Literature Review On Death Rate

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Crafting a literature review on a topic as complex and sensitive as death rate can be an arduous task.

It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive overview of the subject matter. Navigating through numerous scholarly articles,
journals, books, and other sources to extract relevant information can be time-consuming and

Moreover, ensuring that the literature review is cohesive, well-structured, and devoid of any biases
requires meticulous attention to detail. Each source must be carefully evaluated for its credibility,
relevance, and significance to the topic at hand.

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The 2003 Technical Panel found that the mathematical method used to measure past rates of
mortality decline can have a significant effect on the resulting historical average. Mulder, and Jeffrey
E. Kallan. Washington, DC: Population Projections Branch, Population Division (January). The 2003
Technical Panel found that the mathematical method used to measure past rates of mortality decline
can have a significant effect on the resulting historical average. Example (bad) 13 Approximate
interval between onset and death none Cardiopulmonary arrest 2 mos Inanition 2 mos Multisystem
failure Congestive heart failure, renal failure Part I. One concern is that such a technique assumes
independence among causes of death, when in reality several causes often contribute simultaneously
to death, particularly at older ages. This assumption is essentially a variation of the notion of a
theoretical maximum average life expectancy. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury
that initiated the events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions
contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. I don't pull out the
note cards again because these are already roughly grouped into topics (bullet points on an outline, if
you will). This group includes the 2004 Social Security Trustees. For example, Wilmoth (1998)
discusses the tendency for forecasters to react to short-term fluctuations in mortality rates. This idea
depends in part on the importance of significant cultural differences between the United States and
Europe and Japan. Wait, what are you talking about grouping them together? - I utilized paperclips to
group cards together at first, and then found some coupon accordion files at the dollar store and
began to use those. The report includes detailed information about the development of the Index,
reliability and validity statistics, four case studies demonstrating the uses of the DLI and a series of
data tables for understanding the norms and baseline data about death literacy in Australia. A
developed country's life expectancy relative to the group average at the time of prediction was an
even more powerful statistical predictor. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as
necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of
the website. Most actuaries prefer to adjust past trends based on their interpretations of the causes of
these past trends and the likelihood of these past events being repeated in the future. ICD-9-CM
Coding. International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Next four
paragraphs described the contents and purpose of each section of the thesis. Because they calculate
that a 75 percent reduction in all-cause mortality would be equivalent to eliminating all deaths due to
circulatory disease, cancer, and diabetes in 1985, they conclude that projections of life expectancy
over age 85 do not meet the test of reasonableness. We also use IP addresses, domain information
and other access statistics to administer the site and analyze usage trends. However, unlike Wilmoth,
Olshansky concludes that this highlights a flaw in the use of extrapolation models rather than a flaw
in the length of the time periods selected for extrapolation. Olshansky and Ault appear to be
implying that inequalities in access to and quality of health care can affect average rates of mortality
decline. If you prefer to opt out, you can select Update settings. Japan was more than 6 years below
the life-expectancy leader (Norway) in 1955 (White 2002, Figure 3) and was the life-expectancy
leader in 2000 (Oeppen and Vaupel 2002). Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that
initiated the events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing
to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. However, Fries's estimate is
informative to the extent that estimates of other researchers are higher. Fries (1989) does not really
believe that the rate of increase in life expectancy is perfectly linear, although he assumes linearity to
calculate a maximum. Financial aid essay things to write a persuasive essay about teachers critical
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business plan template score. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the
events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but
not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. In addition, some experts in the field of aging
believe that the pace of mortality decline will slow down because of the biological limits of the
human body; others believe that science can overcome current limits to life expectancy.
Projections of maximum unisex average life expectancy, calculated using various historical time
periods. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics. How to
write an art critique essay examples business planning document essay critiques. Selection bias
would imply that even if the entire U.S. population adopted the lifestyle practices of the healthiest
natural subpopulation group, their life expectancy would not necessarily increase to the
subpopulation mean. 13. For example, Wilmoth (1998) discusses the tendency for forecasters to react
to short-term fluctuations in mortality rates. In general, the lower the starting level of life expectancy
for an individual country, the faster the average change in life expectancy. Some experts believe that
changes in lifestyle and the adoption of healthier behaviors could increase life expectancy
significantly, even without further medical breakthroughs. However, regardless of which method you
choose, there are a few other significant aspects to keep in mind such as using powerful and logical
transitions between ideas. Thus, they believe that the rapid gains of the past are unlikely to continue
in the future. Oeppen and Vaupel ( p. 1031) find that record female life expectancy has increased
linearly by about 2.5 years per decade for the past 150 years (or by 0.25 per year). If the trend
continues, they predict that female record life expectancy will be 100 in about 60 years (that is,
around 2060). Because the majority of deaths occur after age 65, the age-65 measure could be
judged to be more relevant for the Social Security Trustees Report; however, the literature reviewed
for this article more commonly describes mortality improvements in terms of life expectancy at birth.
Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the events resulting in death)
LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the
underlying cause given in Part I. According to Olshansky and Carnes, because members of that
subgroup survived major flu epidemics, the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, diseases like
polio and diphtheria, poorer nutrition, and high rates of cigarette smoking, they may be selectively
more robust than those of future cohorts, which will not have faced such weeding-out episodes. A
rate of mortality decline measures the average annual decrease in the age-adjusted central death rate
for a given age group. CHINA: SEX RATIO AT BIRTH 1.2:1 For example, large numbers of male
expatriates working in the petrochemical industry in Qatar has resulted in recent times of having
almost two males to every female. Opting out of this will opt you out of all cookies, except for those
needed to run the website. Why XYZ is important, how other researchers have approached problem
ABC, etc. Why? Because I wanted to be able to sort them into topics later on. A rate of mortality
decline measures the average annual decrease in the age-adjusted central death rate for a given age
group. In addition, in contrast to the two technical panels and the Trustees, these researchers
extrapolate trends in life expectancy, rather than trends in age-specific death rates, into the future.
He also found evidence for convergence to group-average life expectancy among a group of high-
income countries over time. Example 3c Approximate interval between onset and death Pulmonary
embolism 30 min Acute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis 5 days Poorly differentiated
adenocarcinoma of the prostate years Congestive heart failure, old myocardial infarction,
hypertension Part I. I'm also a visual thinker and prefer hand written notes so this was an extremely
helpful post for me. For example, if one believes that expanded health care coverage contributed to
mortality rate declines—as the Trustees implicitly assume in their mortality assumptions—then one
might consider whether the more generous social welfare systems of European nations contributed to
higher rates of mortality decline over the past 20 years. The uncertainty that surrounds a 75-year
mortality forecast is reflected in the fact that opinions about the appropriate speed of future mortality
improvement vary in the literature. Example (bad) 13 Approximate interval between onset and death
none Cardiopulmonary arrest 2 mos Inanition 2 mos Multisystem failure Congestive heart failure,
renal failure Part I. The 2003 Panel also set the ultimate rate of mortality decline to zero in 2200. In
this sense, the Trustees and the technical panels differ most fundamentally in the degree to which
they believe that past mortality trends will continue unchanged into the long-term future and in their
definitions of the relevant past. Recall that the panel slows down rates of mortality decline to zero in
2200, although out of reluctance to project no farther into the future than the length of the observable
historical time period rather than out of a conviction that there is a biological limit to human life
expectancy. IGCSE GEOGRAPHY UNIT ONE: Population. Think. Starter What are the issues
surrounding the current global population?. Pair. Share. What are the issues surrounding population.
It is expected to reach 22%, or 2 billion people, by 2050. For example, in my Major spreadsheet, I
might have information on the study design, location, time period, and disease state. Average life
expectancy in these healthy subpopulations was as high as 97.4 at birth and 99.8 at age 65 for males
and 98.1 at birth and 100 at age 65 for females. There may also be differences in the inclusion of
immigrants in national statistics across countries (that is, the guest worker phenomenon). They have
also not been consistently below the actual value since 1980. In this sense, the Trustees and the
technical panels differ most fundamentally in the degree to which they believe that past mortality
trends will continue unchanged into the long-term future and in their definitions of the relevant past.
Reviews the chronological development of research in this area an approach that is useful at times,
but not always the best. The uncertainty that surrounds a 75-year mortality forecast is reflected in the
fact that opinions about the appropriate speed of future mortality improvement vary in the literature.
Mortality Rates, et al. Mortality. Death rates. Mortality Rates. the number of deaths (in general, or
due to a specific cause) in some population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit time.
Furthermore, it was difficult to copy and paste, a key aspect of the system I did end up developing.
Example (bad) 15 Approximate interval between onset and death Complications of left hip FX Part I.
