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Aque, Mary Grace D.

Diaz, Glodycar P.

Pueblos, Richelle M.

Master of Science in Environmental Studies University of Eastern Philippines

University Town, Northern Samar


The Problem and Its Settings


Renewable energy technologies are making steady progress and new

opportunities are arising for the utilization of renewable energy resources due to the
increasing demand for energy and growing global environmental concerns. Solar
panels are photovoltaic devices that use light to create electricity. They are gaining
popularity as a renewable energy source, and their use is expected to increase as
the world seeks to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. It
is essential to understand how solar panels function and how to increase their
effectiveness to make them more efficient and cost-effective. This knowledge is
required to enhance the design and production of solar panels and increase their
usability by a wider range of consumers. Solar energy has the ability to completely
change how to produce and utilize electricity. It can lessen the reliance on non-
renewable energy sources and minimize the carbon footprint by harnessing the
power of the sun. However, in order to enjoy the benefits and advantages of solar
panels, everyone must be aware of their limitations and find solutions to the
problems posed by their integration into the energy system.

Hernandez (2014), states that in comparison to traditional energy

sources, solar energy systems offer substantial environmental advantages,
promoting the sustainable growth of human activities. However, the widespread
deployment of these technologies must deal with potential adverse environmental
consequences. For some consumers, these potential issues appear to represent an
important barrier to the continued adoption of these systems. Every energy
generation and transmission method affect the environment. As it is obvious
conventional generating options can damage air, climate, water, land and wildlife,
landscape, as well as raise the levels of harmful radiation. As their study indicates
they have a lot of potential as renewable energy sources, they still need to increase
in cost-effectiveness and efficiency. The advantages of solar panels are emphasized
by the authors, including how they lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy
security, and give rural locations access to electricity, but also highlight the need for
further research and development to address the challenges associated with its
integration into the energy system.

The NwSSU is searching for methods to reduce the expense and impact of
their activities on the environment. Utilizing solar energy to generate electricity for
the President's Building and in the College of Management is one practical
approach. The study assessed the environmental impacts using solar panels in
Northwest Samar State University, Calbayog City. Study of solar panels is crucial for
advancing renewable energy technologies and addressing the urgent need to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.


The study aimed to assess the environmental impacts of using solar panels in
Northwest Samar State University, Calbayog City.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Identify the potential social, economic and environmental impacts of solar

panel installations in the university.
2. Propose policy recommendations to Northwest Samar State University on the
implementation of solar panels.

Theoretical Framework

The study assessed the environmental impact using solar panels in Northwest
Samar State University is anchored in Republic Act 9513 otherwise known as the
Renewable Energy Act of 2008. This provides the legal framework for the
exploration, development, and utilization of renewable energy resources, including
solar energy. The Act aims to increase the utilization of renewable energy in the
Philippines, which can help reduce the country's dependence on imported fossil fuels
and promote energy security. The development and use of solar panels in the
university can contribute to the country's renewable energy goals and help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. The Act also provides fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to
promote the efficient and cost-effective commercial application of renewable energy,
which can benefit the university financially. The study can evaluate the potential
environmental impacts of solar panel installations in the university and identify
strategies to mitigate any negative impacts on local flora and fauna, land use
changes, and greenhouse gas emissions. The study can also assess the economic
and social benefits of using solar panels in the university, including cost savings and
job creation. This can also provide recommendations and guidelines for the
sustainable use of solar energy in the university, aligned with the Renewable Energy
Act of 2008.

The theory of metabolic rift can be used to assess the potential negative
environmental impacts of solar panel installations in the university. The theory
suggests that modernization and industrialization can lead to a fractured metabolic
relationship between humans and nature, resulting in ecological degradation. The
study can evaluate how solar panel installations may contribute to land use changes,
ecosystem disturbance, and other negative environmental impacts that can lead to a
metabolic rift.

The ecological modernization theory can be used to explore the potential

positive environmental impacts of solar panel installations in the university. The
theory suggests that societies in an advanced state of industrialization adopt
ecologically benign production technologies and policies, which can lead to more
sustainable and environmentally friendly economic development. The study can
evaluate how the adoption of solar energy technology in the university can contribute
to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promote more sustainable energy
practices. This can explore the conditions necessary for promoting renewable energy
technology adoption in both developing and developed regions. The adoption of
solar energy technology in the university can be examined in light of the social,
economic, and political factors that influence the adoption of renewable energy
technologies in different contexts.

Both theories can provide insight into the potential for promoting more
widespread adoption of solar energy technology and other renewable energy
sources. This can also provide recommendations for sustainable solar energy
practices based on the metabolic rift and ecological modernization theories. The
recommendations can be grounded in the principles of ecological modernization,
while also considering the potential negative impacts of solar panel installations on
local ecosystems and communities, as identified by the metabolic rift theory.

Significance of the Study

The study assessed the environmental impacts of using solar panels in

Northwest Samar State University, Calbayog City. Generally, the results of the study
will generate knowledge about impacts of solar panels. Furthermore, the following
are the primary beneficiaries of the conduct of the study.

