Lisa Chpater 10

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he next morning they were all in the kitchen. They were eating their breakfast. “Today is our last day here,” said Mrs MacGregor. “Tomorrow we are going home.” “Yes, and I'm going home the day after that,” said Lisa. “It’s our last day,” said Sheena, “we should do something special.” a “Oh, Lisa probably wants to go Nessie hunting,” said Rory. “1 don’t think so,” answered Lisa, “I should forget Nessie. | haven’t been very lucky.” Just then, somebody knocked at the door. “Who can that be?” asked Mrs MacGregor and got up from the table to answer the door. “Maybe it’s Nessie,” said Mr MacGregor and looked at Lisa with a smile. 33 A few minutes later Mrs MacGregor returned to the kitchen. The man from Urquhart castle was with her. “Good morning to you all,” he said. “My name is William MacNicol, | didn’t introduce myself when we met yesterday.” “You were very worried then,” said Mr MacGregor. “You look happier today.” “That's right,” said Mr MacNicol. “Thanks to the children’s help.” It turned out that Lisa's photograph was a great help. The rescue team knew exactly where to look for the teenagers and found them. Mr MacNicol invited the children to spend the day with his family in Inverness. “That's very nice of you,” said Mrs MacGregor, “Lisa’s a littl disappointed, so it will probably cheer her up.” Rory, Sheena and Lisa were excited. They would visit Inverness. Th went with Mr MacNicol in his car. When they arrived at Mr MacNicol’s house, Mr MacNicol introduced them to his son Colin and his girlfriend Margarita. They were very happy to meet Lisa. “The night we spent in the forest was awful,” said Colin. “I’m really glad we didn’t have to spend another r’ * * §n the fog,” he continued. A “So am |,” said Margarita, “It was very cold.” “That's right,” said-Colin. “We want to say thank you so we are going to give you a sightseeing tour of the town.” “And in the evening,” said Margarita, “we have a surprise for you.” When Colin, Margarita and the children returned from their tour, Mrs MacNicol served them a wonderful meal. Then Colin and Margarita took the three children for their surprise. “How did you know?” said Lisa when she saw where they were going. “1 love ice-skating!” added Lisa. Colin and Margarita rented skates for everybody. “It’s nice to do something different,” said Lisa. “All I’ve thought about is Nessie, these last two weeks.” J “Who knows,” laughed Rory, “her head might appear through the ice.” Lisa had her camera with her and took lots of photographs. 35 16/1C When they were all very tired they went back to the MacNicol house, Mr and Mrs MacGregor were waiting to take the children back to spend their last night by the loch. 36

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