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Summary: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly integrated into decision-

making processes across various sectors, from healthcare to banking, retail, and
manufacturing. However, the use of AI in these processes raises several ethical
considerations due to its potential negative impacts.
Firstly, Lack of Transparency: AI and deep learning models can be complex and difficult
to understand, even for those who work directly with the technology. This lack of
transparency can lead to a lack of explanation for what data AI algorithms use, or why
they may make biased or unsafe decisions (Bernard Marr Jun 2, 2023,)
Secondly Technical Failures: AI systems can fail unexpectedly, and these failures could
lead to miscalculations or escalation during a crisis or conflict (Wyatt Hoffman and
Heeu Millie Kim March 2023)
Bias and Discrimination: If an AI algorithm has been trained on how to recognize faces
using primarily pictures of white people, it may be more likely to recognize a white
person than a person of a different race. This can create discrimination and racial bias
between different groups of people. For example, a black reporter in New York City
recently discovered that an AI-powered facial recognition system couldn’t detect her
face (The Upwork Team Oct 4, 2023)
And according to Mike Thomas (Oct 31, 2023) Social manipulation also stands as a
danger of artificial intelligence. This fear has become a reality as politicians rely on
platforms to promote their viewpoints.
The Upwork Team. (2023, October 4). 6 Ethical Considerations of Artificial Intelligence.
Upwork. Retrieved from

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