Northwest Samar State University: The results of the study will provide
information on the environmental impacts and benefits of solar panels in the

Local Government Units: The study can provide valuable information to

government agencies responsible for energy policy and regulation, helping them to
develop policies that promote the use of renewable energy sources like solar power.

Energy Companies: The study can be relevant to energy companies that

produce or supply solar panels, as they can use the information to improve the
efficiency and sustainability of their products.

Educational Institutions: Other educational institutions can also benefit from

the study, as they can use the results to assess the feasibility of implementing solar
power systems in their own facilities.

Environmental Organizations: The study can be of interest to environmental

organizations that advocate for the adoption of clean energy technologies, as it can
provide evidence of the positive impact of using solar panels on the environment.

Local Communities: The study can also be significant for local communities,
as the use of solar power can reduce the carbon footprint of the university, and
therefore have a positive impact on the environment in the surrounding area.

Researcher: The study can serve as a reference material for future research
on the environmental impacts of solar panels, providing a basis for comparison or
further investigation.
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aimed to assess the environmental impacts of installed solar panels
in Northwest Samar State University in Calbayog City, Philippines. However, the
study has some limitations that must be taken into account. First, the study is
geographically limited to the university and will not cover other solar installations
within the city or the region. Second, the study will only cover a two-month period,
from April to May 2023. Third, the sample size is limited to the solar panels that are
installed in the premises of the institution. Fourth, the accuracy of the study is
dependent on the availability and quality of data collected from the university's solar
panels and other relevant sources. Fifth, the study will not evaluate the technical
aspects of solar panel installation and maintenance, such as panel efficiency or
maintenance requirements. Sixth, the study will not explore the cultural, and political
factors that may affect the adoption and use of solar panels within the university or
the local community. Therefore, these limitations were considered during the
interpretation of the results of the study.

Definition of Terms

The following are defined conceptually and operationally to facilitate the

understanding of the study by the readers.

Economic Impacts: Conceptually, economic impacts refer to any effect of an

activity or technology on the economy, including changes in production,
consumption, and distribution of goods and services. The economic impacts of using
solar panels may include changes in energy costs, employment, and government
revenues. Operationally, for this study, the economic impacts of using solar panels in
Northwest Samar State University will be assessed through cost-benefit analyses to
determine the financial benefits and costs associated with the installation and
maintenance of solar panels.

Energy Efficiency: Conceptually, energy efficiency refers to the ability of a

technology or system to produce more output with less input of energy. The energy
efficiency of using solar panels may include changes in the amount of energy
produced per unit of sunlight, as well as changes in the efficiency of electrical
devices powered by solar energy. Operationally, for this study, the energy efficiency
of using solar panels in Northwest Samar State University will be assessed through
measurements of the energy output of the solar panels and the electrical devices
powered by the solar energy.

Environmental Impacts: Conceptually, environmental impacts refer to any

effect of an activity or technology on the natural environment, including air, water,
soil, flora, fauna, and ecosystems. The environmental impacts of using solar panels
may include changes in land use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste
generation. Operationally, for this study, the environmental impacts of using solar
panels in Northwest Samar State University will be assessed using metrics such as
energy savings, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and changes in land use
and biodiversity.

Social Impacts: Conceptually, social impacts refer to any effect of an activity

or technology on human society, including changes in social structures, cultural
practices, and human health and well-being. The social impacts of using solar panels
may include changes in job opportunities, access to energy, and community
engagement. Operationally, for this study, the social impacts of using solar panels in
Northwest Samar State University will be assessed through surveys and interviews
with university staff, students, and community members to understand their
perceptions of the technology and its effects on their lives.

Solar Panel: Conceptually, a solar panel is a device that converts sunlight

into electrical energy by utilizing photovoltaic (PV) cells. It is a technology that allows
for the harnessing of clean and renewable energy from the sun to power various
electrical devices. Operationally, for the purposes of this study, solar panels refer
specifically to the PV panels installed within the premises of Northwest Samar State
University, Calbayog City, Philippines.

Related Literature

Solar energy is a type of renewable energy resource that is plentiful,

inconsumable, free, and safe. Furthermore, it is known for its simplicity and
effectiveness compared to other resources in addition to the evolving technology that
has led to a remarkable reduction in costs and promoted the use of solar energy.
The total contribution of solar energy is expected to reach 31% of total renewable
energy resources in 2030. The latest updated statistics in 2020 showed that the top
ten countries that contributed the most to the installation of solar energy projects
were China, the USA, Japan, Germany, India, Italy, Australia, Vietnam, the Republic
of Korea, and Spain. Solar energy is a lot cleaner when compared with conventional
energy sources. Solar energy systems have many significant advantages, like being
cheaper and not producing any pollutants during operation, and being almost an
infinite energy source when com-pared with fossil fuels. Nevertheless, solar energy
systems have some certain negative impacts on the environment just like any other
energy system (Chu and Meisen, 2011).

Solar Energy Systems (photovoltaics, solar thermal, solar power) provide

significant environmental benefits in comparison to the conventional energy sources,
thus contributing to the sustainable development of human activities. Sometimes
however, their wide scale deployment has to face potential negative environmental
implications. These potential problems seem to be a strong barrier for a further
dissemination of these systems in some consumers (Tsoutsos, Frantzeskaki, and
Gekas, 2005).

