Exact Distribution Optimal Power Flow2019

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Exact Distribution Optimal Power Flow (D-OPF)

Model using Convex Iteration Technique

Rahul Ranjan Jha and Anamika Dubey
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Washington State University
Pullman, WA

Abstract—The distribution optimal power flow (D-OPF) mod- convexity either using convex relaxation techniques [3] or
els have gained attention in recent years to optimally operate a using linear approximation methods [4]. Note that a BIM OPF
centrally-managed distribution grid. On account of nonconvex formulation can be relaxed as semidefinite program (SDP) by
formulation that is difficult to solve, several relaxation methods
have been proposed; the exactness of the solutions obtained dropping the rank-1 constraint [5] and a BFM OPF model
from the relaxed models, however, remain a concern. In this can be relaxed as a second-order cone program (SOCP) by
paper, we identify one such problem related to radial distribution relaxing the quadratic equality constraints [6]. Although the
feeder where second-order cone program (SOCP) relaxation proposed SDP and SOCP relaxations result in a convex prob-
does not yield a solution that is feasible with respect to the lem thus reducing the complexity of nonlinear OPF model, the
original nonlinear OPF model. Specifically, we formulate an OPF
model for PV hosting capacity problem to obtain maximum exactness of the solution obtained from relaxed model is still
PV capacity that a feeder can integrate without violating the of concern. Consequently, several researchers have attempted
operating constraints. The SOCP relaxation for this problem to prove the exactness of relaxed OPF models. Sufficient
yields infeasible solutions. To address this concern, we propose a conditions were provided under which the relaxed SOCP and
convex iteration technique to simultaneously achieve optimal and SDP models are exact [7]–[11]. Further, it was proved in [12],
feasible OPF solution for the PV hosting (maximization) problem.
The proposed approach minimizes the feasibility gap with respect that SDP, chordal, and SCOP convex relaxation techniques are
to original nonlinear constraints at each SOCP iteration. The equivalent for the radial network while for mesh networks,
effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated using IEEE- SDP and chordal relaxation perform better.
13 node and IEEE-123 node test systems. The focus of this work is on D-OPF relaxation techniques
Index Terms—Distribution optimal power flow, convex relax- applied for radial distribution system. Therefore, we focus
ation, second-order cone programming (SOCP), convex iteration.
our attention to SOCP problems. It has been proved in the
I. I NTRODUCTION existing literature that the SOCP relaxation is exact for the
radial distribution feeders under certain conditions [9]. Authors
With the advancement in smart grid technology and in- also claim that even when these conditions are not exactly
creasing penetration of distributed energy systems (DERs), the satisfied, the relaxed SOCP formulation yields a solution that
electric power distribution system is rapidly transforming to is optimal and feasible with respect to the original problem.
an active and bidirectional network. In a centrally managed Further, in [9], authors have provided an excellent visualization
distribution grid, an optimal power flow (OPF) solver finds of conditions for the exactness of relaxed SOCP models. With
multiple applications related to effective management of all the help of a two-bus model, it is demonstrated that the SOCP
grid resources including but not limited to loss minimization, model leads to an optimal solution that lies at the boundary
volt-var optimization, and effective management of DERs [1], of the second-order power cone, thus achieving feasibility.
[2]. The related literature on OPF models from transmission Unfortunately, the exactness of the SOCP relaxation (for ra-
systems is not directly applicable to distribution grid on ac- dial feeder) is contingent upon the choice of objective function.
count of radial feeders, high R/X ratio, and large-variations in Although, SOCP relaxation is exact for most minimization
bus voltages. Consequently, several researchers have proposed problems (in power flow variables), a maximization problem
distribution OPF (D-OPF) formulations. D-OPF models have yields infeasible power flow solution. Notice that although
been largely based on two power flow methods: bus-injection most OPF problems do relate to minimizing a cost function
model (BIM) and branch-flow model (BFM). Although bus- of power flow variables, there are relevant cases when a
injection model applies to general radial/mesh feeders, branch maximization problem needs to be solved. One such case is
flow method is more suitable for modeling radial distribution identifying maximum photovoltaic (PV) penetration limits for
feeders. Both BIM and BFM based OPF models are non- the distribution feeder also known as PV hosting problem. This
convex and difficult to solve. requires maximizing the sum of nodal power injection (from
To address this concern, several relaxed models have been PVs) until system operating constraints (thermal limit, voltage,
proposed in literature that deal with the problem of non- reverse power flow) are not violated. Solving this optimization
This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under problem using SOCP model yield infeasible results that lie
contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. inside the second-order cone and not at its boundary.

