A Guide To Healthy Living 1. Balanced Diet: Explanation: Consuming Too Much Sugar Leads To Weight

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1. Balanced diet
When you do this….. Do this instead….

1. (Personal example of your unhealthy habit) Drinking water, or low-sugar flavored drinks.

I Drink a soda with or after most of my meals. This Explanation: Consuming too much sugar leads to weight
could improve as I know drinking soda is not always gain, which in turn causes type 2 diabetes, some cancers,
the healthiest choice. and heart disease.

Source: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-

2. An unhealthy habit we both do is the first thing Eat junk food once your are full and after your real meal
that we eat is junk food instead of having. A
healthy breakfast Explanation: When you eat on an empty stomach it is
worse because your self-control is at its lowest so your
blood sugar is low, you are in a bad mood and your brain
isn't at its best.
Source: https://www.popsci.com/nutritionists-guide-to-

3. Eating because you're bored You need to find something to do which will waste your
time like playing sports, hanging out, sleeping, eating gum
or doing schoolwork

Explanation: Eating because of boredom can impact your

health like mobility problems, diabetes, diseases, obesity,
and others. Mostly when you eat because you're bored you
are not hearing your body because maybe you're not
Source: https://selecthealth.org/blog/2021/03/here-are-10-

4. Skipping meals Eat 3 full meals a day that contains, protein, vegetables,
carbohydrates and others
Explanation: It can cause stress, anger and hunger. Also,
skipping meals can cause the increase of cortisol in your
body and gain weight because it slows down your


5. Eating processed food Have a balanced diet, eat healthier and not getting junk
food constantly

Explanation: If you overeat processed food and don't

exercise or balance your foods you could get heart disease
and diabetes.

Source: harvard.eduhttps://www.hsph.harvard.edu ›

2. Hygiene and Disease Prevention

When you do this….. Do this instead….

1. I forget to wash my hands, before eating. This Washing hands before eating or at least put an
could improve because I know not washing antibacterial gel.
your hands can cause a lot of germs and
bacteria which could easily get into your body Explanation: Your hands contain a lot of bacteria,
while eating.
for example, gastrointestinal infections, such as
salmonellosis, and respiratory infections, such as
influenza, colds, and coronavirus

Source: Handwashing - Why it's important -

Better Health Channelbetterhealth.vic.gov.au
https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au › health ›

2. Biting my nails could improve because under Not biting nails, you could cut them short so you can't
the nails we have a lot of germs. bite them anymore or clean under the nails daily.

Explanation: If you bite your nails too much, you can

get teeth grinding, (dental problems) or the bacteria
you have lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain, it can
also give you bacterial or fungal infection or the cold
or flu.

Source:12 Bad Hygiene Habits You Didn't Know

You Hadcodinghero.aihttps://codinghero.ai › Blog

3. Not brushing teeth, not brushing teeth can lead HAVING GOOD HYGIENE, brushing teeth after every
to cavities or loss of teeth. meal, and going for checkups with the dentist.

Heart diseases can evolve, because the bacteria that cause
gum disease can enter the bloodstream and travel to the
heart, causing inflammation and potentially leading to
heart disease. Diabetes, and high blood sugar levels can
make gum disease worse, and gum disease can make it
harder to control blood sugar levels.

lovethatsmile.comhttps://lovethatsmile.com › 7-shoc...

4. Not showering every day. Everyone forgets Showering every day, if one day you don't shower the next
sometimes to shower and it is something that day.
could seriously improve because there are a lot
of risks. Explanation.- sweat and bacteria can mix and then sweat
can start to smell, acne can grow as well as dead skin,
your hair could get oily and you could get skiing conditions
among others.

bustle.comhttps://www.bustle.com › wellness

5. Eating boogers is just disgusting and it can Using a tissue to blow out your nose.
make you vulnerable to infections.
Explanation: you're putting yourself at risk of infection.
Because as your body digests the booger, it can
release those harmful pathogens into your system.

› Science › Tech

Active Lifestyle
When you do this….. Do this instead….