According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2012), the potential

environmental impacts associated with solar power—land use and habitat loss,
water use, and the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing—can vary greatly
depending on the technology, which includes two broad categories: photovoltaic
(PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP). Depending on their
location, larger utility-scale solar facilities can raise concerns about land degradation
and habitat loss. Total land area requirements vary depending on the technology, the
topography of the site, and the intensity of the solar resource. Estimates for utility-
scale PV systems range from 3.5 to 10 acres per megawatt, while estimates for CSP
facilities are between 4 and 16.5 acres per megawatt. Unlike wind facilities, there is
less opportunity for solar projects to share land with agricultural uses. However, land
impacts from utility-scale solar systems can be minimized by siting them at lower-
quality locations such as brownfields, abandoned mining land, or existing
transportation and transmission corridors.

The PV cell manufacturing process includes a number of hazardous

materials, most of which are used to clean and purify the semiconductor surface.
These chemicals, similar to those used in the general semiconductor industry,
include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, and acetone. The amount and type of chemicals used depends on
the type of cell, the amount of cleaning that is needed, and the size of silicon wafer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (2012).

In addition, Bhanu Mahajan (2012), mentioned that solar energy is increasing

in importance as an alternative energy source. It has become indispensable today
due to being an environmentally friendly and infinite energy source. But solar energy
systems have some impacts on the environment. These potential impacts depend on
the size and nature of the project and are site specific. Negative impacts of the solar
energy systems could be minimized with appropriate measures. Solar energy is
increasing in importance as an alternative energy source. It has become
indispensable today due to being an environmentally friendly and infinite energy
source. But solar energy systems have some impacts on the environment. These
potential impacts depend on the size and nature of the project and are site specific.

Related Studies

Energy is surely an important aspect of socio-economic development that

touches almost every sphere of human life, and an essential requirement for human
development. Improved household energy technologies for the very poor can
prevent almost 2 million deaths a year attributed to indoor air pollution from solid fuel
use WHO and UNDP (2009).
Photovoltaic solar energy is a renewable source that is generated from the
sunlight. Various studies have indicated different advantages solar energy has over
other sources. Photovoltaic solar energy is provided as free, needs no fuel and
produces no waste or pollution Virendra et al (2013). Photovoltaic solar electricity
seems and has proved to be the alternative way of electrification to the off-grid rural
areas where there is a limited supply of modern energy (electricity) hence hinder
development efforts in such communities

Despite being a benign energy system during operation, solar cells have
some negative impacts on the environment during their production phase like many
other systems. The energy needed for the production of solar energy systems is still
produced in conventional methods today. Some toxic chemical substances used
during the production phase are produced as a by-product. Solar cell batteries pose
a threat on natural resources by having a short lifespan and containing heavy metals
such as cadmium(Tsoutsos et al., 2005).

Matungwa 2014, reveals that solar electricity has proven to be a reliable

source of energy in the rural areas which are far from the national or main grid. It is a
perfect way of promoting development activities and creating opportunities for the
rural area dwellers. The people’s livelihood has been transformed in terms of lighting
their homesteads, creating opportunities such as employment for them and enabling
them to live the way they would like to live instead of relying on limited options.


Locale of the Study

This research was carried out at the president’s and College of Management’s
building of Northwest Samar State University, Main Campus Calbayog City, where
the solar panels were installed. It is a public university in the Philippines located in
Calbayog with an extension campus in San Jorge, Samar and the IOMD Campus
online. The university is mandated to provide advanced education, higher
technological, professional instruction and training in trade, fishery, agriculture,
science, education, commerce, engineering, forestry, nautical courses and other
related fields. It is also mandated to undertake research and extension services, and
provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.

The figure in the following page shows the map of Northwest Samar State
University (NwSSU) and the location of the study site that will be utilized in this
Location of the
Installed Solar

Location of
the Installed
Solar Panel

Figure I: Northwest Samar State University Map and the Study Site
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are composed of different personnel of the

university and have been classified in two groups:

a. Teaching Personnel are faculty that directly involved in teaching students, in

any level of instruction, on full-time and part-time basis.
b. Non-Teaching personnel are categorized as allied services personnel such as
planning officers, human resource management officers (HRMOs), records
officers, cashiers, budget officers, engineers, architects, school physicians,
legal officers, and other support personnel.

A total of 46 respondents were interviewed personally by the researchers

using a Likert-scale survey questionnaire. Research respondents are allowed by the
researchers to use pseudonyms in order to protect their identities.

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

Respondents f %

Teaching Personnel 35.40 76.62

Non-teaching Personnel 10.80 23.38

Total 46.20 100%

Research Design

The researchers made use of descriptive research design in the conduct of

the study. The approach was made based on the reviewed literature to identify the
environmental and economic impacts to be considered. This paper adopted a cradle
to grave approach to calculate the energy embedded using the solar panels. Thus,
the methodology began by reviewing some of the previously conducted studies, then
a set of sequential steps that included in defining the assumptions of this study, as
well as providing details about the solar panel system location, type, and
components. The researcher conducted an economic and social impact assessment
through a survey questionnaire administered to a sample of a specified

The descriptive method is used to determine the relationship between

variables. Lidico in Ary et al, (2010) stated that survey research has some purposes
those are; gathering opinion, beliefs, or perception about current issues from a large
number of people.

