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Brudrick Mica Dinglasan BS Social Work 2-1 SWK 1102

Chelsea Joy Ganan

Client Current Social Functioning Expected Social Roles

Jaime – 24 years old - Working as a construction worker, - He should be capable to provide
but cannot provide the needs of the the needs of his children because
family because of his salary is just he and his wife should do family
165 pesos per day makes it 2,475 planning, so that they can provide
per 15th day pay insufficient to the needs of their children
provide to his 4 children. - He should have been a supportive
- A father and a husband who lacks father and a husband to his wife.
support in his family not just in He should have been there with his
financial but also physically and wife she doesn’t know what to do
mentally. so that his wife won’t believe in
her own instincts
Lucy – 27 years old - As a mother, she is not capable to - It is her duty as a mother to attend
take care of the children because to the need of her children and not
of the lack of money to provide the just believe what the Priest told
medications for her children. her to do. It should be her main
- As wife who always seek for her priority to keep her children
husband’s help financially and a healthy.
housewife living with her family - She should have also seek for
beside the estero other’s help in taking care of her
children and ask on what should
she do in times of she had no
knowledge on what is the right
thing to do.
Jocelyn – 4 years old - A four year old child she should be - She should be attending pre-school
enrolled to a pre-school, but - If given a chance to study then,
because of poverty she can’t be she should study hard to help her
provided education. family
- A strong child who also tries to
overcome life.
Antonio – 1 ½ years old - A baby that is always sick and - He should be well taken care of his
cannot be provided the vitamins parents because as a baby he is
and medications vulnerable of diseases
- One of malnourished siblings - He might end up like his sibling if
who’s trying to survive despite of his parents continue to practice
poverty improper hygiene
Rosario – 1 year and 4 months old - The youngest of all the children - She should be a healthy baby
and the weakest of them all because as an infant she is
- Sadly, she didn’t get to experience vulnerable of all kinds of sickness
a lot of things and the vary - If she just had a proper medication
feelings of growing up for a reason and practiced to her a proper
that she died due to illness at such hygiene , she might overcome the
an early age. disease

How would the functions of social work be applied in this case. Specify concrete actions to be done? (10 points)
1. Curative
o The Social worker should check what are the needs of the Barangay Health Center in Malabon and if the health center is
incapable of proving the needs of baby Rosario. She should be brought not to a private hospital because it would only cause
the family to be in debt. She should have brought the to San Lorenzo Ruiz Hospital or Hospital ng Malabon which are public
o The social worker should also conduct counselling to Lucy because of her problems. She is also incapable of thinking what
could be the best solutions for her children
2. Preventive
- The social worker should say to Lucy that Jocelyn should be on a public day care, so that she would be also taught of the basic
lessons on how to take care of herself and that of basic lessons that could help her of her everyday life

What are the possible methods of social work to be used in this case? Briefly explain why (5 points)

1. Social Case Work

This would be one of the best methods for this would be based on one to one relationship. A method is well
Understood to be an orderly way of procedure and therefore it is always carried out towards achievement of a specific aim.
This method would help the social worker to understand what is the bottom-line or the pin point of the case where it started.
The social worker would talk to all the people that was involved from the parents of Rosario to the nurses and doctors that
assisted her during her consultation in the Barangay Health Center and to the Pharmacist that Lucy bought medications from
and also to the Medical Workers that assisted her at the hospital. All of those people should be interviewed to know what really
happened to the case of Rosario.

2. Social Group Work

It is another method of Social Work that aims to help the individuals of social group by a professionally qualified worker. The
social worker can come up with planned program activities that can help the people from Malabon to enhance their social
relationship through interaction and to find growth opportunities in accordance with their needs and capacities. With this
method, it will help the community as a whole to develop through the group work process to improve their relationship and
personality traits.

3. Community Organization

This method is also important to help the people of Malabon for it aims to assess the community needs by identifying
problems, finding resources that is relevant to their needs, and planning the effective program activities. The community
should be cooperative in collaborating with each other for their own development.

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