As you pull quotes from one document (or your index cards) to this new running outline, it can be
cumbersome to scroll back and forth. Finally, researchers who believe that large medical
breakthroughs are on the horizon forecast extremely large increases in life expectancy, relative to the
predictions of other experts. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the
events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but
not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. Dissertation paper topicsDissertation paper
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annual death rates for 50- to 74-year-old men and women with the lowest earnings are more than
double what they are for high earners. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that
initiated the events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing
to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. Copying and pasting the full title
from the article website or PubMed and grabbing the PMID from the back of the PubMed URL was
easy. Conceptually, this view could be equivalent to charging selection bias in models of maximum
achievable average life expectancy—that is, healthy subpopulations may be genetically different
from average. Selection bias would imply that even if the entire U.S. population adopted the lifestyle
practices of the healthiest natural subpopulation group, their life expectancy would not necessarily
increase to the subpopulation mean. 13. Differences between predicted and actual life expectancy are
author's calculations. They are included so that readers can determine the extent to which the other
year-specific forecasts do or do not exceed these estimates. White conducted sensitivity tests by
excluding Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain (countries whose gross domestic product at
midperiod (1970) was less than half that of the wealthiest nation in 1970) without substantial
differences in results. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the events
resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not
resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. He also found evidence for convergence to group-
average life expectancy among a group of high-income countries over time. Do such data exist? If so,
how might one get access to these data. Outline of course. An introduction to network coding:
Network model. Example (bad) 16 Approximate interval between onset and death Polypharmacy
Cardiomegaly with left ventricular hypertrophy Pul Ed Remote FX of cervical vertebrae column Part
I. This view seems to imply that the diseases affecting death rates from 1900 through 1950 are less
applicable to expectations for the future than the dominant causes of death from 1950 through 2000.
A note about the PMIDs: I ended up adding these because I was planning to do a machine learning
literature review that would require the PMIDs of relevant articles to find other related articles.
After reviewing, if I considered it relevant, it received a number. In fact, that might be how you
stumbled across my page. Others dispute that mortality is compressing toward a maximum average
limit, primarily by measuring variability in age of death over time (Myers and Manton 1984, Wilmoth
and Horiuchi 1999). These cookies do not store any personal information. They have also not been
consistently below the actual value since 1980. He states that the Trustees underestimated the pace of
mortality decline in the 1970s because they were extrapolating the slow pace of mortality decline of
the 1950s and 1960s. This gap in life spans, which is well-documented in the research literature, has
been growing with each new generation. Low-income individuals have experienced an increase in
their risk of dying from a broad range of illnesses, from allergies, hay fever, and tonsillitis to
digestive tract illnesses and unspecified causes. One might also consider whether such generosity is
sustainable in the future, given the aging of Europe's population. The DLI was developed from
personal narratives of carers, with input from a wide range of professionals and experts and was
tested on a national sample of Australians. In contrast, compared with historical data from the entire
20 th century, the two technical panels could be said to have their rates of mortality decline for males
converging towards those of females, in that their unisex rates of decline are closer to the average
for females than to the average for males. 8. But when you're just getting started, post-it notes and
paper clips are just fine. A recent study digs deeper to uncover specific ailments, such as heart
disease, that may be driving the growing disparity. However, their estimates are informative to the
extent that forecasters project over their maximum age limit. Several more recent projections
(Technical Panel 1999, Lee and Carter 1992, Lee and Miller 2001) exceed Fries's 1980 unisex
estimate of 85 years of age, however. You need to know that weathering involves the breakdown of
rock in situ and how it is different to erosion. The 1999 Technical Panel does not make a specific
recommendation past the 75-year forecast horizon. Finally, both the 1999 and 2003 Technical Panels
cite international comparisons as a guide to future mortality trends. Enter the UNDERLYING
CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the events resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other
significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I.
Their estimate of unisex life expectancy at birth is from 95 to 100 years with a standard deviation of
10 years (Manton, Stallard, and Tolley 1991, 628). The methodology serves as an important basis for
analysis relative to past trends and for assessing the reasonableness of future assumptions, but it is
not the sole factor used in setting mortality assumptions ( OCACT staff, personal communication,
August 27, 2004). One hundred great essays table of contentsOne hundred great essays table of
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that in the first half of the 1980s, the Trustees overestimated the pace of mortality decline
(particularly for females) because they were extrapolating the fast pace of mortality improvement of
the 1970s. He used mortality data from 1955 through 1991 for his research (because that was the
time period available in his data set). Also evident is that the number of experts outside national
governments who forecast time-specific mortality declines 75 years into the future is quite small.