The survey questionnaire's collected data are described and analyzed for the
findings of the research. The respondents probed about the implications of utilizing
such technology as well as their perspectives and reasons for using solar panels.
The survey's findings are examined in order to assess the extent of its effects to the
environment, social and economic, then some probable recommendations are given.

Research Instrument

The survey questionnaire served as the main tool for evaluating the level of
awareness and the social, economic, and environmental impacts of solar panels in
the university. It was designed by the researchers and distributed to the respondents,
who provided their responses and comments. During the survey, researchers also
included additional questions beyond the ones already included in the survey. The
respondents used various scales to indicate their perceptions, simply marking a
checkbox that aligned with their perception level for each statement or indicator.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers were guided by the following guidelines in conducting the

case study:

The researchers made a formal letter, duly noted by the researcher’s adviser,
to ask permission in the conduct of the study through actual interviews to the
respondents of Northwest Samar State University.
A proper setting was chosen for the conduct of the interview. The purpose of
the interview was fully explained and the interviewee was assured of the
confidentiality of their responses. Moreover, the format of the interview and its
nature, purpose and its expectations and the timeframe are also explained. In order
to allow for a certain amount of flexibility and adaptability in gathering information
from the respondent, the interview was conducted in an informal, conversational
manner using a list of questions as a starting point. Questions were asked one at a
time, giving the interviewee plenty of time to ponder and respond. Finally, the
outcomes of the study are then based on an examination and analysis of all the
collected data.

Sampling Technique

In this study, a random sampling technique was employed. Random sampling

involves selecting participants from the population of interest in a random and
unbiased manner, ensuring that each individual has an equal chance of being
included in the study.

The use of random sampling helps to minimize selection bias and increase
the generalizability of the findings to the larger population. By randomly selecting
participants, the researchers were able to measure the perception of the
respondents on the potential social, economic and environmental impacts of solar
panel installation in Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU) allowing for more
accurate inferences and conclusions.

Statistical Treatment

All the data that were gathered in this study were treated by the following
statistical tools:

Mean value was used to measure the perception of the respondents on the
potential social, economic and environmental impacts of solar panel installation in
Northwest Samar State University. Finally, frequency and percentage distribution
was applied in getting the total sample of respondents for Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel of the university.

Results and Discussion

Table 2 revealed the responses from the respondents for each of the
questions in the survey questionnaire. The data gathered from the questionnaire was
used to obtain the results in this study. This questionnaire was administered to a
total of 46 respondents, both the teaching and non-teaching personnel.

Upon analyzing the data from the 46 respondents, it was revealed that
58.70% are well-aware of solar power generation technologies (question no.1, see
Appendix) while 19.57% are partially-aware. It suggests that a significant portion of
the population of Northwest Samar State University has a good understanding of
solar power and its associated technologies. This level of awareness is promising, as
it indicates that a majority of the participants are knowledgeable about solar energy.
63.04% of the participants are well aware that the university main campus is
currently using renewable energy sources such as solar panels in some of its
buildings (Question no. 3) because some of which are working in the usiversity
president`s office while only 22% are neutrally-informed. Most of the neutrally
informed participants are those teaching personnel form other department like part-
timer instructors. It is interesting to note that the majority of the participants are
aware about the university’s utilization of solar panels.

This implies that a high level of awareness about solar power generation
technologies can have several positive insinuations. It suggests that there is a solid
foundation for promoting the adoption and implementation of solar panels in the
university. With a well-informed population, there may be increased acceptance and
support for solar energy initiatives, which can lead to more widespread adoption of
solar panels in educational institutions.
Table 2
Awareness of Solar Panel Generation Technologies
Not Well
Item Aware
Aware Informed

1. Awareness on solar power generation technologies. 19.57% 21.74% 58.70%

2. Aware that Northwest Samar State University, main

campus, is currently using renewable energy sources such 17.39% 15.22% 63.04%
as solar panels in some of its buildings

The table 3 revealed that the current hindrance in installing solar energy
panels in the university is primarily attributed to the cost factor, which accounted for
71.74% of the responses. This finding suggests that the upfront investment required
for installing solar panels is a significant barrier for the school considering adopting
solar energy. The table shows that the top reasons for being interested in using solar
energy, specifically solar panels (no.9) which has 91.30% were; it would reduce
monthly electric bill, give more control over electricity usage and it would create a
local power supply for emergency situations. 86.6% responded “too expensive” as
the main factor that prevent them from installing solar panel in their homes. These
findings highlight the significant role of financial considerations, control over energy
usage, and energy security play in driving interest in solar energy, particularly solar
panels. Furthermore, 45.65% answers “no” and 19.57% answered “maybe” which
means that only few of the population experienced any energy disruptions or
outages since the installation of solar panels at the university. Thus, 60.87%
believed that solar panel installation in the university has a significant positive impact
on the local community and only 4.35% are not sure, this indicates that a majority of
participants recognized the potential benefits that solar panels can bring to the
surrounding community. And it is worth noting that only a small percentage of
respondents were unsure about the impact of solar panel installation on the local

The positive perception of the local community impact of solar panel

installations in Northwest Samar State University underscores the importance of
pursuing renewable energy initiatives. University and other stakeholders can
leverage this positive sentiment to garner support, secure funding, and build
partnerships for implementing solar energy projects. By involving the local
community in the planning and implementation process, universities can maximize
the benefits and ensure that the solar panel installations align with the community's
needs and aspirations.