978-1-7281-1981-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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To address this gap, the objective of this paper is to flow is Sij = Pij + ιQij and complex line current is Iij .
propose a convex iteration technique to simultaneously achieve For each node (i) ∈ N , let Vi be the complex voltage and
optimal and feasible D-OPF solution for the PV hosting si = pi + ιqi be the net apparent power injection (generation
(maximization) problem. Related to this problem, in [13] the minus demand) at corresponding bus i.
hosting capacity of the distribution system is obtained, using Then the branch-flow equations for radial distribution
an iterative SOCP method proposed in [14]. The iterative feeder, represented by G(N , E) is given in (1)-(4). Please refer
approach detailed in [14] is based on generating linear inequal- to [16] for further
ity constraints for the relaxed SOCP problem. Finding these Pij = Pjk + rij lij + pj ∀i ∈ N (1)
linear cuts require solving another optimization problem thus k:j→k

increasing the computational complexity. Alternatively, in this

Qij = Qjk + xij lij + qj ∀i ∈ N (2)
paper, we present an iterative approach that is based on convex k:j→k
iteration sequences. A feasible OPF solution is obtained by vj = 2
vi − 2(rij Pij + xij Qij ) + (rij + x2ij )lij ∀i ∈ N (3)
solving multiple SOCP iterations of the relaxed OPF problem vi lij = Pij2 + Q2ij ∀ij ∈ E (4)
modeled as SOCP. The iteration sequences are based on
linear inequality constraints obtained using a mathematical Note that the branch flow equations in (1)-(4) are obtained
analysis of quadratic equality constraints as detailed in [15]. by relaxing the nodal voltage angles as described in [16]. For a
Note that every iteration solves a SOCP problem where the radial system, the nodal voltage angle can be exactly obtained
optimal solutions are updated to make them feasible wrt. the from the OPF result. Also, notice that vi = |Vi |2 and lij =
original quadratic equality constraints. The benefit of adding |Iij |2 . It should be noted that (1)-(3) are linear in power flow
this constraint is that at each iteration, the solution will variables i.e. Pij , Qij , vi and lij . However, (4) is nonlinear in
approach towards the surface of the second-order cone. Thus, problem variables (a quadratic equality constraint).
the feasibility of the actual problem is guaranteed. We also B. PV Hosting Capacity as D-OPF Problem
discuss the reasons for SOCP relaxation not being exact for the
maximization problem. Next, with the help of IEEE-13 bus and The PV hosting problem is defined as a maximization prob-
123-bus distribution test systems, we analyze the feasibility lem, where the objective is to obtain the maximum PV pen-
gap when solving SOCP problem for PV maximization. It etration that can be accommodated by the distribution feeder
is also demonstrated that the exact solutions are obtained by without violating feeder’s operation limits. We formulate the
solving multiple iterations of SOCP problem with added linear PV hosting capacity problem as a maximization problem with
inequality constraints proposed in this paper. the objective of maximizing the sum of total power injected
by the distributed generators connected to prespecified nodes
II. D-OPF F ORMULATION FOR PV H OSTING C APACITY without violating distribution system’s operating constraints.
P ROBLEM USING B RANCH -F LOW M ODEL We model following constraints in the problem: a) voltage
In this section, first, we present the branch-flow model constraints - node voltages should be within prespecified ANSI
for the distribution system and detail the optimal power limits (0.95 pu - 1.05 pu) (8); b) branch thermal limits - line
flow formulation for the PV hosting capacity problem. Next, currents should be within the prespecified line thermal ratings
we describe the SOCP relaxation by relaxing the quadratic (9); c) reverse power flow - no reverse power flow is allowed
equality constraint and discuss the problem with attaining the at the substation bus (10).
exact solution for PV hosting problem (maximization problem) The D-OPF problem to obtain PV hosting capacity of a
using the relaxed SOCP model. feeder is defined in (5), subject to power flow constraints
in (1)-(4) and additional operational constraints in (6)-(10).
Note that the maximization problem can be converted to an

sŝ sũ
equivalent minimization problem by minimizing P the negative
nj ŝũ sum of power injection from all PVs i.e., − i∈N pP V
i .