Example 2 Approximate interval between onset and death Acute renal failure 5 days
Hyperosmolarnonketotic coma 8 days 15 years Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin dependent A 80-year-
old male with congestive heart failure is hospitalized with leg pain and edema and is subsequently
diagnosed with deep venous thrombosis. Mulder, and Jeffrey E. Kallan. Washington, DC: Population
Projections Branch, Population Division (January). According to Olshansky and Carnes, because
members of that subgroup survived major flu epidemics, the Great Depression, World Wars I and II,
diseases like polio and diphtheria, poorer nutrition, and high rates of cigarette smoking, they may be
selectively more robust than those of future cohorts, which will not have faced such weeding-out
episodes. One should not assume the results obtained from studies using stories and word lists as
stimuli can be generalised to forensic contexts. Also, you need to keep in mind that such a list is not
a simple reflection of the main ideas related to your topic, it is aimed at demonstrating how well you
are familiar with the available literature, theories, and issues.
Difference between past Social Security Trustees' forecasts of life expectancy and actual life
expectancy for males and females, 2000 (predicted minus actual life expectancy). However, the
difference between the slope and endpoint methods was 0.11, and the difference between the male
and female averages was 0.27; that difference is large enough that this observation is unlikely to be
reversed by any differences in calculation methods between the Office of the Chief Actuary and the
2003 Technical Panel. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the events
resulting in death) LAST. Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not
resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. A recent study digs deeper to uncover specific
ailments, such as heart disease, that may be driving the growing disparity. So this is the core of the
lit review method that helped me go from disparate research articles into synthesized topics that not
only were written up as sections in my literature review but helped me to identify the gaps in the
field that my dissertation could address. Data for 1988—2000 are from the Social Security
Administration's Office of the Chief Actuary, available at. When writing a methodology, keep in
mind that you must explain your basic research program. They have also not been consistently below
the actual value since 1980. This situation can be seen in Chart 1, which shows the difference
between past Trustees' forecasts of life expectancy and actual life expectancy in 2000. Conceptually,
this view could be equivalent to charging selection bias in models of maximum achievable average
life expectancy—that is, healthy subpopulations may be genetically different from average. Other
researchers such as Wilmoth (2001, 797) believe that such a judgment represents an implicit
assumption of an absence of medical progress into the future and prefer to implicitly assume that
medical progress will continue into the future in their projections. Llad Phillips. Current News: Death
Penalty. Outline. The Death Penalty Arguments Philosophical and moral (lexicographic ordering)
Practical: Is it a deterrent. These researchers recommend even faster mortality improvements for the
United States than do the two most recent technical panels. This result might imply that the average
U.S. lifestyle would have to become healthier for Oeppen and Vaupel's predictions to come
true—barring an unforeseen medical breakthrough that could substitute for a shift to more healthy
behaviors. Booker t washington essay papersBooker t washington essay papers research proposal law
pdf. What I want to draw out is the impact of the robustness and predictability of retirement income
and mortality rates. Diseases, injuries, or complications that caused the death. d. Immediate cause a.
b. c. Due to (or as a consequence of) Due to (or as a consequence of) Due to (or as a consequence
of) Sequentially list conditions, if any, leading to the cause listed on line a. Enter the
UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or injury that initiated the events resulting in death) LAST. Part II.
Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause
given in Part I. Diseases, injuries, or complications that caused the death. d. Immediate cause a. b. c.
Due to (or as a consequence of) Due to (or as a consequence of) Due to (or as a consequence of)
Sequentially list conditions, if any, leading to the cause listed on line a. Because the views of
biomedical researchers who predict extremely large mortality declines are more speculative in that
their predictions rely on large future medical breakthroughs to be achieved, they are not examined in
this review. The ideal way to demonstrate your research is with a qualitative or quantitative
approach. For example, when the Society of Actuaries conducted a survey of 79 experts from
Canada, Mexico, and the United States, actuaries and economists tended on average to project lower
rates of mortality decline than did demographers, and demographers tended to have a greater spread
(standard deviation) between their opinions (see Table 2). Example (bad) 15 Approximate interval
between onset and death Complications of left hip FX Part I. Studies by these experts are not
directly comparable, but they are relevant to the extent that they contradict the assumptions of
demographers, actuaries, and other forecasters who do not force their models to project only up to a
theoretical maximum life span. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not
resulting in the underlying cause given in Part I. One in every three people in developed countries
will be over 65 by this time. Fries's (1989, 221) interpretation of the rapid decreases in mortality rates
of the 1970s appears more similar to that of the Trustees than to those of the two technical panels, in
that he states. The researchers compared the mortality rates linked to specific diseases for high- and
low income people, defined as those whose earnings in their prime working years fell either above or
below the median, or middle, income. A developed country's life expectancy relative to the group
average at the time of prediction was an even more powerful statistical predictor. The 2004 Trustees'
ultimate rate is slightly closer to the average rate of mortality improvement for males than to the
average rate for females over the 20 th century.

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