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Programme Title BSc/FdSc Health and Social Care

Module Title Contemporary Research for Enquiry

Module Code 1867

ASSIGNMENT TITLE Research Proposal Presentation

Level 5

Weighting 100%

Lecturers Sunny Mehan; Adeena Khatoon Ellahi

W/C Hand Out Date 02/10/2023

Due Date By 17:00 on 09/01/2024

Feedback Post Date 06/02/2024


Essay/Report Format Other (please state in "Assignment Task" below)

Assignment Word Count N/A

Submission Format e-Submission Individual

Permitted use of Artificial

Artificial Intelligence can ONLY be used as per the formal UCB
Intelligence within this
guidance (see UCB’s guidance on the next page)

You are required to present a 15-minute research proposal based on a contemporary topic choice related to
the Health and Social Care field. Students are able to choose from either a face-to-face presentation or a
narrated Powerpoint. Other modalities may be considered, but this would need to be agreed with the module
leader beforehand.

The resultant presentation should include:

 A research question
 A brief introduction and rationale for your topic choice.
 One research aim and four objectives.
 Details of your approach for acquiring information related to your secondary research.
 An outline of the key themes and ideas derived from your secondary research which are relevant to the
research aim.
 A proposed method of data collection
 A consideration of ethics
 A proposed method of data analysis
 Conclusions and reflections


The students will be offered a choice of presentation format. A choice of face-to-face presentations or a
recorded narrated Powerpoint will be offered. Other formats will need to be agreed with the module
leader beforehand. All students will be required to submit their presentation as a document on Canvas,
along with an academic reference list.

● Suggested structure of the Presentation

● Research Question
This concisely determines what you want to find out.
● Introduction
Introduction to the subject.
● Rationale
Why your topic is important to research.
● Aim and Objectives
One research aim and four objectives. This clarifies what you would do to carry out the research.
● The approach to secondary research
The decisions you made about how and why you obtained the secondary research related to your topic
included in the literature section (e.g. - inclusion and exclusion criteria).
● Key themes in the literature
The key themes and ideas derived from your secondary research that relate to your topic/aim.
● The Chosen Method
For collecting data (a justification on why your chosen method is appropriate).
● The Sample
Identify who your sample is, how many would be in the sample, which sampling system you would use
and why.
● Ethical issues
Permission required, potential ethical issues considered and an explanation of how your sample will be
made aware of the purpose of their contribution.
● The Pilot
Brief discussion of the piloting process within research.
● Data presentation and analysis
Consideration of the type of data produced and how this would be analysed. Evaluation of different
types of analyses to best fit the research.
● Conclusions and Reflections

● Appendices
Inclusion and Exclusion table and any other supporting information/tables

Module Assessment Guidance

1. It is advised that you use the headings outlined above.

2. Please remember that this is an academic piece of work. Therefore, it is important that you reference
your work correctly using UCB academic writing conventions.

3. Please ensure that you carry out a grammar/spell check on your work – you will lose marks for poor
communication skills.

4. A Literature Matrix may help you, but it is not essential to include one for this presentation.

5. You are to present your aim and objectives, and key themes to your tutor during class time before you
go ahead with your presentation.


● Formulation of appropriate aims, objectives and understanding of contemporary health and social care
issues – 20%
● Demonstrate your ability to justify your area of interest by considering previous research and gap in
knowledge. Showcase your ability to present secondary literature in order to present gaps in
knowledge – 30%
● Structure of the presentation – 10%

● Evaluation of research methods and an appropriate selection based on the evidence presented – 20%

● Proposed data analysis, conclusion and evaluation – 10%

● Referencing in accordance to the duration of the presentation, the level of study and in line with the
UCB referencing guide – 10%

All marking will be carried out in accordance with UCB level 5 Grading Criteria

● This assignment will require you to submit your work by uploading a document in Word or PDF format
to Canvas. Please follow this online guide on document submissions and contact the DICE team on if you need any further support.

1. Formulate an appropriate research aim with objectives and a justification for the research.

2. Review secondary literature on a chosen topic

3. Explain the research process including methods and analysis

● The skills outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here.


Using Artificial Intelligence Please read the guidance attached within this link on how to use Artificial
(AI) ethically within your Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assignments –

Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will
Teamwork and ITS receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as
Assessment personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual
grade and feedback will be determined.

Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be

observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work
losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity. Students will be required to
state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so
the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%.

The word count will exclude:

Importance of Word Count

and Presentation Timings o The title page
o The contents page
o Models, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or
o Lists of references
o Appendices (these should be kept to a minimum)

In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the

same reasons.

Cut-off date for late work
Grading criteria

Extenuating Circumstances

UCB Referencing Guide

Access the Assignment Life

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