Globalization As Westernization

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Let’s Define it: Globalization as Westernization

This Image can be related to Globalization as Westernization. For the company that is
in this image are incorporated from United States. This company have a lot of things in
common that counts as Westernization due to following reasons.
1. Global Presence: These companies have a strong global presence, with
products available in numerous countries around the world. They have
successfully expanded their reach beyond their home countries (the United
States for Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and Japan for Sony) to become household
names internationally. This global expansion is a key aspect of globalization.
2. Cultural Influence: The marketing and advertising strategies employed by these
companies often reflect Western values and lifestyle choices. For example, their
advertisements frequently feature Western-style settings, music, and celebrities.
This cultural influence can be seen as a form of Westernization, as it promotes
Western norms and ideals.
3. Standardization of Products: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Sony are known for
producing standardized products that are consistent in taste, quality, and design
across different countries. This standardization is a hallmark of globalization, as it
involves the mass production and distribution of goods and services on a global
4. Adoption of Western Business Practices: These companies have adopted
Western business practices and management principles, including elements of
corporate culture, organizational structure, and marketing strategies. This
adoption of Western business practices can be seen as a form of Westernization
in the business context.

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