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Title: Unlocking the Complexity: Understanding the Objectives of Conducting Literature Review

Embarking on a literature review can often feel like navigating a labyrinth of scholarly texts and
academic papers. It's a vital aspect of academic research, but its complexity can be daunting. So,
what exactly are the objectives of conducting a literature review?

1. Understanding the Landscape: One of the primary goals of a literature review is to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the existing body of knowledge related to your research
topic. By delving into past studies, you can identify key themes, theories, and methodologies
that have shaped the discourse in your field.
2. Identifying Gaps: Through a thorough examination of existing literature, researchers can
pinpoint gaps or areas where further investigation is needed. These gaps could arise from
contradictory findings, overlooked perspectives, or emerging trends that warrant exploration.
3. Evaluating Methodologies: Literature reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the
methodologies employed in previous studies. By critically assessing the strengths and
limitations of different approaches, researchers can make informed decisions about the
methods they will use in their own research.
4. Establishing Relevance: Another objective of a literature review is to establish the relevance
of your research within the broader academic context. By synthesizing existing knowledge
and highlighting its implications, researchers can demonstrate the significance of their work
and its potential contributions to the field.
5. Informing Hypotheses and Research Questions: Literature reviews play a crucial role in
shaping research hypotheses and refining research questions. By examining existing theories
and empirical findings, researchers can develop hypotheses that build upon previous insights
or challenge existing assumptions.
6. Guiding the Research Process: Finally, a literature review serves as a roadmap for the
research process, guiding researchers as they design their studies, collect data, and interpret
their findings. By grounding their work in existing literature, researchers can ensure that their
research is both rigorous and relevant.

Navigating the intricacies of a literature review can be challenging, but help is available. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the complexities of academic research and offer expert assistance
to researchers at every stage of the process. Our team of experienced writers can help you craft a
literature review that meets the highest standards of scholarship, ensuring that your research makes a
meaningful contribution to your field.
Just as with other methodological choices, the authors of literature reviews are free to frame their
central research questions more narrowly or widely, and thus, have discretion about what should be
included in or excluded from the review sample ( Hiebl, 2021 ). I mention this “well-read scholar”
aphorism to pinpoint that to create an original contribution with a review article, the author must
tease out something that cannot be read from all the individual research items but that only emerges
from a thorough cross-reading and analysis of the entire review sample. While excellent books on
conducting literature reviews in general have been written ( Booth et al., 2021; Jesson et al., 2011 ),
including some that emphasize the social sciences ( Petticrew and Roberts, 2012 ), in this paper I
tried to highlight several important choices that authors can make when crafting literature reviews of
qualitative accounting research. Of course, they may still be useful in helping you justify your topic,
so they’ll likely have a place somewhere in your dissertation or thesis. For new qualitative
researchers, it often seems that the researcher should totally concentrate on the dual process of data
collection and data analysis. In addition, we did not originally intend this review to analyze whether
these existing research findings fit into predefined theoretical categories. By contrast, as illustrated
by Hoon and Baluch (2020), the second route for creating a contribution from a literature review
lies in the identification of similar theoretical thinking within a domain, even if the important parts
of that strand of the literature would not have identified or exploited such similarities before. These
choices guide the later process of crafting a review of qualitative accounting research, which is
detailed in Section 3. Thomson’s study in social Problem (1982) lists many problems created by
sexual. Step 1: Critique Individual Articles First, look for shortcomings in each individual article. In
addition, I offered ideas for reducing overly long lists of potentially relevant research items to a
manageable review sample. In such situations, evidence-based reviews that are not (mis-)guided by
existing theory may help discover theory ( Adams et al., 2017 ). The integration of different strands
of the literature resting on different theoretical paradigms may, however, be hampered if the review
examines the phenomenon in question from a predefined theoretical viewpoint only, a practice
sometimes observed in qualitative accounting research. This problem may be rooted in the initially
chosen topic for review or the research question(s), which may simply be too broad to be answered
by the literature review, especially if the authors want to publish it as a standalone paper, and thus,
need to comply with typical page length restrictions for journal articles. Terminology Literature
review format Literature review topics and subtopics Locating literature review sources Choosing
appropriate sources Your opinion Bibliography format. The research question can come from the list
of “suggestions for future work” at the end of a paper you have found interesting. Dissertation
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scratch, we’ll get you covered. Writing and reviewing the Literature is the key for doing the ends of
each academic and even other guidelines problem and others. However, given the general nature of
the work by Massaro et al. (2016), it cannot delve into all the strands of accounting research. Why
qualitative research in the health professions. We recommend leaving some room for possible
revisions so that you can get an ideal paper within the shortest time possible. Extensive snowballing
and exchange with experienced authors in the field ( Hiebl, 2021 ) might, thus, be especially
