal Trust and
Within-Nation Regional e-Commerce Adoption. MIS Quarterly, 27, 51-90. 62. Mayer, R.C., Davis,
J.H. and Schoorman, F.D. (1995) An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. The purpose of this
paper is to analyse the studies on challenges and critical success factors of e-government adoption
research to suggest the future researchers about the salient facts about it. Table 2 presents the rotated
components matrix and the respective factor loadings of the indicator variables. In addition, all of the
study items are loaded on respective factors or components and this pattern is consistent with the
research model. Information Technology and People, 18, 280-299. 16. Layne, K. and Lee, J. (2001)
Developing Fully Functional e-Government: A Four Stage Model. This study was the first to provide
important information on factors affecting citizens’ intention to adopt and use electronic government
services in Jordan. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview
Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Therefore, the current study extends TAM to incorporate both
trust and perceived risk. Hence, based on the previous discussion and the research model we can
hypothesise that: H1: There is a positive relationship between perceived usefulness and behavioural
intention to use e-gov- ernment services. Such dissonance arises from the evaluation of the product
as having costs and benefits, risks and utility. 3. Research Model and Hypotheses Many factors may
affect citizens’ intention to adopt electronic government services in Jordan. The best R 2 value found
in this study is 0.433, which suggests that the best- fit model can explain 43.3 percent of the variance
in adoption intention. In our next article we would be discussing the factors influencing citizen’s
adoption of e-government service in Ghana. A considerable amount of literature has been published
on the influence of trust on e-government adoption and acceptance. International Journal of
Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD), 4, 39-51.
The preliminary research model used here has been developed from the Technology Acceptance
Model by incorporating additional constructs from other models, namely web trust and perceived
risk. It is an online interaction for government units to share information such as payroll, SSNIT
information, Training materials and HR information with government employees. H7: There is a
negative relationship between trust in electronic channels and the perception of risk. They also found
that trust was not signification predictor of electronic government adoption in the USA, while it was
a major predictor for the Spain Sample. Introduction The widespread adoption of e-government
projects has contributed to the benefits gained from its implementation. The reason may be that this
type requires the user to have had experience on which to base his trust, while e-government
programmes are relatively new and still at the implementation stage in most countries. This study
attempts to construct a model for analyzing e-government adoption from a citizens’ perspective
based on TAM, which has been widely studied and accepted as a powerful framework for studying
IT adoption and usage. While seven are excluded from the analysis (PEOU2, PU3, PU5, TIEC3
TIEC4, PR5, PR7). Statistical Indicators Benchmarking the Information Society (SIBIS) Project,
Rand Europe, Santa Monica. 26. Tung, L.L. and Rieck, O. (2005) Adoption of Electronic
Government Services among Business Organizations in Singapore. Proceedings of the 8th Americas
Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, 9-11 August 2002, 569-576. 38. Chau, P.K.Y. (1996) An
Empirical Assessment of a Modified Technology Acceptance Model. Download Free PDF View PDF
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology A Conceptual
Study on Generic End Users Adoption of e-Government Services Mohamad Aizi Salamat Download
Free PDF View PDF Factors Influencing Adoption and Diffusion of E-Government Services Manal
Abdel-Fattah There has been a growing need for research on factors influencing the adoption and
diffusion of e-government services. Evolution of Graphic Documentation of Heritage Luis Agustin-
Hernandez Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Information Technology E
Government Literature Review Policy Management Electronic Government IT See Full PDF
Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. H2: There is a
positive relationship between perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to use e-gov- ernment
services. Hence, data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. H6: There is a positive
relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of e-government services. A
considerable amount of literature has been published on the influence of trust on e-government
adoption and acceptance. Most citizens do not understand how the internal operations of a
government ministry functions, the bureau-centric organization of a government website caused
greater levels of dissatisfaction with early e-Government sites. However, in later stages of diffusion,
users will have more confidence in and experience of using the technology. Journal of Strategic
Information Systems, 11, 215-243. Institute for Development Policy and Management, Manchester.
2. Wang, Y.-S. (2002) The Adoption of Electronic Tax Filing Systems: An Empirical Study.
Compared with other developing countries, Jordan is doing more to develop its ICT sector in order
to improve national competitiveness. Human Systems Management, 19, 265-276. 54. Venkatesh, V.
and Brown, S.A. (2001) A Longitudinal Investigation of Personal Computers in Homes: Adoption
Determinants and Emerging Challenges. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, 3-6 January 2005, 123. Journal of the
Association for Information Systems, 1, 1-28. 10. Mcknight, D.H., Choudhuryb, V. and Kacmarc, C.
(2002) Developing and Validating Trust Measures for E-Commerce: An Integrative Typology. The
remainder of this paper is divided into five parts. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 17,
165-176. 8. Carter, L. and Weerakkody, V. (2008) E-Government Adoption: A Cultural Comparison.