/ ^
ŝũ ŝũ
Maximize. pP
;Ɛ Ϳŝ
;Ɛ Ϳ


Subject to: (1)-(4), and

Fig. 1. Topology of radial distribution system

A. Branch Flow Equations pi = pP
− pload
i ∀i ∈ N (6)
Consider a directed graph G(N , E) representing the radial pi,l ≤ pi ≤ pP
i,u ∀i ∈ N (7)
distribution feeder in Fig.1, where, N is the number of buses (0.95) ≤ vi ≤ (1.05)2
∀i ∈ N (8)
and E is the number of edges in the graph. The edge (i, j) lij ≤ (Iij,rated )2 ∀{ij} ∈ E (9)
connects nodes i and j where node i is the parent of node j. Psub ≥= 0 (10)
For each edge (i, j) ∈ E associate a complex number zij =
rij + ιxij representing the complex impedance of the line. where, pload
i is the load connected at bus i, pP
is the rating
Also, for each edge (i, j), assume that the apparent power of PV panel connected to bus i, pi,l = 0 and pP
i,u is the

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maximum PV panel rating that can be connected to bus i, γ k defines the ratio of error at current iteration and previous
Iij,rated is thermal rating of line {ij}, and Psub is the active iteration and is a tunable parameter (see [15] for details).
power flow out of the substation node.
e(k) ≥ γ k e(k−1) (13)
C. Convex Relaxation - SOCP Formulation (k) (k) (k) (k)
Also, by substituting for e(k) = (Pij )2 +(Qij )2 −vi lij
As detailed in several related literature, the quadratic equal- and using, γ where, γ k ≤ γ < 1, the error at k th
ity constraint (4) in power flow model makes the D-OPF iteration can be expressed using (14).
problem for hosting capacity in (5) nonconvex. As such this  
(k−1) 2 (k−1) 2 (k−1) (k−1)
problem is a quadratically constrained problem and difficult e(k) ≥ γ × (Pij ) + (Qij ) − vi lij (14)
to solve. By relaxing (4) to an inequality as described in (11)
As constraint (14) is nonconvex, we linearize it using first-
a SOCP problem is obtained.
order Taylor series approximation in (15).
vi lij ≥ Pij2 + Q2ij ∀i ∈ N (11) 2Pij
(k−1) (k)
∆Pij + 2Qij
∆Qij − lij
∆vi − vi
∆lij ≥
(k) (k−1) (k)
The SOCP-relaxation for D-OPF based PV hosting capacity (k−1) 2 (k−1) 2 (k−1) (k−1)
(γ − 1) (Pij ) + (Qij ) − vi lij
problem is detailed as follows. (15)
Maximize. pP
(12) where, at k th iteration, Pij , Qij
, vi
, and lij
(k−1) (k−1)
i∈N th
in known from solving (k − 1) SOCP iteration of
Subject to: (1)-(3), (6)-(10), and (11). the problem. Therefore, (15) is linear in unknown,
(k) (k) (k) (k)
D. Exactness of the Relaxed D-OPF SOCP Problem ∆Pij , ∆Qij , ∆vi and ∆lij .
Note that in this iterative approach, the actual power flow
As described in [9], the SOCP relaxation includes all points solution at k th iteration is obtained by updating power flow
inside the second-order cone, however, minimizing a function variables using (16), where x defines set of problem variables.
of current (or power flow) for unconstrained problem yields
a feasible solution that lies at the boundary of the cone. x(k) = x(k−1) + α∆x(k) (16)
Unfortunately, for the case of PV maximization problem, the where, the acceleration factor, 0 < α < 1 and x(k−1) is the
maximum PV capacity a feeder can accommodate is bounded variable obtained at previous iteration and change in variables,
by upper limits on bus voltages. It has been demonstrated in ∆x(k) is determined at the current iteration.
[9] that when upper bounds on node voltages are binding, The iterative SOCP model at the k th iteration after including
the SOCP relaxation is not exact. This is because the SOCP (15) is detailed in (17)-(23).
solution lies inside the cone and not at the boundary. Due to At k th SOCP-iteration,
this SOCP-relaxation of PV hosting capacity problem results X P V (k)
in optimal solutions that are not feasible with respect to Minimize. − ∆pi (17)
original quadratic equality constraint. i∈N