Table 3
Social Impact of Using Solar Panels
Item Generated Results

Current hindrances in 15.22% = 10.87% = 2.17%

71.74% = 15.22% =
installing solar energy panels Insufficient Insufficient Distrust
Cost Difficulty in
in the university knowledge attention renewab
on updates energy

13.04% = 2.17%
Factors would prevent you 86.96% = 15.22% = Solar
Don’t want Don’t wa
from installing solar on your Expensive/ Don’t have a systems
to remove to maint
own home can’t afford good location are too
any trees it.

Experienced any energy

disruptions or outages since 45.65% = 30.43% = 19.57% =
- -
the installation of solar No Yes Maybe
panels at the university

13.04% =
60.87% = 21.74% =
Perceptions of the social No 4.35% =
Positive Positive
impact of the solar panel observable Increased
impact on impact on the -
installation at the university impact on expenses
the local local
the local observed
community community

The table 4 indicate that a significant majority of the respondents, specifically

93.48%, believe that the installation of solar panels in a few university buildings has
helped reduce electricity costs in some way. This indicates a positive perception
among the respondents regarding the impact of solar panels on reducing electricity
expenses. On the other hand, a smaller percentage, specifically 6.52% of the
respondents, are not sure about the impact of solar panels on electricity costs. This
group may have reservations or doubts regarding the effectiveness or significance of
solar panels in reducing expenses. 43.48% of the respondents disagree with
compromising on quality in favor of cost-effective solar products like solar panels.
This suggests that a significant portion of the respondents prioritize quality and are
not willing to sacrifice it even if it means using more cost-effective options. On the
other hand, 30.43% of the respondents agree to compromise on quality in favor of
cost-effective solar products. This indicates that there is a portion of the respondents
who prioritize cost-effectiveness and are willing to accept a potential decrease in
quality to achieve lower costs. In item 22, 45.65% of the respondents observed that
the installation of solar panels helped the university save money significantly. This
indicates that a substantial portion of the respondents perceive a significant impact
on the university's budget due to the installation of solar panels. It suggests that the
cost-saving benefits of solar panels are being recognized by a majority of the
respondents. On the other hand, only 10.87% of the respondents stated that there
was no observable impact on the university's budget. This suggests that a relatively
small percentage of respondents did not perceive any significant cost-saving benefits
from the installation of solar panels.
56.52% of the respondents observed some positive impact on the university's
finances due to the installation of solar panels. This indicates that a majority of the
respondents perceived at least some positive economic impact from the solar panel
installation at the university.
Additionally, 39.13% of the respondents specifically mentioned a significant
positive impact on the university's finances. This suggests that a significant portion of
the respondents recognized a substantial improvement in the university's financial
situation as a direct result of the solar panel installation.
Only 2.17% of the respondents indicated that there was no observable impact
on the university's finances. This implies that a small percentage of respondents did
not perceive any noticeable economic impact from the installation of solar panels.

