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Frequently Asked Questions about Arlon 55NT PCB Material

It is interesting to note that there are some commonly asked questions about Arlon 55NT PCB material. This
same goes for every other type of laminate material used for multilayer circuit boards. However, these
questions about Arlon 55NT are about the diversities of this epoxy laminate material. Meanwhile, these
questions range from its properties to areas of applications and to many other important features of
this prepreg system.

There are many interesting things to find out more about this laminate material. The Arlon 55NT works for
various reasons and one is because it is weather resistant. Therefore, no environmental conditions can alter
or modify changes in it.

Table of Contents

What Does Electrical Strength Mean in Relation to Arlon 55NT PCB


No doubt, this is one of the numerous questions designers always ask about this laminate material. This
epoxy laminate has its electrical strength which affects its stability under various factors, mostly electrical
elements. The electrical strength of any laminate and prepreg system really matters so much.

Interestingly, the electrical strength is part of the electrical properties of this PCB material. The electrical
properties consist of other features such as dissipation factor, dielectric constant, and surface with volume
resistivity. Each affects the electrical properties of this material. Although it happens in varying degrees or
proportion towards how these features work in the Arlon 55NT.

The electrical strength has to do with the potential of this prepreg system to withstand some electrical
breakdown. When it comes to this electrical breakdown, it doesn’t occur outside the Z-axis of this PCB
material. More importantly, the electrical strength in relation to this laminate is in voltage/mil. When you
unmask this PCB material to some short pulses concurrently to specific high voltage, you figure out its
electrical strength. This implies electrical strength functions when you expose the laminate to some voltage.

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Areas of Application of Arlon 55NT

There are many areas one can apply this laminate material. Thus, the application areas have to do with
specified fields where this prepreg system can work. Also, not every laminate works in the same applications.
Each PCB material has where it can function efficiently. As such, its efficiency has some factors that
influence it.

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The areas of applications include consumer electronics, legal services, aerospace engineering,
communication systems, defense, and medical.

It can work in various devices or appliances because of its aramid reinforcement. This reinforcement is the
type that is non-woven. Therefore, it allows compatibility with some procedures that are lead free.

What Properties of Arlon 55NT Do Engineers Test?

Testing properties of each laminate material is what is expected to be done by engineers and designers.
When you test these properties, it enables you to know the reaction of this laminate to some environmental
factors. However, there are various properties of this PCB material which include mechanical properties,
chemical properties, physical properties, and electrical properties.


This is one of the properties that requires testing. No professional designer would ignore the flammability
testing of any PCB material. Plus, this testing involves knowing how well this laminate material can catch
fire. Hence, you need to figure out the point at which when there’s an ignition on the laminate material. Each
laminate can catch fire at varying degrees. There are minimal limits one can avoid so that the laminate won’t
catch fire.

Arc Resistance

Resistance of each laminate to certain forces counts during fabrication. The resistance to force that can bend
this PCB material needs to be tested. One needs to test what force exertion that can’t break this prepreg

Glass Transition Temperature

Temperature affects the laminate materials a lot. That is why one needs to test the tg of each laminate. For
the Arlon 55NT, you should know the degrees of temperature that makes the laminate modify from rigidity
to flexibility. In testing this, you need to experiment to know how high the temperature can be to change this
laminate state.

Volume Resistivity

The way you test the volume resistivity of Arlon 55NT is the same way you test its surface resistivity. These
tests are important. They help engineers figure out how this PCB laminate can withstand current leakage on
either volume or surface.

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Is Arlon 55NT Toxic To The Environment?

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There is no doubt that some engineers complain about toxic chemicals that emit unpleasant odor from some
laminates. This is so because of the materials that are used in the reinforcement process. However, for the
Arlon 55NT, it is a friendly and healthy laminate material for the environment. This implies, it is a kind of
prepreg system that is environmentally friendly. Thus, it doesn’t emit a disturbing odor to the environment.
It doesn’t in any way cause irritation or environmental pollution. Note that there are laminates that cause
irritation on the skin. Hence, healthy materials for fabrication help to prevent such.

Is Arlon 55NT Costly?

No doubt, there are prepregs that are very expensive. What determines the prices of most laminates is
majorly materials used during design and soldering. These materials could be so pricey. In addition, the
design process determines how expensive or available each laminate material is.

Quality is key when choosing your laminate material. However, the quantity you are buying determines the
price you pay for the Arlon 55NT. Thus, it is easier to say that this laminate material is affordable. It is not
too pricey.

Is Arlon 55NT PCB Material Waterproof?

There are laminates that aren’t waterproof. This implies that they don’t have a barrier to absorb moisture. If a
laminate can’t absorb moisture, it definitely will affect how it connects layers in the circuit board. The Arlon
55NT is waterproof and weather resistant. It is safe to use in any kind of environment.


Arlon 55NT is highly durable and can withstand harsh environmental conditions. As such, this is one of the
laminates that one can use for different applications. It is safer to say that it is a laminate that is affordable
and available for use.

You need to test some properties of this laminate material such as its flammability. This shows how it can
easily catch fire. So, you need to know about electrical strength in relation to this kind of laminate.

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