relevant to reviews of qualitative accounting research. I hope that this paper will at least offer some
assistance in these endeavors. I will advice my colleague students more especially first time thesis
writers to make good use of this course. Common problems coming up with a research question
include: Deciding about the research area among a range of issues that are heeded in your field of
interest Not capable of pointing toward any interesting area or topic sufficient to focus a major piece
of work on Knowing about the area you want to concentrate on (e.g. emergency), but not a certain
topic Knowing what area and topic is specifically difficult to articulate a clear question. Moreover, I
ordered three times, and all my assignments were done well. Greenhalgh and Peacock, 2005; Hiebl,
2021; Webster and Watson, 2002 ). The main reason is that most of the time the students end up
writing a literature review that is just a summary. It’s explained in simple, plain grammar and you will
greatly appreciate it. Thanks. A lot. This was excellent. I really enjoyed it. Again, it’s completely
natural to do a little extra reading as thoughts crop up during the writing process, but you should
complete your core reading before you start writing. Many researchers neglect to gain this
knowledge because they are not aware of the qualitative inquiry complexities which make them go
This is incorrect. A good literature review needs to go beyond just describing all the relevant
literature. Lukka and Vinnari (2014) further note that a “method theory offers a vocabulary and
syntax, often also substantive propositions, which are, at least with adaptations, applicable to another
disciplinary domain” (p. 1312), such as accounting research. Identifying the research problem and
forming the research question are some of the initial challenges that researchers encounter in the early
stages of a qualitative research project. Sometimes lack of planning and inadequate attention paid to
the properness of the selected approach considering the purpose of research will be problematic.
Materials and Methods: This article describes the practical challenges of using qualitative inquiry in
the field of health and the challenges of performing an interpretive research based on professional
experience as a qualitative researcher and on available literature. Of course, they may still be useful
in helping you justify your topic, so they’ll likely have a place somewhere in your dissertation or
thesis. Further examples of use case (ii) that have mostly focused on qualitative accounting research
are reviews of the use of Gidden’s structuration theory in accounting research ( Englund et al., 2011;
Englund and Gerdin, 2014 ) and reviews of accounting research drawing on the concepts of
institutional work ( Modell, 2022a ), institutional theory ( Modell, 2022b ) and institutional logics (
Damayanthi and Gooneratne, 2017 ). You can forget about worries and uncertain results with our
experts. A clear and focused research question is articulated and used to conduct further analysis and
any future literature reviews necessary for the final write-up. Literature reviews of qualitative
accounting research: challenges and While the typical process steps in conducting a literature review
can be described and classified in several ways (Massaro et al., 2016; Moher et al.,. Section 4 then
details three specific challenges faced when conducting literature reviews of qualitative accounting
research and potential ways to overcome these barriers based on my personal. How do I negotiate
power relations and complexities. So, as you work through your literature review, always circle back
to your research aims, objective and research questions and use them as a litmus test for article
relevance. The most significant difference between traditional and systematic reviews could be that
systematic reviews follow a clear review protocol that defines the inclusion and exclusion criteria for
the research items to be included in the review and transparently report how the literature was
searched and selected. Use this list as your personal literature review writing help, as it will assist
you in avoiding significant pitfalls related to this part of the research and writing process. He
researches evidence synthesis methodology and conducts systematic reviews and maps in the field
of sustainability and environmental science. This is not to say that the reviewers or we were wrong;
we just started from different epistemological positions. To make matters worse, at least for junior
scholars entering the field, the hurdle rate for publishing standalone review papers in accounting
journals has risen recently. However, it’s (generally) unlikely to be as academically sound (i.e., well-
researched, objective and scientific) as a journal article, so you need to be a lot more sceptical when
considering this content and make sure that it has a strong, well-reasoned foundation. It is worth
knowing that some of the details of a qualitative research project cannot be ascertained in advance
and may be specified as they arise during the research process. All the work should be used in
accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Unlike the first two use cases, use case
(iii) reviews are rarely informed by a specific theory and are naturally bound to the specific method
adopted by the research items in the review sample. If an article meets one or more of these
objectives, then it’s worth citing, and it achieves your literature review goal. Identify the most
important research that has already been done in the area. My above example ( Ndemewah and
Hiebl, 2022 ) probably falls into the anomalies camp, as large parts of the literature we covered
shared epistemological positions that clearly differed from what is usually considered to be
mainstream accounting research (i.e. quantitative research primarily based on archival data and
carrying a positivist worldview), rendering most research in the domain we covered as featuring
abnormal epistemological positions compared with mainstream accounting research. At the same
time, covering qualitative research in reviews of accounting research is probably more relevant than
in many other fields of business research, as quantitative and qualitative methods are applied more
evenly in accounting research, especially in Australia, Europe and several emerging countries (
Hopper and Bui, 2016; Hopper et al., 2009; Massaro et al., 2016; Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ).