Table 4
Economic Impact of Using Solar Panels
Item Generated Results

Believe that the installation of solar

panels in a few university buildings has 93.48% = 6.52% = Not
helped reduce electricity costs in any - -
Definitely Yes sure
Compromise on quality in favor of cost-
43.48% = No 30.43% = Yes 26.09 = Maybe -
effective solar products
45.65% = Yes, 10.87%=
significant 41.30% = No observable 0%
Installations of solar panels helped the Yes, some impact on the Incre
savings university’s
university save money savings expe
observed observed budget obse
56.52% = 39.13% = 2.17% =
Some positive Positive impact No observable
Perception of the economic impact of
impact on the on the impact on the 2.17
the solar panel installation at the university’s university’s university’s Not s
university finances finances finances
45.65% = 41.30% = 8.70% = No
Perception of the economic impact of 4.35
Some positive Positive impact observable
the solar panel installation on the local Not s
impact on the on the local impact on the
community economy
local economy local economy
The data presented in this study as reflected in table 5.1 provides valuable
insights into the motivations and interests of individuals considering the adoption of
solar energy, particularly through the use of solar panels. The high percentage of
respondents (91.30%) expressing interest in solar energy demonstrates a significant
appeal for this renewable energy source. One of the primary reasons for this interest
is the potential to reduce monthly electric bills, decrease electricity usage, and create
a reliable power supply for emergency situations. This finding suggests that financial
considerations play a crucial role in the decision to adopt solar energy. By
harnessing solar power, individuals can reduce their dependence on the traditional
energy grid, resulting in potential cost savings and increased energy security during
emergencies. Furthermore, the survey reveals a strong environmental
consciousness among respondents, with 86.96% expressing a desire to embrace
solar energy for its eco-friendly attributes and its ability to reduce their carbon
footprint. It also highlights a desire to decrease dependence on mainland energy
sources, with 80.43% of respondents identifying this as a motivating factor.
Additionally, a significant proportion of respondents (80.43%) perceive the adoption
of solar energy as the "right thing to do." This moral or ethical motivation suggests
that individuals view solar energy as a responsible choice aligned with their personal
values and a commitment to sustainable living.
The survey shows that 93.48% agree that it is very important for the university
to contribute towards clean energy by investing in renewable sources such as solar
and only 4.35% says its slightly important. Majority of respondents (84.78%)
identified the reduction of carbon emissions and the combat against climate change
as a significant value that brings to wildlife conservation. This finding reflects a
growing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional fossil fuel-based
energy sources and the urgent need to transition to cleaner alternatives. Another
notable value identified by a considerable portion of respondents (34.78%) is the
production of fewer toxic air pollutants compared to fossil fuels. This recognition
suggests that individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the detrimental health
effects associated with air pollution caused by traditional energy sources. A smaller
percentage of respondents (10.87%) expressed the value of solar energy in terms of
its minimal impact on habitat compared to fossil fuels. And a minority of respondents
(6.52%) recognized the value of solar energy in terms of water conservation
compared to fossil fuels. Traditional energy generation processes, such as those
using coal or natural gas, require substantial amounts of water for cooling and steam
Majority of the respondents suggests that reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions, preservation of natural resources, and improvement in air and water
quality are the main environmental benefits of using solar panels at Northwest
Samar State University, Calbayog City.

The table also provides insights into the perceptions regarding the impact of
solar panels on greenhouse gas emissions and the environment. The majority of
respondents (56.52%) believe that solar panels have a significant reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions. A substantial portion of respondents (30.43%)
acknowledged that solar panels have some reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
A smaller percentage of respondents (10.87%) expressed the opinion that there is no
observable impact on the environment regarding the installation of solar panels.
The interpretation of this data underscores the importance of raising
awareness and providing accurate information about the environmental benefits of
solar panels. The majority of respondents recognize the significant reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions associated with solar energy, indicating a general
understanding of its positive impact on climate change mitigation. However, there is
still a proportion of individuals who may require more information to fully grasp the
environmental benefits of solar panels.

Table 5.1
Environmental Impact of Using Solar Panels
Item Generated Results

91.30% = -
Reduce monthly 86.96% =
Reasons you would be 89.13% =
electric bill, Decrease
interested in using solar Environmentall 80.43% =
electricity usage dependence
energy such as solar y friendly and Right thing
& create power on mainland
panels reduce carbon to do
supply for energy
emergency sources

How important for the -

university to contribute 4.35% =
93.48% = Very 2.17% =
towards clean energy by Slightly -
important Neutral
investing in renewable important
sources such as solar

Value, if any, do you 6.52% = I don't t
84.78% = 34.78% = 10.87% =
think solar energy (i.e. Conserves solar en
Reduces carbon Produces Has less of
solar panels or solar PV) water brings m
emissions and fewer toxic air an impact on
brings to wildlife combats climate pollutants than
compared value
habitat than to fossil wildli
conservation change. fossil fuels. fossil fuels. fuels. conserv

What are the main 36.96% = 4.35% =

19.57% =
environmental benefits of Reduction in Improveme 4.35%
47.83% = All of Preservation
using solar panels at greenhouse nt in air None o
the above of natural
Northwest Samar State gas and water abov
University, Calbayog City emissions quality

Has the installation of 56.52% = Yes, 30.43% = -

solar panels positively 10.87% = No
significant Yes, some
observable 2.17% =
impacted the reduction in reduction in
greenhouse gas greenhouse
impact on the Not sure
environment environment
emissions gas emissions
Table 5.2 also shows the environmental impact using solar panels. It revealed
that 65.22% of the respondents noticed any specific environmental improvements in
the university or surrounding community since the implementation of solar panels
and a minority of the respondents (15.22) says they have not noticed any. The
responses indicate varied perceptions among individuals regarding the impact of
solar panels on air pollution levels. A significant portion of respondents (39.13%)
answered "yes" when asked if they noticed any reduction in air pollution since the
installation of solar panels. This suggests that a considerable number of individuals
have observed a positive change in air quality following the adoption of solar energy
at the university. On the other hand, a smaller percentage of respondents (23.91%)
answered "no," indicating that they have not noticed any reduction in air pollution.
Interestingly, a significant proportion of respondents (34.78%) answered "maybe"
when asked about the reduction of air pollution.
The data regarding the observation of any change in temperature or
microclimate around the solar panel installation site at Northwest Samar State
University in Calbayog City presents. A significant portion of respondents (34.78%)
answered "yes" when asked if they observed any change in temperature or
microclimate. In contrast, a slightly smaller percentage of respondents (32.61%)
answered "no," indicating that they have not observed any changes in temperature
or microclimate. This response suggests that a notable proportion of individuals have
not noticed any discernible alterations in the local climate as a result of the solar
panel installation. Table also shows that 23.91% of the respondents noticed some
impact on wildlife or biodiversity. This suggests that a subset of individuals observed
changes or disturbances in the natural environment surrounding the solar panel
installation site. On the other hand, the majority of respondents (52.17%) did not
notice any impact on wildlife or biodiversity. This suggests that a significant
proportion of individuals did not observe any discernible changes or disturbances to
the local flora and fauna resulting from the solar panel installation. The survey
provided and indicates a strong perception among respondents regarding the
positive impact of solar panel installation at Northwest Samar State University
(NwSSU) on the local environment. Majority of respondents (73.91%) believe that
the installation of solar panels has a positive impact on the environment, indicating a
widely held view that solar energy is beneficial for the surrounding ecosystem.
Conversely, a very small percentage of respondents (4.35%) disagreed with the
notion that the installation of solar panels has a positive impact on the local
environment. Same percentage of respondents believe that the use of solar panels
is a sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources in terms of environmental