This study was undertaken with the primary aim of identifying, examining and providing an
understanding of the intention by citizens in Jordan to adopt and use e-government services and the
factors that could affect this intention. As an attempt to narrow the existing knowledge gap in this
area, this paper is intended to examine factors influencing the adoption of electronic government
services. Consequently, we can say that both types of trust have negative effects on perceived risk.
However, the results also show that no significant relationship between TIG and PR, hence,
hypothesis 8 is rejected. 6. Conclusions The research recognises that many factors may affect the
success and effectiveness of e-government initiatives in developing countries such as Jordan and that
some of these may not have been identified in the literature on e- government adoption. This study
attempts to construct a model for analyzing e-government adoption from a citizens’ perspective
based on TAM, which has been widely studied and accepted as a powerful framework for studying
IT adoption and usage. European Journal of International Management, 8, 241-259. 15. Davison,
R.M., Wagner, C. and Ma, L.C.K. (2005) From Government to e-Government: A Transition Model.
On the other hand, research on the demand side has focused on the influence of organizational and
individual characteristics, hence, identifying the core factors influencing on citizens’ intention to
adopt and use e-govern- ment services. Proceedings of the 2003 Annual National Conference on
Digital Government Research, Digital Government Research Centre, Boston, 1-6. 20. Drake, D.B.,
Stecklem, N.A. and Koch, M.J. (2004) Information Sharing in and across Government Agencies:
The Role and Influence of Scientist, Politician and Bureaucratic Subcultures. H4: There is a positive
relationship between trust in the government and behavioural intention. H5. There is a negative
relationship between perceived risk and behavioural intention. The findings were that four main
factors affect citizens’ intention to engage in e-government services: perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, perceived risk and trust in electronic channels. The design of the questionnaires was
based on previous literature into technology adoption and acceptance. Therefore, it is important to
understand the factors that might influence stakeholders’ intentions to engage in government
services provided over the Internet. Evolution of Graphic Documentation of Heritage Luis Agustin-
Hernandez Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Information Technology E
Government Literature Review Policy Management Electronic Government IT See Full PDF
Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. H2: There is a
positive relationship between perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to use e-gov- ernment
services. The sample frame represented individuals who were relatively likely to be familiar with
government services provided over the internet and who could be potential users of these services.
Keywords: Jordan, Electronic Government, Technology Adoption and Acceptance, Perceived Risk,
Trust 1. Statistics on the four variables which enters the stepwise multiple regression equation and
which collectively explains a portion of the variance in the Table 3. Although improving the theory
with new variables is important, the validation of the original model also is. From the 1529 articles
using UTAUT (from 2003 to 2019), we selected the 41 most cited papers that were related to e-
Government acceptance. Therefore, this study measures adoption intention as a predictor of actual
usage. Behavioural intention is used in this study to predict the actual behaviour of respondents.
Download Free PDF View PDF International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and
Information Technology A Conceptual Study on Generic End Users Adoption of e-Government
Services Mohamad Aizi Salamat Download Free PDF View PDF Factors Influencing Adoption and
Diffusion of E-Government Services Manal Abdel-Fattah There has been a growing need for
research on factors influencing the adoption and diffusion of e-government services. International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59, 451-474. (03)00111-3 51. Taylor, S. and Todd, P.A. (1995)
Assessing IT Usage: The Role of Prior Experience. In terms of electronic government, it is the ability
of the government to guarantee the security of online transactions and the privacy of citizens’ data.
Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, 11-14 August 2005,
1955-1964. 34. Lee, J., Rao, H.R. and Kim, D.J. (2005) An Examination of Trust Effects and Pre-
Existing Relational Risks in e-Government Services. Cite this paper Adel AlKhattab,HasanAl-
Shalabi,MahmaoudAl-Rawad,KhamisAl-Khattab,FatenHamad, (2015) The Effect of Trust and Risk
Perception on Citizen’s Intention to Adopt and Use E-Government Services in Jordan. H3: There is a
positive relationship between trust in electronic channels and behavioural intention. Jordan is one of
the developing countries to have recognised the advantages of adopting e-government and utilising
information technologies in delivering government services. The questionnaire consists of two main
sections, the first containing questions on respondents’ demographic characteristics and on their
intention to use e government services. Therefore, the gap between supply and use of government
electronic services should be minimised in order for them to be adopted and accepted by their target
users. This involves the use of appropriate and effective technological infrastructure, protocols,
standards, techniques and mechanisms for secure transactions and protection of privacy, as well as
the adoption of security and privacy policies. Therefore, if individuals believe that the government
has high competence, then they are very likely to adopt and use electronic government services. The
purpose of this research was to conduct a systematic review of e-Government acceptance papers that
used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologies (UTAUT) as the theoretical

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