When I critique a study, I like to pretend that I’m a consultant. Based on my experience, novice
researchers have some problems finding the right topics in their field of interest because they do not
perform a broad literature review to find the gaps and problems suitable to be investigated. Write the
review Thompson Writing Studio This link opens in a new window Need to write a systematic
review. This lower variability also pertains to the papers to be included in use case (ii) reviews. Can
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Regardless of which use case is pursued, my experience of crafting, supervising and reviewing
literature reviews is that authors usually decide upfront which use case to follow because all three
use cases usually lead authors in different directions. When you use the literature to expand your
academic knowledge, you build a broad, conversational understanding. By contrast, all the examples
of use case (ii) reviews noted above ( Damayanthi and Gooneratne, 2017; Englund et al., 2011;
Englund and Gerdin, 2014; Modell, 2022a, 2022b ) are (co-)authored by senior scholars. Beyond
this, it also organizes and assesses the crucial points. And you’ll design a project to answer that
research question. You hunt for the text that achieves those objectives. However, all defects and
challenges of qualitative research should be realized rather than discarded as a compelling way to
knowledge structure. I recommend reviewing two articles each day. No more. No less. When you
finish those two reviews, pat yourself on the back. So, as you work through your literature review,
always circle back to your research aims, objective and research questions and use them as a litmus
test for article relevance. Any references cited in the literature review must be. In any case, it seems
hard to decide whether a literature review should be more theory-led or more evidence-based before
a full analysis of the review sample. Sometimes their field of interest is different from that of their
supervisors or there are no experts to help them in this regard. Possible solution: When choosing
sources, it is recommended, first of all, to rely on some more extensive fundamental source in which
the selected topic is considered, and move further in the direction from general to particular — from
necessary provisions to more specific ones. By doing this, you’ll achieve a comprehensive literature
base that is both well-rooted in tried and tested theory and current. It has also been the key to all
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Disposal If you need any assistance with methodology, hypothesis, introduction, conclusion
proposal, results of a dissertation, or help with writing a dissertation from scratch, we’ll get you
covered. Drafting - Putting your ideas and thoughts together. In plain words, a good qualitative
research question implicates particular phrasing, whereas the order of words should make the topic of
interest amenable to the qualitative quest. Unlike the other two use cases, the methodological
choices taken are often more of interest to the review authors than the findings of the papers for use
case (iii) reviews. You can choose among such services as writing your academic paper, paraphrasing
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specific software assignments, or multiple-choice questions. As detailed below, such domain theory
reviews can include either research items from only accounting journals or content from other
sources; they may or may not be informed by a guiding theory and may include both qualitative and
nonqualitative empirical papers. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be
published. Federal government websites often end Before sharing sensitive
information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. A literature review involves the
systematic identification, location, scrutiny, and summary of written materials that contain
information on a research problem. A strong literature review is a balanced one, with a mix of
different perspectives and findings that give the reader a clear view of the current state of
knowledge. Qualitative and quantitative strategies should be seen as complementary rather than
being thought of as incompatible. Moreover, you can search for some verifiable gaps through
literature review, or based on your personal or professional experience and expert opinion, which
should be studied. Stage 4 Editing. Stage 4: Editing. Editing is proofreading.
Recognizing the constraints that researchers can sometimes feel when attempting to plan, conduct
and publish rigorous and comprehensive evidence syntheses, we aim here to identify major pitfalls in
the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews, making use of recent examples from across the
field. The literature review sections of doctoral theses are often geared toward the domain of
accounting research in which the thesis is positioned, and thus, use case (i) ( Batt, 2020; Braumann,
2017; Lohlein, 2015; Weigel, 2020 ), although exceptions do exist, including those more geared
toward the method theories applied in accounting research, and thus, use case (ii) ( Janka, 2019 ).
Sometimes lack of planning and inadequate attention paid to the properness of the selected approach
considering the purpose of research will be problematic. Then list your most important criticisms.