1. Leaving stuff for last minutes Put the work you have to do on your agenda and do it as
soon as you have free time.

Explanation.- If you do things at the last minute you will

make a lot more mistakes because you are stressed and
not concentrating on what you are supposed to be doing.


2. Multitasking, when you are not able to do it Do one thing at a time, with more caution and time.

Explanation- While you do a lot of things at once your

brain can get confused and can be switching constantly
from one task to another. You can make more mistakes
and get stressed because you aren't doing the work


3. Not spending time in the outdoors GO OUTSIDE, go with friends for a walk, or you for a run,
or even go for a coffee run.

Explanation.- You might begin to fall into depression, can

cause obesity, decrease the use of your senses, anxiety,

sesamecare.comhttps://sesamecare.com › blog › blog-

4. Watching movies instead of doing exercise. Set a limit on social media time and go out for a walk.

Moreover, potential health risks resulting from binge-
watching include developing behavioral addictions,
sleep problems, sedentary behaviors, and
psychological distress

nih.govhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles ›
5. Not talking with friends or family and ignoring Try to contact them so they can support you in everything
them. you need, call them at least 4 times a week, tell them the
things you need help with, etc.

Explanation.- We all need support sometimes when we

are going through a rough time so having someone to talk
to about it can lift some stress.


Restorative Sleep
When you do this….. Do this instead….

1. Lying awake in bed You can start writing something in a book or think of other
things with your eyes closed, also drinking something hot
and getting cozy
Explanation: You might have trouble sleeping later or
anxiety may occur.
Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-10-worst-

2. Sleepinhg somewhere to noisy Putting earplugs on or going to a place with less noise
Explanation: It disturbs your sleep and causes harmonic
diseases like depression or anxiety.

3. Staying up late watching your phone Try to not charge device in your room and prevent using it
before sleeping like 30-20 min before sleeping

Explanation: The blue light that comes out of your cell

phone can affect the hormones that control your sleep
Source: https://www.sclhealth.org/blog/2019/09/why-it-is-

4. Excersing before going up to bed Try not doing any physical activity one hour before
sleeping and just relax
Explanation: If you excercise before going to bed your
body doesn't have time to cool down meaning it can cause
difficulty sleeping like waking up constantly in the night.
Source: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/physical-

5. Taking long naps Do more activities throughout the day so you don't have
enough time to take naps and only sleep at night.
Explantion: You can get diabetes, depression and heart

Physical Fitness
When you do this….. Do this instead….

1. Not doing exercises correctly Ask an expert on how to do them to improve

Your muscles and joints go through a lot when you lift, and
if they aren't properly aligned, it can set off a series of
bodily events that lead to injury or discomfort

jackcityfitness.comhttps://jackcityfitness.com › why-having-

2. After going to the gym or doing sports eating Eating healthy, instead of eating junk food after doing
bad exercise, eat a salad or a good meal with protein.

Explanation.-Eating badly can be a very unhealthy thing to

do, especially after doing exercise when your body is
healthy. . Adults who eat a healthy diet live longer and
have a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2
diabetes, and certain cancers. Healthy eating can help
people with chronic diseases manage these conditions
and avoid complications.

3. Don't stretch or warm up you could get injured. Stretching before training and after

Explanation.- Not warming up or stretching properly can

lead to overexertion of muscles. Pushing yourself too hard
physically “can cause inflammation, leading to pain and

pacificsurgicalwa.comhttps://pacificsurgicalwa.com ›

4. Ignoring pain When you starte feeling pain ever if it minimum stop
whatever your doing and see why is it causing pain, and if
it continues go to the doctor
Explanation: When you start feeling pain, if you keep
doing exercise or playing that sport in pain it can get much
Source: https://www.corestrengthstudios.co.uk/4-times-

5. Never exercising Start by walking your dog, doing physical activities, going
to the gym and find a sport you enjoy
Explanation: It can cause obesity, heart attack,
disease,stroke, diabetes, depression and much more

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