Subject to:
(k−1) (k−1)
S OLUTION OF R ELAXED D-OPF M ODEL (Pij + ∆Pijk ) = (Pjk k
+ ∆Pjk )+
k:j→k (18)
In this section, we propose a convex iteration technique to (k−1) (k) P V,(k) P V,(k)
obtain an optimal and feasible D-OPF solution over multiple rij (lij + ∆lij ) + (pj + ∆pj ) − pload

SOCP iterations of the relaxed OPF formulation. The pro- X

(k−1) (k−1)
posed approach is inspired from a similar method proposed (Qij + ∆Qkij ) = (Qjk + ∆Qkjk )+
in [15] to design optimal filter parameters using iterative k:j→k (19)
(k−1) (k)
SOCP approach. The solution obtained by solving the iterative xij (lij + ∆lij ) + qjload
procedure will be feasible with respect to the original (before
relaxation) D-OPF problem only if the difference between the (vj
(k−1) (k)
+ ∆vj ) = (vi
+ ∆vi )−

Pij2 + Q2ij and vi lij is gradually reduced to zero. (k−1) (k) (k−1) (k)
2(rij (Pij + ∆Pij ) + xij (Qij + ∆Qij ))+ (20)
The proposed method is designed to specifically achieve this
2 (k−1) (k)
equality over successive iterations. We define an error term, (rij + x2ij )(lij + ∆lij )
e(k) , measuring the feasibility gap at k th iteration that is equal
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1) (k)
to (Pij )2 + (Qij )2 − vi lij , where, Pij , Qij , vi , lij (vi + ∆vi )(lij + ∆lij ) ≥
are power flow variables obtained by solving k th iteration of ((Pij
(k−1) 2 (k)
) + ∆(Pij )2 ) + ((Qij
(k−1) 2
) + ∆(Qij )2 )

relaxed D-OPF SOCP model. The objective is to gradually

drive the feasibility gap, e(k) , to zero over successive itera- 
(k−1) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1) (k)

2Pij ∆Pij + 2Qij ∆Qij − lij ∆vi − vi ∆lij ≥
tions. This is achieved by enforcing additional constraint (13),
where γ k < 1. Notice that e(k) ≤ 0. Thus, using (13), the
(k−1) 2 (k−1) 2 (k−1) (k−1)
(γ − 1) (Pij ) + (Qij ) − vi lij
feasibility gap, e(k) will gradually increase to zero. Note that, (22)

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P V,(k) P V,(k) P V,(k)
pP V
i,l − pi ≤ ∆pi ≤ pP V
i,u − pi (23) -50
maximum load

Feasibilty voilation (e)