And drop those criticisms at the end of the note-taking template, in the Impressions section. In a
short review of literature, no questions or objectives in terms of research and policies making can be
effectively done or answered. For instance, the European Accounting Review, a well-regarded
accounting journal according to most rankings, has recently published a special review issue.
Likewise, my experience of publishing several review papers in accounting journals tells me that
crafting reviews that primarily cover qualitative accounting research comes with its challenges. In our
recent paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution, we highlight 8 common problems with traditional
literature review methods, provide examples for each from the field of environmental management
and ecology, and provide practical solutions for ways to mitigate them. Indeed, some reviewers and
editors recommended only using articles published in accounting journals even though the literature
review’s guiding research questions or objectives did not include any focus on research only
published in accounting journals. A Proficient Resume Writing Service In case you want your
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experts. According to Foss (2017): the review of literature is structured to familiarize the readers to
find the keys from various studies. This is why qualitative research is usually cyclic rather than linear.
However, we could not convince the editor or the reviewers with this approach. When applied to
reviews of qualitative accounting research, this has the advantage that authors only need to consider
research published in a predefined group of accounting journals. Just as with use case (ii), this
observation may indicate that to conduct such methodology-oriented reviews, authors might benefit
from having practical experience of a certain method to provide authentic recommendations for its
future application in accounting research. All too often, students think that a literature review is
simply a summary of what each researcher has said. Demonstrate your familiarity with existing
knowledge in the field Direct readers to other literature of interest. Cascade Tank Village System
and identification of novel post graduate researc. Thus, forming the research question in a proper
way and selecting appropriate methodology can guarantee original, interesting, and applied
knowledge, which at least can increase our understanding about the meaning of certain conditions
for professionals and patients and how their relationships are built in a particular social context.
Video Capsule Enteroscopy in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease: A multicenter Study. It’s difficult to
know—but at least you’re asking the right questions. In addition, even when the methodology of the
reviews is valid, there are often issues with what constitutes a good contribution. While empirical
accounting research papers that adopt the same kind of theory may be based on various research
methods, many use case (ii) literature reviews ( Damayanthi and Gooneratne, 2017; Englund et al.,
2011; Englund and Gerdin, 2014; Modell, 2022a, 2022b ) are exclusively based on qualitative
empirical accounting research, which does not come with the potential challenge of bridging the
underlying research paradigms of the research items in the review sample. As with any other source,
be wary of any government website that seems to be pushing an agenda. Often, instructors assign a
specific topic or provide some structure for your writing project. Despite potentially resting on an
incomplete review sample, I still managed to tease out novel contributions. If we exclude it from our
notes, how will we ever find it again. All these reviews have focused on a certain substantive topic
within accounting research or, in the words of Lukka and Vinnari (2014), a certain domain of
accounting research. Method-slurring is another common problem, which means the act of blurring
distinctions between qualitative approaches. You want to check it off your to-do list ASAP so you
can put it behind you.
The victims of sexual harassment suffer a range of consequences, from lowered. One specific way to
consider the contribution of a review paper is to step into the shoes of a well-read scholar in the
domain, theory or method covered by the literature review. I cannot use them to quickly answer the
five literature review objectives. However, all defects and challenges of qualitative research should
be realized rather than discarded as a compelling way to knowledge structure. Types of reviews 1.
