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8th grade

“Life is tough wear a helmet”

Miranda Mass, Miranda Ramos,

Fernando Stores, Michael Haddad
Introduction of the team
Fernando Stores Aerodynamic mechanical engineer

Michael Haddad Head of operation and video director

Miranda Ramos CEO

Miranda Maass Astrophysics research

What happens
when you don't
wear a helmet?
What is a concussion?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is caused by a hit to the head

that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth. This movement causes the
brain to bounce around or twist in the skull. This creates chemical changes in the
brain and sometimes stretches and damages brain cells.
Why are helmets important?

According to studies, wearing

a helmet reduces the risk of
serious brain injury or even death
due to a fall or collision. When
wearing a helmet most of the
impact energy is absorbed, rather
than going to the head. It is also
import to choice a helmet
depending to what you’re doing.
Our Design
Our design is simple but safe, it consists of the other
helmet which can be in different designs, then on
the inside it has a big layer of packing peanuts and
above the peanuts foamy.
Egg Drop

Egg secured
Analysis (tracker app)

Potential energy= 4.116 J

Kinetic energy= 3.13684 J

The law of conservation of

energy states that kinetic and
potential energy should be the
same, but the potential energy is
greater because .97916 J are lost
as thermal energy because of
friction (air resistance).
Science behind our design
Our science behind our design is simple

1.- For the exterior we wanted to chose something that was big and could
fit not just the egg, but what could absorb the energy from the drop, so we
chose a football. The football also has a hard outer shell and the packing
peanuts are soft, so they make a good combination as well as a Football
“shape helps in this aspect because it has a curved surface that spreads
the force of impact”

2-. After choosing the football we chose to put packing peanuts in it

because “Packing peanuts, or any other soft and compressible material,
can act as a shock absorber. When the helmet hits the ground, these
materials compress, absorbing some of the impact force and reducing the
acceleration experienced by the egg.”.

3.- Finally the egg was placed and dropped, and because of our science in
our design the egg didn't break.
Why should you
choose our helmet?
"Choose the best helmet, Protection Daddy! For the best and
most secure protection! It was designed by our experts Fernando
Sortes, Michael Haddad, Miranda Mass and our CEO Miranda
Rams, the created the best helmet of the century, with a secure
and strong exterior that can hold up the strongest tackles in
NFL´s history, it was also designed with a comfy and soft interior
made with packing peanuts, that can divert the shock wave
making you and your skull safe. Elevate your game and trust in
our unbeatable combination. Don't compromise your head and
choose the best!
¡Thank You for watching
and don't forget to buy a
Protection Daddy!

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