Thus, the data reveals that a majority of respondents (60.87%) believe that
Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU) will continue investing in clean energy
over the next 5 years. This finding suggests a positive perception regarding the
university's commitment to sustainable practices and the pursuit of clean energy

Table 5.2
Environmental Impact of Using Solar Panels
Item Yes No Maybe
Have you noticed any specific environmental improvements in the 65.22% 15.22% 17.39%
university or surrounding community since the implementation of
solar panels
Noticed any reduction in air pollution since the installation of solar
panels at Northwest Samar State University, Calbayog City 39.13% 23.91% 34.78%
Observed any change in the temperature or microclimate around
the solar panel installation site in Northwest Samar State 34.78% 32.61% 30.43%
University, Calbayog City
Noticed any impact on the wildlife or biodiversity in the area
surrounding the solar panel installation site at NwSSU 23.91% 52.17% 21.74%
Think the installation of solar panels at NwSSU has a positive
73.91% 4.35% 19.57%
impact on the local environment
Believe that the use of solar panels is a sustainable alternative to
73.91% 4.35% 19.57%
traditional energy sources in terms of environmental impact
Think the university will continue investing in clean energy over
60.87% - 39.13%
the next 5 years?

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

Social Impact

The study implies that the social impact of using solar panels is substantial
and far-reaching, benefiting both individuals and communities. The widespread
adoption of solar panels, especially in Northwest Samar State University has several
key implications for society:

1. The use of solar panels in the university promotes environmental awareness

among students, faculties, staff and the wider community. By demonstrating the
practical application of renewable energy sources, solar panels raise awareness
about the importance of sustainable energy practices and inspire individuals to make
environmentally conscious choices.

2. Solar panels provide individuals and communities with greater energy

independence. By generating their own electricity, they are less reliant on centralized
energy systems and are better equipped to withstand power outages or disruptions.
This increased resilience enhances community self-sufficiency and reduces
vulnerability during emergencies.

3. Solar panels offer educational opportunities, particularly in schools and

educational institutions. They provide a tangible example of sustainable energy
solutions, allowing students to learn about renewable technologies and the
importance of environmental conservation. This education empowers individuals with
the knowledge and skills needed for a clean energy future.

4. Schools that utilize solar panels often become focal points for community
engagement. The presence of solar panels can spark interest and curiosity among
community members, leading to conversations about renewable energy and
sustainable practices. This engagement can extend beyond the school environment,
encouraging community-wide discussions and initiatives related to clean energy.

5. Schools that adopt solar energy demonstrate leadership in sustainability. They

become role models for other educational institutions and the broader community. By
showcasing the benefits and feasibility of solar power, schools inspire others to
consider and implement renewable energy solutions, leading to a positive ripple
effect within the community.

6. Solar panels contribute to improved air quality by reducing the reliance on fossil
fuels, which are associated with air pollution and negative health effects. Cleaner air
promotes better health outcomes, benefiting individuals and communities alike.
Thus, the social impact of using solar panels is significant, encompassing
environmental stewardship, energy independence, economic empowerment,
educational opportunities, community engagement, health benefits, and global
sustainability. By embracing solar energy, individuals and communities contribute to
a more sustainable and resilient society, paving the way for a brighter and cleaner

Economic Impact

The economic impact of using solar panels in the university is positive

and multi-faceted. Implementing solar panels on university campuses brings several
economic benefits:

1. Solar panels provide universities with an opportunity to reduce their electricity bills
significantly. By generating their own renewable energy, universities can offset a
significant portion of their electricity consumption from traditional energy sources.
This leads to immediate and long-term cost savings, allowing universities to allocate
their budget to other academic and operational needs.

2. While the initial installation cost of solar panels can be significant, they offer a
favorable return on investment over time. As energy prices continue to rise,
universities that invest in solar panels can lock in a fixed, predictable energy source
and reduce their dependence on the grid. This cost stability, coupled with potential
incentives and tax benefits, contributes to the financial viability of solar panel

3. Universities can generate revenue through solar energy initiatives. They can
explore opportunities such as selling excess electricity back to the grid through net
metering programs, participating in renewable energy certificate (REC) markets, or
entering into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with local utilities or off-site
renewable energy providers. These revenue streams can provide additional funding
for educational programs, research endeavors, or campus sustainability initiatives.