minimum load
and constraints (8)-(10) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The decision variables are ∆P (k) , ∆Q(k) , ∆v (k) , ∆l(k) and
P V,(k) 0
∆pi . After solving the kth iteration, the variables are
updated using (16). The iterative procedure will stop when -20
maximum load
|e(k) | ≤ ε, where |e(k)| is the absolute value of maximum -40
minimum load
feasibility gap at k th iteration and ε is a specified tolerance. 20 40 60 80 100 120
Branch number
The proposed iterative method is validated on two test Fig. 2. feasibility violation in a) IEEE 13 bus b) IEEE 123 bus system
feeders: IEEE 13-bus and IEEE-123 bus [17]. The test feeders
used in the system are first converted into equivalent positive In this section, we employ the proposed iterative framework to
sequence model using OpenDSS. All the simulations are done obtain the exact OPF solutions by solving multiple iterations
using MATLAB. The initial conditions are obtained from the of the relaxed-SOCP problem. The results for PV hosting
solution of an equivalent linearized D-OPF problem solved capacity are shown for both IEEE-13 and IEEE-123 systems.
using CPLEX 12.7 [8]. The relaxed-SOCP and iterative-SOCP 1) IEEE-13 bus system: The IEEE-13 bus is a small but
problems are formulated in MATLAB environment and solved heavily loaded feeder with the total demand of 1155 kW
using fmincon function in MATLAB optimization toolbox. operating at 4.16 kV. The objective is to maximize the power
The exact nonlinear OPF problem is also formulated and supplied by the distributed PVs in the distribution system while
solved for validation of the results. The PV hosting capacity satisfying the operating constraints detailed in Section II.B.
problem is solved for maximum and minimum load conditions. For the optimization, it is assumed that PVs can be placed
For maximum load, all loads are at their peak load, while for at all the nodes in the distribution feeder. For this system the
minimum load a load multiplier of 0.3 is assumed. maximum rating of each PV system is assumed to be 400 kW.
A. Feasibility of relaxed problem The PV hosting capacity at minimum and maximum loading
conditions are shown in Table I. Note that the hosting capacity
In this section, we demonstrate that for PV maximization
obtained from the proposed iterative method is equal to the
problem, the relaxed SOCP model leads to feasibility viola-
hosting capacity obtained by solving the actual nonlinear-
tions. By relaxing the constraints, there is an increase in the
OPF model (one with nonlinear quadratic equality constraints).
feasible solution space of the problem. The solution obtained
Therefore, this case validates the proposed convex iteration
after solving the relaxed-SOCP model are feasible when the
method leads to both feasible and optimal solution for the
quadratic equality constraints are satisfied. Therefore, the
original nonconvex OPF problem. In this case, the hosting
SOCP relaxation is exact if the obtained solution lies on the
capacity is limited by the reverse power flow condition.
surface of the cone i.e. the solution to relaxed problem indeed
Now we turn our attention to the satisfaction of equality
satisfies vi lij = Pij2 + Q2ij .
constraints over successive relaxed-SOCP iterations. To an-
For both IEEE-13 node and IEEE-123 node test systems,
alyze the feasibility gap at each iteration and to show that
we solve the relaxed-SOCP model to obtain the PV hosting
indeed it decreases to the desired error bound, we measure
capacity. The feasibility violation is measured by computing
eij = Pij2 + Q2ij − vi lij for all {ij} ∈ E and identify
eij = Pij2 +Q2ij −vi lij for all {ij} ∈ E. The plots for feasibility
its maximum absolute value at each iteration. The plot for
violation represented using eij for each branch corresponding
maximum feasibility error observed at each iteration is shown
to IEEE-13 bus and IEEE-123 bus systems are shown in Fig.3.
in Fig. 4. Note that the maximum feasibility error at first
Note that with relaxed constraints, the maximum feasibility
iteration is 0.0071 and it decreases to 0.00061 at the 12th
violation for IEEE-13 bus system is -87.71 and -71.44 at the
iteration. Similarly, for the maximum loading condition, the
minimum and maximum loading conditions respectively. Sim-
error at first iteration is 0.0367 and it decreased to 0.0032
ilarly, for the IEEE-123 node system, the maximum feasibility
at 12th iteration. It should be noted that we do not need
violation is -39.14 and -38.96 at the minimum and maximum
to simulate 12 iterations. Since the feasibility error is small
loading condition, respectively. It can be concluded that the
to begin with, due to introduction of the additional linear
relaxed quadratic constraints lead to a solution that is not exact
constraints, the iterations can be stopped sooner.
wrt. the original quadratic equality constraints or the original
nonlinear-OPF model.
C. IEEE -123 bus system
B. Iterative SOCP Model for PV Hosting Capacity Problem The IEEE-123 bus is a larger feeder with the total load
It is clear from the previous section that the solutions ob- demand of 1163 kW operating at 2.4 kV. It is assumed that
tained from SOCP relaxation of D-OPF model for PV hosting PVs can be placed at all the nodes in the distribution system
problem are not exact wrt. the original nonlinear-OPF model. and the maximum rating of each PV is bounded by 50 kW. The

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0.04 TABLE I
minimum load
maximum load
Test Feeder loading condition Nonlinear OPF Iterative OPF

0.02 minimum 350.6 350.5

IEEE-13 bus
maximum 1185.7 1185.9
0.01 minimum 350.42 350.45
IEEE-123 bus
maximum 1184.1 1184.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 due to SOCP relaxations over multiple convex iterations of the
iteration number
Fig. 3. IEEE-13 bus:Reduction in feasibility gap vs. number of iterations relaxed-SOCP problem.

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