02-HW-Creativity - ELISA MARROQUIN - 2021210042

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Save the planet

 Stop driving cars and walk everywhere instead.

 …Use public transportation…

 …Use the bike for short and medium sections…

 …Walk short distances…

 …Make rounds with friends for car use..

Scare someone to death

 Put a tarantula in their school bag.
 …Use a plastic snake.

 …Put a toad on my cousin’s feet…

 …Throw a cockroach at his head….

 …Put a dog to chase a person…

Cheat on an exam
 Bribe the invigilator.
 …Write on a draft…

 …Write on pieces of paper and put them in a pencil sharpener…

 …Give us a copy with the person a next to us.…

 …Pass us papers…

Go to a party without permission

 Tell your parents you are going to do homework at your friend’s house.
 …Tell your parents that you will go to sleep at my house…

 …Mom, I’II have a dinner at my friend’s house…

 …Leave the house and turn off the mobile…

 …Tell my parents that I’m going out with my friends to the park…

Convince someone to give you 10 dollars

 Tell them you’ve lost your wallet and need to catch a train home.
 …I’m very sorry to have to ask you this, but I’m having financial problems…

 …Give me 10 dollars to eat something…

 …Lend me 10 dollars to go out…

 …I lost my wallet and I need to buy food…

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