4. The installation of solar panels on university campuses creates educational and

research opportunities for students and faculty. It allows for hands-on learning
experiences, research projects, and the development of curricula focused on
renewable energy and sustainability. These initiatives enhance the educational
offerings of universities, attract prospective students, and contribute to academic

5. The solar energy sector is a growing industry, and universities can play a vital role
in preparing students for careers in renewable energy. By integrating solar panels
into their infrastructure, universities create opportunities for internships, research
positions, and workforce development programs related to solar energy
technologies. 6. This contributes to job creation, prepares students for the evolving
job market, and supports regional economic development.

7. University that prioritize sustainability and demonstrate a commitment to

renewable energy through solar panel installations enhance their reputation and
attract environmentally conscious students, faculty, and partners. This positive image
can lead to increased enrollment, collaborations with industry and government
entities, and philanthropic support.

Therefore, the economic impact of using solar panels in universities includes

cost savings, return on investment, revenue generation, educational and research
opportunities, job creation, economic development, and a strengthened sustainable
image. By embracing solar energy, Northwest Samar State University can reap
financial benefits while fostering a culture of sustainability and positioning
themselves as leaders in renewable energy innovation.

Overall, the findings of this study reinforce the notion that solar panels offer a
promising solution for reducing environmental impact and transitioning towards a
more sustainable energy future. However, it is crucial to continue monitoring and
improving the life cycle aspects of solar panels to ensure their long-term
environmental benefits and minimize any potential drawbacks.

Environmental Impact

1. The research revealed that the use of solar panels has a significant positive effect
on the environment. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power, which
reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. This finding
aligns with related studies highlighting the environmental benefits of solar energy.

2. As to the results it demonstrated that solar panels contribute to a substantial

reduction in carbon footprint compared to traditional energy sources. By harnessing
sunlight and converting it into electricity, solar panels help mitigate climate change
by decreasing the release of carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants into the

3. The research also indicated that the use of solar panels has a minimal impact on
resource depletion. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy relies on sunlight, which is
abundantly available and does not deplete natural resources. This aspect makes
solar panels a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for electricity

4. The study highlighted the importance of considering the entire lifecycle of solar
panels, including manufacturing, installation, and disposal. While solar panels have a
positive environmental impact during their operational phase, their production and
disposal may have some environmental implications, such as the energy and
materials required for manufacturing and the proper handling of waste materials.
Future research and technological advancements should focus on minimizing these
potential drawbacks.


Based on the findings and conclusion of the study the following

recommendations are presented by the researchers.

1. Northwest Samar State University should develop educational programs

focused on solar energy and renewable technologies. These programs can
include courses, workshops, and training opportunities for students, faculty,
and staff. By enhancing solar energy literacy, universities can create a
knowledgeable workforce and cultivate a culture of sustainability within their

2. Northwest Samar State University should establish mechanisms to track and

report their progress in adopting solar panels. This includes regularly
monitoring energy production, cost savings, carbon emissions reduction, and
educational outcomes related to solar energy initiatives. Transparent reporting
can showcase the benefits of solar panel installations, inspire other
universities, and hold institutions accountable for meeting their renewable
energy targets.

3. Northwest Samar State University should allocate resources and support

research and development initiatives focused on solar energy technologies.
These initiatives can facilitate advancements in solar panel efficiency, storage
technologies, and integration with smart grid systems. By promoting research
in solar energy, universities can contribute to the growth of the renewable
energy sector and drive technological innovation.

4. Northwest Samar State University should establish collaborative networks

with other educational institutions, research centers, and industry
stakeholders to share knowledge, best practices, and research findings
related to solar energy. Collaborations can accelerate the adoption of solar
panels by leveraging collective expertise, fostering collaboration, and
facilitating knowledge transfer.

5. Northwest Samar State University should integrate solar panel installations

into their long-term campus planning processes. This includes considering
solar energy requirements in infrastructure development, building design, and
renovation projects. By incorporating solar panels from the outset, universities
can optimize energy generation, reduce costs, and maximize the sustainability
impact of their campuses.
6. Governments and funding agencies should offer financial incentives, such as
grants, subsidies, or tax credits, to the universities for implementing solar
panel projects. These incentives can help offset the upfront costs associated
with solar installations and incentivize universities to embrace clean energy

7. Northwest Samar State University should establish renewable energy

mandates that require a certain percentage of their energy consumption to
come from renewable sources, including solar energy. This policy would make
a clear target and commitment to renewable energy, encouraging other
universities to invest in solar panel installations.

8. Governments and universities should actively seek partnerships with private

organizations, including renewable energy developers and investors. Public-
private partnerships can help universities access expertise, funding, and
resources necessary for successful solar panel projects. These partnerships
can foster innovation, enhance project viability, and accelerate the adoption of
solar panels on university campuses.

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Photovoltaic Solar Panels Located at the Photovoltaic Solar Panels at the Roof
Roof of University President’s Building of Food Technology’s Building

tion of Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Data Gathering through Interview using a Survey

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