Define your research question 2. From a cross-analysis of the research items included in my review
sample, I produced three ways in which management accounting instruments may play a role in the
theoretical paradox in question. Insights from real-life experiences in conducting qualitative research
in health reveal these issues. Likewise, the findings of qualitative accounting studies might be read
with a different theory than originally intended by the authors ( Huber, 2022 ). While, in the final
version of a literature review, all these choices may be presented as resulting from a straightforward
process, I also tried to highlight in Section 4 that just like most empirical research papers, literature
reviews include a great deal of discretion on the authors’ side. Nonetheless, thanks to many
supportive editors and reviewers, I think that I have a better understanding now than some years
ago. While Locke and Golden-Biddle (1997) analytically separate these three advantages of
scholarly engagement with the prior literature, it seems fair to assume that a literature review must
achieve at least one of these advantages and may pertain to several at the same time. For this reason,
Andiola et al. (2017) highlight specific challenges when reviewing behavioral accounting research. A
qualitative researcher will have the chance of discovering the “significant truths” in the lives of
people. Step 3: Combine the weaknesses Okay, you’ve identified a few pervasive
weaknesses—great. Relatedly, accounting researchers may discuss the same or a similar empirical
phenomenon using a set of different terms and language. Point out overall trends in what has been
published about the topic. You critique the literature, categorize it, and wrestle with it. Another
example is the review by Wolf et al. (2020), who review the literature on the roles and identities of
management accountants and conclude that this research strand has not yet made sufficient use of
the “identity concept” (p. 312). A literature review may find that a certain strand of the literature is
incommensurate in that it has not only overlooked certain perspectives or theories (as in the
“inadequate” category above) but also made claims that are just wrong. Identifying the problem,
forming the question, and selecting an appropriate methodology and design are some of the initial
challenges that researchers encounter in the early stages of any research project. Materials and
Methods: This article describes the practical challenges of using qualitative inquiry in the field of
health and the challenges of performing an interpretive research based on professional experience as
a qualitative researcher and on available literature. Browse and manage your votes from your
Member Profile Page Written by Virily Editor One comment. As visually summarized in Figure 1, all
these choices inform the remainder of the review process, which is portrayed in general terms in
Section 3. And settle into a rhythm that you can sustain for several weeks. Cascade Tank Village
System and identification of novel post graduate researc. Our main aim is to show your reader (your
tutor) that you have read, and have a best grasp of, the main published work concerning a particular
topic or question in your field. This will give you a clear picture of what a high-quality literature
review looks like and hopefully provide some inspiration for your own. There are several actions that
could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or
malformed data. Therefore, relevant content is the relatively narrow body of content that relates
directly to those three components. Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page
Written by Virily Editor One comment. Hence, researchers should not only pay special attention
toward developing a significant and relevant question, but also formulate it properly.
This is why qualitative research is usually cyclic rather than linear. They are useful to explore the
meanings of social phenomena as experienced by individuals in their natural context. When
considering books, try to focus on those that are published by academic publishers, for example,
Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press and Routledge. How to Identify the Research
Gap While Writing a PhD Dissertation Literature. Therefore, to make the literature look appealing,
they need to know some of the methods that can help them improve their review. However, this term
is variable depending on the number of pages and the kind of paper provided. So, as you work
through your literature review, always circle back to your research aims, objective and research
questions and use them as a litmus test for article relevance. Such insights may, in turn, provide the
basis for creating an original contribution from a standalone review paper, which is an important
challenge discussed in Section 4.3. 4.2.2 Inclusion of research items from accounting journals and
other fields. Qualitative researchers pursue a holistic and exclusive perspective. A Proficient Resume
Writing Service In case you want your resume and cover letter to draw attention and make a positive
impression, you can fully rely on our experts. Foss, Sonja K. Rhetorical criticism: Exploration and
practice. In my paper, most of the research items rested on other strands of institutional theory, and
thus, shared similarities in terms of terminology and focal phenomena with the theoretical paradigm
on which I focused (i.e. embedded agency). Still, even when the originally adopted theories and
“new” theory adopted for reexamining the selected research items are sufficiently close, this strategy
still comes with the risk of misinterpreting earlier research findings. However, we could not convince
the editor or the reviewers with this approach. But excellent research questions are not easy to write
at all. Relatedly, accounting researchers may discuss the same or a similar empirical phenomenon
using a set of different terms and language. Journal expectations now typically go beyond a
summary and synthesis of prior research on a topic, as suggested in the definition of literature
reviews presented earlier by Andiola et al. (2017). This is not to criticize this definition but only to
pinpoint that for a standalone review article to be published in a well-regarded accounting journal, it
now needs more than a sound summary and synthesis. I mention this “well-read scholar” aphorism to
pinpoint that to create an original contribution with a review article, the author must tease out
something that cannot be read from all the individual research items but that only emerges from a
thorough cross-reading and analysis of the entire review sample. Do you write from the top of your
head or do you gather information and outline your ideas first. In academic writing, if you fail to
reference a source, you are effectively claiming the work as your own, which equates to plagiarism. I
tried to point out that the comprehensiveness of review samples in reviews of qualitative accounting
research cannot be definitively judged in most cases; rather, such reviews may benefit from an
openness toward relevant research conducted and published in other research disciplines. Secondly,
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potential benefit of this theory-led approach is that an alternative theory may be suggested, and the
current state of the field may be portrayed as inadequate or even incommensurate, as detailed in
Section 2. If you have any questions related to college essay writing, you can always rely on our
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you can find out who is on the review panel, and include their work in the literature review and
bibliography. They conclude that most prior studies in this field have exclusively contributed to the
domain of management accounting research, with only a small fraction contributing to actor network
theory more generally. The literature reviews are containing the strong foundation of investigation,
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